Part II: And then they met and it was magic.



She was never a party-goer. She's not the one who is a social butterfly– she barely even talks to people, only to those she's really close with. She also despise the feeling of being drunk and swallowing unhealthy amount of alcohol then experiencing painful hangover in the next morning. But if there's one thing that Kim Minjoo loves, it's her job. She’s in love with her job, admittedly passionate with it. Kim Minjoo— is a talented and well-known producer in SK Entertainment, a number one leading company in the music industry in Korea. She's only been a producer for three years, but she already established her name and produced successful songs. She's dedicated to her craft and that's what makes her an exceptional. Her productive life is what keeps her away from being involved to leisure activities.

So it's ironic how the thing she loves to do becomes the sole reason of her being stuck in a situation she was never fan of. Apparently, SK Entertainment is having their 25th annual formal party and of course, being an employee means her involvement to the event is mandatory. So now, she's stuck with her long glittery fine cut red dress, a glass of champagne on her hand, together with couple of her friends.

"Yah! Kim Minjoo"

"What is it again Eunbi-unnie?" She asked. Kwon Eunbi is Minjoo's best buddy, colleague and an excellent composer if she may add.

"Why do you look like you're not enjoying the party?" Eunbi asked whilst taking a sip of her red wine.

"Well, clearly because I don't." She relents, as matter of fact.

"This is why you're still single, Minjoo." Interjected by the girl who is sitting right beside Eunbi, Jo Yuri. She is one of her friends in college too and also works at SK as singer and producer.

Minjoo squints her eyes at the latter and scoff. "You're one to talk,” She said to Yuri and rolled her eyes. “I told you, being in relationship is not worth my time."

"It's not that bad. Having companion is much better especially when you're too engrossed with work. It's nice to have someone to share your frustrations with. I mean, look at me and Sakura," Eunbi stated with featherweight tone as her pair of eyes sparkled whilst she daydreamt about her long-term relationship with Miyawaki Sakura, who is a renowned gamer and just recently won the PUBG Global Championship.

"Except the fact that you two look like you're both carrying the world whenever you fought,” She said. “I don't want that burden. I've already got too much in my plate."

"Touché." Eunbi laughed it off. They know Minjoo's love life is a hopeless case.

"I gotta go to the toilet." Minjoo, without waiting for her friends responses, stood up and excused herself. She strides towards the women’s restroom and went straight inside the cubicle. After doing what she needed to do, she stepped out and stared at her reflection in the mirror. "It’s okay, Minjoo. Just a little more hours then you will finally be with your bed." She said to herself. Minjoo paced her way out to go back, however, just when she was about to reach the main hall– she tripped, dramatically. The poor producer released a sharp squeal as the pain shoots straight to her ankle.

"Great! Now, I have injury. Argh!" She exclaimed, exasperatingly. Attempting to stand up, she give up right away because of the piercing pain emitting from her now an injured ankle.

But suddenly, she felt an arms supporting her hands, followed by concerned voice. "Hey! Are you okay?" Asked by the unknown person.

"Do I look like okay?" Minjoo frustratingly questioned back.

"Uhh, no?"

"Then, why are you asking?"

"Hey, chill. I'm just concerned. There's no need to be furious." Minjoo turned her head upwards to look at the person who help her. She was in utter shock when she saw a tall and beautiful woman in front of her. The said woman have a jet-black, intentional messy bun hair, clad with a sleekly fitted tux for women, white shirt underneath and 4 inches heels.

"Tsk." She scoffed— an attempt to avoid being a creep from staring too much.

‘Calm down, Minjoo. It’s just a gorgeous woman. Get your gay together, please!’ She said to herself.

The woman leaned closer. "Can you stand up?"

Minjoo agitatedly stared at the latter.

"Right. Okay, sorry. Here, let me help you," The woman continued "Where's your table? I'll walk you there." She insisted. The beautiful woman helped her stand up and quickly support the injured woman using her arms by placing it to Minjoo's lower back and arms.

Because of the panic that circulated through her body when she felt the electricity of the woman’s touch, she blurted out, "No need. I can walk." And that's completely a lie, of course. She wished she could just lay down there forever because of the immense pain in every step she take.

"Are you sure? You look constipated”

Minjoo briskly shot her head back up as she stared the girl. "What?!" She exclaimed, as all the blood and pressure she have on her suddenly come up to her brain like a madman.

"I'm sorry! It's just that my mouth works faster than my brain," The girl hastily retorted, looking absolutely terrified. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I apologize.” She added.

‘The audacity of this painfully attractive woman’

"Tsk! I'm leaving." Minjoo took the initiative and immediately unclasp herself from the woman’s hold and walked away, albeit agonizingly.

When Minjoo walked away, the woman got alarmed as she don’t want the situation of the girl gets worse so she make run for it.

"Wait! Hey!" She yelled out. For someone who’s injured, Minjoo strides so fast that the woman didn’t able to catch up.

‘Damn it, I didn’t get her name.’ The woman dejectedly thought.


Despite the unbearable pain, Minjoo still managed to walk out from the annoying scene and after minutes of torture, she finally found her table.

‘I swear, after all this , I’ll take 2 months leave…’

"Oh, there you are. You took so long,” Yuri greeted the scowling girl. “What's with the long fa-?" She added as she observed the expression that Minjoo’s carrying.

"Don't," Minjoo says, then raised her right hand upward, motioning a warning. "Where's Eunbi-unnie?"

"She said she's gonna go grab someone." Yuri shrugged softly. She grabbed the champagne glass in front of her and took a sip, still discerning the other woman. Minjoo nods in response. Because of the frustration that happened, she promptly grabbed the bottle of champagne in their table, filled her glasses full and drank it straight.

"Damn girl! Slow down, Minjoo. You’ll get drunk at this rate!” Yuri warned, taking the bottle away from the other. Just what upsets her so much that she guzzled it full?

"So?" Yuri asked.

"So, what?"

“What upsets you? And why do you look constipated?"

Minjoo sighed in frustration. "I swear to god, if I hear that word one more time, I will combust." She angrily exclaimed.

"Can you calm your down? I’m not trying to pick a fight on you. What happened anyway?" Yuri asked albeit frustratingly. These emotions that Minjoo’s projecting is taking a toll on her.

"I tripped, okay? I fell down to the ground, injured my ankle then met this girl who's been asking stupid questions and said that I looked constipated."

"Well, ‘cause you do." Minjoo was about to throw the champagne bottle to Yuri when Eunbi cut her off.

"Why are you two murdering each other again?" The older asked. Minjoo and Yuri turned their attention to the eldest one. Minjoo was about to complain when someone cut her off.

"Unnie, Yuri is bein-"

"Oh, hi!" Confusion filled the atmosphere when the girl beside Eunbi greeted Minjoo. Eunbi— who’s clearly oblivious about the tension— and the girl, with a grin on her face, are standing beside the table.

"You?!” Minjoo gasped in shock. “Why are you with her Eunbi-unnie?" She added, her voice is mixed with bewilderment and irritation.

"She's the new recruit in our team that I want you two to meet.” She said. “So… you two know each other?" She asked, sounding totally confused.

"Yeah. Like 10 minutes ago." The girl beside her said, little giggly which irate Minjoo more because her dimple is showing and it is excruciatingly cute that Minjoo felt the need of booping it.

‘Freaking women and their dimples.’

"Oh! So you were the one she was talking about. I see…" Yuri interfered, quirks up into a knowing smirk that annoys Minjoo so much.

"I don't know what she's saying about me, hopefully good stuff, but yeah. I am the one. You're welcome, by the way." The girl grinned at Minjoo.

"What did you even do? Besides, annoying me." Minjoo rolled her eyes. She’s never been annoyed (and attracted) to a person she just met.

"I helped you stand up?"

"Wait, what? What happened to her?" Eunbi asked, concernedly.

"She tripped and her ankle is swollen— which reminds me, I’ma go for a while and grab it. Wait for a moment" The girl dashed off and Minjoo sighs. She never knew she’s been holding her breath since that certain woman showed up.

“Damn, are you okay?” Eunbi asked in concern as she moved closer to the injured woman. She inspect her ankle and yup, it’s definitely swollen.

“Obviously no, unnie. But I can manage,” Minjoo says. “Who’s that woman? What’s her name?”

"That's Ahn Yujin. She's the new composer in our department. I listened to her songs and let me tell you, that girl have talent. She's also fun to be with and passionate too. You know the latest comeback of EOM? She’s the one behind that. She composed that song and the management even let her pitched in some ideas to the MV." Eunbi stated.

“Oh, really?” Yuri said. “That’s pretty impressive, especially for a rookie. Her inputs must be so amazing that they even let her suggest even though she’s just new.”

“I know right?” Eunbi said as she turned her head to Minjoo.

"You forgot annoying," Minjoo groans.

"She's pretty." Yuri says nonchalantly.

"Hey! Don't even try." Eunbi warned.

"Why not? You already have Sakura!" Yuri muttered.

"She's my daughter now, back off."

"Tsk. I just thought she's pretty, it's not like I'm gonna date her. That's Minjoo's." The singer-songwriter said, eyeing the woman in front of her. Minjoo squints at the girl with smug face.

"Hell no! She's not my type" She said.

Lie number 1. Yujin is clearly her type. Talented, passionate, tall, pretty, have dimples, broad shoulder, and annoyingly dorky.

"Are you sure? You don't find her attractive at all?"

"Nope. Never."

Lie number 2. She might as well squeal at the sight of Yujin’s eye smile.

"I just saw you staring at her earlier."

"No, I didn't."

Lie number 3. Not clearly a lie, because she’s not staring, per se, but she’s definitely gawking. If you ignore the fact that she almost kill Yujin right there and then because of her annoying .

"Sure. Whatever you say, Kim Minjoo" Yuri said in defeat though smiling inwardly.

"Here," Eunbi alluded as she handed her phone to Minjoo.

"What's this?"

"My phone?" Minjoo took it and looked at the screen. She quickly gave it back when the display shows Yujin's number. "Why are you showing me that? I'm not interested okay?" She rejected strongly yet the meaning lies beneath her voice says otherwise.

"I'm only gonna do this once. Take it or leave it,” Eunbi said as she insists.


‘She's just gonna be a pain in my head.’ Minjoo thought.

"Alright," The trio changed their topic and went on with their conversations. “Your choice.”

"Hey! Sorry I took long," Yujin came back in their table, looking little worn out from running, but she still looks good. Minjoo stared at the woman and she sees her holding what seems to be an ice pack on her hand.

"Now, where's the swollen ankle?" Yujin questioned with her enthusiastic grin that just ‘slightly’ floored Minjoo.

‘God, why does she have to be this attractive?’

Minjoo can only asked herself.


"You know, if you didn't annoy me earlier, my first impression of you wouldn't be so bad," Minjoo expressed as she stared at the other woman taking care of her sprained ankle. When Yujin came back, she immediately went to action and treated her ankle gently using the ice pack. It hurts like hell and she’s glad that Yujin helped her with it. ‘I know the first aid for this’ Yujin said confidently so Minjoo just trusted her with it.

After making sure that the brunette’s ankle had enough of ice pack, Yujin stood up and sit beside the injured woman. "Well, I could show you more my good side if you give me a chance. How about that?" Yujin suggests. She didn’t even hesitate to throw a subtle wink at the other, which is a dangerous move for Minjoo’s heart.

"Make sure you do it right because I'm hard to please, Ms. Ahn" Minjoo retorted. She knows this type of mind games and of course, she’s not backing down.

"Exceeding expectations has always been my skills, Ms. Kim" Yujin flirted back as the smirk slides up across her face. "So tell me about your job," She added as she took a sip from her drink. She placed her chin under her palm and looked at Minjoo with curiosity and little adoration, something Minjoo noticed.

"Aren't they supposed to orient you about people you’re possibly be working with in the future in first meeting?"

"It's better if it will come from the person itself,"

"Oh?” Minjoo paused as she carefully propped her chin too. She playfully raised one of her eyebrows, gesturing a subtle flirt. “So it means you're going to do an interview with the others as well?" She asked.

"They are different," Yujin merely stated whilst intensely looking straight to Minjoo’s eyes. The latter wanted to look away, but there’s something enticing about the younger that pulls Minjoo through into the void of irrationality.

"And what makes them different?" The latter asked.

"I'm not interested in them,” Yujin said as she moved closer to the older, still wearing that smug look on her face. “Only to you…" She added, her tone softening and her lips upturned into gentle smile.

‘Please, be still my heart’

Yujin is definitely flirting— and Minjoo is perfectly aware of that. But can you blame her? She’s been hiding in her comfort zone, engrossing herself with nothing but her job, that the brunette briefly forgot the feeling of being interested to someone that it left her heart hammering in her chest, almost wanting to violently ripped through its own cages.

It’s been so long that someone made the poor Kim Minjoo feel like this— that she tried to stop her brain from walking away from the upcoming danger that are threatening to occupy her idle limbic system that carries out her concealed emotions all at once.

‘Stupid feelings and annoying charming woman’ Minjoo thought.

"You're good," Minjoo could only respond, a shrewd smirk quirks up to her perfectly matte-red colored lips. Yujin shrugged innocently and tossed the other with a knowing smirk as she blithely leaned and relaxed her body at the back of the chair. "I've been told." She winks, which is in the brunette’s defense, should be illegal.

The two smoothly went on with their conversation. It’s almost as if they were thrown into this abyss so called pleasure of having each other to distract themselves from the noise of their surroundings. In the moment of assiduity to one another, they both managed to know more about each other to great extent, such as Minjoo knows now that Yujin cried once when she was 10 years old because she didn’t get to eat her favorite tteokbokki after her track & field practice, whilst the other learned that the producer’s love of life is meat that she could probably kill someone just for it.

In all honesty, Minjoo is not like this. She rarely entertained people, especially those flirty ones who is boldly showing interest to her.

But this woman, Ahn Yujin, is just way too enthralling that Minjoo broke her own rules, boundaries and limits be damned.

The composer is such laid back person, very different from Minjoo’s nature. Yujin is relaxed, natural and just completely astonishing. She’s talkative, yes, but not the annoying type. The brunette sure knows that Yujin can go ahead and tell a story for the whole day and she will not get bored, not even the slightest. She have this way with her words and the way she portray it that made Minjoo felt so comfortable with the latter. Beside that fact, Yujin is a great listener too. She concentrates on whatever Minjoo blabbering about, reacts to her stories well, which the producer absolutely adored. And the way the latter looks at her like Minjoo is the only one existing in her worlds is making her fragile heart falter.

Yujin constantly made her laugh all throughout the evening, no doubt. Frankly, a hands down. She felt completely at ease that when the black-haired charming woman invites her to dance, Minjoo didn’t even object anymore.

“Before the event ends, may I have the pleasure of a dance with you?” The tall woman offered her hand as she slightly bend. “…my lady?” She crooned, softly as cottony fluff.

Minjoo didn’t realized that they’ve been talking for the whole evening that she’s not aware about the event coming to an end, and there’s no one else to blame but herself and also the girl who’s been taking every ounce of her sweet time. Minjoo momentarily cast a glance at the inviting hand then back to the latter’s expecting eyes. For a moment, she pauses. Browsing the mystery that lies beneath Yujin’s pair of glimmering doe hazel eyes.

It’s comforting, bright and innocent.

Adding the fact that the other woman is gently gazing at her with kilowatt soft eye smile that could probably light up the whole world if she wanted to.

Despite the brunette’s intensive detest to dancing, Minjoo subconsciously grasped the anticipating hand and stood up from her seat.  

“Sure” Minjoo agreed nonchalantly.

Yujin took her hand and pulled her to the dance floor where everybody is gravely immersed by dancing slowly with their own partners. Yujin held her left hand firmly whilst the other was gently placed to her slender hip. Minjoo then securely wrapped her right arm around Yujin’s. The taller woman would gaze upon her beaming eyes, whilst smiling gently at her. Minjoo is trying her best to keep her sanity on check but Yujin, so loving Yujin, swayed with her so gently and so delicate, as the slow rhythm of their body paced along with the slow elegant music playing in the background. And it’s as if they are both floating because of the budding romance that are enveloping their fragile hearts. It’s the sense that it’s like they are the only people in the spacious room.

Admittedly, Minjoo could almost feel herself moved even little closer to the other as she slowly inhaled the soothing scent of the taller woman.

Cinnamon with a tinged of vanilla.

Calming and sweet.

Just how Minjoo likes it.

“Thank you,” Yujin says as she spun Minjoo around then back.

Minjoo glanced up at her. “What for?” She asks.

“For dancing with me,” She says, slowly gliding her touch from holding the other’s left hand down to the both side of her hips. “For giving me a chance to know you more,” Yujin leaned her forehead to Minjoo’s. Their faces are inch-close that one wrong move from one of them might lead to something they never expect this night will turn into. “Sincerely, thank you. For letting me…” Yujin breathed.

Undoubtedly, Minjoo could kiss her right at that moment.

She just needs to move her head up a little and then she will finally get to feel the wonders of Yujin’s lips.





‘Well, .’

They are almost two centimeters apart when Minjoo’s phone— stored in her hidden dress’ pocket— suddenly rang, startling both of them. For some reason, when they realized what’s about to happen, both of them flushes. Rose colored tint are visible on both of their cheeks.

“I’m sorry,” Minjoo says, breaking the awkward atmosphere. “I’ll just take this.”

“Okay, I’ll be at the table” Yujin flashed the woman with cheeky smile and walked back to their table. The producer paced her way to the hotel’s public terrace, luckily, no one’s there.


“Oy, Minjoo-ah” Eunbi responds loudly that Minjoo slightly take the phone away from her ear. “Yes, unnie?”

“Where are you?”

“In the terrace, why’d you call? Where are you two?”

“Oh, I’m just busy with something earlier, but I’ll be there. I’ll searched for Yul,” Eunbi continued. “The event ended, we have to go home now. Are you coming with us though? Or Yujin’s taking you home?” Eunbi teased, making the hopeless producer flushed again as she remembered what happened earlier.

“Umm, maybe…”

“Oh my god, are you two in it?”

“No!” Minjoo retorted. “…but we were about to.” She paused, taking a breather. “Then you suddenly called! Ruining the moment.”

“Oof, I’m so sorry,” The older one snorted. “Anyway, just make sure to tell us what happened tomorrow alright? We need the teas.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll head back now.” Minjoo assures her as she starting walking back.

“Okay, bye”

Certainly, not wanting Yujin to wait any longer, Minjoo dashed her way to where the taller woman is. She saw her looking charming as she sits around while observing the venue and awaits for her. And when their eyes met, genuine smiles shows up across their faces.

“Hey, you…” Minjoo greeted as she sits beside Yujin.

“Hey, to you too…” Yujin her head, cheekily.

“What’d you do?” The brunette asks, she grabbed the remaining bottle of champagne and pour the glass for herself to drink.   

“Waiting for you, of course.” Yujin shamelessly smiled yet again, and Minjoo could only playfully rolled her eyes. “Which reminds me, can you wait for a moment? I’ll just head to the toilet”

"Yeah, go ahead. Don’t tripped" Minjoo jokingly advised, Yujin laughed.

While waiting for the dark-haired woman, Minjoo noticed that Yujin left her phone in their table. Not a minute long, it rang and the screen light up.

"Princess is calling"

That's what she saw. Minjoo swore that she don't have any intention to see it but when the light flickered from her peripheral vision, her eyes subconsciously landed on the device.

Her mind going haywire. And she don’t know how she’s going to intake this new information. First, Yujin have a ‘girlfriend’. Second, she's flirting with her. Third, she let herself get swooned.

‘This cannot be real.’ She thought.

In a matter of seconds, her mind is clouded with thoughts, such as how is she going to hide Yujin’s lifeless body at the back of the hotel without anyone noticing after butchering the younger using her 6-inches heels, or something along the lines of how the is she going to recover and get back to her comfort zone to protect herself from, probably one of the most disappointing (and heartbreaking) thing that unexpectedly graced upon her peaceful life that goes by the name of Ahn freaking Yujin.

She felt so pathetic.

Because it’s starting to hit her now. With a beauty and brain like that, adding the element of captivating people with her wits and flirtatiousness, why would she be single?

She’s so dumb.

‘There goes my attempt of letting gayass take-over’

Yujin came back with a grin plastered on her face, completely unaware by what happened to the other. "Hey, sorry I took long. There’s a long line in the rest room.” Yujin says, she noticed the crestfallen emotions painted all over Minjoo’s face, but she didn’t ponder so much about it, thinking that maybe the woman is just tired. “Do you want to go home now? I can take you there, if you don’t mind or if it’s okay with you.” She says, softly.

Bringing herself back to Earth, Minjoo replied, "No. It's okay. I’ll go home with Eunbi-unnie and Yuri. I have to find those two, by the way. I'll take my leave now." Minjoo hurriedly stand up because if she stay any longer, she might as well stab the oblivious girl with a fork.

"Wait, wait, your foot is still swollen. I’ll search for them instead" Yujin said, genuinely concerned. She also stand up, trying to stop Minjoo from walking away.

"It's okay,” Minjoo paused. “I can take it. It doesn't ache anymore"

Yujin took a step closer to Minjoo. She gently grabbed her arm, guiding the other to properly stand. "For now, it doesn't, but if you tire yourself, it's gonna get worse"

"I'm good, Yujin. Serio-" Minjoo is getting annoyed, and Yujin don’t know what to do. She don’t know what happened, but something definitely shifted from Minjoo’s mood.

"Yah, Minjoo-yah!" Eunbi yelled from her back.

‘Right on time’

She had never been so thankful with Eunbi and Yuri sudden appearance before.

"Hey, we're going home now. Are you coming with us or Yuji-" Minjoo cut Yuri.

"Yes! Yes, I'm coming with you. Bye, Yujin. Thank you for your time and for the ice pack.” Minjoo tugged her friend’s arm and left immediately at the place. The two friends carelessly bid their goodbye to Yujin and the latter waved her hand goodbye too, albeit looks dejected.

“I didn’t even get the chance to get her number…” Yujin sighs.

She just hopes she meets her again.


"What's up with you? Do you really hate party that much?" Yuri who is sitting at the driver's seat asked Minjoo sitting beside her. She noticed the brunette’s downcast face which doesn’t sit right because the last time she saw Minjoo, her eyes is b of affection as she stared to Yujin.

Minjoo scoffed. “If anything, I hate it even more now.”

“I thought you’re going home with Yujin?” Eunbi asked with a phone placed on her right ear as she tries to communicate with her girlfriend.

“Yeah… I thought so too…” She expressed, dejectedly.

Both Yuri and Eunbi noticed the sad voice and they badly want to know what happened; but it seems like Minjoo’s not in the mood to talk about it right now. The trio awaits for Sakura to arrive and take them home. When they noticed the familiar black sedan parked in front of them, Eunbi instantly sprinted to the said vehicle. A beautiful woman come out, making Eunbi giggled as she throw herself to Sakura.

“Hello, I miss you” Eunbi says, and Sakura chuckled. “I miss you too” She replied.

“Okay, enough with that. Minjoo, let’s go.” Yuri shivered in disgusts as she watched her two loving friends smooching each other’s faces. Because of the thoughts that fills her mind, Minjoo senselessly walked inside the car. Readying themselves before they drive off, suddenly, a car pulled into the curb in front of them and a beautiful woman with average height came out. Looking adorable with her yellow pajamas, which makes them cackle because there’s no way that woman will go inside with that clothing. The woman walked to the place but before she could reach the entrance, a woman whom Minjoo's familiar with came out too.

Yujin, together with also a woman that they are all familiar with— Jang Wonyoung, one of the famous model in the industry right now.

Yujin have Wonyoung’s arm draped over her shoulders as the model walks wobbly.  They can see the exasperation surfaced over Yujin’s face as she hardly trying to guide the drunk idol. The cute ducky looking woman welcomed Yujin with a light smack on the head then helped her to drag Wonyoung back to the car.

"Is that Yujin?" Yuri continued "And she’s with Wonyoung? They know each other?" She asked, bewilderedly.

Must be her princess. Minjoo thought.

"Wait, I thought she's single?" Yuri asked Eunbi.

“Hmm,” Eunbi said. She’s not aware that Yujin’s taken and closed with someone’s famous. But it is too early to conclude so she washed those thoughts away. “Maybe they are just friends or something.” She leaned her head to the car’s headrest and closed her eyes.

‘You bet they are’ Minjoo said to her mind. She looked at Yujin and the woman again and she can see the deep affection between the two while the puppy-like woman try to carefully placed Wonyoung’s body inside the car. Minjoo turned her gaze off when Yujin’s car drove away. She closed her eyes. Her head and foot is killing her. But she can't deny that she felt a slight sting in her heart.

‘Way to go, Minjoo. Just when you thought you finally found someone worthy enough to be interested with.’

Minjoo knows it's dumb to feel pain for a person you just met but she can't help to admit that Yujin really made her happy, even for short moment.

Minjoo regrets going to party.

If only she didn’t come, she will not going to meet Yujin.

As she stared outside, Minjoo catch the glimpse of Seoul Tower reflecting on the car window. Suddenly, a thought occupied her mind.

‘Must be a great view up there’

Naturally, when one’s injured, they would go home and rest. But it’s different for Kim Minjoo. She’s not just injured but she’s also heartbroken, and that’s probably the biggest reason that makes perfectly sense right now. So thoughtlessly, she said, “Kkura-unnie, you can go ahead. I’ll stay for a while.” Minjoo went outside the car, ignoring the simultaneous vociferation, threatening her to go back.

“Yah, Minjoo!” Eunbi yelled out from the window. “Where the hell are you going? You’re injured!”

“It’s okay, unnie. It doesn’t hurt anymore. I’ll just visit a place for a while. I promised I’ll be back in the morning. Please?” Minjoo said, and Eunbi softens. “Hays, okay. Just promised you’ll text us if you’re already home, okay?”

“Yes, ma.” She chuckled. “Yah Jo Yuri!”

“, what?!” Yuri crawled up from being dead at the backseat of the car.

“Don’t you dare vomit on my bed!” Minjoo yelled. Yuri and her lives in the same penthouse. It’s big enough for one person so they thought of living together. Less money to spent, additional company to rant to when it gets ty at work.

Big brains, they thought.

“Naturally, I won’t. But since you’ve mentioned it, I might as well!” Yuri yelled back.

“Eat !”

“I’ll eat you then!” Both of them burst out in laughter as they went on with their childish banter. “Okay, seriously, bye now.” Minjoo said as she bid goodbye. That’s when the car drove away from the hotel; and Minjoo don’t know where she got the mental to do so but she chose to walk along the elongated way to Seoul Tower— which is really not that far, like a 2 minute walk from the hotel. She’s just exaggerating.

After 2 minute walk, she bought a bottle of soju from a one store remained opened at late hour. The man looked at her, utterly bewildered. Couldn’t blame him because who’s in the right mind will buy alcoholic drink at 1 AM then go to the top of Namsan Seoul Tower? No one, except for someone who’s broken like Minjoo.

Surprisingly, because of her persuasive power, she manages to convince the night guards to let her ride a cable car to the said tourist destination for one last time. When she step foot to the above-mentioned place, she was greeted by the cold breeze of Seoul and utter silence. She’s the only one present which is a win because there’s no way in hell that she’s gonna let a single soul witness her breakdown.

Sighing to herself, Minjoo sat at the nearest bench she found in the park. She stared at the various number of love locks hooked into the railings. Ironic how this place is almost a perfect destination for those who are in love, but Minjoo remained rooted there, with her shattered heart. Different colored locks for different hopeless lovers. ‘It’s silly’ she thought.

Imagine basing the strength of your relationship with a metal locked into a meaningless railings. It’s kinda stupid, but then–

‘God, I want that for me’

Minjoo sighs desperately for nth time.  She will never deny the fact that even though she love her job, she still want some romance. It’s not enough just having Yuri to rant about her bad days. Despite everything, she’s still a human. She needs someone to cuddle with, showered them with tender love and care.

Lucky for her, she experienced it— at least hours with Ahn Yujin.

But boy, must the woman really have to break her heart just like that in a matter of hours? Can’t she wait for like a week?

“ women!” Minjoo expressed in distraught. “ their attractiveness,” She added, and nope she’s still not finish.

“ you, Ahn Yujin!” She shouted frustratingly. Thanks to the thousands pins prickling her fragile heart, Minjoo drank the whole bottle of soju out of frustration.

What’s more terrifying about it is that she was never a heavy drinker. One cup of beer could send her straight to the world of foolishness.

With a whole bottle, she might as well go back to heaven.

But no. Nuh-uh, Minjoo is not as weak like that.

As the effect of devil’s creation called alcohol starting to cloud her mind, Minjoo’s remaining brain cells is going bonkers. She can almost feel herself floating even though she remained seated on the bench. For some reasons, she’s also seeing some kaleidoscope. Is she already high from the soju? Probably. She don’t know. She’s ‘too drunk’ to tell.

Honestly, Minjoo is not thinking anymore. She just let her body do whatever it wants. So when her eyes landed on a huge weird looking scissor placed quietly at the corner— which sober people called a bolt cutter— she didn’t even hesitate and grabbed it.

“People believing that their love will remain forever as long their locks attaches to this.” Minjoo said as she choose which lock she will cut to pieces first. “Watch me do this,”

She found one.

Mint colored lock.

And another one.

Coral colored lock.

And another,

Powder green colored lock.

And lastly,

Blue colored lock.

She breaks all of the locks, freeing them from the binding with the railings. “How ‘bout that?” She holds each locks using both of her hands, then stashed it in her dress’ pocket.

Upon realizing that it’s almost a crack of dawn, Minjoo decided to go home.

Not knowing the fact that she’s going to wake up, experiencing the weirdest day of her life.


‘Awe, . My head. Oh, my head.’

Morning came and Minjoo’s brain is banging to get outside from her pretty head. If only she didn’t jugged the whole bottle of soju last night, she will not be in that situation. All because of a certain woman. It’s surprising that she manages to go home because her brain cannot remember if she even ride a taxi or a bus.

“If you’re wondering, you ended up sleeping outside the door last night,”

Minjoo turned her head upward (which she instantly regretted because the pain in her head just got worse). She glanced at the woman beside her, clad with formal outfit and a cup of coffee on her hand.

“And don’t blame me because you didn’t knock nor try to get inside so I didn’t know,” Yuri said, taking sip from her coffee. She’s seated on the couch which is opposite to Minjoo’s, who is also lying down on another couch. “Here’s some water and aspirin. Are you going to work?”

Minjoo groans. “I shouldn’t have drank too much last night,” She said as draped her arm over her head.

“You’ve got a lot to tell, lady.” Yuri continued. “Now, chop-chop. It’s almost 9 in the morning. If you want to go to work, might as well prepare now.”


After drinking the water and medicine, Minjoo forced herself to prepare for work. She was almost inch close to ditch it, but she is needed to meet one of the investors of the company for the reason she don’t know.

One hour had passed, the two best friends drive off to the restaurant where they are going to eat their breakfast. Both of them couldn’t cook, which resulted to them eating at different food chains, more or less, every day. Since they are close to being late, they decided to eat at the new restaurant opened just last week— which is not so far away from their condominium.

The Kwangbae’s Kitchen.

“This place is so cozy.” Yuri stated as they looked around the restaurant. The interior is a perfect combination of Industrial and Contemporary design. It gives off a vibe of making yourself feel at home, but also with style.

“Let’s see the food,” Minjoo said, grabbing the menu laid out on the table. After the waiter got their orders, they moved on to gossiping while waiting for the food. Typical best friends.

“So what happened last night?” Yuri started, and Minjoo rolled her eyes.

“Not really going to let that go huh?”

“No way in hell. Kim Minjoo going home wasted that she passed out in the hallway is not a normal occurrence. Certainly, something happened,”

Minjoo sighs. “Well, as you know, Yujin and Wonyoung are together.”

“Oh, . Really?”


“Damn,” Yuri said as she stared weirdly at Minjoo— hanging her head low. “It’s alright, it do be like that sometimes. Better luck next time”

Minjoo groans in despair.

“But are you sure though?”

“Yes! Someone called her that night and I saw it, labeled as Princess with a heart. Then she goes home with that girl. What else is there to think?”

“, I don’t know,” Yuri leaned her back to the chair and crossed her arms. “But that does not mean that she’s taken. Maybe she’s just in the mood to put that heart or something. Plus, we didn’t even saw her interacted with that model all night”

“How can you explain the drunk Wonyoung situation then?” Minjoo scoffed.

“Minjoo, why are you mad at me? Direct that energy to Yujin, not to me.” Yuri said, watching her friend’s face went from angry fox to defeated sad fennec. “Anyway, Yujin. There’s plenty more fishes in the sea” She stated, and Minjoo could only whined.

Noticing that there’s no way to changes Minjoo’s mind anymore, Yuri decided to divert their topic to work issues. Not long after, their food already arrived and it looks so good that they could devour it in a matter of seconds.

“This smells like heaven,” Minjoo inhaled the savory scent of the steak, making her even more famished. However, while eating, someone suddenly showed up at their table and delivered 2 pieces of chocolate mousse cake.

The two best friends looks up and their jaw momentarily dropped seeing a gorgeous woman, smiling at them and dressed in white jacket for chefs, if their brain serves them correctly.

“Hello.” The “chef” greeted them softly.

The two best friends briefly glanced at one another. “Uh, hi?” Minjoo said, albeit her tone sounded like a question instead of a greeting.

“I must be lucky seeing two beautiful woman graced my restaurant, my name’s Kang Hyewon, I’m the Head Chef here.” Hyewon said coolly. And the two girls can’t help but to chuckle.

“Hi, Hyewon-ssi. So this is yours?” Yuri asked, and Hyewon nods. “Quite a place.”

“Thank you, it gets me from A to B.” She said, cheekily. “Well, I hope you two enjoyed your food, especially the cake. It’s new one” She said.

Minjoo averted her gaze to the mouth-watering chocolate mousse cake. She loves chocolate. “By the way, what’s this for?”

“Just complimentary for new customers so it’s on the house,” Hyewon paused as she gently holds Minjoo’s soft hand. “Though I would be delighted if you at least let me know your name.” She added.

“Um, Kim Minjoo…” Minjoo whispered whilst intensely looking back to the gorgeous woman.

“Beautiful” She softly dragged Minjoo’s right hand close to to lay a soft kiss on her knuckle, and then she smiled again.

And for some reasons, memories of someone’s smile from last night flashed before her eyes.

For a whole minute, the two decided to keep the eye contact until Yuri cannot take the tension anymore and decided to break it. “Hmm, this cake is so good,” She hummed in delight.  With that, Minjoo finally break from the eye contact and decided to eat, with her flushed face.

“Anyway, I’ll take my leave now. It’s nice to meet you two,” Hyewon paused. “I hope to see you again, Miss Kim” She smirks as she walked away back to where she was earlier— in the kitchen.

“See when I told you there’s plenty more fishes in the sea? You just gotta believed, Minjoo” Yuri said, taking a bite to her delicious steak.

“Spare me now” Minjoo said. After almost an hour of eating and chatting, they are already done so they decided to go to work right away. Fortunately, it’s just a light traffic so it doesn’t took them long to arrive at the SK Ent. Bldg. When they arrived at the said establishment, they were greeted by multiple staffs they come across on the way to their floor.

“Morning, Minjoo!” said by no other than Hwang Hyunjin— the resident playboy in their department. The guy is known for almost flirting with every girl that breathes. Hyunjin never really flirted with her despite the years of being colleagues. She heard from gossips that the guy never attempt to ‘cause Hyunjin is scared of her so she don’t know what’s gotten to him that he decided to face his fears now.

Knowing his intention and also the fact that her head is still aching, Minjoo activated her first defense system— stay unbothered and ignore the idiot. Both of them, including the silent Yuri, went inside the elevator’s car.

“Minjoo-ah, are you free later?”


Technique number two: direct rejection.

“Wow, you didn’t even hesitate,” Hyunjin chuckled. “Come on now, just one date. Please?”

And ultimately, her last line of defense from a conceited insensitive moron — hardcore violence. “Not now, Hyunjin. Stay the away or so help me god, I might end up stapling your face” She forewarned, making Hyunjin shuddered in fear.

Yuri cast a glance at the frightened guy and chuckled. “I’ll go ahead now. See you at lunch Minjoo,” She said as they part ways after arriving at their respective floor. “Okay, bye.” Minjoo bid goodbye back. She sauntered towards her office, and there she was greeted by her assistant slash cute friend, Nako.

“Good morning, Minjoo”

“Good morning, Nako-chan” She said, taking their feet inside her office. Minjoo took a seat to her swivel chair, and headache ensues when she sees multiple documents displayed all over her desk. “The new clients, are they already here?”

“Actually, yes. But don’t worry you’re not late, they are just early.” Nako continued. “And oh, they asked if the meeting could start by 10:40. If that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, of course. Plenty of time to review these papers,” She said. “Nako-yah, can I have some ice Americano, please? I forgot to grab some earlier.”

“Sure, I’ll just inform them first that you agreed then I will bring it here.”

“Okay, thanks.”

Let’s just say that the alcohol intake last night is still taking a toll on her that she cannot concentrate on whatever she’s reading right now. Currently in the state of drowsiness where it comes to the point of ‘6’ becoming ‘b’ to her sight. It’s like every letters inscribed in the papers are floating like a ing flies in panic.

Adding to the predicament she’s already in, by the window, she can see Yujin’s moving figure towards her office. Luckily, the window is heavily tinted from the outside which means the tall woman cannot see her panicking that all the papers is starting to scatter from her table to the floor.

Minjoo swears that she’s not really much a religious person, but it seems like the Lord heard her chants today because a hero appeared, saving her from the quandary she’s about to face.

Looking outside, she sees Nako stopped Yujin before the woman could even get in. And not that Minjoo told Nako before she go to work today that if a person named Ahn Yujin ever comes to the office, push her away. No, she didn’t do that.

She just texted her that if ever a drop-dead gorgeous woman with amazing physique and long & smooth raven hair comes in, she have to reject her— gently.

And of course, being genius she is, Nako immediately realized that this is the woman Minjoo’s talking about.

“Hi, what brings you here?” She asked, and Yujin cast a glance on the closed office then divert it to Nako. The woman is softly staring down at her, but Nako’s going to ignore that for now.

“Umm, do you know Kim Minjoo?”

“Hundred percent ‘cause she’s my boss. What do you need from her?”

“Is she here?”

“Oh, right now? Yup. She’s inside, but she’s quite busy, you see. So she’s not accepting anyone right now” Nako lied. She saw Yujin’s eyes flitches for a second.

“Okay, thank you.” Yujin sighs in defeat. “I’ll come back later then. Bye!”

“Okay, bye!”

After making sure that Yujin is already away from the perimeter, Nako went inside. Not in a million times she will be ready when Minjoo suddenly lunged at her. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you”

“Okay, alright. I think I had enough of that,” Nako continued, trying her best to get Minjoo off. “Minjoo, I’m small and you’re squishing me.”

“Oops, I’m sorry” She continued. “What did she say?”

“She said she’ll come back later.” Nako responds nonchalantly as she placed Minjoo’s coffee to her desk.

“.” Inarticulate, that she is— Minjoo doesn’t know how to express her distress anymore.

“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly as she watches Minjoo weakly walking back to her chair.


“Good. I don’t want to cancel the meeting. It would be difficult to explain what happened.”

“Harsh, Nako-chan” Minjoo leaned and relaxed her back at the chair.  She touches her ankle as she felt it sting for a moment. Yujin’s care really do wonder ‘cause it doesn’t hurt that much anymore despite her activity last night.

“What? It’s true,” Nako took a seat at the chair in front of Minjoo’s table. “Would you like me to tell them that you cannot go to the meeting because of gay panicking? We don’t want that embarrassment, don’t we?” She paused. “Anyway, it’s almost 10:40 so I think it’s better if we go now.”

After minutes of breathing exercise, the two decided to go the meeting. At first, no one’s present on the meeting room— which in their case, makes absolute sense ‘cause it’s still 10:35. So when the clock strikes at 40, executives entered the room one by one.

“Everybody here?” The SK Ent. CEO, Lee See Ryong, asked and everyone faintly said yes. “Alright, before we start, I would just like to introduce first our new partner, the CEO of IZ Ent., Kim Chaewon.”

First thing that Minjoo noticed is that Chaewon’s eyes is drawn to her. She don’t know why but from the very moment the CEO stepped her feet inside, kid you not, her eyes is directly narrowed towards her direction.

It’s not weird, per se, she just felt uncomfortable. Because there’s only two things that her brain could come up with as to why the woman is deeply staring at her soul. One is could be because she drank so much last night that she didn’t able to properly prepare herself that the scar of last night’s dilemma is still visible on her pretty face. Or could be because Minjoo probably have a debt that is past overdue from the payment date that’s why Chaewon came back, hunting her for the money.

Nevertheless, she just chose to ignore it and focus on the documents in front of her. The meeting ended within two hours, quite a stretch for Minjoo’s attention span but she made it.

“Nako-ssi,” Minjoo called out.

Nako went closer to the woman as soon as she heard her calling. “Hmm?”

“Take this to my office. I’ll go to Yuri for a while.” She said as she skipped her way to Yuri’s department.


Minjoo sauntered her way to Yuri’s department which is in the left wing of the floor. It’s not that far, just bunch of rooms and hallways. She was walking down the hallway when suddenly, she catches a glimpse of someone she’s been trying to avoid.

‘Oh no no no.’

“Minjoo?” Yujin whispered in question when she saw Minjoo walking towards her direction. Her face instantly brightened, finally seeing the woman who’s been occupying her mind all night, but her enthusiasm deflated when she saw Minjoo hastily turned around and yeeted.

Minjoo on the other hand is trying her best to sprint her way out. She just don’t think she’s ready to talk to the taller woman just yet. Entering and taking direction to different hallways, seemingly desperate to find a portal that could take her to another dimension.

Because of the panic and stress, Minjoo unwarily collided with a woman who is unfortunately holding a cup of coffee on her hand.

“…” Minjoo whispered as she stared at the stained clothes of the other. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” she said apologetically, trying to get rid of those stains with bare hands.

“It’s okay, Minjoo.”

Minjoo immediately looks up as she heard the owner of the voice. ’.’

Out of all the people, she really bumped into someone that could probably take her job away from her.  

“O-Oh,” Minjoo paused. “Ms. Kim, hi!”

“Hello,” Chaewon chuckled. “You’re in a hurry, huh?”

“A-Ah, yeah.” The brunette could only chuckle awkwardly.

“I see.” Chaewon flashed the girl with gentle smile. Too gentle.

“I’m sorry again, Ms. Kim.” Minjoo said. “Umm, if it’s okay with you, to make up for this, I could go ahead and buy you the new clothes or we could grab some coffee at the nearby café. That’s if it’s okay with you.” Minjoo thought that she made the biggest mistake of her life after seeing Chaewon’s stoic expression, but then she released a sigh of relief when the CEO’s mouth twitched into sweet smile.

“I’d like that” She softly said.

And that’s how they ended up hanging out at the famous café near them which is the ENOZI Coffee and Bread. Minjoo is contemplating whether this decision of hers is rational— inviting their company’s new partner to a coffee ‘date’ is pretty much weird. But all her doubts got washed off as the other woman treated her warmly like they were just friends casually hanging out.

And again, for the second time, it reminded her about the woman she’s been trying to erase from her memory.

“So Minjoo, if you don’t mind me asking,” Chaewon paused. “Are you seeing somebody?”

Minjoo divert herself from daydreaming and tilted her head slightly. “Umm, no. I’m single.” She chuckled.

“I see,” Chaewon said, cheekily. “That’s perfect then.” She added though it came out as a whisper.

“I’m sorry what?” Minjoo asked.

“Nothing,” Chaewon warmly smiled. “Should we head back?”

“Oh, oh yeah. We should go back now.”

They went back to the company using Chaewon’s car which is the car they also used to go there. When they arrived at the said building, they immediately separated ways— not wanting to attract more sneaky eyes and gossiping mouths than it should be.


“Yah, bring some chicken. Thanks!” Yuri said as she instantly hanged up, refusing to wait for Minjoo’s respond.

“The audacity…”

Minjoo is on her way to their home after a long day at work when she received a call from Yuri that Nako and Hitomi— their friend from the visual design department— is planning to hang out at their place. So Minjoo had no choice but to bring extra food for her demanding friends. Yuri and Nako went home earlier than her because she still have more things to skim.

After she parked her car at the nearest opened store where they usually buy their favorite chicken on the way home, the brunette stepped out and sauntered her way towards the store.

“I would like to have 3 orders of snowing chicken. Thank you.” She said. After receiving her order, Minjoo went out from the restaurant, passing by the sidewalk towards the parking lot, however, before she could make it to her car, she was stopped by a woman— who she noticed that looks like a street dancer.

Her theory was proven right when the said woman suddenly danced in front of her as the song ‘Chivalry is dead’ resounded across the ground from where she’s standing.

For the nth time today, Minjoo was left her jaw hanging. The woman danced so well, with good sense of rhythm. She moves so smoothly that Minjoo cannot prevent herself but to be enticed by it. And she was so hooked with the dance that she didn’t noticed it’s already finished.

“Hi,” The dancer greeted. “I always see you here passing by, but this is actually the first time I get to say hi.” She chuckled. “I’m Chaeyeon, by the way. I’m a dancer as you might know that by now.”

Minjoo glanced at the latter. “O-Oh, really?” She chuckled albeit awkwardly. “Um, my name’s Minjoo.”

“Minjoo. I’ll remember that,” Chaeyeon smiled cheekily. “Not to be weird, but I’m actually happy that I get to talk to you because I’ve always been captivated by your beauty, Minjoo.” She said. “And I hope you like the dance, I choreograph it because I know this day will come.”

‘Okay, let’s pause.’ Minjoo thought. Is she really receiving a confession in the middle of the street?

“A-Ah– I see,” She hesitated. “Well, umm, I am glad that we talked too. Uh, I’ll go now, a’ight? Someone’s actually waiting for me so…” Minjoo added.

“Okay,” Chaeyeon muttered. “I hope I’ll see you again Minjoo.”

Minjoo could only chuckle awkwardly as she hopes not to bump into Chaeyeon again. Not to be rude, but that really caught her off guard.

‘What a weird day’ Minjoo thought as she drove off to their home.


“This is boring. Can we buy some soju please?” Nako sighs in boredom. She plopped her body to the couch, looking totally bored.

“That’s the hard pass. I refuse to drink alcohol for now. That ’s evil,” Minjoo sighed in frustration as the memories of last night’s misery is coming back to her.

Nako and Hitomi — who still haven’t heard the full story of what happened to the poor woman — stares at her with confusion and interest. “Ey, 411. What’s the tea?” Nako asked curiously, and Yuri who came from the kitchen, and now holding a bottle of champagne, snickered. Minjoo could only scowled at her.

“Minjoo here, drowned herself with alcohol because she finally found the woman of her dreams, but alas, that woman have a girlfriend,” Yuri laughed out loud. “I found her sprawled out at the hallway and girl, let me tell you, that was the moment.”

“Yuri shut the up challenge, failed miserably.” Minjoo groans as she dropped her body on their couch. “Can we not talk about it? Please?”

“Hell no. This is interesting,” Hitomi said. “So what happened? Please, elaborate.”

“You really love seeing me suffering, don’t you all?” Minjoo asked and gasped in disbelief as her friend’s nods in unison. “Augh!”

“Must be . I mean, years of being single because you can’t find the person that will pass your standards and now that it’s been given to you, turns out she’s not available.” Nako teased. “Just when I thought series of unfortunate events was a title of a book, but it’s just your life.” She cackled so hard, crossing her arms over her stomach in an attempt to catch her breath. Even Hitomi and Yuri enjoyed the teasing as threw their heads back and let out a laugh with the same loudness.

Minjoo groans in frustration for the nth time. “I hope you three die from the lack of air.” She said. She grabbed the bottle of champagne and pour some of it to her glass. Champagne is her weakness, to be honest.

Recovering from the hilarious banter, the trio calmed down and joined Minjoo to drink. “Anyway, so going back, what happened after that? Why’d you end up on the hallway? Aren’t you supposed to join Yuri going home?” Hitomi asked— although her voice falter a bit, trying her best not to laugh anymore.

“Oh, yeah. I’m wondering about that too,” Yuri said. “Where did you go?” She asked, sipping the champagne from her glass.

“I decided to hang out at the Seoul Tower for a while.”

“Eh?” The trio exclaimed in unison. “They let you?” Yuri asked.

“Yes, of course.”

“How the ? Is that even allowed? I mean, it’s close to midnight when we left.”

“I have my ways,” Minjoo winks, making the trio grunted.

“Don’t tell me you spent hours drinking at Seoul Tower?” Nako asked.

“What did she just say Nako?” Hitomi retorted. “Are you even here with us right now?”

“Alright! Shut up! I just wanted to be clear,” Nako widened eyes narrowed at Hitomi. “Anyway, how did you managed to go home?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. The last thing I remembered is that I was destroying some stupid locks at the love locks in that tower then I-“ Before she could finish her words, Hitomi inadvertently spit out the liquid from out of shock, making Yuri groans in disgusts — who is, unfortunately, receives all of it as she’s sitting in front of former.

“Awe! Disgusting!” Yuri said, getting rid of the champagne spitted to her face.

Hitomi ignored the whining woman and moved closer to Minjoo. She gripped into her shoulder and shake the poor woman’s body. “You did what now Kim Minjoo?!”

“Wha- Yah! Stop shaking me!”

“Tell me you didn’t!”

“Tell you what?!”

“That you didn’t broke the locks on that tower!”

“Tomi, do you have hearing problems or what? I just said I did it,” Minjoo grunted as she tried to remove Hitomi’s grasp from her shoulders. “What is wrong with you woman?”

“No! What is wrong with YOU?” Hitomi retorted back, aggressively. “Why do you have to do that?!” She plopped her on the couch, placed her palms on her forehead, motioning a sign of frustration.

The other three throw a puzzled look to the other. “Hii-chan, your face is red and we can see your veins popping. Why are you agitated?” Nako asked.

“Because Minjoo shouldn’t do that! She shouldn’t broke those unbothered locks!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s cursed!” Hitomi exclaimed, and the other is even more confused.

“I’m sorry, what?” Minjoo asked, narrowly looking at Hitomi. “What are you saying?”

“I know this sounds crazy, but that tower? Those love locks? It’s cursed. And I know that for a fact because I know someone who once experienced that.”

“Hitomi, can you go straight to the point?” Yuri said.

Hitomi sighs in frustration. She properly sits, readying herself to tell one of the craziest she ever heard in her life. “I know someone who once broke one of the locks bound in that tower and the owner of that lock, fell deeply in love with her— crazily and hopelessly in love even. It’s like that girl drank a love potion, or like she’s been shot by the cupid itself. At first, it was great. But from what I’ve seen after that, the person who broke it and the owner itself suffered so much because of it.” She muttered.

And silence we go. The trio momentarily stared at one another until they burst out laughing.

“Oh, okay. Yeah. Laugh at me. That’s right,” Hitomi said as she watches her friend’s guffawed. “I am telling the truth! Stop laughing!”

Hitomi groans yet again. “This is what I get for being a concerned friend? Nice. I loathe you three!”

“Wait, are you being serious Hitomi?” Minjoo asked, still giggling.

“Do I look like I’m joking?” Hitomi expressed in annoyance. “You know what? it. Just don’t come to me, asking for help”

“Okay, we’re very sorry. It’s just that it doesn’t seem true to me.” Minjoo said.

“I know it sounds unbelievable; but bet on my life, I am seriously telling the truth.” She strongly intoned and cast a glance at the other two who is still laughing their off. “If you don’t stop, I will post the video of you two snoring loudly, don’t try me.”

“Damn, alright. We don’t have to go that far,” Yuri said as she finally recovered and wiping the tears welled up in her eyes from so much laughing.

“Whoo! I haven’t laugh that much for quite long time. Thank you Hii-chan!” Nako exclaimed.

“Just say you’re boring and go” Minjoo giggled.

“I hope the owner of those locks annoys the out of you, Kim Minjoo” Nako said, narrowing her stare to the other girl.

“So back to the topic, it’s not rocket science right? Minjoo broke it and the owner will fall in love with her? Am I right?” Yuri asked.


“Isn’t it great? I mean finally someone to spend your life with.”

“But isn’t that bad? I don’t want to be with someone who fell in love with me out of curse. I want them to fall in love with me naturally, not just because they are bewitched.” Minjoo sighed.

“Fair enough,” Nako continued. “So what are you planning?”

“Not that I don’t believe you Hitomi, but I’m still doubting,” Minjoo paused. “I guess I have to see if it’s true first.”

“Hmm, ‘kay.” Hitomi uttered.

“How do you even know if they are cursed?” Yuri interjected.

“The person I know told me that suddenly the owner of the lock asked a hand for marriage out of the blue,” Hitomi explained. “So if someone suddenly proposed to you, they’re probably the owners.”

“Ah, I see.” Minjoo responds, softly.

Though at the back of her head, she’s praying to all deities that Hitomi is just bluffing and there’s no way that it could be true.

There’s just no way.



Later that night, on the other side of the good old Korea, is Ahn Yujin— contemplating whether she’s going to dial it and call Minjoo.

The beauteous woman has been occupying her mind for the whole day after their ‘moment’ in the event. She’s not even kidding when Minjoo’s face is literally everywhere she looks at. Like the woman’s smile is already tattooed deep inside her hippocampus.

Admittedly, she’s going insane. Completely insane for the woman named Kim Minjoo.

‘Know what? it.’

Yujin pressed the dial logo and called Minjoo. It rang for a minute until the girl finally answered.

"Hey…" Yujin greeted. ‘, I’m so nervous.’ She thought and it’s evident on her tone.

"Who's this?"

"Uh, this is Yujin."

"Yujin? How did you get my number?"


"That hag. What do you want?" Yujin gasped a little, hearing the annoyed tone lies beneath Minjoo’s voice.

"I-uh," Yujin paused. “I just wanted to ask if, uh, if you are available tomorrow lunch?” She asked, albeit it sounded hesitantly.

"Maybe yes. Maybe no"

"You still work at free time?" She asked in confusion.

"Depends on the need"

"Well, my need?"

"Definitely, no. I'm not available. Is that all you're going to ask? I'm gonna turn this call off now."

"Wait, what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong"

"There's clearly something wrong"

"I don't see it. You're wasting my precious time. Good bye, Yujin"


‘Huh.’ Yujin can't believe that she just got hanged up on like that. Staring at her phone with a frown all over her face.

"Yow, pup! Where are you? The game is about to start" Yena yelled from the living room.

"I'll be right out" Yujin signed. She walked out from the kitchen and sat at the beanbag. Yena and Wonyoung noticed her dejected mood.

"What's with the long face?"

"Nothing," Yujin continued "Do you want some beer? I'll order some." She said as she fiddled to her phone.

"Woah there cowboy! Thought you don’t want to drink?” Yena asks.

“I changed my mind.” Yujin sighed in frustration.

"What happened in the kitchen? You suddenly looked stress?” Yena paused, a realization hit her. “Holy . Did you just call a chick?" The way Yujin’s avoiding her look makes Yena’s theory right.

 "Oh goodness! You did, didn’t you? How can you prioritize flirting in the middle of our game? We have a rule Yujin. Bros before hoes. What the heck!" Yena exclaimed exaggeratingly, and Wonyoung— who’s observing the taller girl— snickered from the duck’s teasing.

"I'm not calling a chick!"

"Really? Even if I redial it?" Yena playfully waved Yujin's phone she's currently holding and Yujin snatched it with haste. "Give me that! I'll kill you one of these days, Yena"

"Jeez, so sensitive."

Yujin sighed again in desperation. She’s pretty sure that the girl is avoiding her and she honestly don’t know why. She’s never been this frustrated because of someone before. All she just wanted was to talk to Minjoo again, see her sweet smile and listen to her melodic laugh. But how is she going to have that if the woman avoids the taller girl like a plague?

Yujin don’t remember doing anything wrong the last time they were together for the other woman to do this to her and its making her sad.

‘How do I get myself to talk to you again, Kim Minjoo?’


Next morning, just like the usual, Minjoo is on her way to the production floor and Hyunjin being Hyunjin, bothering the out of her again.

“Minjoo, how about later? Are you free?” He asked.

“How about you get the hell away from my space?”

“Chill out, I’m just asking.”

“And I’m very much looking forward to the moment when that stops,” Minjoo sent daggers to Hyunjin that sends shivers to his spine. It’s the time when Minjoo is most proud of her resting face. Minjoo continued to walk her way to her respective office.

When she made it to their floor, she already see Nako walking back and forth outside Minjoo’s room, right beside her desk. “Hey, you okay? Why do you look frantic?”

Nako warily step back in shock. “Jesus, Minjoo!”


“You terrified me!”

“I didn’t do anything!” Minjoo intoned defensively. “Why are you fidgeting anyway?”

“There’s-uh, how do I-umm? You see, there’s– well—like“

Minjoo gripped into her assistant’s shoulder and looked straight into her eyes. “In order for me to understand, you have to speak articulately.”

Nako heavily sighed, narrowed her eyes at her boss and said, “Miss Kim Chaewon delivered 10 bouquet of flowers to your office.” She said softly as she can utter.

“She did what?” Minjoo her head up, looking straight to her room. She sauntered her way inside and unwarily placed her hand over when different bouquets laid out on her meeting table welcomed her. The brunette picked up the only white card she sees and read the lines written into it.

‘I don’t know your favorites, so I got them all. Love, Kim CW.’

“Wha- Why?” She turned her gaze to Nako and asked.

“You might also wanted to quiet down your emotions a little bit because there’s two more things,” Nako carefully said.

“What is it?” Minjoo asked exasperatingly.

“Miss Kang Hyewon also delivered 2 complete meal for your lunch.” She paused. “And a dancer named, Lee Chaeyeon, sent me an email with video saying ‘For Minjoo’.” She said. Nako don’t know whether to laugh or pray because of the new sight she sees. She cannot describe Minjoo’s face. All she could say is that imagine if there’s only one piece of meat in the world and that one even got taken away from her. That’s how agitated Minjoo is— which makes sense because Minjoo hates flowers, she’s not fond of eating at the office and she hates it when her subordinates— including Minjoo herself— receives work non-related kind of emails to their company email without their consent.


“And-“ Nako winced as Minjoo screamed out of frustration. This time, she’s quite terrified because the news she’s about to spit can cause Minjoo’s sanity.

“What more Nako?”

“Yujin’s here.”



"Hey" Yujin said as she slowly entered Minjoo’s office, with both of her hands placed in front and tried to smile as gentle as she can to mask the nervousness lingering inside her. She cast a quick glance to the huge table at her side and bouquets of flowers are simply laid out in row.

Yujin could only think about one thing— all of that must be from her line of suitors.

‘With a woman like her, who wouldn’t?’ She thought. Yujin then let her eyes gravitate back to the woman of her dreams, like literally. She just don’t see Minjoo everywhere in conscious state, but also when she’s asleep. Her dreams is filled with Minjoo.

She knows. She got it bad.

Minjoo looked up from her desk and faced Yujin. “Let’s make this quick. What do you want?” She placed the pen down as she focused on the black-haired woman.  

“O-Oh, okay. Straight to the point,” Yujin stammered. "Are you available later?" She asked, gently.

Minjoo sighs in frustration. "I told you. For you, I'm not." She said, and that hurt Yujin a little bit.

"Okay. You have to tell me what's wrong now. I thought we hit it off on the event?” The latter asked in confusion. “Please tell me because I am wrecking my brain here"

"I saw you going home,"

"Yeah? And?"

"With Jang Wonyoung,"

"Yup, that sounds about right—” Yujin paused. “Wait, you knew her?" She asked, curiously.

"Duh? Of course,” Minjoo continued as she rolled her eyes. “One of the hot topic in model industry right now"

"Okay then, fair enough. What about her?"

"You never told me that you have a girlfriend. That's the problem" Minjoo stated as she diverted her attention back to her work, touching the corner of the music sheets, trying to mask the anxiety building up inside her.

Yujin though asked in disbelief. "Pardon me, but what?"

"Just please, stay away. I don't wanna get caught up in misunderstanding,” The brunette replied nonchalantly.

When Yujin finally realized what Minjoo entailing about, that’s when she burst out in laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" The producer asked in confusion. Here she is, being honest but she got clowned instead. Redness creeps up to her cheeks as the anger starting to fill her being, however, it got instantly replaced with an actual blush, because of different reason.

"Because you're so cute" Yujin said nonchalantly, with crinkled eye smile.

"I'm serious, Yujin. I don't want war. So ple—"

"Maybe if you let me talk first before you assume, you will understand" The taller girl muttered softly, and the other woman gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Jang Wonyoung is not my girlfriend. Jang Wonyoung is my sister. Well, kinda. Like half– It's complicated” She confessed. “I went home with her that night ‘cause she end up drinking so much at the event because her ex-girlfriend broke up with her on that very night as well. So yeah, that’s that.”

"Wha–What? She's your sister?!" Minjoo exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, I just said that. Are you okay in head?"

"Why you never told me?"

"Because you didn't ask?” Yujin paused, and finally, it hit her. “Wa-Wait. Hold up. Is that the reason why you're cold to me? You're jealous of Wonyoungie?" She asked in disbelief.

And Minjoo deflated in embarrassment. "N-no"

"Good lord. I'll be damned. You're jealous!" Yujin as she took closer and placed her palm atop of the table then leaned her face closer to Minjoo.

"No, I'm not. Get away from me!”

"I know that face, Kim Minjoo. You can't deny it" Yujin snickered, taking closer look at the brunette.

Minjoo looked up and stared at Yujin’s annoying (and adorable) face. Despite the redness creeping up to her cheeks because of the unnecessary closeness and embarrassment, she narrowed her eyes as she glared at the latter. Minjoo stood up from her seat and walked to Yujin’s side. She gripped into her arm and shoulder, trying to shoo the woman away. "Yes, I can. Good bye now. I'm busy!”

Yujin giggled because of Minjoo’s adorableness. She easily turned around and stared at Minjoo’s face. The younger is a little bit taller so her lips is almost at the height of the brunette’s forehead. Perfect for forehead kisses. "Dinner at 8?" She said. And Minjoo being Minjoo, blushed again. "Whatever!" She blurted, pushing the other woman.

“Alright, alright. I’ll go.” Yujin said, cheekily. She glanced at Minjoo’s face and flashed a sweet smile. “See you later, Minjoo.” She smirks.

That would be the perfect way to exit, but clumsy Yujin back at it again— when she turned around, she accidentally bumped into the office’s glass wall, a low grunt echoed all throughout the room.

Minjoo stared at the taller woman, and props to her for keeping poker face because every cell in her brain is laughing their off. “I’m okay, I’m okay. Bye Minjoo!”

“Bye, Yujin.” The brunette giggled.

After successfully shooing woman away, Minjoo closed the door and leaned her body to the door then breathe.

“Momma ain’t raise no loser,” Minjoo said as she placed her palm atop of her chest, feeling the rapid beating of her heart. “But, for ’s sake, she definitely raised an overly gay and weak .”


‘One, two, three, four…’

“Yujin, stop that. You look like a creep” Eunbi said as she stared at the younger woman who keeps staring at the clock, waiting to strikes at 8.

And you all know the reason why.

8 in the evening means spending time with Kim Minjoo.

And she cannot be late to her first date with Minjoo.

Those are the thoughts clouding her mind that Yujin don’t even give a care about the weird looks she receives as they sees the poor woman deeply concentrated to the working wall clock.

And when the bell chimes in her head when the clock strikes at 8, Yujin immediately run off— didn’t even gave Eunbi a chance to bid her farewell. Yujin sprinted as she headed to Minjoo’s department floor, repeatedly saying ‘sorry’ here and then while she accidentally bumped to other people who’s also on their way home.

“Hello, Nako-ssi” Yujin called.

“Oh, hi Yujin!” Nako greeted back. “What’s up?”

“Is Minjoo here?”

“Ah, no. She’s in the recording studio as of the moment, A25 I think. But she did told me that if ever you visit here, you could go there and see her” Nako said as she tidying up her desk. Since it’s already 8, most of the staff are already going home, exclude Minjoo—who’s, unfortunately, still have more things to do which is typical Minjoo. Like she said, Minjoo is a busy person and Yujin understands that.

“Okay, I’ll go there then. Bye Nako-ssi! Take care.”

Yujin sauntered towards the studio rooms which located on the west wing 4th floor of the building. SK Ent. Bldg. is kinda huge so it almost took her minutes to go there. Once she found the studio A25, she knocked on the door and opened it. “Minjoo?” She called as she observed the spacious recording studio room.

Minjoo turned her head to where the sound came from and she saw Yujin coming in, making her involuntary smiled. But she quickly retreated it back. We all don’t want to get caught simping for the girl now, don’t we?

“Hey,” Minjoo greeted back. “Listen, Yujin. So umm,” She paused. “I don’t think I’m available tonight. I still have to finish this song that I’m working on so I’m kinda b—“

“It’s alright,” Yujin cut her off. “I understand.” She smiled at the latter. First of all, she don’t have the right to demand or whine if Minjoo won’t go and she won’t do it, of course. Yujin understands that for Minjoo, work always comes first. Even in her situation, especially if it’s important as this, date can always wait.

“Thank you, and I’m sorry” Minjoo said with apologetic smile.

“It’s okay, Minjoo.” The taller woman giggled then she turned, prompting to move outside as she don’t want to bother Minjoo anymore from work. “I guess, I’ll go ahead now? Next time, maybe?”

“Sure,” Minjoo said. Suddenly, a thought came to her mind. “But if you want, you could stay here and you know, watch and listen with me.” Hanging her head low a little bit as got shy about her own suggestion. ‘What are you even thinking?’ She thought.

It was easily replaced by relief when she saw Yujin beamed. “Really?” The raven-haired woman asked with b excitement. “Wait, is that allowed?” She added albeit with curious soft tone that Minjoo find absolutely adorable.

“Of course!” She giggled. “I’m the only one working this song anyway and I don’t mind you listen to it,” Minjoo continued. “So what do you say?”

Yujin smiled widely at the brunette. “Sign me up then.” She said, softly. She took a seat at the chair beside Minjoo in the control room. She watches in amusement while Minjoo do her magic.

“Actually, I’m almost done. I just need to piece it all together. Let me go ahead play it for you…” Minjoo excitedly said as she pressed the play button in her audio workstation.

Yujin swears in her life that she have never seen someone with this level of attractiveness before. Minjoo, in her element, is something Yujin will keep in her memory forever. It will surely be engraved— an indelible image that she will probably end up reminiscing to when she wanted to be happy. Yujin felt so much and so many at once while watching Minjoo being passionate with her craft.

This is surely Minjoo’s most beautiful state and admittedly, her most favorite one.

Just Kim Minjoo, with her beautiful eyes closed, wearing a smile that radiates innocence and joy while gently moving her head sideways back and forth as she pleasantly enjoyed her own music.

Yujin is completely fascinated— undeniably besotted and utterly head over heels.

And there’s nothing more in this world that she could ask for except for this moment to last forever.

“So how was it?” Minjoo suddenly said when the song ended, breaking Yujin from her daydreaming.

“Huh?” Yujin nervously asked. “Oh, umm, I love it.” She said, and she’s telling the truth. Just because she spends the entire time appreciating Minjoo doesn’t mean it stops her from listening to the brunette’s art too.

“Really?” Minjoo asked albeit her voice sounds in doubt and shy.

“Yup,” Yujin assured. “But can I also suggest something? If it’s okay” She added, and Minjoo light up. “Of course, it’s okay. I’m very much welcome to suggestions.” She said.

“A’ight, cool.” Yujin continued. “So in this part, we could add some stressed beat…”

Minjoo let Yujin pinch some advices and ideas. And to be honest? Eunbi was not wrong when she said Yujin is such a great artist. Much like herself, Yujin is very thorough with details and the way her creative mind works is so enthralling to Minjoo.

The producer is really impressed.

Especially at the way how both of their minds are so in sync and compatible. Like when Minjoo think of something new to add, Yujin will help her escalate it into more remarkable piece.

Minjoo didn’t regret inviting Yujin. Because beside the fact that the taller woman helped her finished the song, she also discovered the new side of the latter. She will surely treasure this moment, probably for as long as she lived. No kidding.

Hours had passed and it’s finally time to go home. And that’s how their night went. Just like how they first met, Minjoo and Yujin, both in their element and let themselves get lost in it.

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future_mrs_liu #1
Chapter 3: Oh my god. I love this. And your other stories. You are sooo creative with your plots and you deserve more subs and votes and really mroe creds to your wonderful stories. Fighting author! Thank you for this. Another great one!
snsdsoshigg #2
Chapter 3: done re-reading, this is really cute 🥺
Chandra_won #3
Chapter 3: Wow !!!! Great work authornim 👌😁👏👏👏
Chapter 3: wow, this is really great, the storyline, everything. you're an amazing author, thank you for this!
krystal12345678 #5
Chapter 3: 🥰😏😎😍😨🥺
Chapter 3: One of the works in JJ fiesta that saved me from too much angst 😌✊🏻

Rereading it still gives me the jitters and I still laugh and feel giddy at JJ’s interaction. YJ is just so so whipped and MJ is just so adorable here 🥺 I hope I get to see more of your works! Good luck! :)
1755 streak #7
Chapter 3: I remember reading this and I love it!!!! Thank you Authornim!!!
masutai #8
Chapter 3: omona this is my favorite among the entries and i voted for this as my first place so i’m glad it got a place on the top 10 <3 i enjoyed reading it especially the jinjoo parts uwu i love it! thank you for writing <3
Chapter 3: that was a good read !!! i got anxious halfway the end lolololol jinjoo angsts gave me so much trauma xd