Chapter 1

Quadrilateral love...

Katya is infront of her mirror in her bedroom. She's doing last touch to her hair before coming downstairs fro breakfast.

"hi, darbia. good morning."

"good morning, honey. here. have a seat."

"i can't. today is the big day. the results coming out today!"

"what results?"

"the 1st monthly test. remember?"

"oh. yes. good luck"

"(grab a toast bread and stuck it into ) bye!"


Katya go to the garage and pull her bike out. She puts the bag in the front basket and start riding the bike to the school.

"I got the feeling today gonna be a great day" thought Katya

She look to her watch and saw the time says 7:58 a.m.

" I'm going to be late!!!!"

She ride the bike as soon as possible but there's soo much obstacles. She nearly ran into a kid who's chasing his ball. When she arrive, the discipline teacher wait at the gate. She get off the bike slowly and push her bike along.

"Wait. Name."

"Hemmings. Katya Hemmings. Mr. Lawson, this is my first time late."

"From class?"

"2A. this really my first time."

"This really your first time?"

"Yes. You can check to the log book. there's no my name in there"

"Alright. i trust you. you may go back to class now."

"Thank you."

Katya make her way to the class. She just want to put her bag down when she hear a voice.


She turns around and saw her best friend walking to her. Her face like she has something big to tell Soo-hyun.

"Katya! The results have come out. I only got 3 B. I'm sooooo happy. "

"What about me? How much A do I get?"

"Of course you've got straight A's. Who doesn't know our top scorer in class? Katya Hemmings. "

"Which position in the chart do I get this time?"

"That, that you've got to take look by yourself. I did not have the guts to tell you."

Katya marchs to the board and search her name.  

"Hemmings. Hemmings, Katya. Number.... 2? Who's number 1?! Liam Blake!"

Katya leaves the board and sit back to her place.

"Katya, are you alright?"

"I'm alright. Don't worry. Anyway, congratulations for your results. (smiling)"

"You don't feel okay don't you?"

"I'm fine. Get back to your place. Teacher has arrive."

During the whole class, Katya could not focus on what the teacher are teaching.

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