The emotionless Kwon Ji Yong owns a Stupid Puppy.

The Birch's Nobody

I didn’t have time to wonder. They were heading my way and I didn’t do animals. Crap..It wasn’t really  a dog, but a puppy. Nevertheless, I didn’t want it near me. The worst part? It was a happy a little thing...the puppy sniffed along trees, the leash well away from it’s owner. Even better.

It was weird...the whole scene to me was weird. This guy looked like a bad breed, yet he was with this wrinkly puppy, keeping a steady gaze on it. Had he even noticed me? If he did, he was already ignoring me, I just hoped his pup would too. The nervous feeling lingered every time I was in one of these situations. My heart would accelerate and my breathing also, a little harder. I hated it. I sometimes wanted to hold animals and I couldn’t because the fear always stopped me.

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. They were coming closer. UGH. I’m going to die. It seems the thing had noticed me, because it kept yapping. I cringed away from it, glancing at it wearily. Was he even going to bother to get this damn thing away from me? Ugh!!! It was trying to bounce over to me. I scooted backwards and nearly fell off in the process. I am a mess. Please God, get this thing away from me. The douche finally yanked on the leash as a way of telling him to stop.  It whined and trotted over to him, sitting on the floor and watching me. Stupid puppy. Was I like a neon sign to pets?! No matter where I was, they’d become attracted to me. Normally one of the guys would save me. My heart was still on a high. I didn’t take my eyes of the pet. There’s no way, I’d lose focus. It could try and snap at me at anytime.

“Most animals can smell fear.” The hell? Did he just speak to me?

“I know.” I snapped. I brought my head up to glare at him. I was taken by surprise again, by what I should have expected. That emotionless freaky...I twitched. I stared at him, and he stared at me. He was just so....weird. I’d never seen a person like him before. I was certain of it. It was like a competition. He didn’t break his hold, but I didn’t think he cared either way. This guy was super intimidating. And he now knew, I wasn’t fond of puppies. Fantastic.

The puppy broke his attention and he stared down at the thing. It grabbed at his leg and he looked at me again. I was taken back again. That expression was “Bye.” His tone as blunt as his emotion.

“Goodbye.” And he walked off into the way of where I must of come. I stared at his back as he tugged on the leash occasionally, the puppy walking in front of him. And after a while, he was out of sight. I wonder if the guys would see him.

I groaned and buried my head in my arms. What the hell just happened?  I just met Kwon Ji Yong, met his pup who I really don’t like, and just embarrassed myself. I also really weirded out by this guy. I was so intrigued right now, but I had to ignore it. I did not want to see this guy again. He was messed up. Yet, I kept seeing him. Funny how, it was always at humiliating moments when I met this guy. I didn’t care about what he thought, I just didn’t like embarrassing myself.

Stupid hooligan. Thanks to this dude, my head was a mess of different thoughts. I kept seeing that deadpan look in my head and it was bothering me like hell. And that damn puppy. Puppies just didn’t suit a guy like him. I wonder if that puppy gets neglected...I doubt it, it looked happy...but he looks like he doesn’t care about anything...

I was thinking too much about this. Way too much. I picked up my forgotten book and read off where I left off. I sighed after a while, I couldn’t get into the book. I needed to do something else. I took out my iPod and pressed shuffled. I turned up the volume to the highest. It was uncomfortable to my ears a little at first, but as soon as a fast paced song played, I got into it. I loved music.

I looked through my satchel, popping the book in. I pulled out my fancy drawing pad, one of the present from my last birthday from my parents. I sketched mindlessly. It was always like that. During the process, of drawing, I wouldn’t know what I was drawing till the piece was finished. I etched in curved lines and weird wrinkles.

You have got to be kidding me. I stared back at the wrinkled dog. No way. Since when did I draw animals?! Stupid puppy. Stupid Kwon Ji Yong. I ripped the page clean off my pad, scrunching it up, throwing it in my bag and mentally declaring that I’d burn it later.

I headed back to my drunk friends.



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Chapter 9: nicee :D new subbie here~
The title of the chapter made me laugh.
tomatoe #3
I like it a lot~~

#4 embarassing :S Thank you though ^^ I'll try~~
Iheartlife #5
I like it ^_^
One thing though..his name is Jiyong ^_^
Update soon
Thank you ^^
Update!!! it's really really good!!!! :DD