Shared Feelings

More Than Friends?

As the days went by, things around the studio became awkward with Dong-wook back.  Mika and Dong-wook obviously broke up after that little incident, and Seunghyun tried to get Mika to actually go out with him but she wouldn’t.  She was just too confused at the moment.  She needed time to think about what she was going to do.  Her ex-boyfriend wouldn’t listen to a word she was saying, and Seunghyun was trying to get her to date him.  Which of course she wanted to, but she still felt somewhat attached to Dong-wook.

“Please Mika, just one date won’t hurt,” Seunghyun was walking into the studio with Mika who was still trying to get the point across that no she wouldn’t until she felt like it was the right thing to do.

Opening the door Mika noticed that everyone was staring at them.  She knew coming in at the same time would be a bad idea.  No doubt that the entire studio had already heard about the break up, and what had happened.  Of course she guessed that Dong-wook had tried to make her the bad guy by playing off the fact that Seunghyun had kissed her.  He probably had said that while he was off on tour, she was cheating on him with Seunghyun.

Upset Mika briskly walked away, but ran into Jiyong on accident.  “Oh Mika!”  But she just ignored him and walked on.  Everyone probably thought she was a for supposedly trying to date Dong-wook and Seunghyun at the same time.  Which for some people, they actually believed that was true.

Dong-wook was so furious that he had went around saying things that weren’t even true.  After a while he even began to think that they were true!  Of course if he had kept calm he probably would have heard Mika’s side of things, and not have ruined her image.  He had even claimed that he had caught the two in bed when everything went down!  And with that the rumor mill had begun to turn out even more lies about the two.

Seunghyun heard a few of them over the course of his practice, along with a few looks from people on set, and he about blew up right there and then.  Running out of the dressing room he went around and asked where Dong-wook was.  Getting a few different answers he resorted to walking around the building until he found him.  Although it didn’t take long for word to get around that Seunghyun was looking for Dong-wook.

That’s when Dong-wook went looking for Seunghyun as well.  Finding each other in the hall Seunghyun ran right up to Dong-wook and got right in his face.  “Dong-wook!  What the hell man!  Why are you going around spreading rumors about Mika?  If you want to spread rumors spread them about me!  Just leave her alone alright!”  Now everyone was gathering around them in the hall watching in awe as it all unfolded right in front of them.

“Really?  You want me to leave her out of this?  She was the one who was cheating on me!  And with you of all people!  I thought we were friends man!”  Dong-wook shot right back.

Ignoring the crowd around him Seunghyun went on, “You hit her!  And now you’re going around saying that she slept with me?!  That’s childish man!  She didn’t even know that I liked her up until then!  I was the one who kissed her!  And if you’re too stupid to realize that she loved you, then you must be one big idiot!  Because after your little blow up, she hates you, and she hates me too probably!”  Just thinking about it made his eyes start to water, but it had to be said.

That’s when it all came out at once, “Do I really care anymore?  She never loved me!  Never did and never will!  I knew that deep down somewhere she really loved you!  That’s why I always went the extra mile for her!  I wanted her to love me and not you!  But it never happened, and I always saw that change in her when you two were together!  She never acted that way around me, and that look she gives you!  Man!  You are even dumber than I am!  She never looks at me the way she looks at you!”

Seunghyun was dumbfounded.  He didn’t know what to say, so he just stood there mouth agape.  That’s when Mika stepped forward from the crowd, “Seunghyun.”

“Mika?”  Both Dong-wook and Seunghyun turned to face her.

“Somehow I knew it too, and I knew that’s why Dong-wook tried so hard with me.  But somehow it just wasn’t going to happen.  I would have done something sooner if I had known that you two would get in a fight over me.  I never wanted to come between you two, ever.  So please, just give me time to figure things out and just make up already.  You two are friends and friends shouldn’t fight like this.”

With that the two turned back towards each other without knowing what to say, so they just laughed a little and Dong-wook turned back to Mika again, “Don’t worry about us.  We’ll be fine, and I promise to set things straight with everyone OK.  I’ll make sure that they know the truth,” he said patting her head with a smile.  Then he walked off as the crowd around them parted.

“Seunghyun, what are you going to do?”  Mika asked.

“Hm?  Oh well, it’s up to you whether or not we’re together at this point,” he said hugging her as the bystanders cleared up.  “You can say no if you want to, and you can take as long as you want to make your choice.  If I had to I’d wait forever for you.”

“Well you don’t have to,” she replied as she wrapped her arms around him, “I’ve made my choice already.  I want to be more than friends with you.”
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it's so cute ^^
can't wait for next update
holy . i'm blushing like crazy right now. O///O