Chapter 5

Adventure of Secret Marriage



“My apartment only has one bedroom.” He said while putting his things to the couch. “You can’t sleep here but I guess its not going to be a problem right?”


“Yeah” she lied.


“About your compensation – “


“You don’t have to worry about it your Uncle and me already talk regarding to that matter.”


We walk to the state-of-the-art component at the side and the music starts to play it was a nice classical music piece. Her gaze went to his direction who would have thought that this guy like this kind of music? The way he dress himself and his kind of music doesn’t help. She discovered another side of this man.


“Wae?” he said glaring “is it your first time to listen to classical music?”


“No, but I didn’t expect it from you.”


“I need to listen to different variety of music so I can produce a better music to our audience. Listening to one genre is tiring if you do it everyday.  Listening to classical music makes me relax my mind.”


“That’s nice. I recently I’m got interested in Japanese songs.”


“Do you know how to speak the language?”




“So how do you understand the lyrics?”

“There is no rule that says that we need to know the lyrics of the song before you appreciate it.  Music is universal no language barrier. You should know that because what you are listening to doesn’t have lyrics.”


He didn’t say anything seems like he was thinking about the thing that she said. Not because she likes that kind of music doesn’t mean that she’s weird.


“That’s a strange way to look at music,” he said after a while. “Strange but nice. I can see your point. You can stay here if you want but make sure that you won’t disturb me when I’m resting. And since you are my personal assistant you are the one who will screen my calls.” He fishes his phone to his pocket and put it to her hand. “You will only give me the call from our manager Bammie and my members. Calls asking for interviews will be passed to Bammie her number is in that phone. Give me the phone when my parents call. Is that clear?”


“How about the calls from your girlfriend, aren’t you going to get that?”


“I don’t have a girlfriend.”


“Ow, come on! She said not believing what he just said but the smile on her face immediately fades when she saw that he doesn’t like what she said. ”Alright, I will handle the calls from your girl-friends.”


“When I’m here in my house, all I want to do is to rest and create music. You will handle calls from people who don’t have significant meaning in my life. It’s up to you what excuse you will give to them.”


“No significant meaning” that’s what he said to those girls that she saw him kissing at the restroom and the one he dated after their concert?


“Is there any problem?”



“I know that you want to ask me something spill now before I change my mind.”


“Kyaa…is he turning to be a monster when tired?”

“Ah, n-none. I’m okay, you can take a rest and I take care of things here.”


His expression shows that he doesn’t believe her but maybe he was too tired to argue. Her gaze is fixed on his back while he walks to his bedroom.


“Aigoo. I don’t get that man a rapper who likes classical music and a playboy who doesn’t want girls to disturb him.”


“You were saying something?”


“I didn’t kill anybody!” she was surprise when she heard him talk beside her. “GD! Please don’t do that again if you don’t want me to die early and I’m so still young for that.”


She felt that time stop at that moment when she realized that he was not wearing anything from his waist up. He has a nice body.


“You called me “GD.””


She nods.


“Call me “Jiyong.””


“All right,” she’s still admiring his body.






He put his hands to his waist and it only emphasizes his shoulder and chest. That abs… Oh Heavennnn!


She wakes up from her daydreaming when everything around her becomes black. Jiyong put the towel that he was holding to her head.


She immediately removes that thing to her line of vision but too bad he was already wearing a shirt.


Unfair hmmmppp.


“Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“Of course.”


“Okay, repeat what I said.”


“W-what?Ah….ahh…” what did he said? She doesn’t remember anything that he said because the only thing that remains in her mind is the vision of his upper body. “I forgot already can you repeat it again? Pleaseee?”


He let out a sigh ”Why do I have this feeling that I will regret my decision?”


“Please No. I’m just kidding. I will do everything you will say. I will listen to you when you are talking and I will try my best not to stare anywhere else when you talk.” She raised her hand. “Promise.”


He sat on the couch and leaned back against it.  He then closes his eyes. "The phone is ringing."


She search for his phone and answer the phone. "Hello?"


"Hello," a girl answer in the other line. "Is GD there?"


"Yes." she turned around to look at him. His eyes are still closed. "I can't pass the phone to him because he's taking rest. Do you want to leave any message?"


"Are you serious? You are my rival so why will I do that? Oh well, Go to hell, ! And tell GD that I hate him."


“Ouch!” she holds her ears after the caller drops the call. “There are lots of woman on earth I don’t know why you choose those who are abnormal. You sure have a weird taste for woman.”


He didn’t say anything to her remarks and when she looks at him he was already sleeping.


She smiled at him. “So you sleep too, you are more good looking when you’re like that so peaceful.”


Maybe he’s really tired because he falls asleep while he leans on the sofa. But in all fairness to him it doesn’t show that he was tired and badly needed sleep. It only shows that looks could really be deceiving. His features got softened as she continued to watch him sleep.


She walks to his room and get his pillow and comforter. She cautiously put the pillow to his head and put the comforter to not disturb him from his sleep. She then starts to clean his apartment.


She hears the phone in her pocket ringing. She immediately answers the call before it wakes up her master.


“Hi! Handsome! The girl at the other line said. “Oppa, I miss you already. When are going to meet me? Can you visit me tonight to my house? I can cook a very delicious food specially for you.”


“Ahm… Excuse me but GD is sleeping he can’t answer the phone.”


“Who is this? Why are you answering his phone?


“Bec –“

“So, he was busy right now.”


“No. He was just sleeping.”


“Yeah. I know that he always does that after we had a hot night together. It was nice to know the he have the same trait with his other woman.”


“W-wait. You got it all w---- “


“Oh, well, I’ll just wait for his call.”


The caller ended the call without letting her finish her explanation. She frowns at his cellphone.


“I don’t know where Jiyong get his girlfriends and I should not pay much attention to them.” Dara talks to herself. Her gaze went to Jiyong “You! Can you please find someone with at least have good telephone manners.”


She walks beside him to fix his arms that hanging at his side and she can’t help but to stare to his beautiful face. She won’t get tired looking at his face. When you look at him longer it takes the more handsome he gets. He had distinctive charm she knew that he was fully aware of and using it to the fullest.


His skin is so smooth and it looks so soft. And better she stop herself she didn’t know that she was already touching his face. He has a nice hair, handsome face, and flawless skin he was almost perfect.


And she was so shock when he opens his eyes.


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lovelots143 #1
Chapter 6: HELLLOOO...please update soon :D
mafiachick #2
twin you don't need to do anything for me. im happy with what i do :)
2ne1shabam #3
Twinnie i really hope someday i can give you something as well...your always kind and sweet to me..i feel special T__T
thank you! <3
2ne1shabam #4
Ji is so cool LOL...but his cool demeanor shows his big interest for D :D...
mORE MORE interaction please :)
P.S Waiting for the TABISAN moment you promise...the BAMTOP can wait :)
2ne1shabam #5
I feel so professional here XD
Not complaining though cause that means i'm a respectable character keke...:P
LOL Dara answering the calls...she's super honest...
Dara ogling GD is so cute <3
P.S When is my other half coming? <---emphasized
2ne1shabam #6
Ohmo ohmo ohmo assistant Dara here we come...
Seriously twin i think GD is just acting up cool here...
I think he has hots for D, long before...<-- just a guess...
But i don't whats going on your mind...
I like the flow ekeke...
Looking forward for the next chapter...
P.S when will ShaTop appear? :P
2ne1shabam #7
Dara reaction was really cool..nice...she's a fan but not a freaky fan...I like how feisty she became when Ji shoo them...I'm loving how your story flows, make me excited for more interactions...
mafiachick #8
Bammie yay! you already read it and i'm glad that you like it. TOP will only make a cameo hahaha i don't want to share LOL.
2ne1shabam #9
I miss talking to you on twitter T__T
Heard the BIGBANG WINGS by Daesung, SUPER LOVE <3
2ne1shabam #10
aw aw aw Twin..You really made a a chapter that fast for me...
This made me smile :)
Thank you so much for this.
Dara's role here portrays many VIP's in RL...
Cute and Witty character, very suitable for my Dara...
Bom and Taeyang aw i really like pairing that two too.
OMG what a cliffhanger, finding your idol passionately kissing someone..Ohohoho poor fan..Dara might get a big heart attack XD
Its weird that i don't see you talk much about TOP ahaha...Don't keep his character for yourself twin..Share :P
Once again looking forward for the next wuhoo exciting chapter!