A Bath of Love & Promises

Finding Love One Afternoon

Chanyeol's POV 

Chanyeol takes a minute to just stand against the  doorway to his main bathroom, taking in every part of the vison he sees before him. The bright golden orange of the sunrise captures the vibrant red hair of his kitten, so well it almost looks streaked with finely spun gold. The light captures that soft supple skin better then any highlighter could ever achieve and makes that perfect milky skin he can see and so loves to touch sparkling like a diamond. Baekhyun looks ethereal and angelic with the light catching him from behind. The soft luminous yellow glow of the numerous candles he has lit around the bathroom will help make this bath all the more magical. 


Chanyeol loves that Baekhyun feels comfortable enough around him to sit in his round white Italian marble jacuzzi almost sleeping, surrounded by a sea of fluffy white foam. That Jacuzzi is engulfed by the heady aroma of jasmine and amber, Chanyeol knows there will be warm water under those bubbles gently soothing Baekhyun's thighs and sore backside, easing the pain he know will be within. His kitten has never said it but Chanyeol knows his gentle but amorous love making, makes his kitten tender, he's no fool he's larger then average and Baekhyun is the tightest he's ever experienced. The warm water and the back massage he will gladly offer will help, but nothing will work quite like some pain relief and a hot water bottle after his bath. 


This is the man he wants to spend the rest of his life with, his Baekhyun who is so pure and so full of vibrancy for everything and his love, is something that Chanyeol never thought he would experience again. He truly understands that his love for Baekhyun exceeds what he had with he who shall not be named. What he feels right now is stronger then anything he has ever felt before, he's never bought an empire to its knees to keep someone he loves safe. 


There is nothing he wouldn't give this creature, nothing he would ever deny him, what ever Baekhyun wishes for he will have. He can't wait to forever to  watch how Baekhyun burrows like the kittens is, into their mattress to find a comfortable spot to sleep in. To come home and find old sheets covering his furniture as Baekhyun draws and paints by the floor to celling windows. To forever receive little boxes from cafe paradise filled with sweet and savoury goodies, and a little drawing something that is so uniquely Baekhyun. Chanyeol wants it all and more, maybe as a soft blush coats his cheek they would be lucky enough to have children! 


His nerves kick in once more when he rubs his thumb across the ring sitting against his first knuckle of his little finger. A delicate platinum band filled with brilliant colourless round flawless diamonds, each one weighing half a carat. The classic beauty of this rare Cartier ring is perfect for the dainty finger it will soon sit upon, Chanyeol knew the moment he saw it it was the one. It's delicate yet unique like Baekhyun and will not overwhelm his hand, like a traditional engagement ring, he originally wanted a much larger solitaire but when he entered the shop and saw this. He knew it was the one, it's literally Baekhyun in a platinum band. A flare of arousal zings across his skin at the thought he will very soon get to have Baekhyun on his back, trembling in pleasure wearing nothing but this glittering ring as they make love long into the night. 


The very thought sends shivers down his spine, first though he has to put this ring where it belongs, taking a deep breath he moves into the bathroom fully, making sure he switches on the heat system that runs underneath the white granite tiles. His kitten will not catch a cold on his watch, he quickly heads deeper in to the bathroom just to the left of the tub. He wants to be clean before he attends to Baekhyun and his pain. Whilst he loves the aroma of their intimacy, proposing to his boyfriend while still covered in their combined essence would be most uncouth. Plus he knows his kitten will watch his every move from his warm cocoon of bubbles. If he was more daring and not as nervous as he is he would put on a show. What he wants to do as he lets the hot water pour over his skin, is quickly get clean before joining Baekhyun in the tub.


Ten minutes later and wrapped in a black silk cover, the ring still on his finger Chanyeol smiles at the soft half lidded eyes watching his every move. "Comfortable Darling?"


He half expected a sleepy nod but is surprised to see his kitten lift his hands I'm in heaven, this bath is a dream I may never get out!


"Ah I knew it your just with me for the tub aren't you!" 


The coy smile  abs subtle nod of his kitten is enough for Chanyeol to know that Baekhyun understands he is joking. Chanyeol quickly points to the glass bottle of soothing relaxing muscle soak, his kitten simply shakes his head. Chanyeol hopes it's because its already in the tub under that sea of foam helping to ease those muscles. He has stalled enough and quickly heads to the tub, ever so gently he starts to massage his hands up Baekhyun neck up into that thick glossy red hair. He quickly undoes the sash of his silk cover letting it fall to the ground in a graceful wave, before he kicks close to the stool Baekhyun's white silk one sits on. 


Before kneeling behind the tub and gently trailing his fingers down below the foam to his kittens lower back. His fingers daringly close to Baekhyun's coccyx. He gently applies a bit of pressure and slowly rubs his hand in circular motions to ease the pain he know will be there, it may have been just his fingers this time but it would of been no less painful. He can't help but smile when he watches as Baekhyun lean back into him. Proud that he is clearly hitting the spot,  Chanyeol can't help himself aa he gently grazes his finger a little lower brazenly ghosting his fingers along that magical crease, loving how he watches as Baekhyun fully leans his head back on his left shoulder. He can't help him self when he places a gentle kiss across those soft plump cherry red lips. 


This is its, it has to be this moment that he asks  this delicate kitten to become his partner in all things for the rest of their lives. Kissing those lips once more, he stops his massage instead of lifting Baekhyun out of the water, he wraps his arms around that tiny waist, and gently almost like a cantilever does he lift Baekhyun up and use the marble of the bath to slip his own body under Baekhyun's. Once fully submerged in the fluffy foam he gently turns his kitten to face him, who for a very small moment looks very displeased to not be where he wants. That displeasure melting away when Chanyeol continues kneading his lower back. He doesn't want to blurt out the words he is desperate to say, he has a better idea and just preys this will work. 


God he can feel his hand shaking the minute he moves it away from Baekhyun's tiny waist. He gently takes a hold of the dainty hand he hadn't realised was gently tracing a pattern on his own stomach due to his nerves. He keeps a gentle hold of Baekhyun's hand under the sea of foam, he has to be quick with this and not give the game away. He also has to not drop almost a million US dollars worth of diamonds, to distract his kitten he leans forward and gently butterfly kisses every inch of Baekhyun's face and neck.  Suitably distracting his kitten he moves takes hold of the right finger and rubs his thumb over that soft skin. Using some serious skill, he manages to swap the ring on his little finger to the ring finger on his kittens left hand. 


Chanyeol stops his butterfly kisses, to stare into his kittens beautiful eyes, taking a deep breath he ever so gently lifts his hand out of the water bringing that small delicate hand upto his face. Chanyeol can feel his heartbeat in his ears and his pulse feels like it's sits in his throat as his darling Baekhyun finally notices the band of  highest grade platinum and shimmering light reflecting diamonds. Ever so slowly he lifts that trembling dainty hand and places a kiss to the finger now wearing his ring.


"I promise here and now to love you for as long as you will have me, Byun Baekhyun will you marry me!" 



Baekhyun's POV

Baekhyun is pretty sure his heart has stopped beating? He never in his wildest dreams thought that this bath would lead to this! He is beyond surprised when helooks at the exquisite and probably expensive ring on his finger. It's gorgeous and exactly what he would pick for himself, as he flexes  his finger to watch the row of diamonds sparkle in the sunlight. His stomach is somersaulting with feeling overwhelmed, but so so happy, this has to be a dream. Using the hand not still held ever so gently he points to himself, as it to ask me you want to marry me? 


It only takes a second for this gorgeous Adonis to nod his head once, before Baekhyun feels a trail of hot tears leave his eyes. This amazing gentle kind man, whom he loves with all his might wants to spend the rest of their lives together, it's almost to much for him to deserve, he's nothing but a handicapped college student. 


He truly can't believe this man wants to marry him, this man with the heart of gold and protectiveness of angry mama bear wants to have forever with him. His eyes widen when he realises  he hasn't so much as responded, ever so slowly he moves closer so that his thighs straddle Chanyeol's, and their torsos almost slot together like a perfect jigsaw puzzle! 


Using his free hand he traces words he has traced a 100 times over that hard sculpted chest where he feels Chanyeol's heart beating a mile a minute. I love you!


Before leaning his head down to kiss the hand that holds his own, Baekhyun knows Chanyeol is desperate to know his answer! Right now he's never wished he could talk and hear the words he lip read more. Not hearing the voice of the man he loves is probably the hardest thing about his disability, perhaps now would be a good time to try again with a cochlear implant. He can see the love he feels for this man reflected in those beautiful obsidian eyes, he would give anything he realises now to hear just a snippet of what he sure is a strong commanding voice. 


His eyes widen when he sees a crystal tear leak out of one of Chanyeol's eyes. They have all the time in the world to talk about an ear implant, maybe as he feels sudden heat on his cheeks a child too, perhaps someone like him. A child they could nurture with constant love and teach them that having a disability is not a crime or make them less of a person!


First what he needs to do is show Chanyeol he is ready to take the next step in their love story. Taking a deep breath, he squeezes the hand holding his and nods his head like an excitable kitten Chanyeol always claims him to be. He takes a deep breath before gently pulling his hand away, he wants to repeat what Chanyeol said to him.


I promise here and now to love you for as long as you will have me, yes Park Chanyeol I will marry you!


Chanyeols eyes darkening with love and something all the more potent is all the warning he is given before large muscled arms engulf him. Seconds later hot plump lips find his own and capture his lips in the most frenzied kiss they have ever shared. All he can do as arousal zings through his body is hold on as they both cry into their kiss.


Hello my lovelies,

How was that I hope you I've done justice to this proposal scene. It was tough to do this as I wanted something original, I hope I have delivered.

I'm so sorry it's been over a month since I updated this story, it's been a bit manic to say the least but it's finally over.

I can't wait to here what you all think 


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Hello everyone, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this, I’m new to asianfanfic, if these seem familiar it’s because I do have a profile on AO3 and Wattpad under the same name ❤️


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aleezay #1
Chapter 37: i love small intimate weddings
aleezay #2
Chapter 11: ABC news is acting like SM
aleezay #3
Chapter 1: o wowww! what a beginning
Mess_156 #4
Chapter 40: I can’t tell how many times I read this, I hope you update the second season soon.
I’m not native English speaker but I still understand and enjoy this, in fact reading this fan fic did help me improve my English.
Thank you so much
kworld320 #5
Chapter 38: Just finished reading this story.
It was a great read.
Looking forward to the sequel.
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 40: Yeah!! New stories!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 39: I am so excited to read more!! I feel like Baek has a lot of growing up to do and that may be hard for Chan to understand...
Beau1996 1374 streak #8
Chapter 38: Lovely, lovely ending!! It really was like a first time and for Baek to speak the words "I love you" - ahh perfection! ❤️ Please more stories of our lovely boys 🙏
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 37: Oh my goodness author-nim, that was so good!! The wedding was lovely but the heartfelt words were the best - Park Baekhyun!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #10
Chapter 36: I need the wedding deets author-nim!!