The First I Love You

Finding Love One Afternoon

Baekhyun's POV 

Beakhyun stands in the foyer of the largest apartment he has ever seen, he was so confused about 10 minutes ago when they pulled in to an underground parking centre on the outskirts of the city. He thought they were heading to the traditional village for honey cakes, instead they had driven through the classiest suburb he had ever seen. All before Chanyeol acted all gentlemanly and opened his side of the car, making him almost swoon like a girl. Before being whisked up a private lift, straight up to the 45th floor.


The artist in him is bouncing up and down on the tip of his toes, at the amazing two story floor to ceiling windows that have jaw a dropping view over Seoul.  The views out towards Namsam tower and the mountains below the twinkling stars, along with sparkling city lights take his breath away. The setting right now, would make for an amazing final piece for his painting class.  He hadn't realised until he looks up just how much he gravitated to the view, Baekhyun smiles sheepishly at the tall reflection he has just noticed in the window and turns around to see a soft smile across Chanyeols face. Nodding like an excitable kitten when he lip reads "I knew you would love the view here, welcome to my home." Baekhyun truly lights up being shown this magical view is much better than a slice of honey cake!


Baekhyun promptly get his phone out and types it's amazing you have beautiful apartment Chanyeol and the view is unbelievable, the sky over Namsam is so clear from here. I could sit at stare at the stars for hours! He passes his new iPhone over to Chanyeol to read, his eyes widen at the sensation of electricity running through him when he feels Chanyeol's hand against his own.  "Do you want a tour?" Looking around at the open plan room with its expensive high end furniture, he starts to feel those insecurities creeping in like a dull fog at just how out of place he must look with his stained jeans.  A sudden squeeze on his hands stops his inner musings as he lock eyes with the man in front of him.


Flashes of what happened earlier flood his mind, the embarrassment he still feels for being deaf, and the shame of those goons breaking his phone certainly don't help his insecurities. He can feel himself start to shake as those negative feelings start to overwhelm him. It all stops when he feels a warm hand on his cheek, "Baekhyun baby I want you to know what happened earlier will not happen again!" grabbing his phone Baekhyun quickly types out Chanyeol you can not save me from everyone's ignorance!  Holding out the phone Baekhyun yelps when he is suddenly pulled forward into a hot hard expensive cotton covered chest, a warm hand at the base of his skull tenderly lifting his head up slightly. Baekhyun can see the lingering anger from earlier as he lip reads "I can bloody well try!" 


Chanyeol's POV

Chanyeol has to look out to the skyline of his apartment in an effort to calm down as that simmering anger from earlier is trying to break free. Taking a deep breath, as the  last thing he needs is to make Baekhyun remember what happened in his own damn office. The feel of sudden soft lips gently ghost along his chin, shake the memories of a frightened cornered Baekhyun away. He goes to kiss those soft supple lips properly when a brightly lit screen is in his face!  I don't want to think about what happened any more Chanyeol I promise I'm ok now, thank you for ridding in on a white horse!  "Trying to distract me kitten?"  Chanyeol chuckles when he watches Baekhyun smile shyly as that beautiful blush dances over his cheeks and he nods his head twice. 


Chanyeol smiles as he feels a flutter almost like butterflies in his stomach, he still can hardly believe that he gets to be a part of  this beautiful creatures life! Raising a tiny delicate hand Chanyeol kisses the back of it, before he leans in too claim those supple lips in a hard kiss. Loving how Beakhyun clings to him like a vine and slots into his arms like a missing jigsaw piece. After kissing for what seems likes hours, both of them like octopuses with their wandering hands Chanyeol reluctantly takes a step back in order to crate a little bit of space and control the tension coiling within him. He needs to calm down too, as he was seconds away from bending Baekhyun over his handmade imported sofa! He really needs to control himself so he doesn't succumb to his more primal instincts, as much as he wants to have more then stolen kisses on their secret late night walks, he wants to make sure his beautiful shy kitten is comfortable. 

The beautiful flush on those soft cheeks certainly indicate Baekhyun would enjoy it, Chanyeol knows their first coupling should be more intimate, not a quickie on his sofa. Making sure he still has Baekhyun's attention, he gently takes one of those dainty hands.  "Com on kitten, I have some comfy and dry clothing you can wear and I believe I promised you a tour"


Half an hour after showing Baekhyun the majority of his apartment, the highlight being Baekhyun's reaction to the almost 360 view of Seoul from the windows that wrap around the apartment. Chanyeol smiles he really wants Baekhyun to feel comfortable here when ever he visits which he hopes will be often! He just prays his excited kitten will never be too uncomfortable with the embarrassing show of wealth he realises is on show. From his expensive imported furniture from Italy and top of the range gadgets from both here and Japan. It was so relieving to watch Baekhyun beam happiness as they moved from one room to the next! Baekhyun had even pointed out the art work and sculptures he liked most, Chanyeol had to sheepishly admit the art and calming dark tones of his flat were the creation of his mother's interior designer. The almost teasing text he was then presented had made him laugh as he watched Baekhyun relax completely, the disaster of  from earlier at his office thankfully a distant memory.  


Chanyeol can't help himself when as recalls the first time Adam had seen his apartment in New York, he can't believe he missed how the dollar signs were rolling and that was before anything official between them! It still hard to accept even after almost 20 months,  that Adam loved the wealth and status being with a Park carried more then he loved him. A sudden shuffling beside him has him turning from the floor to ceiling windows in his bedroom to find Baekhyun standing in the doorway! His heart beat speeds up as he rakes his eyes over the petite man wearing a pair of his basketball shorts and hoodie, it's adorable how his hoodie is so large it hangs off Baekhyuns slight frame. Chanyeol can see the new phone clutched  tightly in one hand and Baekhyun's second hand is up in his hair, he knows it's his baby's nervous habit when he feels stressed. He didn't think it was possible for someone to look even smaller than Baekhyun does right now! "Come here kitten" seconds later he has a chest full of fluffy red haired boy  who squeezes his abdomen almost desperately.


Before Chanyeol can say anything else, that glorious mop of red hair leaves his chest and almost dives onto the dove grey bench opposite his bed. Chanyeol watches as dainty fingers flyover his phone before patting the space beside him. Baekhyun smiles as he hands over his phone. You always know what to say to make everything feel better, thank you as well for bringing me up here it's exquisite! Wanting Baekhyun to see that he wholeheartedly means what he is about to say he gets to his knees in front of him, " You don't have to thank me kitten, I meant  lwhat I said at the park do you remember?"  Chanyeol gently cups a cheek on Baekhyun's face, "I said I wanted to keep our relationship private but I see how wrong that is baby, I want to always protect you the from cruelty you have received. I'm afraid today will repeat it's self and I dont just mean earlier. Baby to protect you like a partner should, it's time Sehun made an announcement" 


What ever he wanted to say next flies right out the window, as he tiny hands pull him closer and soft lips leave hot kisses all over his face. Those hot kisses snaps his normal iron clad control like a twig, Chanyeol knows he needs more and pulls his kitten closer capturing those soft lips in a bruising kiss! He pushes Baekhyun back so he is lying across the bench, kissing down his chin, loving how Baekhyun continues to kiss against what ever part of his skin he can get! He stops everything for a moment as he stares down at the man half under him, what he sees makes him groan, beautiful flushed cheeks a peek of pale skin where his hoodie has fallen off Baekhyun's tiny shoulder. His heart burst when he watches Baekhyun grab his hand and kiss his palm all before he shyly traces a pattern in to his palm I love you. 


"Oh baby I love you too!" Chanyeol takes great delight in the clear happiness radiating out his kittens eyes, he crowds over his lithe form. As his lips and tongue are busy demanding entrance into Baekhyun's mouth, he gently moves his hand over his glorious soft form. Inching  closer to that sacred heat thats ignited between them, and  the growing hardness he feels not just from his own but his kittens too. Wanting to make sure this is what he wants he barely rest his hand on that white hot hard length against him when he feels a panicked shove to his shoulders just as his finds the floor.


Baekhyun's POV

Baekhyun's eyes widen at what just happened, the shock on Chanyeol's face fill him with dread! He instantly feels around for his phone as his other starts to tug at his ear, oh god he's can feel how he's really starting to panic! As he desperately feels the bench for his phone as he keeps his eyes on an unmoving Chanyeol! It's no use he can't feel for his phone as the tears are building and he's trembling so much. He could kick himself he's ruined everything, he can't believe how much he just panicked and with Chanyeol of all people. Unable to watch the anger he's sure Chanyeol will have at being essentially blocked he buries his head in his shoulders abs covers his knees with the loaned Hoodie from the man he loves. 


It's only been seconds but it's feels like a life time, before he feels like he's been lifted off the bench and on to the floor, one those familiar arms once again supporting his back. The second is ever so tenderly lifting his chin up, Baekhyun wants to cry in shame but doesn't get the chance as that hand on his chin starts to his cheek in comfort as he lip reads "sshh baby it's ok, I have your phone beside me, I'm going to put my hand down and grab it for you" nodding in understanding he waits until the phone is gently placed in his hands, he can't bare disappointing Chanyeol so frantically types out a message I'm so sorry, Its too fast I panicked "baby no don't be sorry,  we have all the time in the world for that." Your not angry with me Baekhyun watches as Chanyeol shakes his head before "I should not of assumed that this was heading for that, I want you to know I will never pressure you for . Please I want my first to be with you, "I promise it will be, just not tonight, you have had a traumatic day, would you like to get dinner before I take you home?" Remembering how he wanted to be brave, Baekhyun nods his head to dinner, once again passing his phone to Chanyeol. Can we get samgyetang from that ahjuma at the park I like? I don't want to go home I want to stay with you please can I stay the night? Baekhyun waits patiently for Chanyeol to read his message, he knows he has read it when he watches Chanyeol eyes bug out, and a smile a mile wide appears!


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Hello everyone, I can’t wait to hear what you think of this, I’m new to asianfanfic, if these seem familiar it’s because I do have a profile on AO3 and Wattpad under the same name ❤️


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aleezay #1
Chapter 37: i love small intimate weddings
aleezay #2
Chapter 11: ABC news is acting like SM
aleezay #3
Chapter 1: o wowww! what a beginning
Mess_156 #4
Chapter 40: I can’t tell how many times I read this, I hope you update the second season soon.
I’m not native English speaker but I still understand and enjoy this, in fact reading this fan fic did help me improve my English.
Thank you so much
kworld320 #5
Chapter 38: Just finished reading this story.
It was a great read.
Looking forward to the sequel.
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 40: Yeah!! New stories!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #7
Chapter 39: I am so excited to read more!! I feel like Baek has a lot of growing up to do and that may be hard for Chan to understand...
Beau1996 1374 streak #8
Chapter 38: Lovely, lovely ending!! It really was like a first time and for Baek to speak the words "I love you" - ahh perfection! ❤️ Please more stories of our lovely boys 🙏
Beau1996 1374 streak #9
Chapter 37: Oh my goodness author-nim, that was so good!! The wedding was lovely but the heartfelt words were the best - Park Baekhyun!!
Beau1996 1374 streak #10
Chapter 36: I need the wedding deets author-nim!!