# 01:

We Belong Together

: Part 01:

*this will be in 'your' / Miyoung's P.O.V


So hello, welcome to my life; a normal life that a teenager has. Currently, I have this feelings for a boy, my bestfriend who is the closest friend I had this school year. I share all of my secrets to him, he shares his too. I learned many things about him, especially about his crush who is a year older than us. And yes, she's one of my closest friends. 'How's Myungsoo?' 'What did she say about the letter?' 'Did he spend his money over these bouquet of flowers' the two of them are bombarding questions on me. Who's who? Park Gyuri-unni is the girl and Kim Myungsoo is the boy. Pretty obvious. It's like this, I'm Myungsoo's bestfriend, she's one of the closest friends I have, and Myungsoo's has a crush on her. One sided love, huh?


"I think it's love" Myungsoo said as we placed our math books above the table. We're at the library. "What are you talking about?" I asked, sitting on the chair. Eyes still landed on him, "Gyuri-noona" he said. Gyuri-unni again. Oh my god. He take his sit on the chair in front of mine and opened his book as well. "You know, let's just answer our assignments" but the truth is that, I'll be hurt as we talk about his crush-slash-Gyuri. We took our time answering. I had a hard time. "Myungsoo~ how can I get the answer here?" I asked him as I showed him the page I am on. "Hm," he then blinked his eyes "X comes first than the Y" he said and I nodded my head. I answered the question and then suddenly yawned. "Sleepy?" he asked and I giggled silently, "Let's go home now?" he asked and I nodded my head. I closed my book and placed it inside my bag. He did it too and then we walked out of the library.


"You know, you're the best adviser and friend for me" he said and I looked at him, we're walking through the empty narrow road. "How can you say that?" I asked to him. He shrugged with his beautiful smile, "You're always helping me" he said and I shook my head. "It's nothing" I replied. "I don't know how to repay you" repay me with love and I'm fine. But I know I'm just like you who's in love and never gives up. "You don't need to repay me" lies, lies and lies. I've been doing them since I helped him with his confession to Gyuri-unni. "Here, I'll repay you by treating you in Baskin Robbins" he said and I smiled "Sure, anything is fine" I said and he nodded. We went to Baskin Robbins and ended up ordering the same order. I sip on my Kit Kat chocolate smoothy as he sips on his too. 


"That's my thanks to you," he said as we are getting near my apartment. "I don't even know what to get for you" he added and then we stopped in front of my apartment. "You don't need to repay me back" I said and flashed a fake smile and he bought it. "So, I'm here in front of my apartment" I said "It even means good bye" he said with a sad tone. "Don't be sad" I said and chuckled. "Thanks for everything" he pulled me into a... a... hug. My heart beats faster than earlier. I hope he won't feel or hear it. "Good night, have sweet dreams. See you tomorrow" He said as he pulled back. How I wish he made it longer. I nodded my head and he ruffles my hair.


"Good night" I greeted him back and he bid his last good bye. He walked away from me and turned into another route. I sighed and entered the apartment. 



So that's the first part :D




How was it? I know, boring but I hope I won't disappoint you with the next part. :)



Just leave a comment to see what your reactions and feelings about this one-shot.




I'd love to see and read your reactions and comments about this. :) ^^







*throws Namstar hearts*

with lots of love,


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lanternofhair #1
love the story!
rudelysweetk21 #2
awww sweet!! haha thought this was gonna be a sad end..glad its not,,love it..again sweet and short fic. :)
ItzJaeKay #3
Awwwww I thought it was just gonna be one sided
But I'm happy haha
made me cry happily when I read the ending! :D
seriously, it ws good! <3
....and they live happily ever after.
The ending is like djhdbjuswhsdnjwhdjw.
I like the way how Myungsoo accompanies her every time they're going home. SWEET~
♥.♥ Does this have a sequel? ♥♥♥ I l♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ve this so much!!! Really!!!! I do love this!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Awwww so cute ^^
Happy ending yay
bliss- #10
ohmy~~~~~~ happy ending!!! <33 lovey dovey~ i like this. :D