Chapter VI

My Girl

When Irene announced to the whole school that Wendy is her new girlfriend, the latter received scornful looks almost everyday from the Queens' fangirls. But this day, it's like they're sending her death glares.


The whole university expected that Queen Bae had already broken up with Wendy since it was their 100th day yesterday. Many were even surprised that the Queen still hadn't dumped Wendy after a few days of dating. Still, the fangirls are looking forward to this day because they're expecting the Queen to be single again and one of them can already take this opportunity to get close with the Queen Bae. The fangirls even lined up at the school gate, waiting for the Queens to arrive. For them, it's like a new chapter has started.


As Irene got off the car, the fangirls were about to scream their hearts out when much to their surprise, Wendy got off also from the car after Irene, the leader of the Queen even took hold of the younger girl's hand.


Wendy was glad that Irene held her hand. If not, she didn't know how she would manage to walk straight against the death glares and the talks. Some of the words that Wendy managed to catch were full of bitter surprise and hatred. 


"What is happening?"


"Why are they still together? Why is that girl still with them?"


"I'm sure it's their 100th day yesterday! I'm counting the days!"


"So why is that girl still with the Queens? They must have broken up already! What is this?"


"Omo, is my eyes not cheating on me? Queen Bae is still with the same girl even after 100 days have passed!"


"I'm sure she's done something to our dear Queen Bae. Maybe she did some witchcraft! She's a wicked witch, I'm telling you!" 


"I agree! She doesn't deserve the Queen! She's ugly!"


Wendy almost bumped at Irene when the older girl who is walking slightly ahead of her through the crowd, suddenly stopped.


"Unnie, why?" Wendy whispered, but Irene can't hear her. The Queen's focus is on two particular students. Wendy gulps as she sees how Irene is looking at them with coldness.


"What did you two say?" Irene asked with such venom.


Wendy looks at the two girls and she feels bad seeing them sweating, with obvious fears in their eyes. The two girls can't even talk.


Irene let go of Wendy's hand and walked towards the two frozen girls.


"I said, what did you two say?" Irene repeated. Everyone that is watching can only look in fear. The two girls were too scared to even utter a word. "Answer me!" 


"Unnie.." Wendy followed Irene and held her hand. "Come on, let's go."


Wendy tugged at Irene's hand but the older girl still won't bulge. "Unnie, please."


Irene heard the plea and she squeezed Wendy's hand on her, silently telling the younger girl that she'd heard her.


Irene waited for what the two girls would do or say, but when they didn't, she spoke again a bit calmly this time.


"Apologize to her. Now."


Hearing the toned down voice, the two girls felt quite relieved and didn't waste any time to obey the Queen.


"We're sorry!" The two girls said in unison, bowing to Wendy.


Wendy smiles awkwardly. "It's okay."


Having heard that they've forgiven, the two girls slowly look up to Irene. They thought that since Wendy forgave them, Irene will let it pass as well.


"Let's go, Seungwan." Irene said, tugging at Wendy's hand.


The two girls heaved a sigh of relief and grins to themselves.


"Oh, and by the way." Irene suddenly turned back and faced the girls once more. "I'm expecting that starting tomorrow, you'll no longer be a student of this school, witch and ugly."


Irene walked away with a surprised Wendy, leaving the two girls in tears.


"Yah, unnie, why did you do that? You should have just let them." Wendy said when they've reached the Queens' lounge.


"And let them insult you? No way, Seungwan-ah."


"I don't mind it anyway."


"Still, you shouldn't let anyone talk to you like that. Especially when you know it's not true."


"I just don't want the attention, unnie."


"I know. But if you won't do anything, they'll just do it over and over again." Irene answered. "Besides, what I did was way too lenient. If you're not there, I might have slapped them real hard."


"Yah, unnie." Wendy was scandalised. "Don't ever do that, you shouldn't get into fights." 


Irene shrugged.




Irene sighs. "I just don't want them to treat you that way, Seungwan."


"I know unnie. And I'm thankful for that." Wendy smiled. "But there are other ways to tell them that. Just, go easy on them."


"I don't get it why you're siding with them."


Wendy chuckled at the accusation. "I'm not unnie. But they are your fans." 


"Yeah, so they should know how to respect my decisions and who am I with."


"Well, that's that, unnie. But I think they just like you so much that they're clouded with a bit of uh, jealousy?" Wendy chuckled seeing the still irritated expression on Irene. "Let's just be the better person, unnie."


"And why would I do that if they're like that? I never even asked them to be a fan." 


"Exactly. Still, they choose to support and follow you." Wendy answered. "And, I may not agree to all the things they do but that's why you're here as the person they idolise. I'm sure they'll listen to you."


"Ugh. Why are you so kind to them, Seungwan?"


"Because they are your fans, unnie. They look up to you." Wendy emphasised once more with a smile. "And I don't want you to lose the support and love that they're giving you. I don't want to taint the image they have of you. And besides, it wouldn't be good for the university if people would know that they expelled and kicked out students just for personal reasons, don't you think?"


"I don't care about any of that."


"I know, unnie. But I do. Especially if it's because of me. I- I'll feel bad."


Irene can only sigh.


"So, just don't get too hard on them, unnie. No more fights and expulsions, yeah?"


Irene thinks for a while before she defeatedly nods her head. "Fine."


"Really, unnie? Promise?"


"I'm doing this only for you, Seungwan." Irene emphasized. "So yeah, promise." 


Wendy smiled gleefully and hugs Irene. "Thank you, unnie."


To Wendy's surprise, it was Seulgi who fetched her the next day. She just received a message from Irene saying, 'Goodmorning Seungwan. I asked Seulgi to come with you to school instead. I love you.'


Ever since Irene confessed to Wendy that she loves her the other day, the Queen became vocal about it and will often say those three words to Wendy, often making the younger girl blushed.


Wendy replied to Irene's message, asking for the reason, but she didn't receive any reply. Wendy didn't think of it as a big deal because since the start, Wendy learned that Irene is not the techy type, the older girl would prefer calls over SMS. 


"Hi Wendy!"


"Goodmorning, Seulgi." Wendy greeted as she got inside the car. "Where's Joohyun unnie?"


"Oh, she's down with a fever so she can't go to school." Seulgi answered. "She just called me earlier and asked me to fetch you."


"Joohyun unnie is sick?" 


"Yeah. But don't worry, I think it's just a flu."


"Is she okay?"


"I haven't seen her yet but from her call earlier, I think she's fine. Just a runny nose and a hoarse voice."


Wendy nodded at the answer. She wanted to call Irene but if the older girl didn't reply to her message earlier, it can mean that she is resting and Wendy didn't want to disturb her.


Seulgi noticed Wendy's concern and she smiled. "What time does your class end today?"


"I've got till 5."


"Okay, that's just right. We'll go to unnie's house after your class."




"Yeah, so don't think about it too much."


Wendy smiled and nodded. "Thanks, Seulgi."


By lunchtime, Wendy finally received a reply message from Irene, the Queen saying that she's fine and that there's nothing to worry about. Still, Wendy feels that she has to see for herself if Irene is really fine.


Finally, her last class for the day ended and Wendy cheered internally. She fixed her things and immediately went out of the room only to be blocked by three girls.


"Uh, can I help you with something?" Wendy asked politely.


One girl scoffs and that's when Wendy notices that the girls are looking not too friendly at her. "We really don't know what our Queen saw in you."


Ah. Servants of the Queens.


"Look at you." Another girl said as she pushed Wendy's shoulder with a finger. "Aren't you too delusional to even think that you can date one of the Queens let alone the Queen Bae herself? She doesn't deserve someone like you!" And another push.


"Don't get too cocky if I were you." The third girl said with a smirk. "Our Queen Bae is just taking her time toying with you."


"She's not like that." Wendy answered in a soft voice.


"Oh, are you sure, dear?" The third girl questioned mockingly. "Cause I think that you, of all people, should know never to trust a player, right Wendy Son?"


Wendy was too stunned to reply. They know.


"You know, a cousin of mine studied in the US and coincidentally, she knows a Wendy Son back in high school." The girl continued, confirming Wendy's thought. "I mean, come on Wendy-ssi, doesn't all this feels like a deja vu to you?"


Wendy's eyes wavered, and the girls didn't miss it. The third girl smirks in victory as she threads dangerously close towards Wendy. "A piece of advice, Wendy-ssi. Don't let the same thing happen to you, twice."


"Our Queen Bae will surely break up with you, why not beat her to it?" The first girl said, taunting. "That way you wouldn't look so pathetic."


"Yeah. Just leave Queen Bae to us." The second girl added. "We can give her what a player needs. You're too boring for her. She doesn't need real love, she just likes flirting and and-"


"Stop talking about Joohyun unnie that way." Wendy said thru gritted teeth, fist clenched.


The girls seemed taken aback but didn't back down either. "You're talking back now to us, huh?" One girl said as she pushed Wendy till the latter's back hit the door.


"And how dare you call our Queen Bae by her real name?" The third girl raised her hand, about to slap Wendy. "You piece of-"


"Wendy unnie?" A voice interrupted them. "What's going on here?"


Wendy's view was blocked by the three girls but she recognized the voice. She silently sighs in relief. Oh, thank God, Sooyoung.


The three girls seem to recognize the voice as well. Their eyes widened but didn't turn their heads.


"We're not done with you yet." One girl whispered to Wendy before they hurriedly left the scene.


"Yah, come back here!" Joy was about to run after the three girls, but Wendy held her hand.


"Don't mind them, Sooyoung."


"But those girls were bullying you, right?" Joy came just in time to witness the girl raising her hand at Wendy.


"It's fine, Sooyoung-ah. I'm not hurt, see?"


"Urgh, those girls! Wait till I tell Joohyun unnie about this."


"Don't." Wendy stopped Joy. "Don't tell her Sooyoung, please?"


"But she needs to know, unnie. Who knows what they would have done if I didn't come." Joy answered. "And this might not be the last time so Joohyun unnie must know."


Wendy sighs. "Unnie's got a fever, Sooyoung-ah. Let's just let her rest without worrying or thinking about anything, hm?"


Joy contemplates for a while. "Ugh. Fine." 


"Thanks, Sooyoung."


"Are you sure you're okay though unnie?" Joy scanned Wendy up and down, front and back. "You're not hurt anywhere?"


Wendy smiled at the gesture. "I'm fine, Sooyoung-ah. Let's go and visit Joohyun unnie now." 



They arrived not too long after to Irene's house and much to the surprise of Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri, it was Irene's dad who welcomed them at the living room.


"Hi girls! How's my other daughters doing?"


"Uncle!" It was Yeri who greeted first. "Very long time no see, uncle. When did you arrive?"


"Just an hour ago." The man answered. 


"Does unnie know that you're already here, uncle?" Seulgi asked.


The man smiled and shook his head. "Hyun was sleeping when I arrived and I didn't want to bother her." The old man then noticed Wendy's presence beside Joy.


"Oh, a new face." He commented with a fatherly smile. "And you are..?"


"Oh, Uhm, I'm Wendy Son, sir." Wendy bowed. "Nice to meet you."


"Wendy Son." The man repeated, taking in Wendy's name. "Nice to meet you as well. You're a new friend of theirs?" 




"Yes, she is, uncle." Joy answered for Wendy. "But to be more accurate, she's Joohyun unnie's girlfriend."


Wendy's eyes widened at how Joy revealed it to Irene's father just like that. 


"Oh, is that so?"


Wendy looks back at the man nervously. Wendy noticed how the man didn't look surprised at all. She nodded. "Yes, sir."


"Uh, uncle." Seulgi interjected. "Can we go see unnie now?"


The man smiled. "Of course, you know you didn't have to ask. Go on then."


Seulgi clung her arm to Wendy's and made a move to leave. "Let's go, Wendy."


"Oh, Wendy-ssi."


The four girls stopped walking as Irene's father called out.


"Uh, yes, sir?"


"I think Hyun is still sleeping. So, would you mind accompanying me here in the living room for the meantime?"


Wendy gulps. Oh my gosh. It's THE talk.


"Oh, do you want us to accompany you as well, uncle?" Seulgi answered instead. "We can all stay here till unnie wakes up."


The old man laughs kindly. "You three go to Joohyun. I just want to spend time with my daughter's girlfriend here. You've got nothing to worry about. Right, Wendy-ssi?"


Wendy wants to say 'no', but the old man is smiling kindly at her so how can she say no to that. Besides, he's Joohyun unnie's father.


"Yes, sir. And no, I wouldn't mind." Wendy said as calmly as she can deliver. She turned to the three worried girls. "You guys go ahead."


"Are you sure, unnie?" Yeri asked.


Wendy nodded and smiled.


The three girls hesitantly left Wendy with Irene's father and went straight to Irene's room where their leader is sleeping soundly.


"Unnie, why do you have to tell uncle that Wendy unnie is Joohyun unnie's girlfriend?" Yeri asked.


"Well, it's not really a secret right? The whole school knows about it so I'm sure uncle already has an idea." Joy answered. "Besides, I didn't know that uncle would have wanted a talk with Wendy unnie. 


"Yeah, I didn't expect it either." Yeri agreed.


"Do you think we should wake Joohyun unnie up and tell her?" Joy asked, looking at the lump figure on the bed.


"I don't know." Seulgi answered as she looked at Irene as well. "Joohyun unnie is a light sleeper. So normally, she would have woken up by now already. But seeing that she didn't even bulge with our entrance, I think she really doesn't feel good right now. Maybe we should just let her rest for a bit."


The two younger girls nodded. "Would Wendy unnie be fine there though?" Joy asked.


"I guess so?" Yeri answered, a bit unsure. "It's uncle, so...maybe?"


"Yeah, let's see first." Seulgi said. "If Wendy's not back in an hour, let's wake Joohyun unnie." 


Wendy gulps. She was sitting in the living room, directly across Irene's father.


"Would you like a coffee, Wendy-ssi? Or snacks?" The man asked kindly.


"Uh, N-no, sir. I'm good." Wendy answered, trying hard not to sound too nervous when in fact, her hands are sweating. "And, just Wendy is fine, sir."


"Okay." The man nodded. "So, Wendy, how long have you and Hyun been together?"


Oh. Straight forward. Just like Joohyun unnie


"Uh.. More than three months, sir."


"I see." The man answered as he sipped his coffee. "A little less than a hundred days, I guess?"


"Uhh.. Just a couple of days more than a hundred, sir."


It was just a flick of a moment because his reaction changes back to the nonchalant one but Wendy didn't miss how he looked surprised for a moment.


"So you've gone past your 100 days?"


"Uh yes, sir."


"Oh, that's a first." The man commented with a smile.


This time, it's Wendy who was surprised. Does it mean that he knew?


"Uhh.. You- you knew, sir?" Wendy managed to ask in spite of her nervousness.


"About Hyun and her not dating anyone for more than 100 days? Yes, I knew that." The man gave a small smile. "I know I'm always not at home but Hyun's my only daughter, and she's the only one I have now."


"I want to know how my daughter is doing so I have the maids and some of the teachers at the university to report to me how she is." The man continued.


Wendy absorbs this and nods. "So I guess you've already known who I am sir even before you asked?"


The man laughs at the younger girl's perceptiveness. "Well to be exact, I only knew who you are when you introduced your name. A teacher in your university told me Hyun is seeing this girl named 'Wendy Son' and I have no idea what you look like."


"Oh." was the only word Wendy managed to answer.


"Though I didn't know that Hyun has been dating you for more than a hundred days already." He laughs. "Guess my contact is not updated yet."


"Uh sir, would you mind if I asked a question?" Wendy was curious about something so she asked before she could stop herself.


The man grew curious too. "Sure. What is it, Wendy?"


"Uh, sir.. If you want to know how Joohyun unnie is doing.. Why don't you just ask him yourself?" Wendy asked carefully. "I mean, wouldn't it be easier and more accurate than to have someone else report to you about her?"


The man smiled to himself. Very perceptive indeed.


"You're right. It would be easier. But for me, it's harder." The man answered. "And I'm sure you already know that Hyun hates me. So even if I wanted to talk to her or call her, I knew she wouldn't tell me anything."


Wendy understands his point but still, Wendy was curious.


"But.. Have you tried, sir?"


This time, the man didn't bother hiding his surprise. He was rendered speechless for a moment before he smiled and shook his head.


"No. I haven't tried yet."


Wendy wanted to say something but decided against it. She didn't want to seem nosy. Besides, judging from the man's reaction, Wendy knew she made her point across.


"Sir?" Wendy started seeing that the man grew quiet. "Do you happen to like bulgogi, kimbap, or jjangchae?" 


The man didn't understand the sudden flow of the topic, nonetheless, he answered.


"I like bulgogi. It's my favorite, actually."


Wendy nodded. "Ah so that means kimbap and jjangchae are the favorites of Joohyun unnie's mom?"


"Well, yes." The man was surprised. "How did you know? Hyun told you?"


"Something like that sir." Wendy smiled. "Sir, did you know that Joohyun unnie knows how to cook them? And she doesn't just know how, she cooks them well!"


"Really?" He never knew this and he can't hide his surprise. "I- I didn't know."


"I've tried them last time and it's really good, sir." Wendy beamed. "I hope you can try them as well one time. Unnie learned how to cook your favorites because she wants you, her mom and dad, to be able to try it. But uh, unfortunately, uh-"


"We were never home." The man continued for Wendy.


The latter can only nod.


"W-when- when did she.."


"Since she was a kid, sir." Wendy answered, understanding what the man meant.


The man sighs and Wendy can see guilt and sadness in his eyes. "I'm sure she really resents me now."


"Uhm, I really don't know sir." Wendy answered honestly. "But if you'll ask me, I think she doesn't hate you."


The man smiled bitterly. "But how can she not? I'm always never here since she was little, I broke our family apart, and now I've learned that I just broke her dream as a kid."


Contrary to the man's reaction, Wendy smiled. "Sir, I told you that I've tried her cooking just recently, right? And that it's really good?"


"Yes." The man nodded. He didn't understand why Wendy is looking at him like the younger girl is giving him hope. "What does it have to do with it?"


"When she gives up the idea that you'll one day come home and try her cooking, she can just throw all those learnings away or even stop cooking them. But she didn't. In fact, up until now, she cooks them perfectly." Wendy smiled. She didn't know where she gets this confidence to converse naturally like this with Irene's father. "Why do you think so, sir? 


"I-" Irene's father thought for a while. Only one answer came to mind but he thinks it's impossible.


"Deep inside her, she's still hoping that there will come a time that you'll come home and she'll be able to cook for you." Wendy voiced out the answer that the man is also thinking. 


"She doesn't hate you sir. She's hurt, and she maybe hurting still. But she doesn't hate you." Wendy smiled. "It's not too late to try, sir."


The man knew that Wendy was pertaining to their earlier conversation. He let all these words sinked into him and he can only give Wendy a smile.


"You're a smart kid, Wendy."


Wendy can only smile shyly as she scratched her head. "Uh, I don't know sir. But thank you."


"And I think you're really good for Hyun."




"Well, it's not like I have a say on who she dates or not." The man laughs. "But I'm just telling you that I'm rooting for you."


"Oh- oh, uh.." This time, the confidence in her vanishes and Wendy can only stutters. What can I do? My girlfriend's father just gave us his blessing. 


Wendy was too preoccupied to even notice that this is the first time she pertains to Irene as her girlfriend.


"We-well, uh, thanks, sir." Wendy answered the man who's giving her a fatherly smile.


Meanwhile, the three Queens are still in Irene's room, silently playing on their phone when an alarm goes off.


"Whose is that? Turn it off." Seulgi instructed, worried that it might disturb Irene.


The three girls look for the alarm only to find out that it is Irene's phone. The three girls watched as the oldest girl groaned before turning the alarm off.


Irene sat up and that's when she realized the presence of her friends. On the other hand, the three girls froze, silently looking at each other with the same thought in mind.


Wendy/Wendy unnie's not here yet.


"Oh, hi girls." Irene yawned. "Since when you arrived?"


"Uhh.. A little less than an hour ago, unnie." Yeri answered. "How are you feeling?"


"Just got a little headache." Irene answered. "You should have woken me up."


"We wanted you to rest first, unnie." Seulgi answered this time. "Why did you even set an alarm for," Seulgi looked at her watch. "7pm?"


Irene yawned once more, still feeling sleepy. "I need to check on Seungwan if she arrived home safely." She then looked at Seulgi whom she asked to bring Wendy home. "So?"


"Uhh.. Actually, Wendy's not home yet, unnie." Seulgi answered, albeit nervously.


"Oh, why? She has some project or something?" Irene asked as she got her phone, about to dial Wendy. 


"Uh, no, unnie."


Irene raised her brow. "Where's Seungwan then? Is she okay?"


"Yes, she's okay, unnie." Yeri hesitantly answered. "I mean, I guess we think she's okay."


"What? What do you mean by that?" Irene threw her blanket and made a move to leave the bed. "What's really happening? Where's Seungwan?"


Seulgi and Yeri looked at Joy, silently asking the girl to answer Irene. Ever since, Joy has always been direct and honest one.


Joy noticed the look the two girls are giving her and sighed. She turned to face Irene. "Wendy unnie came with us, unnie. She's here."


"Oh." Relief washed over Irene's face. "Where is she then?"


"She's at the living room, unnie. With uncle."


"Hm? Uncle? Uncle who-" Irene's eyes widened as she stood up. "Dad is here? And why is Seungwan with her?"


"Uncle said he wanted Wendy unnie's company?"


"What? No way." Irene hurriedly tied her hair up and went straight to the door. The three girls followed Irene as the latter dashed out of the room and walked as fast as she could down to the living room. 


The Queens reached the living room just in time to see Wendy and Irene's father in a stare down.




Wendy and Irene's father both looked up to see the Queens.


"Oh! Joohyun unnie!" Wendy smiled as she saw the flushed face and the messy bun. Cute.


"Hyun." The man called to her daughter.


Irene acknowledges her father with a small bow. She then walks towards Wendy before facing her father, keeping Wendy behind her protectively. 


"What were you doing? Why were you looking at Seungwan as if you're challenging her? What did you tell her?"


Much to the Queens' surprise, Wendy and Irene's father looked at each other and laughed. 


"What's.. Happening?" Irene asked, confused.


"Unnie, your dad and I were playing Sudoku." Wendy answered, gesturing towards the ipad on the table. "See?" 


Irene raised her brow at the unexpected scenario. "You were playing?" 


"Hm." Wendy answered cheerfully.


"Your girlfriend is really smart, Hyun." Irene looks at her father to see the old man sporting a wide grin.


"I'm flattered, sir." Wendy answered instead, seeing that the older girl is just staring at her father without any emotion in it. "But you're a very strong competitor."


"Well, I should be. It's my pride on the line." The man answered back with a chuckle.


Wendy chuckled in return before she turned to Irene. "By the way unnie, how are you feeling?"


"I'm fine. You? Are you okay?"


"I'm fine as well, unnie."


"Good." Irene nodded and took Wendy's hand. "Come on, let's go upstairs now." 


"Hyun?" Irene's father called before Irene could move. The Queen looked at her father, waiting.


"Well, uh, the dinner's ready." The man said hesitantly. "Let's all have dinner?"


The four Queens were surprised while Wendy can only beamed internally. 


"You're staying here for dinner?" Irene asked in pure surprise. She can't even remember the last time she had dinner with her father. 


"Well I uh took the day off." The man answered. "I have to fly back to Japan tomorrow though. But uh, yes, I'm staying for dinner."


"Great!" Wendy was the one who broke the tense atmosphere. "Let's all have dinner together. Let's go, sir? Come on, unnie. Come on guys." Wendy lightly dragged Irene, signalling for the girls to follow as well. 


Dinner was awkward. Irene hasn't said a word since they arrived at the dining area, her father seemed hesitant, and the other four girls were just looking back and forth between the two. 


"So uh.. Who won in the game earlier?" Yeri started, in an attempt to ease the atmosphere.


"It's a tie." Wendy answered, thankful for Yeri. "We're about to start the 5th round when you guys come."


"Can't say I'm not relieved though." Irene's father managed to joke, which earned a laugh from the other girls, except Irene.


"Oh, by the way uncle, why the sudden short trip here? We're really surprised to see you." Joy asked this time.


"Well uh, Ms. Lee called me over the phone." The man answered, and Irene can see from her peripheral view that her father is looking at her. The man cleared his throat. "Uh, how are you feeling by the way, Hyun?" 


Awkwardness enveloped the table once more. The three younger Queens are not used to having this kind of daughter-father interaction while Wendy can only wait for Irene to respond. Fortunately, the oldest girl answered, albeit unwillingly. 


"I'm sure Ms. Lee already told you I'm fine. You didn't have to take a day off for that."


Wendy gulps. It's like back then when Irene was talking to her mother. The only difference this time is that Irene's father felt more friendly.


The man nodded. Indeed, the head maid updated him that all is well. "Still, I got to make sure."


Irene just shrugged and chose not to answer back.


Thanks to the two maknaes, the table was somehow filled with laughter with their stories. Only Irene was not joining the conversation, focusing on her food instead. Few minutes passed and the leader of the Queens stood.


"I'm done. I'll go ahead first."


"Oh, I'll come with you, unnie." Wendy answered, about to stand as well.


"It's fine, Seungwan. Eat first."




"Just eat. I'll wait for you upstairs."


Wendy noticed that Irene looked tired so she didn't argue anymore.


By the time Wendy finished eating, she immediately went up to Irene's room only to find the older girl sleeping soundly. She went closer and noticed the flushed face of the Queen. Wendy measured the other girl's temperature with the back of her hand to Irene's forehead and frowned. She's hot. I mean, feverishly hot.


Wendy immediately went for cold water and a towel. She damped Irene's forehead and arms with the wet cloth. The only response the Queen had was a groan when the cold towel hit her skin but she remained sleeping.


I guess you're still not well. Wendy looks at the older girl in concern, brushing her thumb with the latter's hand. "Get well soon, unnie" .


Irene woke up with a grunt at the sound of a knock. She opened her eyes and was quite surprised that the lights were already out. 


It's just past dinner time. Why is it so dark already?


She was about to get her phone at the night stand when she heard a light snore. She frowned when she noticed that a body was lying on the couch, with the couch being moved directly beside her bed. 


Who the- Irene squints her eyes to look better at the figure in spite of darkness. She gasps.




Irene gets her phone and looked at the time. It's 30 minutes past 2. 2? 2am?? Her eyes widened. Why is Seungwan still here??


Irene noticed an unread message on her phone and she opened it. It's from Seulgi.


"Unnie, you were already asleep when we finished eating. And you were burning up. So we didn't wake you. And I know you asked me to bring Wendy home but she insisted on staying there to look after you. I'm sorry, unnie. Get well soon, okay?" 


Argh. What the hell is Seulgi thinking? Seungwan also needs proper rest.


Irene the lampshade and that's when she saw the basin of water on the table. She looked at Wendy's sleeping figure and the younger girl's hand was clutching a towel.


She must have fallen asleep out of tiredness.


Irene was about to tuck a hair of Wendy's when a soft knock was heard again. Afraid that the constant knocking will wake Wendy, Irene immediately went towards the door and carefully opened it. 


Much to Irene's surprise because for a moment she had forgotten that he's here, it was her father. 


"Oh, Hyun?" Her father looked surprised as well. "I'm sorry, did I wake you? Wendy told me to come here anytime and she'll answer the door, so I thought..."


"She's fallen asleep." Irene answered in a low voice to not wake Wendy up. She gestured towards Wendy. "It's exam week so she's been putting an all nighter these past few days, she hasn't had proper sleep yet. And to think that she's here.."


"She's very persistent." The man smiled kindly.


Irene sighs. She looks at her father and notices he's in a business suit.


"Going back now?"


"Ah, yes. My flight's in an hour. I just came to check on you before I leave."


Irene nodded impassively. "I'm fine. Go ahead."


"Okay." The man gave a small smile. "Oh and uh, can you pass a message to Wendy for me?"


Irene raised a brow, waiting for the message.


"Please tell Wendy that uh, we still have a game to finish." The man said with a soft smile.


We still have a game to finish.


For a moment, Irene didn't say anything. She knew very well that it was not a message just for Wendy. It was a message for her as well.


Is he telling me that he'll come home again?


Seeing that Irene got the message, the man smiled. "I'll go ahead now. Take care of yourself, Hyun."


Irene just nod.


"And Hyun?"


Irene looks up to see her father with a thumbs up. "Good catch."


It's not a surprise for Irene anymore that her father didn't have any problem with Wendy, he was supportive of her relationship before as well. What surprised her was how, for the first time in a very long time, her father seemed to be...trying.


But as Irene didn't want to get her hopes up, she shook her head at the thought. She sat on the bed and watched Wendy sleep for a while, a smile plastered on her face as Wendy gave a soft snore. 


"Why do you always make it easy for me to fall for you even more, Seungwan-ah."



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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki 0 points #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy