Their true intentions

My angel and Devil guardians

Hoya and Himchan were walking to my house. Himchan already sensed that I was at home by now.

"So, what's your plan pretty boy?" Hoya asked rudely.

"Act. Just follow my lead." Himchan shrugged. In a split second, it was raining.

"AHHHHHHH!AISH!SERIOUSLY! PRETTY BOY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Hoya hissed, complaining as his hair and clothes were getting drenched.

"No, but I requested it. Quit your unecessary whining. You sound like a girl. We're here!" Himchan announced as he walked up to my driveway. He coughed and randomly kicked Hoya before ringing the doorbell.


I opened the door to see two handsome boys, drenched to the tip.

"May I help you?"

"Yes, well, our house is very far from here. We are new to the neighbourhood you see, the thing is...we asked the other neighbours but they were cold towards us. We do not have umbrellas and any longer in the rain, we will be soaked to death! We might collapse on the road! Faint! High fever! It could be very severe-" Himchan sounded pitiful and his tone was becoming hysterical.

"Okay, you two can stay for the night." I smiled a little. I still felt somewhat uneasy about these two.

"Thankyou Miss...??" Himchan acted as if he didn't know who I was.

"Jung ____." I finished for him.

"Ah, I see. I'm Kim Himchan and my friend here is Lee Howon."

I nodded before ushering them in. While I was setting up the living room for them, Hoya and Himchan were speaking telepathically.

*Ha! So much for acting, devil boy! I had to do all the work!*

*Well I'm sorry, I didn't know that I was meant to sound so pathetic!*

*Yah! It wasn't pathetic! If I was not acting now, I would kill you! The whole plan was to sound Pitiful so we can get in! It worked didn't it?* Himchan replied back in triumph.

* So what do you plan to do? True motives/ intentions I mean.*

* Observe her.*


*It was totally obvious!Weirdo...*

When I was done setting up, they thanked me. I smiled slightly before giving them dry clothes and telling them to change. Before leaving, I set up the fireplace and placed chairs a fair distance from the fireplace.

"Wear the dry clothes and hang you drenched ones on that chair, the fire will dry it up." I explained as I walked back to my room.

"She is nice..." the two boys muttered in unison before glaring at each other.


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second comment AWESOME I LOVE IT!! mine is horrible compared to yours.
Yeah first subscriber and comment ^^
this story seems interesting cant wait for more :)