Chapter III

My Girl

Nearly two weeks have passed already since Wendy became Irene's girlfriend. During these weeks, Wendy discovered two things about the leader of the Queens.


First, Wendy didn't expect that Irene is the clingy type. Irene may look cold on the outside, but she really likes skinship. Wendy has known that Irene doesn't mind doing PDA's, extreme PDA even, with her girlfriends. Wendy has seen this already last year since Irene is always almost all over the campus, being with different girls and all. But what Wendy didn't expect is for Irene to be the cute, clingy type. The older girl likes holding hands, linking arms, and hugs. The first time Irene held her hand, Wendy's eyes almost bulged out in surprise. She finds it awkward at first but Irene won't let go of her hand. Irene will always hold her hand or link arms with her that somehow, Wendy already became used to it. 


However, the first time they hugged, it wasn't Irene who initiated it. Surprisingly, it was Wendy. It happened on their seventh day together. Irene insisted on walking Wendy home to the latter's apartment, since it's only a few blocks from the school. Summer was just over so they didn't expect the weather to be cold and chilly. On their way to the apartment, Wendy noticed that the older girl was shivering from the cold so she just let the Queen clings to her. Wendy told Irene several times to just go home instead of walking her home but the Queen is persistent, saying that she needs to know where her girlfriend stays. 


Once they've arrived at Wendy's apartment, she invites Irene inside to have a hot cup of choco (as she also learns that Irene doesn't drink coffee) to ease her coldness. But Irene declined, since Seulgi is also on the way to fetch her by car and will probably be there in less than 5 minutes. So they just stayed there outside, under the cold weather. They are both not wearing jackets or any outer clothes but Wendy is already accustomed to cold weather, having lived in Canada when she was young. However, Irene is a different case. She won't let go of Wendy's arms and Wendy can feel Irene shivering and clenching her teeth when the latter talks. 


Wendy feels guilty. Irene insisted on walking her home despite the cold weather but she felt like she couldn't do anything for the other in return. Irene didn't want to bother both of them by coming inside the apartment only to leave immediately, but she also didn't let Wendy go into the apartment to grab a jacket for her. "Just don't leave me here and I'm good." was what Irene told her. But 5 minutes seem too long for Wendy, especially as she can see and feel that Irene is really not okay with it. A sudden thought then crossed Wendy, but she disregarded the idea thinking how ridiculous it sounds.

Why would I do that? She may think I'm taking advantage of her. And.. it would be really awkward. Wendy thought.




Irene sneezed beside her and Wendy couldn't be more guilty. So with a sigh, Wendy did the last option she thought could help.


Meanwhile, Irene is mentally cursing at everyone and everything. Gosh, why is the weather so cold today? Why didn't the weather man on TV forecasted this? And that professor of Seungwan! If he just finished his class early, we wouldn't be caught in this cold weather. Oh and Seulgi! Gosh Kang Seulgi, I love you but I really want to murder you right now. Why are you taking so long? The school is just a few meters away from here for Goodness's sake! I'm dying of cold here!


Ah-choo! Irene sneezed. Oh damn.


Irene felt Wendy sighed beside her and all her anger was forgotten. She was about to ask Wendy what's wrong when the younger girl suddenly removed her arms that were holding Wendy's. Panic rises through her, thinking that she overdo her clingliness with Wendy.


"Seungwan-ah, w-"


But Irene didn't get to finish her question when Wendy wrapped her in a tight hug.


Irene's eyes widened in surprise. She definitely didn't expect this. Wendy would just let her cling to her but she never initiated any skinship with her. But right now, Wendy is hugging her, real tight. It made Irene's heart flutter. She unconsciously smiled.


"I'm sorry." Irene was startled as she heard Wendy apologized. "This is the least I can do. Please don't get sick."


Suddenly, Irene didn't feel so cold anymore. In fact, she can swear she can melt with how warm she is feeling inside.


"Seungwan-ah." Irene smiled once more as she reciprocated the hug and leaned her head on Wendy's shoulder. "You're so warm."


When Seulgi arrived and Irene entered the passenger seat, Seulgi immediately apologized for taking too long but Irene just patted her shoulder. "You're just 5 minutes late, Seul. Next time, you can make it longer."


Seulgi thought Irene was being sarcastic with her but as she faced Irene to apologize once more, Seulgi was taken aback. This is the first time in three years that she saw Irene smiling foolishly to herself. The older girl seems to be happy about something.


Is it because of Wendy? Seulgi thought. But whatever the reason is, I'm just glad to see you happy, unnie. We all are. 


The second thing Wendy discovered about Irene is that she is really different to how other people see her versus how Irene is when she's with her friends. Wendy knew Irene as an ice princess, someone who is quiet and fearless. Meanwhile, Wendy discovered that when Irene is with her friends, she's the total opposite. Irene smiles and laughs a lot and she shows her fears freely, like how she is afraid of animals and being in a high place. Wendy also saw Irene's motherly side with how she takes care of her friends, like how she cooks for them and puts them first before herself. Wendy was surprised when she first saw this side of Irene. She wonders why the leader of the Queen chose to show a different side of her instead of how she really is. Wendy is so sure that many more would have fallen for the Queen if they saw this real side of her. 


However, Wendy also realized that Irene is the same with her as she is with her friends. She wonders if Irene is like this too with her past girlfriends. 


Well, of course she is. It's not like she sees me differently. She thought.


However, Wendy will have a different thought about it whenever she recalls her first meeting with the rest of the Queens.


"Hi Wendy. I'm Yeri. Nice to finally meet you." Yeri offered a handshake with a wink.


"Yah, Kim Yerim, she's older than you and Sooyoung. Call her 'unnie'." Irene reprimanded.


"Oops, my bad." Yeri smiled sheepishly. "Nice to meet you, Wendy unnie."


"Nice to meet you, Yeri-ssi." Wendy returned the handshake.


"Ey, drop the formalities, unnie. You're Joohyun unnie's girlfriend now. It's fine."


"Uhh.. Yes. Thank you."


"Hi Wendy unnie." The tallest Queen came forward and greeted Wendy with a smile. "I'm Joy. But the real name is Sooyoung. I'm giving you the privilege to call me whichever you want since I'm rooting for you."


Wendy smiled awkwardly. "Uh w-what?"


Joy leaned closer to whisper to Wendy's ears. "I like you for our Joohyun unnie. That's what I'm saying." 


"Uhh.." Wendy was flustered. Woah, do they really take this girlfriend thing seriously? I mean, I'm sure I'm just one of her collections. Wendy flinched at the thought.


"Yah, Sooyoung-ah." Irene called sternly.


Wendy's thought was interrupted by Irene's stern voice. She looked at Irene and saw that the latter was glaring at Joy.


Irene looks annoyed but surprisingly, Wendy heard Joy giggles. "She's jealous." Joy whispered once more before backing away from Wendy.


"Relax, unnie." Joy said as she walked towards Irene, still giggling. 


She's jealous?


"Hi Wendy. I'm Seulgi." The last member of the Queen approached Wendy, interrupting her thoughts.


"Nice to meet you, Seulgi-ssi."


"Oh, no formalities please." Seulgi smiled. "Like Yeri said, you're Joohyun unnie's girlfriend. So let's just speak comfortably."


"Oh, okay." Wendy nodded.


"Seulgi's the same age as you, Seungwan. You'll get along." Irene said, standing beside Wendy after her friends' introduction.


"Seungwan? I thought your name is Wendy?" Yeri asked.


"It's her Korean name." Irene answered instead.


"Ooh.. So the pet name this time is Korean names, huh?" Yeri said in a teasing manner, laughing along with Joy.


"So Wendy unnie, don't tell me Joohyun unnie told you to call her Joohyun?" Joy asked, laughing even more with Yeri.


"Uhh.. Yes." Wendy answered. She was confused why the two younger members found it funny.


However, the laughter stops as Wendy answers the question. Even Seulgi looked at Wendy, surprised.


"Wait. What?" Joy asked as she stopped laughing.


The three members of the Queens looked at Wendy who seemed to be clueless and then at Irene whose ears were getting red at the moment.


"What?" Irene asked, a hint of shyness in her voice as she returned her friends' gaze. 


"Omo! It's true, unnie?" Joy asked again. "You let Wendy unnie call you Joohyun?"


"Wh- wh- why? So what if I did? What about it?" Irene stuttered, face flushed.


Wendy was definitely confused now. What's the big deal about it? And.. is Joohyun unnie.. blushing?


"Holy f-"


"Language, Yerim-ah." Seulgi interrupted.


"Heol. Daebak." Yeri said instead.


"Uhh.." Wendy cleared . She doesn't understand what's happening. "Why? What's wrong?"


"Well you see Wendy unnie, Joohyun unnie doesn't let anyone call her by her real name besides us and her family." Joy explained. "And you, is the first exception to that."


"Not one of her past girlfriends even came close." Yeri added. "It would always be babe, honey, darling, etc." Yeri cringed. "I would be surprised if she even knows the real name of the person she's dating."


 "Yeah. So you're the first in a long time. You must be really special then." Joy winked.


"Yah you guys, you talk as if I'm not here." Irene interrupted them. "We'll stop the introduction here. We'll get going first. Let's go, Seungwan-ah."


Irene walked towards Wendy and held her hand as they exited the room, leaving the three friends grinning at each other.


Wendy looked at their intertwined hands then back to Irene as she recalled what Joy said before they left. Nah. It can't be true.


As Wendy spends more time with Irene, she also get to spend more time with the other members of the Queens. During their break time or free period, Irene would always wait for Wendy outside the latter's classroom (much to the dismay of her fans) and would take Wendy with her to her friends.


Wendy has spent a little bit more time with the Queens now and she admits that it is definitely not bad to be with them at all. She doesn't know if it's because she's considered as their leader's girlfriend that's why the rest of the members are being friendly to her or it's just their nature. But as Wendy gets to know them better, she realizes that the Queens are in a good way different from her first impression of them. In fact, the only downside of spending time with the Queens, Wendy noticed, is the stares that the students are giving her wherever she goes. Some will look at her in curiosity as to who is this new girlfriend of the Queen Bae, others will look at her envy, and most of the students (which Wendy recalled as fangirls of the Queens) look at her in anger. Beside that fact, Wendy realized that spending time with the Queens is actually fun.


The two maknaes are the savage Queens. People are usually more scared of Irene when in fact, the leader is often just at the teasing end of the maknaes. Yeri is more of a tough maknae. Wendy thinks of her as a little tsundere, often seems to be not caring at all when in fact, she really cares deep inside her. While Joy is the affectionate maknae. Amongst them, Wendy thinks that Joy is the sweetest, maybe because she is straightforward too and will not hesitate to speak her mind and show what she feels. These two maknaes like to make fun of their unnies, including Wendy. In fact, in the first few days of knowing them, the maknaes keep bothering and teasing Wendy that she thought these two younger members didn't like her. But Irene said otherwise.


"They like you." Irene told Wendy after she dismissed her two friends from bothering Wendy to no end. "They usually pay no attention to whoever I am with. This is actually the first time that I've seen them this comfortable with a girlfriend of mine."


Wendy doesn't know why, but that thought made her smile. 


Seulgi, on the other hand, is the calm one in the group. She is often get teased too by their maknaes and sometimes she may look dumb because of it, but Seulgi knows when and when not to step up. She is often the listener but she knows when she is needed to speak up. Seulgi reminds Wendy of a quiet but reliable sister. Seulgi is the same age as her and she has this calm aura around her so maybe that's why amongst Irene's friends, she got comfortable with Seulgi first.


But as time passes, almost a month now since they've been spending time with each other, Wendy has grown comfortable enough with them. However, Wendy thinks that getting too attached with them is not good for her. What if after a month, Joohyun unnie decided that this, whatever this is, is over. I.. what am I gonna do then? I'm getting more attached as time passes.




Irene is definitely in a bad mood today. She is unusually quiet and she almost snapped at everyone who greeted her, if not for Wendy who held her hand in instinct. When they arrived at the Queens' lounge, Seulgi, who is the only one in the room, noticed their leader's bad mood. She looked at Wendy for answers but the latter shook her head silently. Even Wendy didn't know what's wrong with Irene. As Wendy shook her head at Seulgi, she didn't miss the way Seulgi sighed and nodded to herself. From her reaction, Wendy knows that Seulgi knows what's wrong. She wanted to ask, but contemplated that it's better if Irene will tell her herself. Sighing, Wendy decided to take her leave.


"I'll get to my class now."


"I'll walk you, Seungwan." Irene prepares to leave as well.


"Uh, it's okay, Joohyun unnie. Just rest."


But Irene just shakes her head. "Let's go."


Irene was also quiet during their walk to Wendy's class, and it's bothering Wendy. She doesn't like to see Irene like this.


"Joohyun unnie?"




"Are.. you okay?"


Irene shakes her head. "I don't know."


Wendy frowns at this. "Uh, so, do you want to talk about it?"


"I.. don't know either."


"Okay then. " Wendy nodded in understanding. "How about, what do you want right now, unnie?" 


Irene looks at Wendy as she answers. "Me? I want to spend time with you."


The sincerity in the way Irene said it stunned Wendy for a second. "Oh."


Wendy sighs internally as a sudden idea crosses her. I must be crazy. I've never done this before. I'm even a model student. But. Argh. Fine.


"Let's go then." Wendy said after battling with herself.


"Huh? Where?"


"I know a peaceful place, unnie. Shall we go?"


"Wait. How about your class?"


"Uh.." Wendy scratched her nape in embarrassment. "I think  it wouldn't hurt to miss one period?"


Irene frowns. For the time that she's spent with Wendy, she knows how diligent that latter is with her studying.


"Are you sure, Seungwan? I can just wait till your free period."


Wendy smiled. Irene is being considerate and it's one thing that really surprised Wendy at first when she got to know Irene. She's really not the scary ice princess others, including me, thought her to be.


"I'm sure, unnie. Let's go." This time, it's Wendy who initiated the holding hands and led Irene.


"This is your calming place?" Irene said, smiling for the first time that day, as they arrived at the rooftop.


"Yes." Wendy answered. "Why does it seem like you want to laugh at me?" But seeing Irene smile for the first time today made Wendy smile as well.


"Because, this is my place." Irene answered proudly.


Wendy's eyes widened. "Wh-what are you talking about?"


"I remember telling it to you before, right? That this area is prohibited." Irene smiled teasingly. "It's because this is my place. I'm the only one who goes here."


"Wh- b-but.."


Irene finally laughs at it seeing Wendy's confused look. "But okay, since you're my girlfriend, I think I can share this place with you."


Wendy huffs and rolls her eyes. "Thanks, girlfriend." 


Irene laughs once more which made Wendy laugh as well. Irene settled to sit on a corner of the rooftop, away from the railing and the view below.


"Joohyun unnie, what's the point of going to the rooftop if we're just gonna stay here at the corner? The view from the railing is what is calming." Wendy asked, half whining.


"Go ahead and see the view then. I'll stay right here." Irene answered, determined.


"But why-"


And that's when Wendy remembers Irene's fear of heights. Smiling, she walked towards Irene and sat beside her.


"How can you even go up here and call this place yours if you're afraid of heights, unnie?" Wendy asked, teasing Irene.


"Urgh. Shut it, Son Seungwan." Irene answered, pretending to get annoyed.


Wendy smiled and leaned on the wall, facing front. "I really like it here. So peaceful."


"Hm. I like it here too." Irene nodded, looking towards the sky.


For a while, no one speaks. Wendy keeps looking at Irene discretely though, wondering what's on the latter's mind. But she also wanted to give Irene the space and the quietness that she thinks Irene needed at the moment. Irene, on the other hand, wanted to bask into this peaceful moment with Wendy.


After a few minutes more, it was Irene who broke the silence.


"My parents separated three years ago." Irene started, much to Wendy's surprise, especially after hearing what Irene had revealed. Nonetheless, she kept silent allowing Irene to continue.


"I've got to admit, we're never really a happy family." Irene continued. "Since I was a kid, my parents have been busy with their own work. And so as an only child, I only have Seulgi, Joy and Yeri to spend time with. We've been friends since kids. In fact, the only thing I'm thankful of to my parents, is that they are friends with the parents of my friends. So because of that, we were introduced to each other and I was never really alone, because of them."


Wendy looks at Irene and the latter is sporting a bittersweet smile.


"So.. I was never really close with my parents. But still, them separating is a different thing for me. I mean, I've already accepted the fact that I grew up without them being physically there, so I'm thinking that the least they can do for me is to give me a complete family." Irene sighs. "But no. They decided to take it away from me too. So when they told me they'll get a divorce, I was really mad at them. In fact, I still hold resentment against them until now. But still again, I've learned to accept the fact that they're over."


"And now, my mother.. who left with another man, came back again to meet me. She'll be getting married to this man, and she wants me to accept it and give my blessing." Irene scoffs. "Aren't.. Aren't they asking for too much already?"


Wendy heard the pain in Irene's voice, and she can see that the older girl is fighting hard not to let her tears fall.


Wendy didn't know what to say to comfort the other so she just held Irene's hand. "Is.. there anything I can do to help you feel better, unnie?" 


Irene shakes her head as she holds Wendy's hand. "You spending time with me and listening to me is enough already."


"Oh. I'm.. I'm glad I could help."


Irene smiled and leaned her head on Wendy's shoulder.


"You want to go back, unnie? Maybe you could rest well in the lounge."


"Nah. I like it here better."


Wendy nodded. "Okay."


"Seungwan?" Irene called after a few minutes of silence.


"Yes, unnie?"


"Can you.. do me a favor?"


"Hm? Sure unnie. What is it?" Wendy asked as she looked at Irene who's head was still on her shoulder.


"Will you sing me a song?"


Wendy didn't expect the sudden request, nonetheless she smiled. "I can, but I'm not sure you'll like my voice, unnie."


Irene chuckled at this. "You're too humble. I know you're a great singer, Seungwan-ah."


This time, it's Wendy's turn to chuckle at Irene's confidence in her. "You can't be sure of that, unnie."


"You're a music major."


"But it can also mean I just major in instruments."


Irene lifted her head from Seungwan's shoulder and looked at the younger girl.


"I've heard you." Irene said.




"I've heard you sing before, Seungwan. Last year."




You've got to be kidding me.


Irene clutched tightly the invitation she's holding.


And I can't believe I'm still affected after all these years. Damn it.


Irene can feel her tears threatening to fall, but she's currently in the hallway where several students can see her. So with no destination in mind, she just entered the first door she passed by and locked it. Irene was surprised to see a dark room but when she turned around to face the front, she realized she's at the auditorium. There's no one else inside and the stage is the only one with lights on.




With a heavy heart, Irene sat on the very back seat and closed her eyes as she let her tears fall.


She didn't know how many times passed when she heard the piano playing. Irene opened her eyes and was about to snap about getting disturbed when she saw that a girl with shoulder-length hair was the one playing the piano. The girl has her eyes closed, too absorbed in playing, to even notice Irene's presence. 


Irene can tell that the girl really knew how to play, judging by how serious she looked and how the music played beautifully. Still, she didn't appreciate being disturbed by a stranger, especially at a time like this. So the Queen was about to stand and scold the girl when the latter started singing. 


When you are lost

I will shine a light on your path

When your heart shakes because of the wind

I will hold your hand


Irene was stunned. She sat back again and looked at the stranger who was singing with her eyes closed. Irene could swear that that girl has the most beautiful voice she heard.


Leaning back on her chair, Irene closed her eyes as she listened to the singing. 


I am praying for you

Praying that you will be protected

So that my hopes can reach you


The closed door is slowly opening

I hope you won’t cry over your scars

Or get trapped in despair with pain


Somehow, listening to this singing stranger calms her. It felt so.. warm. After a few minutes of listening, Irene can't help but open her eyes to watch this stranger as she sings passionately.


With all my heart, I hope you will be comforted

Today, I’m praying again

I am praying for you


Praying that you will be protected

The world has become harsh seas

For you, who has left for the voyage


Surprising herself, Irene found herself smiling as she watched the girl sing. For a moment, she has forgotten her tears and heartaches, all because of this stranger. She kept listening until the girl finished singing.


I hope you won’t cry over your scars

Or get trapped in despair with pain


With all my heart, I hope you will be comforted

Today, I’m praying again


Once the girl was done, Irene watched as the short-haired girl looked at her watch before standing up and leaving the stage through the side door. All happened too fast that Irene wasn't able to call out the singer.


Wait. Why am I gonna stop her anyway. Ugh. I must be crazy. Irene thought as she smiles to herself. Somehow, listening to the girl singing really brightened her up. She felt so light and surprisingly, she felt comforted.


End of flashback


"Wh-you were there?!" Wendy exclaimed after Irene told her the story. "I didn't even know that someone was there. I thought I'm alone."


Irene laughs. "It's because you're too absorbed by your singing Seungwan-ah. And it's fine. You looked really cool that day." 




"And you've made me happy that time."


"I.. Did?"


"Yes." Irene nodded, looking at Wendy. "I didn't bother looking for you because I thought it won't do any good, but I've never forgotten that day. I've never forgotten your face." 


"R-really?" Wendy was speechless to hear about their first encounter yet alone Irene's confession.


"So imagine how shocked I was when I saw you again in the clinic after almost a year, apologising for hitting me with a ball in the face." Irene laughs which made Wendy flushed in embarrassment.


"What? So that's why you didn't lash out on me that time?" Wendy asked as she remembered how Irene looked at her that time. Now that she thinks about it, Irene has a surprised look on her face that time.


"Yeah. I was ready to pull out all your hair that time you know." Irene jokes. "Then you lifted up your face and suddenly, I can't move." Irene smiled. "I mean.. Even though this school has several buildings and students, it's still just one place. So I know that I will still get to see you again. But well I didn't expect that that was how I'll meet you again." Irene further teased Wendy more by holding her once bruised forehead and flinched.


"Yah Joohyun unnie.." Wendy whined. "Stop.. I'm feeling guilty again."


"Well if you're still feeling guilty about it, then sing me a song." Irene smiled and leaned her head once more on Wendy's shoulder.


Hearing all this made Wendy smiled. She was happy to know that she made someone happy by her singing. That's why she wanted to sing in the first place, to encourage and inspire others. Out of all the people, she just hadn't expected that it would be the leader of the Queen herself.


Also, Wendy didn't have confidence in herself. That's why she would always choose to sing when she's alone. But now, someone appreciates her singing, someone wanted to hear her sing. Wendy looked at the person beside her and smiled once more.


"Okay, I'll sing for you, unnie."




A/N: The song Wendy sang is titled "Pray" by Younha. Wendy covered it in one episode of Mysterious Record Shop. I find the lyrics of the song comforting and of course, Wendy's voice is just amazing. 

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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy