Chapter IV

My Girl

"So Wendy unnie, mind telling me how was your first kiss with Joohyun unnie?" Yeri asked, teasingly. Right now, only her and Wendy are in the Queens' lounge so Yeri took this opportunity to interrogate the older girl.




"What? What do you mean 'what', unnie? I'm asking about your first kiss." Yeri answered, almost laughing.


"But we- we haven't." Wendy answered.


"You haven't?" Yeri laughs. "Ey unnie, it's okay to tell me. No need to be shy. And you can't fool me, I know Joohyun unnie."


"But. We really haven't."


Yeri stopped laughing and looked at Wendy who is obviously not joking with her right now. Yeri's eyes widened.


"You mean, you two haven't had your first kiss yet?" Yeri asked, surprised. "Joohyun unnie never made a move on you yet? Really?"


Wendy never thought that Irene would make a move on her but since they really never kissed yet, Wendy nodded.


 "Woah. That's.. That's unexpected." Yeri said, still in surprise. 


Wendy was about to ask what was surprising about that when she remembered that they were talking about the Queen Bae here. Beside from being the powerful and fearless leader of the Queens, Irene is also known at the University for being the ultimate playgirl. She would be in a relationship with anyone she wanted and would break up with them once she felt like it. She's the notorious playgirl who doesn't care about making out in public.


That's when it dawned Wendy that ever since she became Irene's girlfriend, all the Queen does is to hold her hand and hug her. It's not that Wendy is waiting for Irene to kiss her or make out with her.  But upon hearing Yeri's question, Wendy can't help but wonder. She's different with me.


"Maybe she doesn't like me as much compared to her past girlfriends?" Wendy asked innocently. That's the only answer she can think of.


"What? No!" Yeri panicked. "No, no, Wendy unnie. I'm sure that's not it."


"It's okay though, Yeri-ah." Wendy smiled, assuring the younger girl. "I'm not mad or anything. It's fine."


"But it's really not, unnie. Don't think that way. Joohyun unnie will kill me."


"And why would I kill you, Yerim?" Irene asks as she opens the door, followed by Seulgi and Joy.


"Oh thank goodness you're here, unnie!" Yeri exclaimed. 


"Why? What's wrong?" Irene looked at Yeri then to Wendy.


"Wendy unnie here thinks that you don't like her that much."


"Well, I- I just.."


Seeing Wendy stutters, Irene addressed Yeri. "What did you even tell her?"


"Nothing unnie, I swear!" Yeri raised both her arms as if surrendering. "I just asked Wendy unnie how was your first kiss-"




"-and she told me you haven't had yet."


"Oh my gosh, really?" Joy joined the conversation and pats Irene's shoulder. "Woah, you've changed, unnie."


"Yah! You two stop it." Irene glared.


"So Wendy unnie thought that it's because you don't like her as much." Yeri continued.


Irene tore her gaze from Yeri and looked at Wendy who was standing awkwardly a few meters from her. "Is it true, Seungwan-ah?"


"I.. I didn't mean it to.. I don't mean to offend you, Joohyun unnie. I just- I just thought-"


Wendy found it even more difficult to answer when Irene heaved a sigh.


Seulgi, who is just listening until now, decided to step up. "Yah, you two, I need some people to practice my choreography. Come with me." Seulgi said, gesturing towards the two maknaes.


"But unnie, I-"


"No buts, Kim Yerim. Let's go." Seulgi dragged Yeri towards the exit, tapping Joy along. "You too, Sooyoung."


"Okay. Fine." Sooyoung unwillingly followed.


Once the three are out, Irene walks towards Wendy and lifts the latter's chin so the younger girl is facing her.


"You really think that, Seungwan?" Irene asked gently.


Wendy need not say anything to confirm this as Irene can already see the guilt from Wendy's eyes.


"Okay." Irene nodded. "So do you want to make out with me then?" Irene asked, still looking straight at Wendy. "Get to the first base, maybe?" Irene said as she took off her blazer. 


"Wh-what?! What are you talking about? What are you doing?" Wendy did one step backwards and crossed her arms on her chest. "We- we were just starting with this, uh, relationship. I- I don't.. I'm- I'm not ready. I'm sorry." Wendy stutters as she drops her head low as she fears that Irene might get offended with the rejection. She is THE Irene Bae, and no one rejects her. 


To Wendy's surprise, Irene's voice was soft and calm when she answered her.


"That's why, Seungwan-ah. That's the answer."


Irene stepped closer to Wendy and lifted the latter's chin again. When Wendy was now looking at Irene, the Queen cups the younger's cheek, making the latter gulp.


"I know you're not ready and you don't have to apologize for it. I respect that. I respect you."




"When I told you before that I want you to be my girlfriend because I like you and I want to get to know you, I meant that, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled gently, brushing her thumb on Wendy's cheek. "It's not because I want to get into your pants."


Wendy coughs at Irene's direct words. "I didn't mean to say that that's what you wanted, unnie." Wendy felt apologetic. She thought she offended Irene. "I'm sorry if I offended you, unnie." 


Irene shakes her head, assuring Wendy. "I'm not. And even if I did, I would understand. I know how bad my reputation with girls is." 


"But..You're not. You're not bad." Wendy said. She knows how bad Irene's reputation in relationships is. She heard and saw this already by chance last year. But Wendy didn't want Irene to think bad about herself, especially because for the past month, all she saw is how good the leader of the Queen is.


"Really? You thought so?" Irene asked, to which Wendy answered in a heartbeat.


"Yes, unnie."


"Well, I'm glad." Irene smiled. "I really wanted to treat you right you, know."




"Because you're different, Seungwan-ah. It's not because I don't like you that much."


This time, Irene cupped both of Wendy's cheeks. "It's maybe because I like you too much."


Wendy was speechless at Irene's confession. Until now, she doesn't know what's going on Irene's mind. Wendy doesn't even know if this girlfriend thing that they have is real, or till when will she be Irene's girlfriend. But with how the way Irene is looking at her now, all Wendy can see is her softness and sincerity.


Maybe she really is like this to her past girlfriends? So will she also break up with me after a hundred days? But. She just said that I'm different. So then.. Is this for real?


"And next time," Irene patted the younger girl's cheek which distracted Wendy from her thoughts. "Don't take Yerim too seriously. You know already how she can be a pain in the ."


Wendy smiled, deciding to stop with her over thinking. "Okay, unnie."


Irene was about to withdraw her hand from Wendy's cheek when the latter noticed a small, but obvious cut on the older girl's thumb.


"Oh, wait, Joohyun unnie." Wendy said as she held Irene's hand and inspected it. Yup. Definitely a cut.


"You cut your finger?" Wendy asked in concern.


"Oh, this?" Irene withdrew her hand from Wendy's hold and inspected it as well. "It's just a small cut. No biggies."


But Wendy took Irene's hand again to see the wound one more time. She frowns. "Yes it's just a small cut. But it's still fresh. When did this happen?"




"No wonder it's still a fresh wound. How did you even cut your finger, unnie?"


"I was cooking."


Wendy looked at Irene scrutinizingly. "You don't know how to cook, do you, unnie?"


"What? I know of course." Irene argued as she moved to withdraw her hand back again, only for Wendy to hold it tighter.


"Let's get this cleaned up, unnie."


"It's nothing, Seungwan-ah."


"It's a cut, and still fresh. You can get infected with this, unnie." Wendy answered as she shakes her head at Irene's nonchalantness.


Wendy, still holding Irene's hand, pulled the latter to sit on the couch. She then gets her first aid kit from her bag, amusing Irene.


"You have that in your bag?"


"Yeah. Some say my bag is like Doraemon's pocket." 


Irene laughs at the joke. She then focused her attention on Wendy who is concentrated on tending her wound. Wendy applied the betadine gently then sealed it with a band-aid. Watching Wendy doing her thing carefully and with concern warms Irene. She can feel her heart beating fast, nonetheless, she smiled at the sweet gesture.


"Done." Wendy announced proudly. "Be careful now, unnie."


Irene smiled once more and patted Wendy's head. "I will. Thanks, Seungwan-ah."




Today is Joy's birthday and since the Queen is already an adult and she can go to bars now, they decided to celebrate her birthday in this newly opened bar.


Irene fetched Wendy at the latter's apartment while the rest of the Queens went ahead first. When Irene and Wendy arrive, the bar is already crowded with people, some of them, Wendy recognized, are their co-students.


"Wow. It's a blast in here." Wendy commented.


"Of course. Especially since it's Friday night." Irene answered. "Come on, the girls are on the second floor."


"This bar has just recently opened, right unnie?" Wendy asked as she followed Irene.


"Yes. Today's the first day to be exact."


"And it's already this famous? Wow." Wendy exclaimed. "What's this bar called again, unnie? 'Your Joy'?"


"Yes it is."


"The name fits Sooyoung, unnie." Wendy has called the second younger Queen by her English name at first, but as days passed and they got along well, Joy insisted for Wendy to call her by her real name, saying how awkward it is for her that Wendy is the only one who called her differently among her friends. That touched Wendy, to be referred to as their friend now.


"Of course she would name this after herself." Irene giggled.


"Eh? Why would Sooyoung name th-" Wendy's eyes widened as realization hit her. "This bar is Sooyoung's?"


"Oh right, I've forgotten to tell you." Irene answered. "Sooyoung's been dreaming to go to bars since high school. So as a gift to herself now that she's an adult, she got this bar."


"What? This bar is just a gift to herself?" Wendy was amused. Woah. They really are the Queens.


Irene laughs and closes Wendy's hanging jaw. "You really have good reactions, Seungwan-ah."


Soon enough, they reached the room where the other Queens were staying. Wendy was in awe as she entered the luxurious room. The room alone is already like a mini bar itself. It is a soundproof room with a stage and a bar counter with lots of alcohol and wine.


"Oh finally, the lovebirds are here!" Yeri exclaimed. "Let's eat now."


"Hey, happy birthday, Sooyoung-ah. This bar is really great." Wendy approached Joy while the rest were getting their food. 


"Thanks, unnie. I've been wanting this since forever."


"So I've been told." Wendy laughs along. "Oh and here, happy birthday." Wendy gave the box she was holding.


"I can't think of anything else to give you so I just baked you a cake?" Wendy said shyly.


"You baked this yourself, unnie?" Joy asked as she opened the box. "Woah. It looks good."


"Uh, glad you like it?"


"Absolutely, unnie." Joy answered as she hugged Wendy.


"Okay, that's enough, Sooyoung-ah. Let her go now." Irene called out from where she was sitting. "Seungwan-ah, here." Irene patted the seat beside her.


Snickers can be heard from the three members of the Queens at Irene's obvious jealousy while Wendy makes her way beside Irene.


Fun loving people.


That's what Wendy thought as she laughed and sang along with the Queens. The Queens though, keep praising her for her sense of humor that they never thought she had.


"Oh my gosh, you're so funny, Wendy-ah." Seulgi said, tears on her eyes from all the laughing. Wendy keeps dancing heavily to random songs which entertain them a lot.


"Hoo, I'm so tired now. Let me rest a bit." Wendy huffs as she sits beside Irene again, leaving the three Queens on the dance floor.


Irene handed her a glass of water, smiling. "I didn't know you had that in you. Or is it the alcohol?"


Wendy shakes her head. "Nah. I haven't drunk much yet."


"So you're naturally funny like that?"


"Uh, I don't know." Wendy scratches her head. "Was I funny?"


Irene laughs. "Yes."


"Omo. Did I just embarrassed myself?"


"No." Irene answered and smiled. "I want to see this side of you often. Just, the carefree you."


"Well.. You guys are fun people too, so I think that brought about it."


"So that means you're more comfortable with us now. Isn't it?"


"Uh.. Well.. Yes, I guess." Wendy admitted shyly.


"I'm glad." Irene smiles and ruffles Wendy's hair. "You want another shot?" Irene offered to pour Wendy's glass, which the latter accepted. Wendy then noticed that Irene hasn't emptied yet her first glass.


"You're not a drinker, unnie?"


"I can drink, I think. But not when I'm with those three." Irene pointed at her three members who were singing their hearts out on the stage.


"Oh why not?"


"They're really a handful when drunk." Irene answered with a knowing smile. "Besides, I need to drive us home."


"Oh, okay then. Then I'll just join you here."


True enough to Irene's words, her three members started to get drunk after a couple more drinks.


"Oh my gosh, I'm going to throw up!" Yeri exclaimed as she rushed to the restroom.


"Urgh, me too." Seulgi followed.


"Okay, that's my cue." Irene was about to follow them when Wendy stopped her.


"I'll go with them, unnie."


"No, it's okay. I'll look after them. They're kinda messy." Irene said, shaking her head. She then gestured towards Joy who was sitting on the couch, eyes closed. "Just look after Sooyoung. She's usually behave. She just babbles too much." 


Wendy nodded and headed towards Joy while Irene followed Seulgi and Yeri.


"Sooyoung-ah, you okay?" Wendy asked as she sat beside Joy.


Joy opened one eye to take a peek. "Oh, Wendy unnie."


"You want some water?"


"No unnie, I'm just a bit dizzy." Joy answered as she leaned her head on Wendy's shoulder. "Let me close my eyes a bit."


"Okay then." Wendy smiled. She felt like she's taking care of a younger sister.


"Unnie?" Joy called, still in the same position.




"Do you like Joohyun unnie?"


Oh. "Uh.." Wendy doesn't know what to answer. She doesn't even know what she feels right now towards the leader of the Queens. She likes Irene as a person, yes. But Wendy knows it's not what Joy is pertaining about. 


"It's okay if you don't like her, or if you don't like her yet, unnie. I understand. It's only been almost two months after all, and you had an extraordinary start. I mean, one day she's mad at you then the next day she's claiming you're her girlfriend. So I think you may still be at loss right now with what's happening between you two. "


Wendy didn't know what to say. Everything Joy said just hits perfectly.


"But, I can feel that you're a really good person, unnie." Joy continued sleepily, not even moving from leaning into Wendy. "And maybe, you still don't feel the same way for unnie, but I can see that you care for her. And that's enough for me, at least for now."


Wendy nodded. She admits that she learns to care for the older girl now.


"So, will you do me a favor, unnie? Think of it as a birthday wish."


"Okay Sooyoung-ah. What is it?"


This time, Joy finally opened her eyes and sat up straight. She looks towards the farthest door, to where the restroom is located and where their other friends are.


"Take care of Joohyun unnie?" Joy answered, finally looking at Wendy. "I can tell that she really likes you, unnie. I've never seen Joohyun unnie genuinely smile at someone other than us. You're the first one, since her breakup with Jennie."


"Jennie? Who.. Who's Jennie?"


"She's Joohyun unnie's first girlfriend..first love." Joy answered without hesitating. Wendy thought she was really drunk right now that she just keeps revealing things. But Wendy has no time to think about that when she hears who Jennie is.


Joohyun unnie's first love?


"They broke up three years ago, and it broke Joohyun unnie really bad." Joy sighed. "Since then, unnie hasn't had a serious relationship. She became this cold girl who keeps on playing around with girls. I think it's her defense mechanism. She's afraid to get hurt again that's why she doesn't take relationships seriously anymore."


Wendy just listened and absorbed all this information. Just how hurt she was for her to be like this. Somehow, Wendy felt hurt for Irene. I clearly understand that feeling.


"But with you, unnie's different." Joy continued, interrupting Wendy's thoughts. "I can see the old her when she's with you. I've got to admit, I don't know what's really going on inside Joohyun unnie's head or what she really feels, but from what I can see, you make her happy, unnie." Joy looks at Wendy and smiles, a bit drunkenly.


"So, please take care of her, unnie?"


It didn't take too long for Wendy to answer. Though she's still not sure about how she feels for Irene, Wendy knows that she doesn't want her self-proclaimed girlfriend to get hurt, especially after seeing how good of a person the Queen is.


"I will, Sooyoung-ah."


Joy smiled brightly hearing Wendy's answer. "Ah, that's great, unnie. I feel so relieved." Joy once again leaned on Wendy's shoulder, closing her eyes. "And don't worry unnie, in return, I'll be your protector. I will even literally knock some sense into Joohyun unnie if she hurts you, which I know she wouldn't by the way, but yeah, I'm just saying."


Wendy chuckles at Joy's rambling. "You're a good friend, Sooyoung-ah."


"Hm." Joy agreed absentmindedly, feeling the alcohol seeping in once more.


Irene exited the restroom, dragging Seulgi and Yeri on each hand and Wendy smiles internally at the sight. Irene looks like a mom taking care of her two kids. She then remembered what Joy told her about Irene's ex and Wendy frowns. How can someone break her? Joohyun unnie is like.. perfect.


"Is she asleep already?" Irene asked, gesturing towards Joy.


"I'm not, unnie." Joy answered instead. "I'm just dizzy."


"Okay, let's go home then, kids." Irene announced, making Wendy laugh. She's really like a mom.


With some difficulty, Irene and Wendy managed to get the three Queens into the car. Wendy learned that whenever the Queens have this kind of night's out, they will often sleep at Irene's house, because most of the time, Irene is the only sober one left.


They arrived at Irene's house and Wendy can't believe her eyes. This is not a house. It's a mansion!


Again, with some difficulty, they both managed to settle the drunk girls into their respective rooms.


"They each have a separate room in your house?" Wendy asked amusingly.


"Yes, since we've always been together anyways and they often accompany me so when we moved into this house, I made sure that there were rooms for them."


"Wow, you guys are really close."


"Yes, dear." Irene laughs at Wendy's amused expression. They were now standing at the door of Yeri's room after dropping the maknae off to her bed.


"Uh so, Seungwan-ah.. Would you.. I mean.. Do you like to.. stay over?" Irene asked shyly and Wendy almost squeals at how cute the older girl is when she's being shy like this. Nevertheless, Wendy decided to focus and answer the question.


"Uhh.. It's fine, unnie. I can just go home. I didn't even drink much."


Irene nodded. "Okay then, let's go. I'll drive you home."


"Wha- no, Joohyun unnie. I'm good. It's almost midnight now. You should just rest. I can go home perfectly fine."


"Yes, it's almost midnight, Seungwan-ah. That's why I won't let you go home on your own. Come on, I'll drive you."




"You'll never win over me about this, Seungwan." Irene said sternly. "I'll drive you home or you'll stay the night here."


Wendy gulps. Seeing Irene's stern look, there's no way she can convince the Queen otherwise. Wendy weighed her options. She finds it awkward to stay overnight at the Queen's house especially since it's her said to be girlfriend's house. But it's almost midnight now and she doesn't want to trouble Irene by driving her home. Besides, she'll also be worried once Irene will drive back alone since it's already so late at night. So with a sigh, Wendy finally decided.


"Uhh, I guess I'll.. just stay the night, unnie."


"Really?" Irene was surprised. She knows how uncomfortable it can be for Wendy.


"I mean, if it's okay unnie."


"Of course it is, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled. "Come, I'll lend you clothes."


Irene led Wendy to a room and upon opening it, Wendy was surprised once more to see that the whole room is a walk-in closet. Irene gets a pair of pajamas and hands it to Wendy.


"Is that okay for you?"


"Uh, yes, unnie. Thank you."


"Uh so the guest rooms are down on the second floor. But if you're not comfortable with your room being far from ours, you can just sleep in one of our rooms." Irene said, pertaining to the rooms of the Queens.


'Our rooms'?


Wendy silently gulps at the thought. She feels it doesn't seem right to sleep in the same room as Irene. I mean, we.. we're girlfriends. Right?


Wendy cringed at the thought. Until now, she still can't comprehend the relationship they're in. Still, Wendy thinks it's not appropriate to share a room with your girlfriend in your girlfriend's house.


What will the parents--her father say?


"Seungwan?" Irene chuckles. "You're spacing out."


"Oh, Uhh.." Wendy laughs awkwardly. "I didn't realize."


"So I've noticed." Irene chuckled once more. "So? Where do you want to sleep?"


"Uhh.. Can I.. just share a room.. with Seulgi?"


"Alright." Irene answered, silently sighing in relief. I don't think I'll be able to sleep if Seungwan decided to sleep with me- I mean, sleep--in the same room as mine.


Irene then accompanied Wendy to Seulgi's room.


"So.. Goodnight, Seungwan-ah."


"Uh yes. Goodnight, Joohyun unnie."


That night, both entered their rooms with smiles on their faces. 




Wendy woke up with a knock on the door. Blinking a few times, she recalled she had slept in Irene's house. Wendy checked for the time on her phone and being a light sleeper who often wakes up early, she was surprised that it's already 9 in the morning. She stretched her arms and when her left arm came in contact with something, that's when she remembered that she was with Seulgi. Wendy looks at the Queen who is still fast asleep, the blanket dangling on the edge of the bed. Wendy gets up and covers Seulgi properly with the blanket.


Knock knock knock.


Oh that's right. Someone's knocking.


Wendy carefully opens the door and finds Irene, smiling awkwardly behind it.


"Uh, sorry, did I wake you?"


"No, it's fine unnie. It's late anyways."


Irene nodded. "So I thought you must be hungry now. The breakfast is already set. Let's go?"


"Shall I wake Seulgi, unnie?"


Irene shakes her head. "Let them sleep for a while. They often get up at a later time."


Wendy nodded. "Oh, okay then."


The two arrived at the dining area and Wendy was welcomed with a long table with several, different foods lay before her. Irene settled on the head of the table and gestured to Wendy to sit on her right.


"I don't know which you prefer so I asked the cook to prepare Korean and American breakfast."


"I can eat anything, unnie." Wendy laughs.


They had their breakfast while talking about random things. Well, it's Wendy who does most of the talking while Irene just listens attentively. Irene still finds it amusingly that Wendy is such a talker.


Halfway through breakfast, they were interrupted by a voice outside the dining area.


"Where's Hyun?" came the voice of a woman.


Wendy was looking at Irene when she heard the voice and she didn't miss how Irene clenched her teeth and held tightly to her chopstick.


"I just need to talk to her. Where is-"


The woman didn't get to finish her question as she walks to the dining area and sees Irene.




Wendy looks up at the sudden guest and she can see Irene's resemblance with the older woman. Judging by their looks and by how Irene's facial expression changes, Wendy didn't need to ask who the woman is. 


"Eomma." came Irene's cold reply, eyebrows raised.


Irene's mother was about to reply when she finally noticed Wendy's presence.


"Who is she?"


"Uhh I'm-"


"She's my girlfriend." Irene answered in a beat even before Wendy can introduce herself.


"Oh." The older woman looks at Wendy up and down as if examining her. "Right. A different girl this time."


Irene's mother knows of her daughter's hobby of collecting girls. She's seen some of them whenever she tries to talk to Irene. She doesn't mind it especially because she knew that Irene was never serious to any of them.


Wendy lowered her head. It's as if she's been splashed by reality that she's just one of those girls.


"Her name is Seungwan. And why are you here? What do you want?" Irene answered her mother.


Wendy was surprised by Irene's harsh tone. It's been a while since she last saw Irene in this attitude that she almost forgot that Irene is known to the university as the Ice princess. Still, it's her mother who Irene is talking to.


"Unnie.." Wendy called quietly, reaching for Irene's hand at the table, in an attempt to calm the older.


On the other hand, Irene's mother was surprised too but managed to hide it. She's met Irene with different girls before but this is the first time that Irene introduced a girl to her.


Wendy's gesture seemed to work for Irene as the Queen heaved a sigh before asking her mother again, less harsh this time. "What do you want, eomma?"


Irene's mother was yet taken aback by what she witnessed, but decided to ignore it and get to the point.


"I want to talk to you, Hyun." The mother then turned her head towards Wendy. "You. Leave us alone."


Wendy felt Irene tightened her hold on her hand.


"Don't you talk to her th-" 


Before Irene can answer her mother, Wendy brushes her thumb against Irene's hand, getting the attention of the older girl. 


"Unnie, your mom just wants to talk to you. I can go." Wendy whispered, only for Irene to hear. "But uhm, are you gonna be okay?" 


Irene looks at Wendy and with a sigh, Irene shakes her head. "Stay." she whispered back, giving Wendy's hand a squeeze.


"Aren't you gonna leave?" Irene's mother asked Wendy, irritation evident in her voice.


Wendy squeezed back Irene's hand and smiled at the older girl before standing up, turning to face Irene's mom.


"Uh.. With all due respect ma'am, I'll stay with Joohyun unnie here." Wendy bowed her head to the older woman as an apology before taking back to her seat.


Irene looks at Wendy with wide eyes before her lips form a smile. You're really amazing, Seungwan-ah.


"Suit yourself." Irene's mom scoffed before she sat on the head of the table at the other end.


"If you're here to convince me to give my blessing for your wedding, I already made it clear that I'm not gonna do that." Irene started.




"Besides, why do you still need my approval on this?"


"You're my daughter, Hyun-ah." Irene's mom answered softly.


"Yet you didn't need my approval before you left us and lived with him."


Wendy found it awkward to be in the middle of this mother-daughter thing, and truthfully speaking, she finds Irene's mom scary. She almost left when Irene's mother told her to but the sad look on Irene's face earlier made her stay. She keeps her hold on Irene's hand, hoping to silently be a sort of support for the older girl.


"You know why I left."


"Doesn't change the fact that you gave up. On us. On me." Wendy heard the silent quiver in Irene's voice. Instinctively, she tightened her hold on Irene's hand.


"Hyun, I.. I never gave up on you. That's why I'm here. I.. If you couldn't accept our marriage, I won't force you too. I can even delay it until you're ready. Why don't you get to know him first?" 


Irene raised an eyebrow. "What are you implying?" 


"We'll go back to the US the day after tomorrow. Come with us. Lets- let's be a family there."


As a sign of respect, Wendy tried really hard not to show any reaction to this ongoing conversation. But hearing this, Wendy can't help but look at Irene's mom with wide eyes. She wants Joohyun unnie to live with them? At the States? Wendy turned to look at Irene and the Queen was looking straight at her mother, her eyes screaming of disbelief and a hint of confusion.


"Eomma, do you even know what you're saying?"


"Why? What's wrong with it?" Irene's mother answered, not backing down. "You keep saying that I left, that I left you. And now I want to prove to you that it's not true." 


"You want me to leave appa here?"


"I'm- I'm not asking you to choose Joohyun." Her mother answered softly. "I just want to be with you. Give us a chance. Give your uncle Yongwoon a chance."


Irene scoffs, hearing the name of her mom's boyfriend. "He's not my uncle. And to answer your invitation, I won't go with you, eomma"


"Why? Because of your father?" Irene's mom asked exasperatedly. "But I'm your mother, Joohyun." 


With the way Irene unconsciously clenched her fist, including the one that is holding Wendy's, the younger girl knew that these words affected Irene, she's torn between her mom and dad.


"Don't tell me it's because of your friends?" Irene's mom continued. "Because you very well know that their parents can send them to whichever country they want." The older woman then turned to Wendy. "Or is it because of these girlfriends of yours? Joohyun, you can find better girls in America."


"What did you say?" Irene hissed.


"And besides," her mother added, ignoring Irene. "Jennie is there."


At the mention of the name, Wendy's head snapped to look at Irene. Jennie.. Joohyun unnie's first love..


"I don't care." Irene answered.


"She didn't get married, Hyun." Irene's mom continued. "I know you received an invitation for her wedding last year. But I met her last month and she told me she never got married. She bailed the last minute because she realized she still loves you. She told me she's still in love with you, Hyun-ah."


"Stop it, eomma."


Wendy doesn't know what to feel. Her eyes keep going back and forth between Irene and her mom.


Her first love is still in love with Joohyun unnie? Should.. Should I be happy for her or... Wait. Does unnie still love her?


Wendy's eyes landed on Irene's and the latter didn't have any emotion to what her mother revealed. There's no emotion besides anger. 


"At the moment she has still lots to deal with at their company so she can't come back here yet but she told me she will win you back."


"I said stop it, eomma." Irene's voice was much colder this time.


"Why, Hyun-ah? I know how broken you were when she left. Now there's a chance to get back with her. Come with us and fix your relationship with Jennie. You don't have to hang around with these girlfriends that you date just for fun. Come on Joohyun, I know you still lo-"


Irene's mother didn't get to finish her words as Irene slaps the table real hard, startling both her mother and Wendy.


"Unnie." Wendy called out once more, brushing Irene's hand with her thumb.


"Leave, eomma. "


"What?" The older woman was clearly surprised. "Hyun-"


"You're disrespecting my girlfriend and I won't tolerate it." Irene said with such venom in her voice, looking directly at her mother's eyes.


"But I'm your-" 


"You're my mother. So I'm trying to respect you as much as I can despite what happened in our family." Irene then squeezed Wendy's hand once more. "And Seungwan is my girlfriend. So I'll appreciate it if you would acknowledge and respect that as well. Stop bringing Jennie's name because we're long over."


For the first time since meeting her, Wendy finds Irene's mother speechless.


"I won't come with you and your boyfriend to America. I'll stay here. And my decision is final." This time, Irene said it calmly. 


Wendy dared to look at Irene's mom and she can see hurt in her eyes.


"So.. You're choosing your father?"


Upon hearing the question, Wendy then looks at Irene and her eyes reflect the hurt in her mother's eyes. She wanted to comfort the older girl but the best she can do right now is to tighten her hold on Irene's hand.


"You're the first one who made a choice."


For the first time since their conversation, Irene looked away from her mother. Seeing this as a sign that her daughter just ended their conversation, Irene's mother heaved a sigh and stood up.


"I'll come to visit you again. Take care of yourself, Hyun-ah."


With that, Irene's mother left.


Irene let out the breath she didn't realize she's holding upon seeing her mother leave. She immediately looks at Wendy who is also looking back at her.




Irene never got to continue her words as Wendy stood from her seat and hugged Irene.


"Are you okay, unnie?" Wendy asked, patting Irene's back. Wendy knows how Irene can get affected with family issues, she has seen this before. But seeing how hurt Irene was earlier when she was talking to her mom, Wendy just wants to comfort the older girl and take her pain away.


"Seungwan.." Irene was surprised at the gesture but nonetheless leaned in to Wendy's shoulder. Irene almost cried earlier especially when her mom asked her if she was choosing her father over her. Irene loves her parents equally, she didn't want to choose. But she knows that she can't leave her father as well. Still, seeing the hurt on her mother's eyes, Irene almost cried on the spot. But she knows she can't. She has to be strong, especially since Wendy is with her and she has to defend Wendy from her mother after all that her mother has said. 


But right now, in Wendy's arm, Irene felt nothing but warmth and it comforts her. So without thinking about anything else, Irene just let it out and cried silently on Wendy's shoulder.


Wendy felt Irene shaking against her shoulder and it made her tighten her hold on the older girl. "It's alright, unnie. We're here. I'm here."


A few minutes passed and Irene already calmed down. She wiped down her tears before letting go of the hug and facing Wendy, not wanting the younger girl to see her tears. Wendy notices this and smiles to herself. She really wants to act strong, huh.


"Are you okay now, unnie?" 


Seeing Wendy looking at her with concern, Irene can't help but smile. 


"You know, you always think about others first, Seungwan-ah. I should be the one to ask you that." Irene answered as she caressed Wendy's cheek. "How about you? Are you okay? I'm.. I'm sorry about my mom, Seungwan-ah. Don't mind everything she said, hm?" 


Wendy nodded. "Don't worry about it, unnie."


Irene sighs to herself. "Take a seat, Seungwan."


Wendy observed that Irene looks bothered so she just did what Irene told her to. As Wendy sat down on her chair, Irene moved her chair closer towards Wendy, clasping both hands of the younger girl with her own.


"Seungwan.." Irene started, looking into Wendy's eyes. "Jennie.. She- she's my ex girlfriend. My first girlfriend, to be exact."


Wendy nodded. "I.. I know, unnie."


Irene's eyes widened at this. "You knew?"


Wendy smiles awkwardly. "Well, when you said that Sooyoung babbles too much when drunk, Uhh, it's true."


Irene just nodded in understanding. "What did she tell you?"


"Uhh that Jennie was your first girlfriend.. And first love. That you were broken when she left and you're not the same again with relationships." Wendy answered carefully.


"Yes, all of it is true, Seungwan-ah." Irene squeezed Wendy's hands. "But we're already over and I'm not planning on getting back with her. Trust me?"


Wendy was surprised. Is this what's bothering Joohyun unnie? She thought I might believe her mother's words so unnie's reassuring me?




Wendy was pushed back from her thoughts and was met by Irene's worried eyes. Wendy smiled and returned the squeeze on Irene's hands.


"You know I trust you, unnie."


Relief washed over Irene's face. She smiled and pulled Wendy into a hug.


"I really like you, Seungwan-ah."


Wendy stiffened at the confession. "Unnie-"


"Oh my gosh, my eyes! My eyes!"


Irene let go of the hug and both her and Wendy turned to face Yeri whose both hands are covering her eyes and Joy who is laughing beside her.


"Yah! We're not doing anything!" Irene scolds back.


"You two are hugging! Hands around each other!" Yeri screamed back.


"It's just hugging, what's wrong with it?"


"Well, you're just hugging. Right now. Who knows what you two might be doing next if we didn't come in?" 


"Yah, Kim Yerim, shut your dirty mind!"


"Whatever, I'm outta here, unnie." Yeri exclaimed exaggeratingly, leaving a still laughing Joy.


"Yah, Sooyoung-ah, stop laughing!" Irene reprimanded.


"Oh I'm sorry unnie but I'm with Yeri on this one. I think you're doing something dirty back there."


"Yah, Park Sooyoung!"


"Besides, Wendy unnie's reaction gave you both away."


At the mention of her name, Wendy was startled. "What? What about me? What did I do?"


Joy laughs even more at this. "You were blushing, unnie."


"What?" Wendy covered her cheeks with both hands. "I was not."


Irene looked at Wendy then back at Joy, shaking her head. "Stop teasing her, Sooyoung. Ugh. Just go wake Seulgi up and eat."


"Fine, fine." Joy raised both arms as if surrendering. She then turned her back and left the dining area while shouting, "Seulgi unnie! Wake up! Our parents are being mushy mushy!"


"P-parents?" Wendy turned to look at Irene whose cheeks are getting a shade of red.


"Yah, Park Sooyoung! I don't have a daughter like you!" 



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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy