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Electra ✧ Apply Open


deep roots are not reached by the frost

Home Positions  Contract Trainees

kang hayun

Main Dancer, Sub Rap & Voc Nam Chiwon

Mollygirl Molly Accepted

Hey there, Molly! Thank you so much for being my first applicant and for applying. Your app looks really great. I think it's cool that she's from the country and has a slight accent. Her fashion style is great and I like how you explained what kind of clothes she would wear for any situation. I thought that was pretty cool to read about. I don't think I mentioned this but I think it's great that her eyes are one of her best traits. Not because of the way they are but how she expresses things with her eyes. I think that's great considering she is the main dancer of the group. Hayun's personality is so well done and I love the detail for it. I love that she is charismatic and also competitive. I think her competitive nature will clash with the other members because I think her wanting them and herself to do better will put a lot of pressure on them. That's so cool that her dad was a tap dancer and that's what inspired her to become a dancer. That's so sweet. That must have been tough on Hayun to be so far away from her parents but I'm glad she had Mrs. Jung. Her relationship with her parents is so great, especially with her dad. I love that he is her number one fan and loves when Hayun teaches him new dance moves. I like how you included some things she likes from her hometown like Hallabong Oranges. I love that Hayun has a lot of K Indie on her music lists. All her talent twins are great matches. I like that Hayun knows she is great and wants to debut. Also, her scandal section is okay too and I would be totally fine with you added more into it. I think what you put for scandals fits your character and I could see it happening in the story. I like her love interest and I do think Chiwon and Hayun mesh together well. I think they could become something more with time. Also, the scene suggestions are great! I really like them. The song suggestions are great. I think these are great choices for the group. Once again, thank you so much for being interested in my story and applying. I am really happy this caught your eye and congratulations your app has been accepted.  :)

lee sooyun

Main Vocalist Park Dasom

Mollygirl Molly Accepted

Well Hello, Molly! Again thank you so much for applying. I'm really glad you found this story interesting enough to apply with two characters. Your app looks great and I like that you changed the color of app. Lee Sooyun is so different from Kang Hayun. Haha. Sooyun is so cute by the way and I like the faceclaim you chose for her. I think she represents her well. I think her fashion sense really reflects who she is and it really is cute and feminine. Her personality makes me think she is a great person but also wears her heart on her sleeve. I feel like she's not one to really hide how she's feeling, which I find nothing wrong with that. Haha. Sooyun being so caring is sweet especially considering I think she would take care of the other members if they were ever feeling down. Whether it's by making them comfort food, watching their favorite movie, or cracking a horrible joke. I think her being dependent on others like her group members could happening a lot considering what that they would go through. Sooyun sounded like she was just a fun kid, haha. I think we all change our minds about what we want to be. It's unfortunate that she doesn't have a strong relationship with her dad. It is a bit frosty. Although I'm glad she has a good relationship with her mother. I love that she will fight with her older brother but will make him a flower crown. Lol, that's siblings bonding for you. I like the talent twins you picked for Sooyun. I love her fanclub name, the reason is perfect. I think her trainee time was written well. I wonder what would happen if Sooyun had stopped training and came home. I wonder if her relationship with her dad would be better.  I do like the one scandal you have for her. Aww, Sooyun and Dasom seem really adorable together. I love that Dasom is willing to help Sooyun with her dancing but also they sound like they enjoy each other company. I think you picked some great scene suggestions. I do like the songs you picked because they are different from the ones you've already given me but I think these could go well with the group too. Once again, thank you so much for being interested in my story and applying with another character. Congratulations your app has been accepted.  :)

character name

Position Love Interest

Username Nickname Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Phasellus eget luctus metus. Vestibulum bibendum felis sit amet dolor auctor molestie. In dignissim eget nibh id dapibus. Fusce et suscipit orci. Aliquam sit amet urna lorem. Duis eu imperdiet nunc, non imperdiet libero. Morbi vel metus in odio varius adipiscing sed non neque. Integer ligula justo, posuere quis tincidunt id, rhoncus vitae nulla. Aliquam vel mollis augue. Aenean consectetur mauris arcu, sed auctor nisi tincidunt nec.

character name

Position Love Interest

Username Nickname Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Phasellus eget luctus metus. Vestibulum bibendum felis sit amet dolor auctor molestie. In dignissim eget nibh id dapibus. Fusce et suscipit orci. Aliquam sit amet urna lorem. Duis eu imperdiet nunc, non imperdiet libero. Morbi vel metus in odio varius adipiscing sed non neque. Integer ligula justo, posuere quis tincidunt id, rhoncus vitae nulla. Aliquam vel mollis augue. Aenean consectetur mauris arcu, sed auctor nisi tincidunt nec.

character name

PositionLove Interest

Username Nickname Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Phasellus eget luctus metus. Vestibulum bibendum felis sit amet dolor auctor molestie. In dignissim eget nibh id dapibus. Fusce et suscipit orci. Aliquam sit amet urna lorem. Duis eu imperdiet nunc, non imperdiet libero. Morbi vel metus in odio varius adipiscing sed non neque. Integer ligula justo, posuere quis tincidunt id, rhoncus vitae nulla. Aliquam vel mollis augue. Aenean consectetur mauris arcu, sed auctor nisi tincidunt nec.

character name

PositionLove Interest

Username Nickname Status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Phasellus eget luctus metus. Vestibulum bibendum felis sit amet dolor auctor molestie. In dignissim eget nibh id dapibus. Fusce et suscipit orci. Aliquam sit amet urna lorem. Duis eu imperdiet nunc, non imperdiet libero. Morbi vel metus in odio varius adipiscing sed non neque. Integer ligula justo, posuere quis tincidunt id, rhoncus vitae nulla. Aliquam vel mollis augue. Aenean consectetur mauris arcu, sed auctor nisi tincidunt nec.

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✧ Mollygirl your reviews are up!


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Chapter 4: I love the little teaser. The comments, haha. I can imagine them on an actual Soompi page.
Chapter 3: Thank you for the nice reviews. I'm really glad you liked my characters.
14 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hopefully I’ll get my girls done soon!
Chapter 2: This sounds interesting!
In the cheatsheet, you say talent twin, do you mean one individual girl for all the roles of the plot?
14 streak #5
Chapter 2: Hi sorry I have another question
Can Twice's Dahyun be considered a visual?
14 streak #6
Chapter 2: How old is Sungho and what is his personality like?
I’m thinking of using him as a love interest for (one of) my girl(s)
14 streak #7
Chapter 1: Sungho is cute