The Cockroach Strikes!

Finding Love One Afternoon

Eek it feels like an age since I updated this story, can you believe it's it's been over a month since I've done a full update! I know I gave you all a teeny tiny snippet with my news break,  but have left you all hanging for far far to long I'm so so sorry 😞 

I'm moving the story along a couple of months, and as you can tell by the tittle trouble is brewing! it's going to be a bumpy couple of updates, that I don't think any of you will be expecting.

Can't wait to hear what you think

I hope your strapped in for the ride ❤️❤️


Three Months after the proposal!

Adam's POV

He really does despise the red haired princess, he finally sees walking back out of that lame cafe! Anger flaring in his gut at the smile Baekhyun wears. How typical of him too to be wearing a white jumper, it's not like the whole world doesn't already know he's going to be a bride he doesn't have to flaunt it from dawn until dusk! Oh how he hates him the sudden darling of the nation, a young boy unable to step a foot wrong! Rage rising again when he remembers how his father in law declared he and Kris deserved to be turfed out of that apartment like the criminals they ought to be called after their stint as he called it. He certainly hasn't forgotten the sheer devastation on Kris's face when his father confirmed what Chanyeol had said, he willingly let Chanyeol sell Wu Law out from under him in the hopes it would teach them both a lesson! The final nail in the coffins finding out that Kris Porsche had been sold by Chanyeol too! 


It had taught him a very valuable lesson, that this little fancy had bewitched even the people supposed to be on their side. Adam had to spend a couple of weeks consoling his husband, over the betrayal of his family. Yes they still bailed them out and haven't been cut off, but he can hear the whispers at the Wu estate every time they are there. 


He truly has no idea what Chanyeol sees in this boy, he can pretty much guarantee this flimsy al fancy doesn't know how to ! He certainly won't be able to put on the vocal show Chanyeol loves when he wants to get down and dirty. Personally he's still convinced the sign language is all an act, and he has just the thing to prove his hunch! 


Right now he really shouldn't be thinking of them having ! This fairy haired princess is probably making Chanyeol take a vow of chastity before the wedding anyway! He hates to think it but if anyone were to see him now too they would think he was just some jealous deranged harpy. It's not jealously that has him stalking this princess! It's the need for revenge, no one gets to call the cops and have him escorted out of a building and gets away with it.


It's whilst he was consoling his husband where he was able to think of the perfect revenge! What better way to get back Chanyeol then by hurting his precious but fake fiancé, Chanyeol doesn't deserve to have his happy ending after what he's done, it's time for the mighty to fall! He's had time to plan just the thing too, he's meticulously planned this down to the very last detail. Has stalked the little fancy for long enough to know his schedule like the back of his hand! He's knows that today is a college day, it's Monday and dear little Baekhyun shouldn't be at the cafe! Yet every other weekday he comes to this cafe, and leaves soon after with a take out box and drinks carrier! The perfect little house wife in training, which makes feel a bit of vomit in the back of his throat!


Today though to his surprise he been left waiting for an hour to enact his plan, the reason for the white jumper all the more clear when stick up his arse Oh Sehun also stepped out of the cafe. They are clearly wedding planning, with the looks on their faces. Taking a deep breath it's time to enact his revenge, the sadistic part of him has him taking off his hat and sunglasses! He wants Baekhyun to see his face, to see just how what he has driven him too. Finally seeing the perfect opportunity now Baekhyun is finally alone, and Oh Sehun is already getting in to his own car.  Taking a deep breath and ignoring the shaking of his hands he fires up his car engine and drives his car forward. 


Baekhyun's POV Four hours Earlier.

Baekhyun  places his satchel down on the kitchen island, ready to fill it with the items beside it. He spies his phone, his sketchbook, his keys, his apron for the cafe, and his iPad and finally a shiny still wrapped wedding magazine! Smiling at the knowledge there is pamphlet he has hidden in the cover of the iPad, it will be the perfect gift he could give his groom, being able to hear and speak their wedding vows!  He's nervous to try a cochlear implant again after all the bullying, and with how the last one malfunctioned but he's going to be 22 soon. He's going to be a husband with responsibilities, and having that implant will help secure a job at a gallery and allow him to run a household properly like his mother, and Mrs Park! It's far reaching right now but it's nice to dream and feel confident for a change, perhaps the implant will allow him to hone some cooking skills. He will need all the help he can get in that department, they can't live off cold noodles and meat all their life.


Tapping the iPad it flares to life with a set of lists already open, the first is a list of things they need to organise for the wedding. From Invites, and flowers to the cake, the suits and the colour theme. The second the list of dates they would like for the wedding to take place, the first one and the one his glorious lover would prefer is merely six months away.


It would be a tight squeeze for him to get his surgery in and have speech therapy but it is doable, provided the ever efficient Sehun is around to help plan the wedding. That man could rule the world, Sehun's no nonsense efficiency would put any general's to shame! Baekhyun makes a mental not to ask him later for tips, he's so grateful that Sehun has been able to clear his schedule to meet him today. Never more surprised that all it took was a promise of bubble tea and cafe paradise famous matcha croissants. 


The diamond band on his finger suddenly catches the morning sunlight, casting a spell of beautiful rainbow shadows across the granite worktops. He still can't believe he's engaged to the man of his dreams, he still has to pinch himselves at times that all of this is real, and that they are getting to have a happy ending. He's no fool he's been watching those ABC updates and knows that the Wu's will be aware of their engagement! The way Adam Wu looked at him that day he so rudely dragged him from Chanyeol's bed, still sends shivers down his spine. It wasn't just a look of pure hatred, it was calculated and screamed crazy. 


He's ashamed in away to admit that Adam Wu scares him,  Baekhyun can't help but think they haven't heard the last of him. Chanyeol has done everything to assure him that the Wu's would be stupid to try anything after everything, but agreed to put his penthouse on the market. The locks were thankfully changed the very same day the Wu's were escorted out of the building, and the codes to the elevators reset. The codes are no longer given to the door man who man the front desk, in theory he's safer here then anywhere! He just wished the constant churning in his stomach would get the memo, he's woken up in a sweat, feeling feeble and weak to the point of almost being sick more times then he can count! He truly just hates that Adam was able to get in so easily, his gentle giant understanding and more then happy to look for somewhere else! Somewhere they can start their life together as married couple, perhaps away from the cameras too. 


They did agree that the house hunting could wait until the plans for the wedding are finalised, Adam's not the sort of man to make the same mistake twice. Plus the penthouse holds very special memories, to them both. Baekhyun shakes his head slightly to dispel the emotional tears he can feel forming, over memories of desperate lovemaking and an amazing unique proposal. He thanks the sky that the happy memories outweigh the awful ones, checking the time he really has to get a wiggle on otherwise he's going to be late. With a smile on his face and a spring in his step he heads out to cafe paradise!


Present Time 

"It's not really a surprise that Chanyeol would pick a date for the wedding only six months away. That man is going to turn me grey, nevertheless it's doable and you will have the perfect spring wedding !"


Baekhyun smiles at what he has lip read, he is so excited and pleased that Sehun thinks their spring wedding is doable. He gently squeezes Sehun's hand to grab his attention, before moving his hands fluidly with practiced ease. You will still be handsome with grey hair.  An even bigger smile graces his face when he watches Sehun sign back thank you!


"So I saw your email too about the operation, it's a big step Baekhyun. I know Chanyeol he is marrying you because he loves you, those gossip rags like to stir the ! Is why I never provide any comments to them!"


I know he loves me Sehun, I want to do this for myself as much as Chanyeol. I really would like to hear his voice when he says I love you, it's something I have dreamed of happening. It would be the perfect wedding gift to us both! 


Baekhyun waits for the KSL aide to finish interpreting his sign language, Sehun does takes lessons as do Chanyeol's parents! Each of them have come on leaps and bounds but still feel more comfortable having the interpreter. The smile Sehun sends his ways, makes those butterflies in his stomach start again at the very thought of surprising Chanyeol with this precious gift! 


"Alright I think we can work something out, It will mean you having to stay at your parents for the  duration of the speech therapy but perhaps we can arrange for a private therapist and arrange the operation in the final weeks preparation. It will mean a lot of work, I will not allow you to burn out so I suggest we get the wedding planning sorted sooner rather then later!"


Your really going to help me with everything?


Baekhyun doesn't need the interpreter to sign anything back to him, as even he can understand Sehun's nod. Already clapping his hands like an excited puppy, he's going to give Chanyeol the wedding he deserves and they are going to be so very very happy! He can picture it allready, matching navy suits their vows outside at the Park estate under a pergola of dusky pink roses. Before sharing their first dance under a blanket of starlight, and flickering Chinese lanterns. 


Noting the time, he can't believe they've been talking for over an hour. Chanyeol will be wondering where his coffee fix is, he leaves Sehun to his phone call, thanks the interpreter before rushing off to the kitchen. It takes him only 5 minutes to get the pastries from out the kitchen, and then simply smile at his dad as he hands over the four coffees heading to Chanyeol's office. He's just about to step outside when Sehun stops him gently by tapping his shoulder. "I will take these Baekhyun, I know you have class and I have a meeting with Chanyeol in 30 minutes."


Baekhyun smiles, the kings of Seoul as they are affectionately know in the media, are just sometimes to adorable. Every time he arrives at Chanyeol and Jongdae's offices, one of them is there to help him up to the office. They all clearly remember his disastrous first attempt at surprising Chanyeol that day, the sheer embarrassment and shame something he will not forget. A feeling he he very much doesn't want to experience again. He does smile at little when he watches the unflappable Oh Sehun almost trip and drop those matcha pastries, rushing forward he helps him secure them in the car. His own smile even wider when he notices that Sehun's cheeks bare a bit more colour. Waving to the man who stands beside his car, once again has his phone to his ear. 


That simple act used to incite so much anger and yearning when he was younger, he's always wanted to know what it's like to speak to someone on the phone. He can't help but think of the changes within him after such a short time, not so long ago he would of been happy living in his silent world. Now he can't wait to experience life in full technicolour, to hear the world around him through more then vibrations.


It's when he notices the vibrations under his feet are incredibly frequent abs not the normal potter patter of feet. In fact it bares the same resemblance of a speeding car, which is impossible as none of the cars passing by  him are speeding. He can only stop in his tracks when he feels the hair on the back of his neck stand to attention, as those vibrations intensify to one long ominous tremor beneath his feet. Tuning slightly he can see Sehun frantically shaking his arms in his direction, but he's too far way to lip reading. A bright light on the meat side of him has him turning back towards his path, instead this time instead of moving he's frozen in pure horror as the reason of that sound barrels towards him. 


Closing his eyes at the two bright headlights closing in on him. It all happens at once, one minute he's standing on the pavement willing his legs to run, the next he feels  himself being flung back against the brick wall behind him, a burning intense pain erupting in his right shoulder blade and a indescribable pain spreading across his left kneecap. Something warm and sticky is also running downs his forehead, he tries to sit up but can only scream in silence as his shoulder muscles spasm and the neves in his neck tingle. He panics when he pokes his tongue out and tastes what can only be described as warm iron and salt. It takes him a moment to realises he's bleeding from somewhere, on his face and can feel that he's starting to hyperventilate. Before he knows it he is gasping for air as the face he saw in that car flashes before his eyes.


He would recognise that deranged angry face anywhere, it's the face he's seen up close and too personal already. He truly starts to tremble as realisation dawns on him what's just happend. Adam Wu has just tried to run off a pedestrian pavement in broad daylight! He has just enough time to turn his head before the pain in his body forces him to be sick all over the pavement. The last thing he see as he fights to keep his consciousness is Sehun and his father rushing towards him.


To be Continued .....

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Hello everyone, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this, I’m new to asianfanfic, if these seem familiar it’s because I do have a profile on AO3 and Wattpad under the same name ❤️


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aleezay #1
Chapter 37: i love small intimate weddings
aleezay #2
Chapter 11: ABC news is acting like SM
aleezay #3
Chapter 1: o wowww! what a beginning
Mess_156 #4
Chapter 40: I can’t tell how many times I read this, I hope you update the second season soon.
I’m not native English speaker but I still understand and enjoy this, in fact reading this fan fic did help me improve my English.
Thank you so much
kworld320 #5
Chapter 38: Just finished reading this story.
It was a great read.
Looking forward to the sequel.
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 40: Yeah!! New stories!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 39: I am so excited to read more!! I feel like Baek has a lot of growing up to do and that may be hard for Chan to understand...
Beau1996 1374 streak #8
Chapter 38: Lovely, lovely ending!! It really was like a first time and for Baek to speak the words "I love you" - ahh perfection! ❤️ Please more stories of our lovely boys 🙏
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 37: Oh my goodness author-nim, that was so good!! The wedding was lovely but the heartfelt words were the best - Park Baekhyun!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #10
Chapter 36: I need the wedding deets author-nim!!