The reality I

A Dream Or Not A Dream


A/N: Here you go guys. The two chapter long sequel I promised.
The oneshot should have ended by the bus stop but there were too many
requests for a sequel so I wrote one. After this THERE WILL NOT BE ANY MORE SEQUELS,
So just accept the fact and be happy that I wrote this one. Otherwise, I LOVE YOU 



”S-sure, but what about school? Won’t we be late?” I looked down to the ground.

“We are already late. Might as well take a walk and talk a bit.” Kai tilted his head to the side and smiled.

It’s sick how much just a smile can make the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. His eyes were shining like two stars in the middle of the night. Somehow, I could sense hope in his eyes. He looked down at me and held his arm out to help me up. I took my books and my bag from the ground and let him help me up.

“This way.” Kai pointed to the way to school.

“Thanks.” I bowed and walked past him.

I still can’t believe that this is happening. Kim Jongin is talking to me. Not even in a dream, actually yes, could I imagine such a thing. We were walking side to side and there was a small silence. As we were walking I could feel him looking at me from time to time.

“So, how are you doing Hyoneul?” Kai asked.

“Fine, I guess.” I glanced over at him. “You?”

“Fine, I guess.” He repeated my answer which made me smile to myself. “Just one week left.” He smiled back at me.

“Yeah. Then, we are free.” I added.

This made both of us chuckle a bit and then there was the silence again. We weren’t even halfway to school so the silence would be pretty awkward. I was holding my bag and looking down to the ground. There aren’t any words that can describe how embarrassed I’m right now.

“Ehm, so any plans for summer break?” Kai interrupted the silence again.

“Not really.”

“Not even hanging out with your boyfriend?” he teased.

“No. I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“You don’t?!” he tried to sound surprised but he sounded more happy. “How come?”

“I don’t know.” I scratched my neck.

“Is there anyone you like then?” this boy is curious for sure.

“N-n-maybe there is.” I answered. “But I don’t think he even sees me more than a girl from school.” I looked away when I said the last part.

“You should change that.” He said that as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “Once you start talking to him and even hanging out with him, things may change between the two of you.” he winked.

“It’s not that easy.” I said that as cold-hearted as possible.

It makes me really mad when someone just talks about a situation without thinking how it would be in real life. Everything is easier said than done. And talking to Kai is one of these ‘easier said than done’ things.

“Well, that was my suggestion.” He shrugged. “Otherwise you can wait until a miracle happens.”

I laughed before answering “Sure.”

After a while, we were slowly approaching the school. I didn’t talk so much, even if I should because this is the chance to finally talk to Kai. But, I couldn’t. I was busy thinking of reality and that the miracle I wanted to happen, never will.

“Oh, one more thing before I forget.” Said Kai as we walked up the stairs. “Does Suyeon have a boyfriend by any chance?” Suyeon? Why is he asking about Suyeon?

“N-Not that I know. Why?” I asked casually, not showing the jealousy that was burning inside of me.

“That was all I wanted to know.” He winked “See you!” And with that he run inside the school, leaving a dumbfounded me behind.

Why would Kai, the boy I have a crush on, ask about Suyeon, my best friend?
During the whole walk to school, I had a little hope but was to ashamed to even show it. After this question, I am pretty sure that there will never be him and me. I was standing in front of the school for a couple of more minutes before the bell rang and interrupted my thoughts.

In just seconds, the once empty schoolyard turned to a great mess with students all over the place. First period was over and I don’t know what to say to my teacher. Oh, hi Mr. Lee. Sorry I’m late but I had some important business to discuss with my crush. 

“Ayo Hyoneul, Why you so late girl?!” I heard Suyeon’s voice behind me. “Where have you been?” her voice changed to a more serious one when she saw my dead expression.

“Missed the bus. Walked to death.” I rolled my eyes and walked inside the building.

“Why didn’t you wait until the next bus?” she followed me.

I don’t know why but all of sudden I got bothered by her. She is my best friend but right now I didn’t want to talk to her. It’s the jealousy inside of me that didn’t stop burning. Maybe I’m just over thinking and over doing everything but still…

“I don’t know.”  I opened my locker to take my books for the next period. “Didn’t think of it.” I lied.

“Oh well.” She said and looked around at the same time as the bell rang of again. “Time for my Spanish class. See you later.”

Suyeon headed to her next class. I didn’t even bother to answer her. My plan for the day was to just get over with everything and go home.



Even if it is the last week in school, it doesn’t feel like it. The teachers are even worse. There are so many things to do before we graduate. After a very long day in school, the day finally came to an end. As I was walking out from the building I could hear someone running behind me.

“Hyoneul wait!”

I turned around and saw Kai running towards me. “Yes?”

“Hi” he smiled as he tried to gasp for some air. “What’s up?”

“I’m on my way home, why?” I pointed to the bus stop.

“Oh, okay. I was just wondering about a thing..” he started biting on his lower lip. “Ehm.. Do you have a date for prom?”

“N-no, not yet.” I answered nervously because I really didn’t expect this question. Especially not from him.

“You don’t? Alright, that makes us two. I was afraid that maybe I was the only one without a date so I had to make sure if there was anyone else who didn’t had.” He laughed nervously.

“Really? Well, now you know that you aren’t the only one.” I fake smiled and turned to go to the bus stop.

“Wait, one more thing!” he stopped me by holding my right shoulder. “Do you know where Suyeon is?”

Suyeon? Again? This can’t be…

“I need to talk to her” he added.

“I’m not sure.” I said and walked away. One thing is for sure, I am the one who needs to talk to her. She is my best friend and I really don’t hide anything from her so I need to tell her that Kai is asking for her even if it’s not my favourite thing.




The next morning I was tired as hell. Last evening was one of the toughest evenings in my life. Being a senior is really tiresome. Even if you had magical powers, you wouldn’t be able to handle so many projects and home works that I have right now.

I was sitting at the dining table, eating breakfast before school. I didn’t oversleep today because I didn’t have such a ‘beautiful little dream’ about Kai. Instead I was thinking of what to tell to Suyeon. I have to say it in a way, where she can’t see that I am jealous but get the hint of me don’t liking the whole situation. Oh well, let’s see what happens.

I took my stuff, said bye to my parents and headed out a bit earlier than usual. I don’t have the first class with Suyeon therefore I want to talk to her before class.

“Uhm, Suyeon you know when you like… no no no.” I whispered to myself, thinking of how to begin. “Suyeon, we are best friends right? And…no. Gaah!”

I gave up and walked frustrated to the bus stop and waited for the bus, which came almost immediately. When I arrived at school, I searched for my best friend in the school yard but didn’t find her so I assumed that she maybe was inside the building. I glanced over at the big clock and it was fifteen minutes left until the first class, so I wasted no time and hurried in.

Inside the building, I looked around in the hallway but didn’t see Suyeon. Weird.. she is always here before me. I took my phone and send a message to her, asking her where she was. I waited a couple of minutes but didn’t get any answer. I became worried and asked a classmate if he knew where she was.

“Actually, she walked past me like five minutes ago.” He said as he pointed down the hallway. “She was with someone.”


“Yeah, but I didn’t see who it was. Sorry.” He apologized. I slightly nodded with my head as an ‘it’s okay’ sign, and walked in the direction he showed me.

Just as I took a few steps, the bell rang again, informing that the first class is starting. I sighed and headed to the classroom. This can wait then.



After the first class ended, I grabbed my things and ran out. As I were on your way through the main hallway, a door from one of the side hallways opened and two very familiar figures walked out.

Suyeon and Kai?!

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[A Dream Or Not A Dream] Get ready for the sequel tomorrow!


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Chapter 4: awwwwwwwww was niceeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaahh im reading this again
Chapter 3: So so so cute!!
Ramiya #4
Chapter 3: It's soooo cute!!!! The feelz are very awesome,good work Author-nim ;)
Chapter 4: And why you give me this feel *^* Shiz. So sweet ly Kai.
cantik #6
Chapter 3: so cute XD
Chapter 4: Cute fic is cute...aawww...
Dianafigo #8
Chapter 3: Melting oh my god
Chapter 4: Daebak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!