Chapter 36

Being My Brother Is Not Easy



That was the age when Chunji had confessed to her.

After five years hiding his true feelings,he finally mustered his courage to confess to her.

Yes,he was still young but he couldn’t take it anymore.He wanted her to be his girlfriend.

It was Valentine Day.

‘I’m going to confess to her,’Chunji stared at his own reflection, ‘Today.No more running away,Chunji.’

He pumped his fist, ‘Chunji hwaiting!’

On his way to his class,few girls gave him chocolates and confessed to him.

‘C-Chunji oppa,w-will you go out with me?’a bob haired girl held out a box of chocolates.

Chunji sadly smiled,he hated it the most when he had to crush the girls hopes.He didn’t want them to cry just because he didn’t accept their feelings.

‘I’m sorry,I can’t,’he rejected her in the most not painful way he could thought of.

‘T-Then,can you at least accept  and eat these chocolates?I made them myself,’the girl was on the verge of breaking down,but she was restraining hard.

‘Sure,if that can makes you happy,’Chunji took the box and opened it.He took one chocolate and tasted it in front of the girl.

‘It’s…really nice.Thank you for the chocolates and I’m really sorry,’he bowed his head slightly a bit,showing that he’s really sorry.

‘You deserve a better boy than me,’he added before he left.

This was the real Chunji.A sweet,kind and caring boy.Although he was confessed by many girls,his mind was still on Dayoung.Girls tend to swoon over him not only because of his looks,but also because of his sweet and ready-to-help anyone personality.

‘Chunji yo!’Niel called him as soon as he entered the class.

‘Chunji!’Taejoon,who was sitting beside Niel,pointed at the table in front of him,which was Chunji’s, ‘Can I have some of your chocolates?’

Chunji settled down and talked quietly to Taejoon,so only the two of them could hear.

‘What are you guys talking?’Niel butted in.

‘Not now,I don’t want the girls to think I didn’t appreciate their effort in giving me chocolates,’Chunji said.

‘Aye aye,who cares about them.You don’t like any of them,do you?’Taejoon grinned.

‘Not at all.But I have to admire their bravery for confessing to me.I give them credit for that,’he shrugged.

‘Give credit for what?’Dayoung interrupted.She sat down on her seat,next to Chunji,and faced them both.

‘N-Nothing,’Chunji straightened up.

‘Doesn’t looks like nothing to me,’Dayoung turned to Niel, ‘What are they talking about?’

‘About confession.Nah,nothing’s important,’Niel waved his hand a little.

‘Okay then,’Dayoung turned in front when the teacher came in.

‘Dayoung-ah?’Chunji whispered from the corner of his lips.

‘Ne,oppa?’her eyes were still on the teacher.

‘Can you meet me at the park after school?’Chunji finally said after a few moment pause.


‘Just come and you’ll know,’Chunji smiled.


‘Dayoung-ah!’Chunji waved as he saw Dayoung came.

‘Oppa!’she ran towards him, ‘So,what are we doing here?’

Chunji looked at the playground, ‘Remember?’he pointed at the playground, ‘The first time I met you was here.’

‘I remembered,’she nodded.

This is it,Chunji…You must do it,NOW!’

‘Dayoungwillyoubemygirlfriend?’he said in one breath.

‘Mwo?’Dayoung could barely catch what he had just said.

He sighed, ‘Dayoung-ah,’he looked straight into her eyes, ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’he waited for her answer hopefully.

Dayoung gasped and bit her lips, ‘O-Oppa,’she looked onto the ground and back to him.His eyes were glimmering with hope as he waited for her answer.

She stared at him for a bit and gave him a smile before nodding.


‘Jinjja?!!’Chunji almost jumped out of happiness if Dayoung wasn’t there.

‘Here,’he took out a box.

‘What is that?’she curiously asked.

‘Couple ring,’Chunji smiled and took her hand,sliding a smaller size ring into her finger and bigger one into his.

‘Wah!It’s perfect!’Dayoung stretched out her fingers.

‘Um,just like you,’Chunji shyly added.

Dayoung moved her gazed from the ring to Chunji, ‘Gumawo,’she softly smiled.The news of both of them officially together spread like a wild fire the next day.



They were now grow up becoming high school students..Chunji and the rest of Teen Top got accepted into T.O.P Seoul High School while Taejoon and Dayoung both entered a top daily high school in Seoul.

‘Dayoung-ah,mianhae.As much as I don’t want to leave you,I have to enter this school.You know how my parents were that proud when I got accepted into the school,’Chunji pouted.They were hanging out with the rest of Teen Top members at a beach during the school break before the start of the high school.

‘Aniyo.Don’t worry about me.We can meet during weekends,right?’Dayound assured Chunji.

‘Hah…I envy Taejoon!He can get to see you everyday,’Chunji glared at Taejoon,who was chatting with Changjo and CAP.

‘Tsk,tsk,tsk,’Dayoung shooked her head.

They kept quiet for a while before Chunji opened his mouth again, ‘It’s a good weather today.Ahh,Dayoung-ah,let’s take pictures,’Chunji took out his camera and looked at Dayoung,who was absent mindedly gazing at something.


Dayoung quickly responded, ‘N-Ne?’

‘Let’s take pictures?’Chunji repeated,and followed to where Dayoung was gazing.

What she’s staring at?There’s only Changjo,CAP hyung and Taejoon there,Chunji quickly pushed the thought inside,Maybe she was thinking about something.

‘Let’s do a peace sign together,’Dayoung suggested and Chunji nodded.

‘1,2,3!’Chunji snapped the photo of them doing the peace sign.It was the picture you had seen in his room before.

Chunji placed the camera inside his bag and turned at Dayoung.

‘Can you promise me something,Dayoung?’

‘What is it oppa?’Dayoung tilted her head.

Chunji held out his pinky, ‘Promise me,that you will not see other men when I’m not beside you.And promise me,that we will always be together.’

Dayoung widened her eyes and gulped secretly, ‘Why are you saying these?You’re scaring me!’she playfully hit him.

‘Promise me,’Chunji still had his pinky held out.

Dayoung bit her lips and smiled, ‘Ne,’she interlaced her finger onto Chunji’s.




Chunji had sent a text to Dayoung to meet him up at the coffee shop they always went.He hadn’t had the chance to meet her after he entered the school.It had been a month since he last met her.Whenever Dayoung had free time,Chunji will be busy and whenever he’s free,Dayoung will be busy.However,they still called one another through phone.

‘I should buy her something,’Chunji talked to himself.He entered a chocolate shop and glanced around before his eyes landed on a heart-shaped box of chocolate.

‘Since she loves chocolate,I’ll buy her these to say I’m sorry for not being able to be with her always,’Chunji smiled to himself and bought it.He put a pink ribbon on the box and held it tightly.

‘Can’t wait to meet you again,’he walked along the street,staring at the ground with smile plastered on his face.

‘Oppa,why are you being like this?I need to go now!’Chunji heard the familiar voice.The voice that he had missed to hear so much.

Dayoung?he looked up and sure it was,Dayoung was in front of him,laughing and hitting someone’s arm playfully.She was hugging the arm.

‘Taejoon?’Chunji blinked, ‘He’s here too?’

Chunji stepped nearer to approach them, ‘Dayoung-.’






The box of chocolates he was holding tightly fell onto the ground.Everything around him seemed black,except the two people in front of him.

‘A..A-Aniya,’Chunji shooked his heard hard,his hands were shaking and his heart..his heart was crushing,torn into pieces.

Standing in front of him,were the two people he trusted,he loved,he cared,his bestfriends,his girlfriend.








Kissing each other.

And the worst part was,his girlfriend didn’t even the push the boy,but instead she smiled as they broke the kisses.

‘See you later oppa!Love you!’she pecked Taejoon’s lips and hurled around to walk straight but froze.

‘C-Chunji oppa,’Taejoon eyes widened and he,too looked straight.

‘Chunji..,’he trailed off.

Chunji clutched his knuckles, ‘YOU BASTARD!’he punched Taejoon’s face.

The people who were walking along the streets gasped and started to form a circle to look at the commotion.

‘HOW DARE YOU!’he sent another punch on Taejoon’s face.

‘OPPA,HAJIMA!’Dayoung shouted and pushed Chunji away from Taejoon, ‘Taejoon oppa,gwenchana?’she winced upon seeing a bruise on his face.

Chunji’s mouth gaped ad he tried to process what had happened, ‘Y-You…asked him if he’s alright,but not me?’

Dayoung ignored his question and helped Taejoon to stand up.

‘Look what you had done to Taejoon oppa-!’Dayoung glared at Chunji.

‘W-Why are you defending him?!’Chunji snapped.

Dayoung looked away,biting her lips.Taejoon touched his bruised cheek, ‘Dayoung,just tell him the truth.’

‘But oppa-,’

‘What truth?’Chunji’s heart began to thumped hard,Please don’t let it be true,please don’t,please don’t-

‘Taejoon oppa and I,we’re a couple,’she declared.

‘M-Mwo?’Chunji was barely whispering, ‘B-But I’m your boyfriend and I love you-,’

‘But I don’t love you!’Dayoung interrupted.

‘What?Why did you accept to become my girlfriend then?!’it hurts…a lot.But Chunji wanted to know the truth.He didn’t want to believe it,but yet,this is a reality.

‘I-I never love you.I like you.But as a friend.That day,when it was Valentine,I accepted to become your girlfriend because I thought,I thought Taejoon oppa will never ask me out.Turns out he did,’she looked at Taejoon affectionately.

‘S-Since when?Since when did you two start dating?’Chunji held his breath.

‘That very night when you just asked out,’Dayoung simply answered.

‘Y-You mean,you had been two-timing me since the first time we’re dating?!’Chunji scoffed and glared at her.

‘I wanted to break up with you.But Chunji oppa,you…you looked so hopeful that our relationship could last forever,so I just couldn’t.I don’t want to break your heart.You looked so pitiful,’she said.

‘Pitiful?What did you see in that guy.No,when did you start to like that guy?’he pointed at Taejoon.

‘The day when you were bullied.The day when we first met Taejoon.I like him since that day,’she answered.

‘Chunji,just give it up.Dayoung likes me,and I like her too,’Taejoon said.

‘SHUT UP!’Chunji punched him again.He was beyond frustration right now.The two person he had trusted betrayed him.Taejoon..Taejoon,he knew Chunji loved Dayoung even before the both of them were couple.

‘YAH!STOP IT!’Dayoung used all her strength to push Chunji away.

‘This..,’she took off the ring from her finger, ‘I don’t want it,’she harshly placed the ring on Chunji’s palm.

‘Oppa,kaja,’she helped Taejoon up and walked away.After a few steps,she stopped.Chunji looked at her with hope that she would changed her mind,but instead,she said, ‘Chunji oppa,you and I are not couple anymore,no,we’re not really a couple to begin with.But next time if we meet again,I will…I will see you as a friend only,not more.’

No…after all you did,you could really think we can become friends again?!

Chunji fell onto his knees and cried.He didn’t care if people were staring.He’s too heartbroken.He felt betrayed.Truly betrayed.

‘Chunji-ah,you still have us,’a hand patted his shoulder.

CAP,L.Joe,Niel,Ricky and Changjo witnessed the heartbreaking scene.They were hanging out together just now.

‘Chunji-ah,let’s go,’L.Joe helped him to stand up.

‘Hyung,you can still trust us,’Ricky patted his back.

‘That’s right,’Changjo piped in.

‘Forget about them,’Niel said.

‘You can still depend on us.We won’t betray you,’CAP assured him.

‘Thanks,guys,’Chunji mumbled.




‘I’m pathetic,ain’t I?’Chunji let out a sarcastic laugh.

‘No,you’re not.Dayoung’s at lost,’you quietly said.You weren’t sure what to say,you only wanted to see Chunji smiling again,being happy.

‘Since that day…I can’t trust people that easily.No,I don’t trust people at all.All because of that damn couple.I have to admit,sometimes it’s tiring.I want to become old self again.But,I just can’t,’he stared off into a space.

‘Of course,you can!’you looked at him.

Chunji looked at you as if it was an impossible thing to do.

‘I-I mean,I’ll help you,’you squeaked.

‘Tch,’you blushed as you saw him laughing.

‘Let’s go!’you suddenly stood up.

‘Go to where?’he tilted his head.

‘I want to bring you somewhere where we can have fun.Somewhere you can smile and laugh a lot.’

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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 53: Kyaaa... That is so sweet of him, chunji ~ you need to make a squel for the holiday they spent together~
#2 your first story this story is also adorable. I like that Chunji become Sunji lover. Also i like the characther in here.

Like i'm guessing before that the first people who knows Sunji girls is Ljoe, coz he is a secretary
mrspiee #3
Chapter 55: Thanks for the story, i really like it. No no i loveeeeeeeee it!
Chapter 53: this is my third time reading this story. i love it so much. i really love chunji's personality here and the storyline is so sweet. authornim jjang!! ^^
Chapter 55: Sequel please authornim!! Kyaaaa Chunji is too sweettt
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 53: Soooo cuute!! >.<
I loved every moment, I couldn't stop
reading it until the last moment! *dizzy*
Chapter 53: Kyaaaaaa!!! So sweeeeeetttt
Chapter 53: SEQUELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel the LOVE here~~~
Chapter 53: omg i love this story awesome^.^
Please do a sequel and an EXO with all the 12 of them FF... ^-^