Chapter IX

My Girl

Wendy can't count just how many times she has turned around in bed.  She keeps twisting and turning, unable to fall asleep. Wendy looked at the bedside clock. It's already 1am.


She picked up her phone and sighs in disappointment as there's no new message or call.


"She said she would call me." Wendy murmurs to herself, thinking about the earlier events.


"What brings you here?" Irene asked the newly arrived family, her focus on their daughter.


"They want to have a meeting with us." Mrs. Bae answered instead. She then looks at the other three members of the Queens once more. "Girls, if you please?"


Seulgi realized the seriousness of the matter and nodded her head. "We'll get going first, unnie." She addressed Irene who could only clench her teeth and nodded.


"We'll go now, unnie." Wendy whispered. "Will you be okay?"


Irene nodded. "I'll walk you guys out."


"No, it's okay, unnie."


Irene shakes her head, taking no for an answer. She takes Wendy's hand. "Let's go."


The girls bowed to Mr. Bae before taking their leave.


"Take care girls, okay? Let's have dinner some other time." He then looked at Wendy and smiled. "I guess we have to postpone the match again, huh?"


"Uh yeah, I guess, sir- uh, uncle." Wendy returned the smile.


Mr. Bae nodded. "Off you go then." 


They walked past the Kims and from Wendy's peripheral view, she didn't miss how the girl glanced at her joint hands with Irene then back to Irene's face.


"You girls drive safely, okay?" Irene looks at Joy who was about to take the driver's seat.


"Of course, unnie. And don't worry, we'll take Wendy unnie home safe and sound." Joy answered playfully, trying to lift the mood.


"You better." Irene answered with the same playfulness.


"Will you really be okay there, unnie?" Wendy can't help but ask. The sudden appearance of Irene's mother and the Kims just didn't sit well with her.


"I'll be fine, Seungwan." Irene assured Wendy with a smile. "Don't think too much, okay? I will call you later."


Wendy nodded, assured by Irene's words. "Okay, unnie."


As soon as they drove off, silence filled the car. Wendy saw Seulgi and Joy exchanging glances at the front and she thought the two were thinking of what to say. Getting more and more curious, Wendy decided to initiate the talk.


"Guys, the girl earlier.. Is she.."


"She's Jennie, unnie." Joy answered, glancing at Wendy from the rear view mirror.


Wendy expected it already but still, a part of her was still surprised. Unable to say anything anymore, she just nodded.


"But why do you think she's here, unnies?" Yeri can't seem to hold her curiosity too and finally asked. "I mean, after almost three years she decided to show up, and with her parents as well!"


"I don't know either." Joy answered. Deep down, she knows there's something to it but she didn't want to voice it with Wendy being there, so she stopped her answer at that.


"Let's just wait till Joohyun unnie tells us." Seulgi looked at Wendy and she can see that the latter is still bothered by it. "Wendy, just like what Joohyun unnie said, don't worry too much. Okay?"


Wendy nodded, but she knows it's impossible not to.


Wendy looked at her phone once more, and still there's no calls or messages.


Wendy can't understand why it bothers her so much. She knows for sure there's a reason for the sudden appearance of the Kims, but why is she that affected over that matter?


What is even wrong with me? Wendy thought. With a heavy sigh, she decided to let sleepiness take over her.


The ringing of the doorbell woke her up the next day. Wendy lightly groans, thinking who would come and visit her so early in the morning during a weekend. But as she looked at the clock, she was surprised to see that it's already 9am. She remembered that it was past midnight when she slept. Wendy hurriedly fixed herself and answered the door. To her surprise, it was Irene.


"Oh, Unnie?"


"Hey, I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Irene asked as she noticed Wendy's look. "I thought you're already awake by now so I came here."


"It's okay, unnie." Wendy answered as she let Irene in. "I just slept late last night."


"Why?" Irene inquired.


Why? Because I'm waiting for your call. Wendy didn't know what came over her but she fought the urge to roll her eyes. "I just had something to do, unnie."


"Oh, okay." Irene observed Wendy. "Are you okay, though? You seemed a bit.. grumpy." And it's the first time Irene saw Wendy like that.


Wendy sighs, controlling her emotions. She didn't even know why she's suddenly being like this. "I'm okay, unnie. I'm sorry."


"It's okay, Seungwan." Irene assured with a smile. "And uh, I'm sorry I didn't call last night."


"Why didn't you?" Wendy asked almost immediately, surprising Irene and even herself. "Well, I mean, uh.."


Irene looks at Wendy's flustered face and laughs. "Did you wait for my call? That's why you slept late?"


"W-well.." Wendy speaks in a small voice. "You said you would call, so.."


"Oh, I'm sorry, Seungwan-ah." Irene held Wendy's hand and brushed her thumb on it. "We finished late and I thought you might already be sleeping by then so I didn't want to disturb you. I'm sorry."


Wendy heard the sincere apology. She smiles and shakes her head. "It's fine now, unnie. But uh, how was it though?"


"Well, I came here to tell you about it. But first," Irene lifts the paper bag she's holding. "You haven't eaten yet, right? Let's have breakfast."


The breakfast just made Wendy anxious. One part of her wants it to be over so she can hear Irene's news already, while another part of her wants the time to slow down, afraid of what she might hear from the Queen.


Ugh. Seriously, what is wrong with me? Wendy shakes her head as they finally finish the breakfast.


"Seungwan, you okay?"


"Yes, unnie. Don't mind me." Wendy answered. "Go ahead." 


"Okay, then." Irene nodded. "So, I assume you already know who the Kims are?"


Wendy nodded. Your first love and her family.


"Well, like what my mom said, they're a close family friend." Irene started. "Jennie- we met during middle school and though some might say that we were still too young by then, we instantly fell in love."


Wendy nodded slowly, waiting for Irene to continue.


"We've been together for almost 5 years. Our parents didn't object to our relationship and supported us. Everything was going so well until one day, she asked for a break. She said she might be wrong about herself and about us."


"By that, she means.."


Irene nodded at Wendy's understanding. "She wanted a family, a real family."


Wendy flinched at that. She thought how Irene must have felt at that time. She felt hurt for the older girl.


"So I thought we're just having a break, but one day she just left without even saying anything and went to America." Irene continued. "I went after her, of course. That time, I was willing to do everything for her and to fight for her." Irene smiled bitterly. "I've spent months in the US, trying to win her back but unfortunately, it didn't work. She fell in love with this American guy she met there and they eventually became engaged."


"I'm.. I'm sorry, unnie."


"Hey, why are you saying sorry?" Irene laughs. "It was not your fault. Besides, I'm long over it, Seungwan." She brushes Wendy's hand with her thumb. "Remember when I told you I first saw you last year singing at the auditorium?"


Wendy nodded.


"I received the invitation for their wedding that day." Irene said. "I felt so broken that I just wanted to cry my eyes out. Then I heard you sing." Irene smiled. "And suddenly it felt like all the pain had been taken away." 


"I- thank you, unnie." Wendy felt happy hearing Irene's words, that she was able to help by her singing.


Irene laughs. "I should be the one thanking you, Seungwan. You healed me."


"Oh." Wendy blushed, unable to say anything.


This was Irene's cue to continue. "I'm long over Jennie. So I, too, was surprised by their arrival yesterday. I didn't know how my mother got the idea and how she also managed to convince Jennie that there's still a chance for us."


Wendy gulps. "So she.. Jennie-ssi- she wants you back?"


"Well, there were two proposals." Irene answered. "One, they're planning to do joint business between the two companies, and all things aside, I think it's a win-win for both companies."


Wendy nodded. "And the second proposal?"


Irene sighs. "They want me and Jennie to get married."


"Mom, are you really out of your mind?"


"What? Hyun-"


Irene ignored her mother and faced the Kims. "I mean, no offense Mr. and Mrs. Kim. But I'm sure you know that Jennie and I are long over, so why would we get married? Besides, I already have a girlfriend. She's the one beside me earlier."


Irene meets Jennie's eyes and she can see hurt in them. Irene sighed. Jennie was a big part of her, she really didn't want to hurt the girl even after everything that happened between them, but Irene thought she must know where she stands on this.


"Oh please, Hyun." Mrs. Bae scoffs. "As if you're marrying that girl."




"Hee-soo, be careful with your words." Mr. Bae stepped in. Irene is on the verge of fighting her mother and he knows both women might get hurt by their hurtful words to each other. He didn't want that. "Wendy is a nice girl."


"So what if she is?" Mrs. Bae answered. "I'm just saying that Hyun has been with many girls after her break up with Jennie. That girl she's seeing now would also end up like those girls. So why not settle with the one girl that's worth marrying?"


Irene clenched her fist. "I told you before to stop talking about Seungwan that way."


"And why not? I'm just telling the-"


"Hee-soo, that's enough!"


Mr. Bae's loud voice silenced Mrs. Bae. She gritted her teeth in anger.


Mr. Bae stood and faced the Kims. "Tae-kyong, Ae-ra, I'm sorry about my outburst. But there seemed to be a misunderstanding here so why not let our daughters talk about it themselves? Let's just talk about our business for the meantime, maybe?"


Mr. Kim looked at her silent daughter. "What do you think, hon?"


Jennie nodded. "I think uncle Yoo-chan is right, dad." She then looks at Irene. "Is it okay with you, Hyun? I mean, uh, can we talk?"


"Yeah. Let's do it." Irene agreed.


Irene and Jennie excused themselves and went out to the garden to talk.


"Hyun?" Jennie called carefully. "I.. I can still call you that, right?"


"Yeah, sure." Irene nodded.


"Thanks." Jennie said softly. "And uh, Hyun?"




"I'm sorry...for everything. For hurting you before. And for suddenly appearing like this."


Irene looks at Jennie and sees her sincerity. "Apology accepted."


Jennie looks back and smiles in relief as she sees Irene smiling at her.


"Thank you, Hyun. Really."


"You know I can never hate you." Irene laughs. She didn't know she would be this lighthearted upon meeting Jennie again. "But uh, did my mom talk to you about this?" Irene asked. "Was she the one who suggested the marriage thing?"


"No, no." Jennie answered and bowed her head. "It was me."


"What? But why?"


"I've met Auntie regularly in the States since she moved there. And I'll always ask about your whereabouts." Jennie admitted. "Auntie told me about your escapade with random girls since our break up. And uh, I thought that maybe there's still a chance for us."


"Wait. What are you saying?" Irene asked though she already got it.


"I still love you, Hyun." Jennie confessed. "Leaving you was a big mistake and I realized it, that's why I didn't marry him." she gulps. "I'm hoping for a second chance with you."


"Jennie, I already have a girlfriend."


Jennie hides a bitter smile as she remembers how Irene defended this girl to her mother. "And she's different?"


Irene smiles. "She is."


Seeing Irene smiles happily while talking about another girl hurts Jennie. Somehow, she can't stop her tears. "I'm too late aren't I?"


"Hey, don't cry." Irene offered a handkerchief. "You know a part of me will always love you, Jennie. But it's a different kind of love now. I'm sorry."


Jennie laughs despite the tears. "You're really amazing, Hyun. How can you reject me while still making me fall for you even more?"




"I know, Hyun." Jennie smiled. "Can we at least be friends? Especially starting today?"


Irene laughs. "Of course. But what's with the 'especially starting today' thing?"


Jennie flinched. "Well, your mom and my parents were so sure of this marriage thing so uh, we kinda leave everything behind in the US to live here in Korea again."


"What? Really?" Irene was surprised.


"Yeah." Jennie laughs. "I'm actually going to the same university as yours starting this week, so I might be in need of some familiar face."


"Wow. So you're finally here again, huh? Like, for real?" Irene exclaimed.


"Yeah. So, can you help me out?"


Irene laughs. "Of course. I'll be your friend."


Jennie observes Irene and she can only see a genuine smile on the latter's face.


"You know, Hyun. I didn't expect this."


"Hm? What is?"


Jennie gave a small laugh. "I thought you're gonna lash out on me and would kick me out of your house."


Irene laughs. "Really?"


"Yeah. But here you are, laughing along with me and even accepting my offer of friendship."


Irene thought for a while. "To be honest, I'm surprised too at myself. I know I was really angry at you before. Because, well, you.. You left just when I needed you most." 


Jennie flinched at this. 


"My parents divorced. Then a week after, you left me. Without even a word." 




"So I should really be mad right now." Irene chuckles. "But I don't know. I just don't feel any hatred or anger anymore."


"Hyun, I'm really sorry." 


"Like I've said, it's fine, Jennie. I'm okay now. Really." 


"Maybe because you've already moved on?" Jennie hides her sad smile.


"Well yeah, I guess." Irene smiled.


"I'm happy for you, Hyun."


"Thank you, Jennie."


Their conversation ended when the maid called for Jennie, saying that she's being called by her parents because they were about to leave. Irene went with her inside and gave a respectful bow to Jennie's parents, which the couple acknowledged. Irene then turned to her mom who was also going her way. She bowed her head at her mother and Irene heard a faint 'take care of yourself' from the woman before she set off.


"So, what did you talk about?" Irene asked her father who was standing beside her.


"Well, the business partnership is still on the works though it might still be far ahead."


"And the marriage thing?" Irene inquired.


"They want to give you a month to at least think things through."


"I'm not gonna change my mind, dad."


"I know, Hyun. And you know me, I won't force you into something like that." Mr. Bae said. "But can you at least pretend that you're going to think about it?"


"What for? It would just give them false hope."


"Marriage is not a simple thing that you can decide in just a snap. So imagine how Jennie's parents must have felt when you immediately decline the idea as soon as it's been laid. Of course they got heartbroken for their daughter because you just shut her down immediately." Mr. Bae explained. 


Irene sighs. Nonetheless, she listens because she's getting what her father is pointing out.


"I know you meant well, and that you know what you want, but let's also consider how they will feel. Believe me, they would accept your decision more if it'll seem like you've thought about it carefully. Just pretend to think about it, then after a month, tell them your decision again. They're a family friend. It's the least we can do for them."


Irene thought about it and realized that her father has a point.


"Fine. I'll pretend to think about it." Irene said, rolling her eyes. "But I'm already telling you dad, I won't change my mind."


Mr. Bae laughs, surprising Irene.


"What's funny?"


"I know you'll never change your mind." Mr. Bae answered. He smiled at his daughter. "You really love Wendy, do you?"


The thought of the said girl made Irene smile. "I do, dad."


"Okay, so.. They will wait for a month for your decision?" Wendy asked, confirming.


"Yeah. I'll do it just like dad said. But I'm not going to marry her, okay?"


Wendy heard the confidence in Irene's voice but she can't help but be pessimistic about it. Wendy thinks that a month is a long time, especially now that Jennie will attend the same university because it only meant that Irene would get to spend time with her first love again.


Nonetheless, Wendy chose to believe Irene's words.


"Okay, unnie."


"Oh, and Jennie might be spending time with us too.. since she doesn't know anyone besides us. Will it be okay for you?"


"Yeah." Wendy nodded. She doesn't have it in her to stop Irene from doing what she likes, besides, Wendy understands that Jennie was a big part of Irene's life. "It's fine, unnie."


"Thank you, Seungwan-ah. But anytime you feel uncomfortable, just tell me okay? No matter what happens, you're my priority."


Wendy felt something touched her heart at Irene's words. She nodded, redness creeping up on her face.




The news of Jennie Kim's transfer to the University spread like wildfire. Jennie was still not a university student when she left Korea but the students know her already and who she is because aside from being the daughter of one of the most famous businessmen in Korea, she was also the girlfriend of their university's star, Irene Bae. Many students have already seen Jennie with Irene before as she would frequently visit the Queen in the university during half of Irene's freshman year, when the two were still together.


Wendy finds that meeting Jennie formally for the first time was awkward, and she can see that Jennie has been feeling the same.


"So uh, Seungwan, this is Jennie." Irene introduced them. "And Jennie, this is Wendy. I just call her by her Korean name but she's known here as Wendy. You two are actually the same age, by the way."


Wendy was the first to initiate the handshake. "Nice to meet you, Jennie-ssi."


"Likewise. Thank you, Wendy-ssi." Jennie returned the gesture.


"Wendy unnie! We've been looking everywhere for you." Joy exclaimed as she arrived with Seulgi and Yeri. She then looks at Jennie. "Oh, you're here too."


"Yes." Jennie nodded. "Hi, girls."


"Hi, Jennie. Welcome back." Seulgi was the only one who answered while Yeri just smiled back. Joy, on the other hand, didn't even acknowledge the greeting.


After that talk with Irene during the weekend, Wendy went with her to meet the rest of the Queens. There, Irene shared the news to her friends. Wendy observed that the three members of the Queens take the news differently.


Seulgi, the ever kind Seulgi, didn't have any objection to it and so, was the first to welcome Jennie. Seulgi didn't like what Jennie had done in the past but for her, what's more important now is that Irene is already happy so she didn't make a fuss out of it. Joy, however, was the opposite of Seulgi. Ever since, Joy is the overprotective one and the one to speak her mind. She hates Jennie for putting Irene to so much heartache before and she can't understand why she would even show herself now and more especially, why Irene accepted her offer of friendship. Joy made it clear that she respects Irene's decision but they can't force her to be civil with Jennie, to which of course, Irene respected as well. Yeri, on the other hand, was more of a so-so. She doesn't hate Jennie but she doesn't like her either. For her, as long as Jennie will not bring pain to anyone, then she can accept her. 


Joy drapes her arm around Wendy instead. "C'mon, let's go practice, unnie." 


"I'll see you later, unnie, Jennie-ssi." Wendy bowed before letting Joy dragged her away, with Seulgi following them. 


"So, unnie. How does it feel?" Joy asked.


"How does what feel?"


"You know, meeting Jennie."


Wendy laughs at this. "Yah, Sooyoungie, she's older than you, right? Why are you calling her so casually?"


Joy shrugs. "I still can't forget what she did to Joohyun unnie. Ugh. I don't even know how unnie can be friends with her again."


"Unnie has already moved on, Sooyoung-ah." Seulgi answered this time. "So maybe you can stop hating her."


"Well, to be fair. I don't hate her anymore because of what she did." Joy answered. "But I'm hating her again for what she's doing right now."


"What is she doing right now?" Wendy asked.


"Unnie, Jennie already knows Joohyun unnie has you. So she shouldn't have asked Joohyun unnie for her company." Joy explained. "They were exes. And you're the one Joohyun unnie is seeing right now. Jennie should just back off. It's called respect, unnie. Especially to you."


"Well, I uh, I don't mind."


"But why, unnie? If I were you, I would have stopped Joohyun unnie from getting close to her again."


Wendy smiles. "She's Joohyun unnie's first love, Sooyoung-ah. And I know that she will always have a place in unnie's heart. We really can't blame unnie for still caring about Jennie. She was a big part of her, you know." 


"Ugh! You're too kind, unnie."


"And you're too stubborn!" Seulgi commented, earning a laugh from Wendy and a pout from Joy.




As days pass and she gets to spend more time with Jennie, Wendy can understand how Irene fell for her. Jennie is kind, smart, and she shares a lot of similarities and interests with Irene. It's like the two just clicked and they understand each other better than anyone.


The first time Wendy felt it was when the three had lunch together. Irene and Wendy were about to start eating when they noticed Jennie with a tray of food, scanning for any available seats since the cafeteria is crowded with students. Feeling bad for the girl, Wendy nudged Irene who was also looking in Jennie's direction.


"Call her, unnie. There's still a space here with us."


"But.." Irene hesitated. "Is it okay with you?"


"It's fine, unnie. She can't eat while standing, can she?" Wendy joked.


"Okay." Irene smiled. "Thanks, Seungwan."


Irene called Jennie over to join them. It was actually the first time that the three are left on their own so the first few minutes were kind of awkward, at least for Wendy. Still, she decided to initiate the conversation. But when Irene started conversing, Wendy felt like she's slowly drifting out of the conversation. She suddenly can't relate to whatever the two were talking about. Wendy knew that it's not Irene's intention and the older girl might not even realize it so she tried not to think too much about it and just listened as the two ex-couple marveled about their shared interest. Halfway to their conversation, Jennie noticed the dessert on Irene's plate.


"Since when did you like red velvet cake, Hyun?" Jennie innocently chuckles.


Until now, Wendy can feel something in her chest whenever she hears how Jennie calls Irene. It's like a reminder of how close and intimate the two were since Wendy knows that only Irene's parents call her that way. However, Wendy was more curious about what she heard Jennie asked. 


"Why? She doesn't like it?" Wendy asked.


Irene was about to answer but Jennie beat her to it. "Well, she doesn't prefer desserts with sweet flavors. Right, Hyun?"


"Oh." was all Wendy managed to say. 


"Here." Jennie offered her carrot cake and put it on Irene's plate. "It's still your favorite right?"


Wendy didn't miss how Irene's eyes lit up at the sight of the carrot cake. But Irene shook her head and denied the offer. "It's okay, Jennie. You can have it. Sometimes, I want to try something new." she said with a chuckle.


Wendy felt bad. She was the one who chose the red velvet cake for Irene. I didn't even know her favorite. But what made her feel more bad is that it was obvious that Irene likes the carrot cake, but Wendy knows Irene rejected it so that she won't feel bad or offended. Wendy internally sighs. 


A week after that, Irene and Wendy are on their way home, driving through heavy rains and thunder. The Queen's phone rang and she answered it immediately, putting on speaker mode.


"Hyun?" Jennie's voice was heard on the other line. Wendy gulps.


"Oh hey, Jennie. Is everything okay?"


Wendy was confused. Jennie only calls her name but it's as if Irene already knows that there's a problem. Truth to be told, Irene was right.


"Well, uh. I'm sorry to bother you. But I have no one else to call. My parents are out of town so.."


"What's the matter?"


"I'm.. I'm on the way home but my car suddenly stopped. I, I don't know what's wrong."


"Where are you?"


"Namdong Street."


"Alright. Just stay inside the car and don't forget to lock it. Give me 30 minutes." Irene hung up the call.


"Will she be okay?" Wendy asked.


Irene nodded. "I'm afraid I have to get her after I drop you off."


"It's alright." Wendy understands that Jennie needs help and like what she heard, she can only call Irene for that. Wendy noticed though that Irene is more worried than she let on. The older girl taps the steering wheel hard and hisses silently when they are caught in traffic.


"Unnie?" Wendy called out. "Are you worried about Jennie?"


"Oh. Well.." Irene hesitated a bit but decided to be honest nonetheless. "You see, Jennie is actually scared of thunder. She once had a panic attack because of it."


"Oh." Wendy can't help but be worried too. "Maybe you should go to her now, unnie."


Irene shakes her head. "I will once I take you home. Namdong Street is on a different way and you'll get home late if we go to her now."


"Then you can just drop me off here, unnie. It's just one bus stop anyway."


"No. I'll take you home."


"But Jennie-"


"I told you before, right?" Irene cut her off. "You're my priority, Seungwan." 


Irene really knows how to assure Wendy and the younger girl appreciates that.


However, as days become weeks, Wendy can't help but feel that the priority is changing.


Wendy was walking with Irene when they saw a commotion just outside the building. As there were too many students, they couldn't see what's really happening. Irene wasn't one to pay attention to people she doesn't care about so she takes Wendy's hand, leading her to just ignore whatever is going on and to head straight already. However, as they passed by, a student saw them and called Irene's attention.


"Oh! Queen Bae!" one student rushed towards them. "Jennie-ssi, she fainted! She was sick this morning and we-" 


The student was cut off when Irene immediately ran to the scene, letting go of Wendy's hand in the process. Wendy was a bit surprised but she didn't spend too much time thinking about it. Right now, it's more important to bring Jennie to the clinic. So she runs after Irene and assists the Queen in carrying Jennie to the infirmary. That day, however, it was Joy who drove Wendy home. Irene stayed with Jennie at the clinic until the latter's father arrived.



A week is what's left for Irene to decide regarding the marriage with Jennie. Wendy didn't know why she grows reckless as the final week comes around. I believe it when Joohyun unnie said she won't marry Jennie anyway. But then, Wendy thought of what happened this past few days. She admits that Irene and Jennie became more comfortable with each other than when Jennie first arrived. 


Unnie won't change her mind. Right?


But if, and if she does, why does it bother me so much?


Wendy sighs. She shakes her head and decides to forget it for the meantime. She needs to focus. Today is a big day for the glee club. It's their competition day. This is her first time to compete with the glee club and Wendy knows she has to do her best. She wants to do her best.


She peeked at the audience' seats and almost all of it was already occupied. However, Wendy still can't see the one person she's looking for. As if on cue, her phone vibrated to see a message from Irene.


'Seungwan-ah, I'm afraid I'll be late. I'm sorry. Jennie's parents invited me over and I can't say no, especially since I will turn down the marriage in a week. The least I can do is to grant their favor. But this will be all done in a week. I promise. I'm sorry, Seungwan. I'll head straight there as soon as I'm done here, okay? You'll see me in the audience. Don't be nervous, okay? I know you'll do well. I love you.'


Wendy smiled. Irene really knows how to make her feel better. She replied. 


'It's alright, unnie. Don't rush too much and drive safely. See you later, unnie.' 


Rookie managed to bag the win and Wendy couldn't be more happy. Her members cheered for her after the event, saying that she's like a different person on stage, in a good way of course. Wendy thanks them, feeling elated.


"Congratulations, unnies!" Yeri arrived backstage, handing Wendy a bouquet of flowers.


"Yah. Why is Wendy unnie the only one with flowers? Where's ours?" Joy asked.


"Ey, it's Wendy unnie's first time and she's definitely the star of the night." Yeri answered. "Besides, I've given you two too many flowers before. Aren't you still satisfied?" she rolled her eyes playfully.


"You brat." Joy counterattacks.


Wendy laughs until she notices that Irene is nowhere to be seen. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen Irene in the audience earlier, but she was too focused on singing to pay attention to it.


"By the way, where's Joohyun unnie?" Wendy asked, looking around.


"Oh. I haven't seen her." Yeri answered, clueless too.


Wendy nodded and looked for her phone. Just as she expected, there's a message from Irene.


'Seungwan-ah, I'm really sorry. I'm afraid I can't make it. Mom came here too and I just can't leave. I will make it up to you. I'm really sorry.' 


Wendy would be honest. She felt really disappointed. It's such a big event for her and to think that Irene missed it because she's spending time with the Kims. Wendy chose not to reply and pocketed her phone.


"What did she say?" Joy asked, irritation becoming evident.


"Well, uh, she can't come." Wendy answered as casually as she could.


"Oh well, I'm sure she has her reasons." Seulgi tried to lighten up the mood. Joy and Yeri didn't react though.


"Yeah." Wendy cleared . "Why don't we just go home now and just celebrate some other time?"


"Okay. Let's just do that." Seulgi answered.


"C'mon unnie, I'll take you home." Joy said, clinging to Wendy's arm.


Seulgi and Yeri both bring their cars so they went ahead first, leaving Wendy with Joy.


"Let's go, unnie?" Joy said as she unlocked her car.


"Uh, about that, Sooyoung." Wendy scratched her head. "It's fine, you don't have to drive me home."


"It's late now, unnie."


Wendy chuckles. "It's only eight, Sooyoung-ah."


"O-oh yeah but," Joy sighs. "Joohyun unnie will kill me if anything bad happens to you."


Wendy laughs once more at the exaggeration. "We both know she won't." She herself is not even here. Wendy kept that thought to herself. "I promise I'll get myself home safely. Okay?"


Joy observes Wendy. "Is there something bothering you, unnie?"


A lot, actually. "I'm okay, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy decided to say instead. "I think I just need a bit of fresh air."


Joy wasn't convinced and she wanted to push more but she decided to let Wendy be this time.


"Okay, unnie. But be careful, okay? Call me if you need a lift. And text me when you're home."


Wendy chuckles and ruffles Joy's hair. "I'm older than you, you know. I should be the one to remind you of that."




"I promise, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy smiled. "Drive safely, hm? Text me too when you're home."


Joy nodded. Still hesitant, she sighs and goes to her car, bidding Wendy goodbye.


Wendy finds herself at a streetside, drinking soju. She's never really a drinker but today, she felt like she needed the alcohol.


"What's wrong with you, Son Seungwan." Wendy whispers to herself. The bottles of soju are now taking its effect as Wendy started talking to herself.


"Why do I feel this way? If she wants to spend time with her first love rather than with me, why does it bother you so much, Seungwan-ah." Wendy continued her monologue as she took in more soju.


"Why does my heart hurt right now?" Wendy slurred. "I don't have the right to get hurt, do I? I don't even have the right to stop her from spending time with Jennie."


Wendy sighs. "Yes, you don't have the right, Seungwan. You don't have the right to call Joohyun unnie yours because in the first place, you haven't even answered her confession yet. So why are you acting like a jealous girlfriend all of a sudden."


Wendy chuckled to herself. "Oh now what are you talking about? I'm not jealous. I am not, right?" she furrowed her eyebrows. "No, no, no."


"Then why are you feeling this way, Son Seungwan? And why does it hurt that she chose to be with Jennie rather than with me?"




Wendy didn't know just how many drinks she had. She even surprised herself that despite the dizziness, she managed to hail a cab and tell her address. Wendy paid the cab and walked wobbly towards her apartment, not noticing the very familiar car that was parked just across the street.


"I'm hooome." Wendy said to no one as she took the key to her bag.


"Son Seungwan!"


Wendy flinched. She turned towards the voice and in her drunken state, she can see an image of Irene stomping towards her with a visible frown on her face. 


Oh great. I'm seeing her now too. Wendy shakes her head repeatedly, trying to get the image away.


"Yah, stop! What are you doing? And," a sniff, as if smelling her. "Are you drunk?!" 


The hand on her arms stops Wendy. She looks up and she can still see Irene.


"Oh! Joohyun unnie?" Wendy slurred. 


"Where were you and why can't I reach your phone?" Irene asked, half scolding. "Do you have any idea what time it is?!"


"Oh, uh.." Wendy managed to get her phone and tried to focus on it to see the time but all she can see is the dark screen. "I'm sorry. I guess my phone died."


"It's ing 1 am, Seungwan-ah!" Irene can't help but curse in frustration, especially since it seemed to her that Wendy is nonchalant about it. "Where have you been?!"


Irene was worried sick.


As soon as she left the Kims, she went straight to Wendy's apartment. It was nearly 11pm when she arrived and she saw that the apartment was already dark. She tried her luck to see if Wendy is still awake, she rang the doorbell but no one answered. Thinking that Wendy is already asleep, Irene decided to leave and just visit Wendy early in the morning.


Irene was on the way home when Joy called.


"Unnie, where are you?"


"I just dropped by Seungwan's apartment. I'm on the way back. Why?"


"Oh, uhm, have you seen Wendy unnie then?"


"No. I think she's already asleep. The lights are already off and she's not answering the doorbell."


"O-oh, I see. But uhm, have you talked to her for the past hour?"


"I haven't yet. After she didn't answer the doorbell, I didn't want to disturb her sleep so I didn't call." Irene paused for a moment. She didn't fail to notice the worry in Joy's voice. "Why? Is there something wrong, Sooyoung?"


Joy gulps. "Well, I'm not really sure, unnie. But, there's a possibility that Wendy unnie is not home yet."


"What? What are you talking about? Didn't one of you drive her home earlier?" Irene stopped the car at the side, she wants to focus her attention on what Joy was saying.


"I was supposed to, unnie. But she told me she wanted to have some air so she asked me not to drive her home." There was a bit of hesitation before Joy continued. "And it felt that Wendy unnie really needed her time alone so I let her."


"And then?"


"Well, she promised to text me when she's home. But until now, I haven't received any message from her. I- I can't even reach her phone, unnie."


Irene felt her heart skip a beat but she tried not to let fear get the best of her. "I'll try to call her, Sooyoung. I'll look for her."


"Okay, unnie." Joy answered softly. "And I'm sorry."


"You've done nothing wrong, Sooyoung." Irene assured her.  I should've been with her in the first place. "Thank you for looking after Seungwan. Take a rest now, hm? I'll handle the rest."


"Okay, unnie. Drive safely." 


Irene was at loss after the call. She immediately dialed Wendy's number but it couldn't be reached. She went back to the apartment and rang the doorbell multiple times but still, no one answered. She even sent multiple texts to Wendy though she doubts that it'll be read considering that Wendy's phone is probably off right now. 


Irene drives around to look for Wendy but she still can't find the younger girl. "Where are you, Seungwan-ah?"


With nowhere else to look for, Irene decides to wait across Wendy's apartment, hoping that the latter will eventually come home. She was about to drive around once more when she saw a taxi coming to a stop just in front of Wendy's apartment. Irene heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Wendy's figure who was slightly wobbling.


"Is she drunk?" Her relief was immediately replaced by worry and she can't help but show it by screaming at the younger girl.


"Where have you been??" Irene repeated.


"I- I just had a couple of drinks, unnie."


"Up to this time?!" Irene asked, bewildered. "Do you even know how worried I was? Not only me, Sooyoung was worried too!"


"Oh. Right. Sooyoung." Wendy frowned as she looked at her battery-drained phone.


"Are you even listening to me??" Irene asked.


"Unnie, let's just talk inside?" Wendy asked, a hand on her forehead. "My head is aching and I have to charge my phone so I can message Sooyoung that I'm home already."


Irene sighs. She gets the key from Wendy and opens the apartment herself, seeing that Wendy was having a hard time with it.


As they enter the apartment, Irene gets Wendy's phone from her hand and charges it. Wendy mumbles a soft 'thank you' before she sits on the sofa, leaning her head on it.


"Seungwan," Irene called calmly this time. 


Joy is right. Wendy needed the time alone earlier because something was wrong, and Irene could see it. 


"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier. I- I was just worried."


Wendy nodded. Her eyes still closed. "I'm sorry too, unnie. I didn't intend to make you worry."


"What's wrong though?" Irene asked. 


Wendy answered by shaking her head.


Irene sighs. "Are you angry that I was not there earlier?"


The mention of last night's event triggered something inside Wendy. She knows it's better to stay quiet when you're under the influence of alcohol, but right now, she's just too drunk to care. There's just so much unnamed emotions going on inside her, and it frustrates Wendy. Being drunk, Wendy unconsciously chooses anger to express it. 


"But why weren't you?" she snapped. 


"My mom came and I was held up." Irene noticed the tone but chose to ignore it first. 


"It's the first time though." Wendy chuckles bitterly. "Usually you don't let anyone tell you what to do." 


"Yeah but, they're not just anyone."


"Oh, right. How can I forget? It's the family of your first love."


Irene raised her eyebrow at the seemingly sarcastic tone. "That's not what I meant, Seungwan. It's because they're a family friend. And I told you, I'm doing them a favor because in a week, I'm gonna say 'no' to them."


"Would you really?" Wendy let the alcohol consume her thinking. 


Irene paused for a moment. She understands that Wendy is drunk and that she may not realize what she's saying. But the accusation offended her. "I don't like what you're insinuating here, Seungwan. I told you before that I won't marry Jennie."


Wendy kept mum and looked away, but Irene was still able to see through her.


"You don't believe me?"


"Your actions are saying otherwise." Wendy answered, still not backing down.


"What?" Irene scoffs. She can feel herself getting angry now too. "Okay, I admit that I wasn't able to prioritise you today. But when did I make you feel that I don't love you anymore?" 


Wendy silenced at that. Irene was right. Never once did the Queen make her feel that she's not loved. 


Wendy shakes her head.


"Then what's the problem?" Irene asked again.


"I don't know." Wendy answered and it's not a lie. She stood up unsteadily, not wanting to be reminded of the turmoil of emotions she's feeling. "Let's end this conversation, unnie. Stay the night here. It's already late to go home."


Irene sighs in despair. "Can't you just tell me what's wrong, Seungwan?"


"I said I don't know!" 


Irene mistook Wendy's outburst as a defensive stance, that the younger girl just doesn't want to tell her anything. "Damn it." Irene cursed in frustration. "Why can't you just be honest with me like-"


"Like Jennie??" Wendy continued. 


Seeing Irene shut her eyes and cursed under her breath, Wendy knew she was right. 


"Why don't you just marry her then?" Wendy clenched her fist. It's too late to take her words back now. 


"What did you say?" Irene asked disbelievingly. She looks at Wendy and the latter looks away once more, with no intention to take back her words. 


Irene scoffs. "It's that what you wanted? You wanted to be free from me. Is that it?" 


Wendy internally gulps. Yes, her emotions are all over the place right now and she still may not know why she's feeling what she feels but Wendy is sure of one thing. 


No, unnie. I don't want to. Wendy wanted to say. But no words came out. 


Irene takes Wendy's silence as a yes to her question. She felt hurt. 


"Fine then. I think I will marry her." Irene said before she left the apartment. 


A tear escaped Wendy's eyes but she was too numb and too drunk to notice.


"Damn it. What's wrong with me?" 





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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy