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EVER since Jisoo arrived Korea, everything is not the same anymore. Before this, Baekhyun only need to face the plastic face Helena but now, he also had to face Barbie doll Jisoo. Such a groovy combination he should say considering how those girls like to touch up like an opera actress. And, Baekhyun is proud to say that he’s jealous with all the things going around his husband right now. Two beautiful girls are currently trying to steal his husband heart!


“Well, he won’t attract to that kind of girls, isn’t it? Based on how he kissed me two days ago, I’m a pretty good kisser. We last for 5 minutes!” Baekhyun blushed remembering the hot scene between him and Chanyeol few days ago. Although part of him deadly want to know why Chanyeol suddenly kissed him out of blue, he also can’t help but to think that it might be one of the taller way to make him shut since he blabbered a lot that night. But, it’s not his fault! Chanyeol is testing his patient at that time! He can’t be seriously just silent when other people mocking and insulting his husband. And, for that reason, until today, Baekhyun and Chanyeol still having their silent treatment towards each other.


“Tell Chanyeol, I’m here to meet him.” At the sudden voice in front of him, Baekhyun look up from his work only to see Jisoo standing proudly in front of him. The smaller furrowed his eyebrow mockingly.


“And, for what reason you have to meet him? I don’t think he had any appointment with you? Is there?” He questioned innocently pretending to check Chanyeol schedule in his IPad. Jisoo look at him in disbelief.


“Listen here, ! I don’t have time to play along with your little childish game! Just tell Chanyeol I want meet him! Easy!” Baekhyun sighed getting up from his seat with his cold and aloof demeanour shocking Jisoo.


“I told you that you have no appointment made with Chanyeol and so, you can’t meet him. Besides, he’s busy. He has a ton of other things to do other than entertaining another wailing like you. If you’re not stupid, you may go and get lost from here.” Baekhyun dangerous cold voice could be heard clearly around the empty floor. Both of them flinched when Baekhyun’s desk phone ringing. The tension sure affect them.


“Yes, Chairman Park?” Come Baekhyun professional voice as Chanyeol hum shortly. Jisoo just look at the secretary expectantly.


“Mr. Byun, have you done chasing out the large insect? What is it? A mosquito? An ant?” What? Baekhyun look at the phone in disbelief then, he takes a careful look at Chanyeol’s office. Holding himself from laughing, he shook his head.


“Err… I’m afraid, the large insect is still here. Do you need me to call the security to chase her out?” And, Baekhyun saw how Jisoo face turn red knowing what’s happening in the call before she stomped away in embarrassment.


“Do whatever it takes to chase her. Or even better, kill her with insect sprayer. After that, I want to see you in my room.” And, this time Baekhyun didn’t hold his laughter as he just let the quiet floor fill with his sweet laughter before ending the call and make his way towards Chanyeol office still with the same happy laughter.

“You don’t have to do that. She already stomps out!” Baekhyun said happily still not being able to stop his laughter. Chanyeol thought he was blind for a while. Blinded with Baekhyun shining glow when the smaller laugh. He didn’t utter any words letting Baekhyun laugh ringing happily in his both ears.


“Chanyeol-sshi, you said you want to see me. Anything you want me to do specifically? Or, you want your usual coffee?” Baekhyun asked carefully when he realized his husband won’t say anything if he didn’t start. Chanyeol quickly cleared his throat.


“Nothing in particular. I just want to tell you that I won’t be home tonight. Something come up at Kai’s house saying he’s having a party there and no, I don’t want you to be there. I know he invited you and your friends but you won’t go. That’s all. You can go now.” Chanyeol didn’t even care to look at his face after that make Baekhyun heart shattered. Is Baekhyun too ugly and useless that Chanyeol don’t want to be seen with him? Nodding in understanding, Baekhyun slowly make his way out from the office. Chanyeol totally never care about him. Even from the start.


“I’m not feeling sorry, Park Baekhyun. I would rather lock you up in the house than having you being the centre of attention at Kai’s party.” The deep voice said coldly still not feeling a bit pity with his sharp sentence. Baekhyun now just don’t have any energy anymore to do his work after Chanyeol break his heart again. He sighed heavily when his S8 buzzing in his pocket knowing who’s the caller although he didn’t look at the screen.


“Hey Sehun. What’s up?”


“Hey hyung, you know about the party today, right? That giant is also coming. You’ll be coming also, isn’t it?” Baekhyun sighed eyeing Chanyeol office for a second and shook his head before remembering that Sehun can’t see him.


“No, Sehunnie. I won’t going. Don’t feel the spark to go anywhere tonight. I told Chanyeol about it already. Don’t forget to tell D.O about it, okay? I wish you guys to have a good time there.” Baekhyun said softly trying hard to carve a small smile. Making sure his voice is happy enough not to make Sehun suspicious. Sehun can be quite observant at time. He deems his acting is good enough when the maknae sighed.


“Alright, if you say so, puppy hyung. Just thought that we’ll be together for tonight. Guess not. Okay then, see you when we meet sometime, Baekkie hyung.” As soon as the call ended, Baekhyun let out a long heavy sigh. Until when? Until when he need to suffer just because he need to protect Park Chanyeol?









TRUE to what Chanyeol said, it’s sharp 10.30 pm and here Baekhyun is, rolling on his bed waiting for time to gone by as fast as they can for him to forget the feeling being alone without anyone to accompany him.


“I hate Park Chanyeol! I hate Madam Park! I hate those two devils!” Baekhyun whined childishly. His body sprawled around the bed like a toad. He sighed wondering what he should do to end his boredom. He was deep in his thinking when his phone ringing crazily on the nightstand. He furrowed his eyebrow when S.S.I.K headquarter number popped up on the screen.


“Yes, Agent Light here.” He greets curtly whenever the headquarter called. It only means one thing. Job it is.


“Hey Agent Light. I’m Daniel. I’m calling regarding of your current mission right now. Where are you now? Or specifically, are you busy?”


“No, I’m not. What’s wrong with the mission? Anything wrong with it?” Baekhyun already had his heart beat rapidly with worry. He’s already had a problem with Chanyeol. They don’t have to add it up with his work.


“I’m afraid that someone already know about your identity and currently they are heading to the hospital where your father-in-law –…”


“They are targeting him again? Aren’t they?” The cold and short tone in it make the other secretly gulp feeling intimidated with Baekhyun. It was known well enough that Baekhyun is ‘The Devil Light’ but confronting him although just in the phone still make them trembling.


“You got it right, Agent Light. You have to get there as soon as you can. Based on their latest location from our other agents, they almost reach the hospital. As much as they can predict, it’s still not sure –…”


“How much time do I have?” Once again, the other line was being cut. Daniel unconsciously nodded although he knows Baekhyun can’t see him.


“Err… approximately 45 minutes but we also look through the traffic. If you manage to cut through the jam and such, you still don’t have much time since they had their team at each road to make sure their plan going smoothly.” Baekhyun sighed. This is what he hated. He had to face a lot of people at the same time.


“Okay then, it’s fine. Anyway, I don’t want you to call Agent Stone and Agent Wind. This is not their mission to begin with so, let me handle this alone. If I can’t, then, I’ll call them by myself.” Baekhyun reminded. It’s his plan to keep Chanyeol safe. If there is a threat at Kai’s party, those two will be there to protect Chanyeol and it’s enough. Daniel nodded understanding the order before the call was cut.


“This bastard! Don’t they have any mind to think about resting for a while?” He hissed in annoyance. Not wanting to waste his time, Baekhyun quickly reach for his work attire and get changed. A ripped black skinny jean, black polo shirt, S.S.I.K black oversized hoodie and a black boot. It’s a cliché all-black, he knows it but, they done their very best to hide him. Done with his choice of clothes, Baekhyun reach for his work shoulder bag under the queen-sized bed and wear it. No one ever know he hid it there. Not even Chanyeol and Mr. Park. Baekhyun hid it if something emergency happen in the house except the emergency is not in the mansion at the moment. Not forgetting his black cap and phone on the nightstand, Baekhyun mind remembering something and curse softly.


“Damn it! I can’t leave Mom all alone here! She’ll be the easy target!” He sighed heavily wearing the cap harshly while thinking how in the world what should he do when a loud frantic knocking could be heard on the door.


“Yes, what –… Mom, what’s wrong?” Baekhyun face contorted in worry when Madam Park panic face come to his view. The woman suddenly lost all her charisma and cockiness when she looks at Baekhyun in fear.


“Dad! Baekhyun, Dad –… He –…” And, Baekhyun didn’t need to hear anything else. Those guys are so much faster than him. He should have known it!


“Let’s go, Mom. I can’t leave you alone.” With that, Baekhyun just pull the woman to follow him. Madam Park look at him in confuse.


“What do you mean? Where are we going? And –… Wait! You’re one of S.S.I.K? Who are you actually, Baekhyun?” Madam Park shot a lot of question at one time but Baekhyun just ignore it as the two of them going down the stairs as fast as they can. He fished out something from the black big bag and a key dangling out from it. With one press, Madam Park watch in shock not knowing that her mansion had a secret garage right beside her garden. No, it’s not a garage. It’s more like an underground car park and a dark red Ferrari are right in front of them.


“Get in, Mom.” Baekhyun ordered curtly and Madam Park was fast to follow it. Baekhyun start the car engine letting it hot for a few second before he drifted out from the mansion.


“Baekhyun, you need to explain everything to me right now! I don’t understand every single thing here! Why my husband is becoming their target when it’s clear enough that they want Chanyeol

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Chapter 10: Juice!!!! Excited for the next chapter.
Chapter 8: Dude shouldn't Baekhyun get the medical treatment right now, he took 3 bullets, man and that to on his back.
Chapter 7: Wtf is wrong with the family, man!!! They didn't even leave the Mom from their wrath.
Beau1996 1382 streak #4
Chapter 10: Can we expect some mind blowing spicy times next??🙏
Exo450853 #5
When will you update???🙃
Beau1996 1382 streak #6
Chapter 9: What's happening ?? Is Baek gonna make it out of there??
Chapter 8: Oh my poor baby༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Chapter 8: My poor baekhyunni😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #9
Chapter 8: Chanyeol got to see Devil Light in action - ending was very sad 😢
Beau1996 1382 streak #10
Chapter 7: Talk about a crazy family!! Not that I want the Parks to get hurt but Mrs Park kind of deserves upset for siding with those girls 😡