Chapter 4

Quadrilateral love...

After work, Katya changed to her casual clothes again and ride her bike home. She stopped at the grocery shop and bought some meat and vegetables. She’s planning to have a mini BBQ during dinner tonight. When she reached a corner just a block away from her house, she saw Melissa again. This time, she was riding a bicycle with a boy but not Liam or Dary. It’s Jasper. The boy from same school whose lives a road 2 blocks from her house. Katya ride past them but she was called.

“Hey!” Katya stopped and turn around to saw they also stopped and Melissa started walking towards her.

“What’s your name?”

“That’s not your concern.”

“Just tell what your name is.”


“Tell me your name!” her voice started to rise.


“So, Katya. You’re from the same school as we do, aren’t you?”

We? Did she just said we?


“Yeah. We. Me and that boy over there.” She pointed to Jasper.

“Are you?”

“Which class does you from?”

“2-A. Why?”

“Great. Nothing. Just curious. See you tomorrow.” Then, she walked towards Jasper and mounted the bike again.

See you tomorrow? That girl is surely needs to see a physic doctor immediately.

When Katya got home, Darbia was till absent. She prepared the ingredients for the BBQ and decided to call and inform Darbia about it.


“Hello, Katya? What is it?”

“No. nothing. I just want to tell you that I’ve prepared dinner tonight. Make sure you get home early.”

“BBQ? That’s lovely. I’ll be home as soon as possible. But just the 2 of us?”

“Yeah. Is there anything wrong with it?”

“No.No. absolutely not. See you tonight. Bye.”


Later part that night, Katya laid the electric griller and the ingredients on the dining table. the door opened and Darbia walked in but she’s got company. Lots and lots of them.

“Hey, Katya!” A few of their neighbours greeted her.

“Hey.” Said Katya awkwardly. She moved her gaze to Darbia and pulled her away from the crowd.  

“I didn’t remember inviting this many. Explain.”

“It’s not entirely my fault. I just invited Tyler and he invited his friends, too.”

“What? How do you think we’re gonna feed them? We don’t have enough – “

“Don’t worry. I just wanted make the dinner time more ‘merrier’.”

Katya turned and saw Tyler. Tyler Hunter. Her ‘best’ friend since they’re kids. They families had been friends since their grandfathers.

“Merrier? And what do expect me to give them? Cups of water? Surely you didn’t think of that when invited them.”

“You’re exaggerating too much. Relax. I’ve brought some more.” He handed the plastic bags that he’s had been holding to Darbia. She took it and went to the kitchen to prepare them. Tyler looked at Katya again.

“Am I forgiven?”

“When did you ever ask you to be forgiven, huh? You usually forgive yourself.”

“I take that as yes.”

“You cannot do that. I don’t say it yet!”

“Bla, bla. You’ve forgiven me when you saw the plastic bags, didn’t you?”

Katya tries to defend herself but he certainly got a point there. She’d cooled down when she saw the plastic bags.

“Okay, you win.”

“Great. Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

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