The Wedding.

The Unwanted Marriage

 It took me about an hour or so to finish the make up and the pictorials or something. The photographers, who took a lot of shots during the make up thing and the after make up thing with the dress, tried their very best to make me smile which was a mission fail for them. Okay, maybe I smiled but not the happy-smile. It’s more of a for-the-sake-of-the-picture smile. You know what I mean?


After that hour or so thing, me, my dad and my sister went inside the car and were headed towards the church where our wedding will take place.


At some point, I got really nervous which is something that’s not supposed to happen because only brides who are willing to get marry are supposed to be nervous. I’m not a willing to be wed bride that’s why it’s weird to know that my hands were starting to tremble.


No one dared to open their mouths when we were inside the car. I don’t know why but there was an intense feeling in the air at that moment. My dad was plainly looking outside the car window and my sister was, somewhat, I don’t know. Busy I guess doing something with her eyes.


It was not until we arrived at the church and my dad went out of the car that I found out that my sister was actually crying.


“Unnie? What’s wrong with you?”


“Yah! I just can’t believe you’re getting married ahead of me!” she softly yelled at me as she tries to stop her tears from falling.


“Unnie, if you want, I could run away from this wedding and you marry him instead”


“Stupid!” she said as she hit my head really hard and mind you, it was painful.


“Aw!” Don’t cry over things like this, okay? I’m divorcing him anyways so there’ll be no happy ever after or something like that that’s going to happen to us. Unlike you and Yesung oppa if you’re going to get marry.”


“But still, you’re marrying before me” she cold-heartedly said.


“I’m going out first. I’ll let you know if it’s already time for you to go out.” I nodded then she went out of the car. I kept on thinking and imagining what it would be like after the wedding. Will I be really living with him? I hope not. I kept on hoping when in fact, I know in one way or another, I’m gonna be stuck up with him for the rest of my high school days, at least just until that.


After about a few minutes of talking to myself, my sister suddenly opened the car’s door and informed me that I could already go out. I saw Sooyoung and Amber, who were my bridesmaids, looking so pretty and y. Sooyoung showed off her model like figure with the white with gold lace-like mini dress she wore ( Amber on the other hand wore a white suit underneath it is a very stylish white and gold striped blouse inside and a white skinny jeans. (


I told her before the wedding that the best gift she could give me was to let me see her wear a cocktail dress but she told me that she’d rather die than wear a skirt. I forgot to mention that Amber actually wears pants instead of skirt for our school uniform, the only difference he had with the guys was the top blouse uniform and because her dad is one of the school board of directors, they allowed her to wear whatever she liked.


“Haemi! You looked undeniably pretty!” Amber said as she came near me.


“Wow. It’s just.. Astonishing” Sooyoung complimented me too.


“Yah! You didn’t tell me that you’re neighbors with Siwon!” I intensely told Amber.


“You didn’t ask” she answered me calmly. Oh, yeah. I didn’t ask. I never actually cared where he lived or what, but still, she didn’t tell me.


“Excuse me, bridesmaid’s turn to catwalk.” The lady, who seemed to be the organizer called them out. And she was just so amazing that she called the aisle a catwalk, just to mention it.  


 “I’ll tell you guys later” I said as I chased them away. I watched them form a line, waiting for their turn to walk down the catwalk. It was Amber first and then Sooyoung, followed by my sister, who was my maid of honor.


Just before my sister could walk down the aisle, my dad came to me, took my arm and placed it around his elbow.


“I still can’t believe that this day came a lot earlier than expected”


“Should I run away before it officially starts?” I cracked a joke. Well, it was a meant joke.


“Just put a smile on that beautiful face of yours so I won’t regret my decision of handling you over to him” he said as he touched my chin and smiled at me. I smiled back at him knowing that it’s the only thing that’ll make him happy.


Finally, it was our turn to walk down the aisle. I faked a smile to everyone, making then feel like I was really happy to be married. Honestly, it wasn’t the perfect catwalk performance I had imagined before (silly daydreams by little girls who wanted to be married). I had imagined before that I’ll definitely be crying out of happiness while walking down the aisle. Well, I wanted to cry too while walking down the aisle that time, but it’ll be tears of sorrow.


I continued to walk slowly yet carefully on the catwalk. Honestly, the heels were killing me, that is why I had to be extra careful not to trip and become the funniest bride ever. I then turned my attention to the man waiting for me at the end of the aisle.


He looked really striking with that white suit but it didn’t convince me that my decision of marrying him was right. He was just handsome and stunning and all the other adjectives that are synonymous to those words. That’s it, no string attached.


When we finally reached the end, Siwon took away my arm from my dad’s and placed it around his own elbow then led me towards the altar. The feeling of having my hand touching his elbow wasn’t really pleasant. I felt like my heart was skipping its beat. I don’t know if it was because of nervousness or if it was because I felt really electrified when there’s skinship between us. Just like what happened earlier this morning when I almost kissed him just to have the key of the door.


As soon as we got in the altar, the priest immediately started the mass which, if you may ask, contains mostly of messages like “You are united by God therefore no one in this world could separate you except Him” or things like that. It seemed like the priest wanted to hit us and internalize that message which is definitely impossible because no matter what happens, I’m definitely going to divorce him.


We finally reached the part where we would exchange vows. If this was a movie, I would’ve already been like Julia Roberts, the run-away bride.


“Choi Siwon, will you accept Lee Hae Mi as you lawful wedded wife, will you promise to take care of her, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part?”


“I do” he answered the priest confidently.


“Lee Hae MI, will you accept Choi Siwon as your lawful wedded husband, will you promise to be with him for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health till death do you part?” The priest asked me this time.


“I’d rather die!” those words suddenly came out of my mouth. It was not until Siwon poked me that I realized what I said. The priest really looked surprised by what I said.


“I mean, I’d die if I won’t. Yes, of course. I promise, I do.” I lied in front of the altar, which is considered a mortal sin.


The priest seemed to be satisfied and we continued to exchange vows which were all not meant because we know in the end, we’ll still break up.


“Everyone, I’m happy to present to you, the newly wedded couple. Mr. and Mrs. Choi Siwon, You may now kiss the bride.” The priest suddenly said. I kept on thinking what’ll happen in this part of the wedding. Will he kiss me? Urgh, probably not


I glared at him and rolled my eyes, signaling him that he’ll definitely die if he kissed me. But that didn’t stop him from kissing me, on the cheeks. It was the first time that someone, other than my dad kissed me on the cheek that’s why I got a little angry. I pinched his waist as a sign of revenge. (no one noticed it because we were too close) as we faked a smile to everyone. He suddenly took my hand away from his waist, pulled me closer to him, placed his left hand at the back of my head and pulled my face closer to his then touched his lips to mine. My eyes dilated, my hands were shaking and my heart was about to go out of its rib cage. I couldn’t believe it, he kissed me! He stole my first kiss!!!


it's quite long. LOL! i hope you liked this chap.. leave a comment if you do.. =)



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Beautifulsunshine_ #1
Love this
Kyungsoo_wife #2
Good story
wonkyute #3
PrettyInRed #4
Your fics are sooooooooo daebak!!!!! ^_^
nice fic author nim!!! :D
Chapter 14: This is really good! Loving it! :)
Chapter 21: its so cute =)
Chapter 6: omg omg omg omg im dying this is too good ! i knew it! i knew it
/i cant even, my feels are going a bit out if control
author-nim, i love this story.
ah~ havent read a good story in a while =)
evewon #9
Wooowww this story is amazing!!!! YAY I am going to finish reading sequel :D
this story was goood! i loved it! C: