As husband and Wife

The Unwanted Marriage

 “Why does it have to be in Jeju?” I asked my sister as I packed my things. I really want to run away again which I can’t possibly do because Siwon was downstairs with my dad.

“It’s not my decision. It’s dad’s. Come on” she answered as she carried my luggage.

Siwon immediately grabbed my bag from my sister and placed it on the compartment of the car. Then both of us went inside the car and bid them farewell.

“Did you know about this?” I asked him.

“Yeah. My parents told me this morning.”

“And you didn’t tell me?” I frowned.

“How could I tell you? We live separately and prepared for the wedding separately. I don’t even have your phone number so I can’t call you.” he explained

“What kind of husband are you? You don’t even have my number.”

“Look who’s talking! Yah, do you have my number?”

“No.” I answered briefly

“See? We’re even. And I don’t have plans of giving my number to you.” Aish. He even had the nerve to proclaim that?

“As if I’m asking for it! Never will I ask for your number nor give you my number.”

“That’s good then, because no matter how what, I’ll never ask for it”

 “Let’s make a bet! The first one who asks for our phone numbers will have to run some errands for the other who have not asked for the number”

“Sheesh. You think I’m that immature to play that game?” he suddenly said.

“Are you even that mature to say no?!”

He suddenly raised his eyebrow and stared at me.

“Fine. Let’s play it then.”

“Hah! You’ll see.. I’ll definitely win this” I bragged at him.

“Wait. How long will the loser run errands for the winner?”

“Forever” I answered

“Yah HaeMi! Be realistic! 1 week?”

“Geez! Is that all you’ve got? A week?”

“I just don’t want you to eat your words so I’m making your future suffering a bit shorter.” He explained

“Fine. 1 week then. Pinky swear?”

“What are you? a kid? Pinky swear?!”

“better than not doing any closure!” I said as I insisted my finger to him. (Just for him to pinky swear) and he eventually pinky swore.

We finally reached the airport and rode on a private plane (owned by 1 of our wedding sponsors) to Jeju Island. It wasn’t the first time I rode on a plane but definitely the first time I rode on a private plane.

“We’re here!” he suddenly said as he breathed in and out and felt the air.

“Aish! Yah, you look like you’ve never been here. Can we go now to the hotel? I’m super tired.” I nagged at him and walked.

***In the hotel room***

“AHHHHH!” I said as I lay on the bed. I felt really weak and tired after that very long day.

“Let’s have dinner” he suddenly said as he went near me.

“Don’t disturb me. I want to sleeeeeeeeeeeeep” I said as I tried to close my eyes. Just when I was almost entering dreamland, he suddenly throws a pillow on me, which made me uneasy.


“I said let’s have dinner!” he insisted

“Why do I have to go with you?! Are you child? Can’t you go alone?”

“You want me to go alone? Fine! Don’t you ever try to disturb me later when you get hungry!” he said as he walked away.

“Wait. I’ll go” I suddenly changed my mind. Knowing the fact that I’m afraid of being alone and I easily get hungry, I know I should really be with him.

“Aish,” he said and walked.

When we reached the restaurant, the waiter handed us menu and it just made me dizzy. I absolutely have no idea what those foods were. They just.. They were spelled complicatedly and pronounced weirdly.

“Yah. What will you have?” I softly whispered to him.

“Mind your own business!”

“Aish..” I said as he started talking to the waiter. He said a lot of complicated things that I did not understand and I just looked at him with amusement.

“What will you have ma’am?” The waiter suddenly asked me.

“Uhmm..” I tried to point out something from the menu. I clearly saw Siwon silently laughing at me and that made me feel a bit insulted.

“I’ll have the same order as he had.” I told the waiter and smiled at him.

“Let me guess, you don’t know anything Italian?” he arrogantly asked,

“hah! Of course I know, I just want to have the same food as you have. I heard it’s tasty” I lied.

After a few minutes, the food arrived. I was a bit surprised when I saw lobsters and some other familiar foods. I can’t believe this restaurant just made the names complicated.

And then we ate our dinner. No one talked during the whole dinner time. Maybe because we don’t know what to talk about or is it just we’re just too hungry to talk. But anyways, it wasn’t the first time we weren’t talking yet I still felt awkward no talking to him.

Just when I finished eating, I suddenly remembered the fact that I had no money, not even a cent to pay for the food I ate ( I forgot to bring my wallet). Gosh, I was absolutely dumb founded. I don’t know how to pay for it, even if I beg Siwon to pay for my food, I absolutely know he won’t pay for it.

I suddenly thought of a plan that eventually will work, hopefully.

“Yah, I’ll go to the rest room.” I told him and walked towards the restroom. When I reached there, I took a glimpse of him and walked away from the restaurant, leaving him behind to pay for my food.

I walked towards the hotel room, feeling really guilty. I lay on the bed and debated with myself if I should go back and pay for my food. And eventually, I decided to go back. And just when I was about to go out, the door suddenly opened and I saw Siwon’s angry face. I got nervous once again.

“So?! You were just here?! I’ve been looking and waiting for you!”

“I had no money to pay for the food so I went here and took my wallet.” I defended myself

“You should’ve asked me if I have money to pay for it than leaving me behind!”

“Next time!” I said as I went back to bed.

I got really pissed, although it was completely my fault. I started to think that maybe I should get a temper management program but he also needs it much as I need it.

As I was thinking over things, I thought about how things won’t work between us and how we could make things a little bit uncomplicated.

Could we really make things a bit uncomplicated?


Sorry if i'm a comment . hahaha! Thanks for reading..

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Beautifulsunshine_ #1
Love this
Kyungsoo_wife #2
Good story
wonkyute #3
PrettyInRed #4
Your fics are sooooooooo daebak!!!!! ^_^
nice fic author nim!!! :D
Chapter 14: This is really good! Loving it! :)
Chapter 21: its so cute =)
Chapter 6: omg omg omg omg im dying this is too good ! i knew it! i knew it
/i cant even, my feels are going a bit out if control
author-nim, i love this story.
ah~ havent read a good story in a while =)
evewon #9
Wooowww this story is amazing!!!! YAY I am going to finish reading sequel :D
this story was goood! i loved it! C: