Today’s Exciting News!

Finding Love One Afternoon

"Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls. I'm interrupting tonight's usual ABC broadcast with some  super exciting celebrity news!"


"I'm sure I don't have to tell you what's happening today, but for those of you who don't follow the love story of the decade i will fill you in. It's the 22nd April 2022 and today is the day our favourite King of Seoul becomes a married man, married to that delicate red haired boy that has stolen the heart of the nation with his kindness, grace and clear love he has for our favourite king. I hear a collective sigh coming through the televisions, iPads, computers or any other device your using. I'm also sure many of your mother will have been crying into their tissues as their chance to ensnare the Park Chanyeol for their offspring is finally null and void.


Yes i agree with the rest of you not so deluded people, it would be silly to think your sons or daughters had a chance with that tall ice cold drink of a man after everything our dear Baekhyun has endured just to be with him. Nobody needs me to remind them what happened six months ago do they, I see you all shanking your heads thank the lord for that. Nobody needs a reminder of that viscous attack on Baekhyun by that jealous, deranged, crazy man. 


I like the rest of the nation breathed a sigh of relief when Adam Wu was frog marched on to a plane back to the county he came from, the icing on the cake of course that he was handcuffed to the Air Marshall. Sources have confirmed that Adam is currently residing in a secure prison hospital where he will be carrying out a life sentence under solitary confinement! I hear you ask about the other Wu that had broken our Park Chanyeol's heart, well I also have it in good authority that he is keeping a low profile in the country with extended family after his own fall from grace.


Enough of the doom and gloom talk, we have plenty of time to discuss the Wu's on a later segment. You are all for the juicy good stuff and all things weddings, despite our best attempts we have only been able to get a brief snippet of what's likely to be going on for the wedding of the century. Our resident Fort Knox has remained incredibly tight lipped on the order of the day, as have many of the suppliers. It would appear Park Chanyeol has been determined to keep the details of  wedding under tight wraps. I say this as I have seen the non disclosure agreements of one of  supplier we approached.


Now before you all start huffing and puffing about our lack of information, we have been able to get a quick sneak peak at some items heading over to the gates complex that the Parks call home. No I won't give the address whilst our moral companion doesn't always point true north, we do understand the need for some boundaries. Yes I know your all screaming at me  to get on with the information you truly want to hear, well I can spill some beans. 


The wedding of the century appears to have a very clean white theme, I'm sure you all want to know how we know this. Well we were lucky enough to glimpse some flowers outside the gates, and could also see that the wedding will be catered by that fancy expensive French specialist caterer La Cuisines Des Arts, and the wedding guests will be drinking imported champagne as we saw the sleek bottle green vans synonymous with that famous UK retailer the likes of mere mortals can only dream of affording. Sadly that's all the information we can give you at the moment, be sure to stay tuned for tomorrow's segment as I'm sure we will have some more information regarding the wedding of the decade.


There you have it ladies and gentlemen, please use the hashtags at the bottom of the screen should you wish to leave your comments on our Twitter feed. 


Your watching ABC News!"



Stay tuned my lovelies, the next update will be coming real soon

I hope your all excited for it 


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Hello everyone, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this, I’m new to asianfanfic, if these seem familiar it’s because I do have a profile on AO3 and Wattpad under the same name ❤️


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aleezay #1
Chapter 37: i love small intimate weddings
aleezay #2
Chapter 11: ABC news is acting like SM
aleezay #3
Chapter 1: o wowww! what a beginning
Mess_156 #4
Chapter 40: I can’t tell how many times I read this, I hope you update the second season soon.
I’m not native English speaker but I still understand and enjoy this, in fact reading this fan fic did help me improve my English.
Thank you so much
kworld320 #5
Chapter 38: Just finished reading this story.
It was a great read.
Looking forward to the sequel.
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 40: Yeah!! New stories!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 39: I am so excited to read more!! I feel like Baek has a lot of growing up to do and that may be hard for Chan to understand...
Beau1996 1374 streak #8
Chapter 38: Lovely, lovely ending!! It really was like a first time and for Baek to speak the words "I love you" - ahh perfection! ❤️ Please more stories of our lovely boys 🙏
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 37: Oh my goodness author-nim, that was so good!! The wedding was lovely but the heartfelt words were the best - Park Baekhyun!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #10
Chapter 36: I need the wedding deets author-nim!!