50 Ways To Annoy Kiba Inuzuka And Akamaru

50 Ways To Annoy Rock Lee

1)Place 100 kittens in his house while he's gone.

2)Super glue neko ears and tail to him while he's sleeping.

3)Laugh as Akamaru chases Kiba from looking like a cat.

4)Buy him a flea collar as a Birthday present.

5)Dress up like Shino and try to hug him.

6)Cover the triangles on his face with makeup to look like they dissapeared.

7)Paint the triangles on his face on yours.

8)Tell him your twins.

9)Make him watch "When Animals Attack"

10)Tie a bone to a pole and laugh as Akamaru tries to get it.

11)Play "Who Let The Dogs Out" everywhere he goes.

12)Give Naruto lots and LOTS of beans.

13)Lock him and Kiba in a room.

14)Laugh as he tries to claw his way out.

15)Get a french poodle and tell him it's his new girlfriend.

16)Give Hinata a love letter from him.

17)Whenever you see him, throw a stick and yell "Fetch Doggy!"

18)Poke him over and over untill he growles at you.

19)Hit him with a rolled up news paper and say "Bad boy! Down!"

20)Put Akakmaru on a tredmill and hold up a picture of a cat in front of him.

21)Laugh as he tries to get it.

22)See if he's afraid of cats by saying "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty."

23)Glomp him. Always works.

24)Get his baby picture album and give out copies to everyone in Konoha.

25)Give this list to everyone in Konoha.

26)Remind him costantly that he lost to Naruto.

27)Send him cat food for cristmas

28)Get a cat that has the same feachures as Akamaru

29)Dognap Akamaru and replace it with the cat.

30)Laugh at Kiba's confused face.

31)Tickle him constantly

32)Bark every time he says "hey" or "hi"

33)Scratch him behind his ear.

34)Anytime you see him shout, "Doggy!" And glomp him.

35)Steal his clothes and replace them with a cat suit.

36)Leave a note saying Hinata did it with a little heart.

37)Laugh as Kiba tries to kill Hinata.

38)Tell him you like someone, but they are really intoo dogs, and you guys act friendly and all, but you are unsertian. when he becomes hopeful ask "So, do u think akamaru will go out with me?"

39)When you go out to eat, point to a sign that says 'No Dogs allowed'  

40) Tell him 'It's ok to be gay Kiba. I'm here if you ever need to talk' 

41)Continue to treat him like a cat until he's about ready to kill you, then come to his house one day, and ask why he has cat toys if he's a dog

42)Take him to the dog groomer

43)Convince him the dog groomer is a spa for men

44)After it rains, complain that he smells like 'wet dog'

45)Buy Akamaru a shock collar

46)But Kiba a shick collar

47)Ask him if he is related to Inuyasha

48)Scream "" every time he tries to kill you from annoying him so much.

49)Replace his clothes ith Shino's clothes.

50)Make him watch never ending fan fics about him and Shino, him and Naruto, and finally him and Sasuke!

I took some from  kara22222  on Quizilla and  GildedQuill  on fanfiction.net :3

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nice story!
Hahahaha!! These are soo hilarious! ^^
LOL so funny!!XD I LOVE it!! UPDATE SOON!!!
TheParrot #4
XD ahahahaha!!! I love it!!!! XDD