Yemi Did It?

Everything Happens For A Reason


"WAIT!" The manager yelled. We all stopped and looked at him. "What are you talking about? I told Yemi to give ~~~~ the money," He said.


Kim Jonghyun's POV

We stared at the manager with shocked expressions. "What?" I asked. "I had to run some errands that day so I gave the money to Yemi," He stated. "She said she'd give the money to ~~~~," He said.

Now it all made sense! Yemi took the money and went into the safe for more money since she had the key. So it really wasn't ~~~~ noona's fault!


We scrambled out and my coordinator quickly covered my lip with makeup to hide the bruise. I glared at Jaejoong and he just stared back at me.

Does he finally feel guilty? After all he said about ~~~~ stealing the money, does he finally see Yemi's real identity under her mask?

Shawols roared with cheers when we won the weekly award. I saw ~~~~ happily cheering for us and I smiled. Thanks noona.


Kim Jaejoong's POV

I was still confused about everything. So...Yemi was supposed to give ~~~~ the money?

"No, sir!"

"I would NEVER steal."

Those words repeated in my head. Maybe...she wasn't lying?

SHINee won the weekly award. I looked out at the audience and Shawols loudly cheered for them. I took a quick glance at ~~~~ and she was happily cheering for SHINee. I awkwardly looked away and swallowed hard. Was I wrong about her all along?

We were all backstage again. "So, Yemi was the one who was supposed to give the money to ~~~~?" I asked the manager, wanting to make sure.

He nodded. "Yeah," He said. "I just don't understand why ~~~~ would take the money. I never knew she was like that," He shook his head and walked away.

This was so weird... So Yemi was supposed to give the money to ~~~~, but ~~~~ said she didn't steal. Aish. Why was this so confusing?!

"OPPA!" I heard someone squeak. I didn't have to turn around to know that it was Yemi. I sighed and slowly turned around. "Hi, Y-," I stopped when I saw her shiny clothing. I looked her up and down. She was wearing brand named clothing.

"Hey, oppa!" She screamed and hooked arms with mine. I twisted away. Why does she keep doing that?! It was so annoying!

"When did you buy all of this?" I pointed. She beamed. "Aren't they nice?" She asked me. "I got more at home," She jumped. I froze. Wait a second.

"Where did you get all the money from?" I questioned. She stopped jumping. "O-Oh. My parents gave me their credit card," She said. card.

"Aren't we going to go celebrate with the SHINee oppas for their win today?!" She exclaimed and pulled me towards the door.

I stared at her and her branded clothes. Did she...steal the money?



Remember to check out my forewords for my one-shot! :) It'll be up real soon!~

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Iminthezone #1
Ryughosh #2
Chapter 45: This story is not relatable on any form or kind....besides you have written the same again n again with using doesn't make sense
Andreaaa06 #3
Chapter 63: This is so beautiful ❤️
Chapter 63: Yemi really pissed me ugh! But im glad jaejoong finally awake and go to her. I really want to have a friend like jonghyun
Good plot:)
Chapter 46: To be honest, it kinda pisses me off with all the changing P.o.V's but other than that, it's a really interesting storyline.
Chapter 43: My reaction: "Oh yo this ____-"
Chapter 53: wow.. what an idiot. I would have totally chosen the caring understanding and devoted Jonghyun over a guy who has the EQ and IQ of a doormat. I mean seriously... Jaejoong observes in his point of view that the main character (-----) is scared in presence of Yemi, then 3 paragraphs later accuses ----- of being violent? that doesn’t make sense. He treats her like ____ and stuff. wow she probably is mazochist. If they get married she’s probably going to end up as a battered wife.
I understand you like Jaejoong and wanted to make this a JJ-OFC fic, but don’t loose focus. He was too much of an _______ to make the decisions made by the OFC in relations to whom to date credible. She’s not a mad Cassie after all - it doesn’t make any sense.