The Low Down of the Century

Finding Love One Afternoon

I'm interrupting tonight's usual ABC broadcast with some celebrity news of the century! Good Evening ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad I have your attention! I hope your sitting comfortably and don't have any hot substances in your hands because what I must tell you is going to blow your mind. Now we have been oohing and ahhing over our newest celebrity couple. I know I know your all probably sick to your back teeth of hearing how good looking they are, how perfect they are together and the altogether way over the top lovey doveyness.


How they seem to radiate love and happiness wherever they go together, and how they leave a trail of admirers and general mushiness everywhere. I'm sure I don't need to tell you who I am referring to! Well for those of you sleeping under rocks, I am indeed referring to the King of Seoul Park Chanyeol and his new Beau. That demure red haired man, who never puts a foot out of place, yes that's him Byun Baekhyun!


I hear you, I hear you, I know enough of the cheese, your all hanging on to your seats for dear life waiting  for the good stuff. Well I have the ultimate crack in the golden couples armour as it were, the one thing that is bound to cause waves. I will say before I tell you what I think you all should know, is that if I hadn't seen the video, I would not have believed it myself. Some of you recall my last update about how that could possibly be causing a few waves in our elite class of society. I have no shame in saying that I had hoped we see a little bit of drama between our golden couple and the rat pac elite. That Drama that just hasn't happened until now that is, as I have the scoop that will be front page news, and will be on every news channel come sunrise.


I think we can all agree the last six weeks any news of no longer eligible bachelor Park Chanyeol has been rather boring, almost secretive! I see your all about to lose any attention to me over my rambling and just want me to get to the point, well without further udo I give you the video our source captured, can you see it up in the screen. Can we all just take a moment to apricate the fashionable ensemble Baekhyun wears, Chanyeol has been very generous that aviator jackets hasn't even hit the catwalk yet! Now have you been watching carefully, do you see what our young Baekhyun is doing with those beautiful delicate hands. I see have your complete attention, our specialist has reviewed this video and has come to one conclusion Byun Baekhyun is deaf mute. I know your as surprised as I am, I personally can't wait to watch the drama unfold! Why you ask because it's clear our source has a desperate case of if I can't have you no one can!


There you have it ladies and gentlemen, please use the hashtags at the bottom of the screen should you wish to leave your comments on our Twitter feed. 


Your watching ABC News!"


The secret is out, are you all ready for the showdown I have planned it's going to be epic at least I hope it is. Overprotective and pissed off Chanyeol is coming eeek!

Hello my lovelies surprise news bulletin for you all, I know you all have pitch forks for ABC and either love these news bulletins or hate them.

I'm pretty sure you can guess the culprit behind this, let me know what you think

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Hello everyone, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this, I’m new to asianfanfic, if these seem familiar it’s because I do have a profile on AO3 and Wattpad under the same name ❤️


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aleezay #1
Chapter 37: i love small intimate weddings
aleezay #2
Chapter 11: ABC news is acting like SM
aleezay #3
Chapter 1: o wowww! what a beginning
Mess_156 #4
Chapter 40: I can’t tell how many times I read this, I hope you update the second season soon.
I’m not native English speaker but I still understand and enjoy this, in fact reading this fan fic did help me improve my English.
Thank you so much
kworld320 #5
Chapter 38: Just finished reading this story.
It was a great read.
Looking forward to the sequel.
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 40: Yeah!! New stories!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 39: I am so excited to read more!! I feel like Baek has a lot of growing up to do and that may be hard for Chan to understand...
Beau1996 1374 streak #8
Chapter 38: Lovely, lovely ending!! It really was like a first time and for Baek to speak the words "I love you" - ahh perfection! ❤️ Please more stories of our lovely boys 🙏
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 37: Oh my goodness author-nim, that was so good!! The wedding was lovely but the heartfelt words were the best - Park Baekhyun!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #10
Chapter 36: I need the wedding deets author-nim!!