
Love you like I can
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“Byul-ah listen to me Byal-ah Byul-ah” Yongsun ran after Byul after that incident with Eric.

Byuli didn’t stop to listen for what yongsun has to say but pace up her walk.

“Byul-ah please” Yongsun finally caught up and hold into Byuli’s hand like her life depend on it.

“Byul-ah please hear me out please” Yongsun plead as she kept her hold into her arm and hug it close to her chest.

“What do I have to listen?” Byuli asked back with an emotionless expression.

“Byul-ah it is a big misunderstanding” Yong hold Byuli’s cheek with her other hand with tenderness.

“I hate you, you always do like this you made me go weak like a little and everything will be alright again” Byuli said with her glassy eye looking straight into yongsun’s pair.

“Byul-ah I am sorry but it’s not like what you think”

“What am I thinking? We aren’t lovers we aren’t girlfriend, why would you care about what I am thinking?” Byuli spat back at Yong


Right!!! Byuli and Yongsun are not lovers nor girlfriend but they are that kind of special duo who share tiny kisses, hug, secret, go on dates. They shared the kiss because byuli was so tired/annoyed of Yongsun’s endless nagging. They always hug because they thought it is normal for them but no one view it as normal as they think it is.

Yongsun always deny that they are a couple but she knows inside her heart that BYuli hold a special place in it. Byuli is the existence that she would seek for when she not there near her but as time passes by Byuli existence is what she seeks for less and less as she entered university. She

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Chapter 13: OMG! trouble 🤯
Chapter 13: in itself byul cheat her :/
Chapter 12: oh no! Byul-ah 🥺
Chapter 12: Oh damn ! Hope byulie not go far with dahee
Chapter 11: Wahhhh now ot4 in the same house. Happy family. Currently sobbing as i remember the family portrait of Mamamoo during fanmeeting last sunday 😭❤️
Looking interesting
Chapter 10: Yes yes!! Mrs is my favourite !!

Happy birthday my queen Kim Yong Sun!!
Chapter 10: Mrs. MOON IS THE BOMB
Chapter 10: WOW! Mrs. Moon is so amazing 💜
Wooshtheroosh #10
Chapter 10: Mrs. Moon is da best