Chapter V

My Girl

Wendy is standing at the entrance of a mall, a bouquet of flowers in her hand. Yesterday, Irene asked her what was her ideal first date. Wendy is not really the outgoing type so she doesn't like crowds. She doesn't like mall dates nor the formal, fine-dining dates either. Instead, Wendy answered the simple, walk in the park, picnic type of date. So here she is now, waiting for Irene to pick her up. The original plan was for Irene to pick Wendy from the latter's apartment but Wendy thought that she should at least give Irene something in return since the older girl was the one who took care of everything they needed for this day. 


To be honest, Wendy is nervous about this day. Beside the fact that Irene pointed out multiple times that today's a date, it also marks their 100th day together. For Wendy, it seems like so much has happened already that she can't quite believe it's only been 100 days since Irene made her her girlfriend. But more than anything, Wendy is nervous about today since she knew how this day would end. It is a well known fact that Irene never dated anyone for more than 100 days. Well, maybe except for that Jennie, of course. 


Irene had dated some girls for a few days and there were some who lasted for weeks, but the leader of the Queen will consistently dump them after 100 days. Wendy can still remember during one of her classes last year, a classmate of hers kept bawling her eyes out to her friend, telling about how Irene broke up with her during their 100th day together. Her classmate went on about how she was happy at first because they went on a date to celebrate only for Irene to dump her at the end of their date.


Just like today. Wendy thought.


It's not like Wendy did not expect this. From the very start, she knew how this would end. She knew that sooner or later, a hundred days at most, Irene will break things up with her. That's how it's always been with Irene after all. Still, Wendy can't help but feel anxious about it. 


I don't know why I'm feeling sad about this. It's not like I didn't see this coming. And it's not like I've fallen for her right? 


Wendy thought it maybe because somehow, over the course of more than 3 months, she enjoyed the Queens' company. In a long time, she felt she had real friends again. Besides, she already got used to their presence, especially of Irene.


I wonder if they will still acknowledge me after this. But Wendy thought of how Irene's past girlfriends didn't seem to exist anymore to her. Oh, but I guess not.


"Hey, is that for me?"


Wendy was interrupted from her thoughts by a sweet voice and a tap on her shoulder. She her back and came face to face with a smiling Irene.


"Oh, unnie. I didn't see you coming."


"I parked at the back." Irene then gestured towards the flowers Wendy is holding. "So, is that for me?"


"Uhh yes." Wendy shyly handed Irene the flowers. "For you, unnie."


Irene received the flowers with a big smile on her face. "Thank you, Seungwan-ah. They're pretty."


It made Wendy smile as well. "I'm glad you liked it, unnie." 


"Of course, it's from you." Irene answered. "But I told you, you don't have to give me anything, Seungwan-ah."


"Yes but," Wendy started, rubbing her nape, a bit shy. "I want to, unnie."


Irene beamed and poked Wendy's nose playfully. "You're really sweet." She then held Wendy's hand and intertwined it with her own. "Let's go then."


"O-okay, unnie."  Despite being used with the older girl's physical show of affection, it didn't stop Wendy from getting flustered every time.


After an hour drive, the two finally arrived at their destination.


"Is this a private beach resort, unnie?"


"Yeah, I hope it's okay with you." Irene answered as she opened the door. "You said you wanted a simple kind of date with no crowds so, this is what I came up with."


"Wow." Wendy exclaimed as she roamed around the house. She opened the window and was greeted by the sight of the beach. Fresh air. White sand. Blue water. "This is perfect unnie!"


"Really? You liked it?" Irene asked nervously.


"This place is great, unnie!" Wendy answered, a big smile plastered on her face.


"Well, that's a relief."


"I like it unnie. Though I wouldn't mind if we just rent somewhere simple. You don't have to spend too much, you know."


"I know you'll say that, Seungwan." Irene smiled knowingly. "But don't worry, I didn't spend any penny on this."


"You didn't?" Wendy was surprised. "Then how-" Wendy's eyes widen as she thinks of the only possible answer. "This resort is yours??"


Irene laughs at Wendy's meme-worth surprised expression. "It's a gift from my grandparents."


"Wow, daebak."


Irene laughs once more. "I brought us clothes. You can change first while I set the table."


"Uh, can we just eat at the seaside, unnie?"


"I don't think there's a cottage there though." Irene answered as she peeks to the window to check if her assumptions are correct.


"Well, we can just eat at the shore, unnie. Let's just use a picnic mat." Wendy suggested happily.


Seeing the smile on the younger girl made Irene agree in an instant. "As you wish, Seungwan-ah."


"Wow, you prepared so much, unnie." Wendy said as she looked at all the foods Irene took out from the picnic basket. 


"Of course, Seungwan. I told you I'll take care of everything." Irene said proudly. "Go on, try it."


Wendy tried the Bulgogi first while Irene nervously waited for her reaction. "Well?"


Wendy swallowed the remaining food in before she smiled widely and gave Irene a thumbs up. "It's really good, unnie."


"Really?" Irene asked happily.


"I swear unnie, it's really good." Wendy answered as she took a bite of the kimbap next. "Woah, this one's good too. Wow."


Irene can only smile shyly at the complement as she starts to eat her share.


"These are all good, unnie. Your chef is really good!"


"Yah!" Irene shoved Wendy lightly at the shoulder.


Wendy almost choked at the sudden push. "Yah unnie, I was eating." She whined. "And what's wrong with what I said? I just complimented your chef."


"I was the one who made all that food, Seungwan-ah!"


"Wh- what?"


"I said I was the one who cooked these!"


"What? Wait, really?"


"Yah Son Seungwan! Is it hard to believe that I can cook delicious foods?"


"W- well, I just thought you don't know how to cook, unnie."


Irene raised a brow. "Why?"


"Er.. You don't look like someone who likes to cook?" Wendy panics as she sees Irene's frown getting deeper. "I- I mean- no offense, unnie. But you don't scream the housewife-material look."


"Ah, so I look like a sloth?" Irene frowned even more and pretended to be offended. Deep down, she's liking to tease Wendy especially when the younger girl gets flustered like this. If others were to tell Irene that she doesn't seem to be a housewife material, she will surely get mad. But with Wendy, it's different. There's just so much honesty and sincerity with Wendy that Irene can't get mad at. 


"What? No! No unnie, that's not what I meant, no." Wendy sighs dramatically. "I just think you're too pretty to be serving others. It should be the other way around. That's why I can't imagine it."


Irene smiled teasingly. "What did you say, Seungwan?" Irene heard Wendy loud and clear, but seeing the shy Wendy in front of her makes her want to tease the younger girl more.


Wendy rolled her eyes knowing that Irene was teasing her. Nonetheless, she answered honestly, less shy this time.


"I said, you're pretty, Joohyun unnie."


"Very cheesy, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled widely as she offered Wendy a spoonful of food to which the latter accepted. "But to tell you honestly, you're not wrong though."


"In which part, unnie?"


"I really don't like to cook." Irene grins sheepishly.


"Really?" Wendy asked, taking another spoon of food. "Wow, for someone who doesn't like to cook, you're really great at it, unnie."


"Well, it took a lot of practice." Irene answered. "Honestly, these are the only foods I know how to cook."


"Oh? These are your favorites, unnie?"


Irene shakes her head, a sad smile on her face.


"Ah. Your parents'." Wendy stated, observing Irene.


"Wh- How did you know?" 


"I've known you for 3 months already, unnie." Wendy gave a small smile. "I know that expression well."


"Oh." Irene was surprised. She smiled at Wendy. "I didn't realize you're so attentive of others."


"Hm, I don't know, unnie. I guess just to the people I care about." Wendy answered nonchalantly, not realising the impact of her words. 


"So you care about me, huh?" Irene smiled teasingly once more."


"What do you m- oh, oh." That's when Wendy realized the meaning of what she'd said. She blushed. "W-well, of- of course, unnie." Wendy admitted shyly.


Irene smiles widely at the answer. "And I care about you a lot too, Seungwan."


"O-oh, t- thanks, unnie."


"You're really cute when you're shy like this, Seungwan-ah." Irene giggled as she ruffled Wendy's hair.


"Unnieee." Wendy pouted.


"Okay, I'll stop the teasing." Irene grins and offers to feed another spoonful to Wendy. "Say 'ah'".


Wendy obliged and munched the food with a satisfied smile. "It's really good, unnie. When did you learn to cook these anyway?"


"At 10 or 11, I think."


"Wow. That young?"


"Yeah, well, you know how kids always want to get their parents' attention? I was like that too. So I had our chef teach me and I cooked these foods everyday for almost two weeks."


"Woah. Everyday for two weeks?"


"Yeah, everyday. Imagine that?" Irene shakes her head with a smile. "Can't believe I did that."


"Why did you then?"


"Well, I guess I'm hoping that in one of those days, my parents will come home and will try the food I cooked for them."


"But they didn't?"


"Well, my mom came home one time in that two weeks, but even then she was so busy with business calls to even have dinner."


"Oh." Wendy felt bad for the older girl. She shrugged. "Oh well, it's their loss though, cause these foods are really good."


Irene smiled at Wendy's attempt to cheer her up. "Yeah. And besides, I'm glad I learned how to cook. Even if not for them. Because I had three mouths to feed. Well, four now actually." 


"And I will happily eat whatever you cook, unnie." Wendy smiles cheekily. "But how about you, unnie? What's your favorite food?"


Irene paused for a second to think. "I like tteokboki. But I think I cook noodle soup best."


"Really, unnie? Wow, I suddenly want to taste it. Why didn't you cook it today, though?"


"Well, I- I actually don't cook it anymore. I stopped a very long time ago."


"Oh? Why?" Wendy observed Irene. "Bad memories?"


"Well, it's not really bad." Irene paused. "More on sad, I guess."


Wendy didn't ask further, giving Irene the liberty to explore the topic for not. Fortunately, the latter did.


"It was my mom who taught me how to cook it." Irene started. "I think I was just nine that time and it was before she joined dad in the company. My grandpa got sick so we decided to visit him and make him noodle soup. That was.. actually the last happy memory I have of her."


Irene said honestly and she even surprised herself with how open she bare herself with Wendy. Aside from her three friends, she doesn't let anyone know what she really feels, especially if it's about her family. But with Wendy, everything is different.


"I stopped cooking noodle soup since she left us." Irene continued, deciding to tell all. She trusts Wendy that much. "It just reminds me of her and- it hurts."


Instinctively, Wendy held Irene's hand, brushing her thumb against it.


Irene returned the gesture. "It's alright, Seungwan-ah. I'm okay. Besides, I have the girls." She smiled. "And I have you now."


Wendy nodded with a smile. "That you do, unnie." Even after this day ends, I'll just be here if you need me.


After the two finished eating, they decided to rest for a while and laid down on the mat side by side, admiring the sky. 


"Wow, the sky's so beautiful." Irene exclaimed.


Wendy gave a small laugh. "I didn't know you're the sentimental type, unnie."


"Why? It doesn't suit me?" Irene asked, a hint of playfulness in her voice.


"Hm.." Wendy paused to think. "The Queen Irene Bae doesn't, but the Bae Joohyun does."


Irene laughs. "What's the difference?"


"Well," Wendy turned to her right, facing Irene. "Queen Irene Bae is like your mask. It's the face you show to others- the tough and scary you. While Bae Joohyun is the real you. The face you show to people close to you- the caring, soft, and clingy you." Wendy said the last words with a tease.


Irene hits Wendy's shoulder playfully at the teasing remark. "But how do you know Bae Joohyun is the real me though?"


"Because, I believe that all people are good by nature." Wendy answered. "It's just that some bad things happen so they created this other side of them to protect themselves from getting hurt."


Irene nodded at the explanation. "How about you though, Seungwan? What's your other side's like?"


"Oh, me?" Wendy ponders at the question and scratches her head when she can't think of an answer. She grins. "I guess this is all of me."


"But you said the other side of us is a facade to protect ourselves from getting hurt, how would you do that for yourself then?"


"Hmm," Wendy pondered once more. "Well, guess I can't. But, I can just comfort myself." 


Irene raised a brow. "How?"


"With.. music?" Wendy answered with a grin.


Irene smiled at this. "You really love singing, huh?"


"Yes." Wendy answered in a beat. "You can express whatever you feel with music. And you can inspire others too. It's like a therapy, unnie."


"Yeah, I think so too." Irene agreed, silently reminiscing the first time she heard Wendy sing and how it made her feel good. "Especially your voice."


"Ei, unnie." Wendy was flustered at the sudden compliment.


"I'm serious though, Seungwan." Irene answered in all sincerity. "You know what, I actually want to hear you sing again right now."




"Sing for me, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled.


Wendy groans playfully but obliged nonetheless. She sat up and sang once again for Irene. 


You're really great, Seungwan-ah. Irene thought as she listened to Wendy.


"I'll protect you, Seungwan." Irene said as soon as Wendy finished singing.


Wendy, surprised with what Irene said, turned her head to look at the older girl. Irene was giving her a soft smile.


"I'll protect you." Irene repeated. 


Wendy laughs awkwardly. "What's with this all of a sudden, unnie?"


Irene sat up beside Wendy. "You don't have the other side of you that you said can protect you from getting hurt. And though I'm glad that you have something to comfort you with instead, I would like it even more if you have something or someone to protect you."


"So," Irene grins. "I'll protect you, Seungwan-ah."


Wendy felt touched at what Irene said. She really has her way with words. Nonetheless, it felt good.


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy smiled. "I'll protect Bae Joohyun as well."


"Ugh. Very cheesy, Son Seungwan."


"Yah, unnie. You started it."


The two laugh at their own cheesiness. 


By the time they arrived at Wendy's apartment, the sun had already set.


"I had a great time, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled.


"Me too, unnie." Is this the part where you'll say your goodbye?


"Go inside now. I'll go once you've entered."


But.. How can I leave knowing that this day would be the last time..


I don't even know what's wrong with me. Why am I feeling sad about this? I already expected this right? Is this separation anxiety? 


"Seungwan?" Irene called out when Wendy is not giving any response. "Are you okay?"


I thought I was. But how can I not be? It's not like we're real girlfriends right? I'm just a phase, a girlfriend for 100 days. And it's not like I have romantic feelings for unnie, right? 


"Hey, Seungwan?"


"Oh- oh, unnie." Wendy was brought back to reality with a touch on her cheek. She looked up at Irene and the older girl was looking at her with concern.


"What's wrong?"


"N-nothing, unnie."


"Are you sure?"


Wendy nodded.


"Okay then." Irene noticed that Wendy is still not making a move to leave the car. "You don't want to go in yet?"


"You want to leave now, unnie?"


"Well, I want you to rest. But if you still don't want to go in-"


"Would you like to go in then?" Wendy asked before she could stop herself. Oh my god. Did I just invite Joohyun unnie in? Why are you making this harder for you, Son Seungwan.


Irene looks at the younger girl who is obviously blushing.


"Oh ho, is this your way of saying that you still want to spend time with me, Seungwan-ah?" Irene decided to tease the girl instead.


Hearing Irene's words made Wendy realize that she's having this separation anxiety because yes, I think I still want to spend time with you, unnie.


Irene expected Wendy to laugh and play along, so she was taken aback when Wendy didn't even react or say a word. Instead, Wendy has this forlorn look on her.


"Okay, Seungwan. What's really wrong?" Irene held Wendy's hand, grabbing the younger girl's attention.


Wendy sighs. "Can.. Can I be honest, unnie?"


"Of course, Seungwan-ah. I want you to be." Irene was worried. "Why? What's happening? What's wrong?"


Wendy tightened her hold on Irene's hand. "I.. I'm just gonna miss you, unnie."


"What?" Irene was confused. She thought she heard Wendy wrong, because the way the latter delivered it was like the younger is saying goodbye. "Wait. Are you going somewhere? Are you leaving?"


"What? No, unnie. I'm not. I mean, not me." Wendy whispered the last word but Irene was able to hear.


Irene was getting more confused. "What does that mean? Are you saying I'm gonna leave?"


Wendy didn't answer.


"Son Seungwan." Wendy silently shivered at how Irene said her name. It was like it was Queen Bae who was calling her. "Look at me."


Oh right, it's the Queen Bae.


Wendy slowly obliged and looked up to meet Irene's eyes.


"I don't understand a thing that's happening so can you just tell me directly what's going on?" Irene asked, and Wendy felt guilty because despite the older girl's straight face, Wendy can hear the worry in her voice. "Seungwan-ah, what's wrong?"


Wendy sighed. Just be honest, Seungwan and get over it.


"I'm.. I'm sorry unnie." Wendy started. "I.. I know I shouldn't feel this way. I'm actually making it awkward for the both of us because I'm like this." Wendy tried to laugh.


Irene just listens, knowing that Wendy will say more.


"I guess I just became too attached....with the girls---with you." Wendy gave a small smile. "It's crazy because from the start, I already know this will end after 100 days and yet, I'm being a baby over this. Well, I gue-"


Wendy wasn't able to continue when Irene held her palm up, signalling for Wendy to stop.


"Wait. I'm at lost here." Irene asked, confusion evident on her face. "What will end after 100 days?" 


"Uhh.." Oh my goodness, unnie. Why are you making it hard for me? Do I really have to say it out loud?


"Uhh.. This." Wendy gestured to herself then to Irene. "This."


Irene followed the gesture and it's like a light bulb clicked on her. Irene's eyes widened. "You're breaking up with me?"


"Wh- what?" Wendy became confused as well. "No, unnie." Urgh, fine. Let's just say it directly. "You're breaking up with me."




Wendy flinched at the loud answer.


"Why would I break up with you???"




"Wait, do you want me to?? Do you want me to break up with you?? Is that what you're saying, Seungwan?"


"What? No, unnie." Wendy can feel a headache coming. Oh my, I'm getting confused as well. 


"Then why would I break up with you??"


"Because it's been 100 days, unnie." Wendy answered. She didn't know why Irene can't seem to understand what she's referring to.


"Yes, and so??"


"And so after today, this is all over. This- this relationship." Wendy said it like a reminder.


"What? Why would it be over just because it's been 100 da-"


Irene stopped herself and from her reaction, Wendy knew that Irene already understood what's going on. Finally.


"You.." Irene started slowly, letting go of Wendy's hand. "You think I'm gonna break up with you because I never dated anyone for more than 100 days." Irene scoffed, surprising Wendy. "You think what I have for you is just like what I had with those random girls."


Wendy wasn't able to answer it. Why.. Why does she look offended? She gulped. I.. I can't be wrong, right? 


Confirming her words with Wendy's silence, Irene took off her seatbelt and left the car. Wendy watched as Irene went to her side and opened the car door, signalling for Wendy to get off. 


"Open your apartment. Let's talk inside." Irene said it in a quiet voice but it still scares Wendy.


Before Wendy can ask if the older is mad at her, Irene walks towards the door, waiting for Wendy to open it. Wendy obliged and opened the door for Irene who settled on the couch, deep in thought.


"U-unnie.." Wendy called out, seeing that Irene is still not saying anything. "Are- are you angry?"


Irene sighs and she looks back at Wendy. "I thought you trust me, Seungwan?"


"Wh-" Wendy panicked seeing the hurt in Irene's eyes. She hurriedly sat down beside Irene, taking the older girl's hand. "I do unnie, I do. I would even trust you with my life."


Irene gave a sad smile. "So you just don't trust me with relationships then? You don't trust me to be serious with this relationship." 


Wendy squeezed Irene's hand on her. "I trust you, unnie."


"But you don't think I meant it when I told you I like you. Right? You don't think I'm being serious?" 


Is she.. Is she saying she's really serious about us?




Irene sighs once more. "You mean after all that I said and did... Nothing? Haven't I shown my sincerity enough? Haven't I done enough?"


"What, no! No, no, unnie." Wendy assured Irene and held tightly to the latter's hand. "Don't think you've not done enough, unnie."


Wendy doesn't want Irene to think that way because for the 100 days that they've been together, Irene was nothing but sincere and honest with her. Irene always did the talk, she's always shown Wendy that she means what she says.


But the problem is with me.


"Then why don't you believe me, Seungwan?"


"I.. It's me, unnie. I'm the problem."




"You've shown and done enough, unnie." Wendy sighs and decides to just tell what she really feels. "But I guess I just can't believe that someone will like me, especially someone like you. You're like, everyone's dream girl you know." Wendy tried to smile. "So I've unconsciously formed in my brain that this isn't all true, that I'm just like any other girl's you've dated with because it's impossible that someone, especially someone as good as you, can like me."


"Why would you think that way, Seungwan-ah?" Irene asked, softly this time.


Wendy shrugged. "Because I'm just me, unnie."


Wendy tried to avoid Irene's eyes by lowering her head but Irene didn't let her. The latter gently raises Wendy's jaw, forcing the younger to look back at her.


Irene was honestly angry earlier. She was disappointed and offended. But hearing Wendy's explanation and seeing the vulnerability in her eyes right now, it's like her heart was pricked. She's hurt that Wendy thinks this way about herself.


"You know why I made you my girlfriend?" Irene asked, a gentle smile on her face.


Wendy gave a short shake of head.


"When I saw you for the first time at the auditorium last year, you had this effect on me. Maybe because of your voice, or of how passionate you look that day, or because of how you've made me feel by just listening to you.  But that time I'm too preoccupied with a lot of things that I never paid any attention to it. I just knew that you're different. "


"And when we met again three months ago, all you've done is make me feel things that.. I didn't know I could still feel. How you've taken me to the clinic and made sure I was okay. Or how when we met at the rooftop and you were more worried about me instead of worrying about yourself first." Irene gave a soft laugh at the memory. Back then, she thought Wendy was crazy because she's the one getting bullied and yet, she's more worried over Irene's wound.


"You're different among all the other girls I've been with, and it scares me." Irene said, surprising Wendy.


"Wh-why?" Wendy managed to ask.


"I'm scared of how you can make me feel all sorts of things with just your simple words and actions. And it scares me because... After Jennie, I promised not to take anyone seriously again. I guess I was afraid to get hurt again."


Wendy squeezed Irene's hand and the latter smiled at the gesture.


"So I tried to avoid you." Irene continued. "Sooyoung's almost begging me to do something you know." Irene laughs. "But I didn't want to get involved with you because I'm afraid that once I do, I can never stop."


"Then.. why did you help me that day, unnie?" Wendy asked, pertaining to the day Irene announced to everyone that Wendy is her girlfriend. 


"Well.. When I saw that you're about to take that guy's hand, I felt that it was my last chance to do something and that if I don't, I'll never be given another opportunity again. It's the end."


Irene smiled. "So I realized that as much as I'm afraid to fall and get hurt again, I was more afraid to lose the opportunity to get to know you. I was more afraid to lose you." 


Wendy was surprised. She's at loss for words. She was afraid to lose me?


"When I told you that I want you to be my girlfriend because I like you and I want to get to know you, it's true, Seungwan-ah." Irene continued. "Back then I was thinking to just see where this goes. But as days passed and I got to know you more, I'm liking you more each day. Your smile, your voice, your warmth, all of it, all of you."


Irene smiles once again as she caresses Wendy's cheek. "So contrary to what you've said that no one will like you because you're just you, you're more than just you, Seungwan. And the reason why I like you, is because you're you." 


"I like you, Seungwan-ah. And I.. I just don't like you." Irene said, looking straight into Wendy's eyes. 


Wendy gulps. Is she saying that..


Wendy froze as Irene cups Wendy's face with her hands. The older girl leans in slowly, capturing Wendy's lips with hers. It was just a soft kiss before Irene pulls back and stares at Wendy's surprised orbs.


"I love you, Seungwan-ah."


Wh- wh- What?


"U-unnie, uh, I-"


Irene smiled softly and caressed Wendy's cheek once more. "You don't have to answer me right now, Seungwan."


Wendy didn't know what to say. But she didn't want Irene to think that she's rejecting her, especially with how the latter is looking at her softly, not even with a hint of disappointment.


"U-unnie.. It's- it's not that I don't.." Wendy is at loss. She hasn't gotten over the fact that Irene, the Bae Irene, just kissed her and confessed to her.


But what am I supposed to say? All along I thought this is just a 100 day relationship then she confessed that she loves me, and kissed me. She kissed me. Joohyun unnie kissed me. Oh my gosh.


But I don't.. I don't know how I feel. I didn't see this coming, I haven't sorted out my feelings yet. 


"Seungwan." Wendy was pulled out from her reverie, she felt Irene holding her cheek once more.


"You don't have to say anything about it." Irene reassured with a smile. "I know you're confused. And I didn't tell it because I'm pressuring you to say it back."


"I just want you to know that I love you." Irene continued. "And I'll wait till you have an answer. But until you reject me, you're my girlfriend."


Irene grins and Wendy instantly felt guilty. She throws herself to the older, hugging her tight.


"I'm sorry, unnie." So much for saying that I'll protect you too. 


"Yah, why are you saying sorry?" Irene asked playfully as she returned the hug. "It's not like you're rejecting me, right?"


Wendy immediately pulls back from the hug and shakes her head. "I'm not unnie. I'm not rejecting you." How can I even do that? 


"Then don't say sorry." Irene poked Wendy's nose. "It's alright, Seungwan-ah. Don't feel guilty. You're still my girlfriend, you know."


Wendy just nodded.


"Hey, come on." Irene called out, still seeing the guilty look on Wendy's face. "I didn't tell it to you so you can be guilty and pressured like this. I told you how I feel because I want you to know that you're amazing and that you're not impossible to love. Please don't feel awkward because of it, Seungwan?"


Wendy heard the pleading and worry. She immediately shakes her head. "I won't, unnie. I'm sorry."


"There you go again apologising for something you shouldn't have." Irene said with a chuckle.


"Oh, I'm sor-" Wendy covered quickly, stopping herself. Seeing Irene laughs at her made Wendy smile.


"So we're good, right, Seungwan?" Irene asked with a smile.


Wendy nodded. "Definitely, unnie."


"Oh thank God," Irene exclaimed as she hugs Wendy. "I thought you're breaking up with me earlier!"


Wendy chuckled through the hug. "I thought that's what you're gonna do too, unnie." But I'm glad it didn't happen.


"I can never." Irene answered, letting go of the hug. "I love you too much to do that."


Wendy smiled. "Thank you, unnie."


Irene shakes her head. "No Seungwan, thank you. For agreeing to be my girlfriend 3 months ago."


"You practically left me with no choice that time, unnie." Wendy teased.


"What the- Yah, Son Seungwan!"


"But I'm glad you're my girlfriend too, unnie." Wendy cringed. It's like the first time she said it out loud.


Irene laughs. "Why does it sound greasy when it comes from you?" She cringed as well. "Ugh, so greasy Seungwan-ah." 


"Yah, unnie!"


Irene laughs at the pout even more. Wendy looks at the laughing girl beside her and she can't help but smile as well.


It feels like I'm dreaming right now. The confession. The kiss.


Wendy felt herself blushed at the memory.


You deserve all the love too, unnie. And I want to love you back.


But I think I'm just scared. This feels like a dejavu and I'm still scared.


Wendy shakes her head at the last thought. She looks again at Irene who is saying something funny, Wendy assumes, as the older girl is still laughing but Wendy is too preoccupied with her own thoughts to hear her. Seeing Irene laugh is enough for her.


I trust unnie. She's not like him, Seungwan. She's not like him.




A/N: Thank you for all the votes, comments, and subscribers. :) The next chapter will took a bit longer to update than usual, but rest assured that I'll update. This story has still a long way to go. ~_^

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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy