Getting To Know You Again

Remembering You..

Without thinking twice he ran across the room into the tall man's waiting arms.

"I've missed you."


The deep voice of Lord Park vibrated in Baekhyun's chest as he clung to the tall man. It was comforting and familiar, and he smushed his face into the warmth. The earthy and calming smell made Baekhyun feel like he was floating, even with his feet securely on the floor. 

"I'll go arrange for some tea and let you lovebirds get reacquainted.." Baekhyun's aunt bustled by them as she left the room, her tone happy and the serious feeling from earlier gone.

Baekhyun pulled back from the hug, a little embarrassed at himself.

Lord Park chuckled. "Let's go sit down and talk a while."

The vampire offered his hand, which Baekhyun accepted. The tall man then led them across the room to a small couch that sat near the tall windows, facing the beautiful garden. He guided Baekhyun to sit down, then walked over to the windows. Baekhyun watched as Lord Park grasped the latch of one of the windows and opened the top half. He carefully pushed the glass outward and a gentle wind wafted in, stirring the air. The faint scent of roses filled the room.

"Your flowers kept me going."

Baekhyun's eyes widened. 

The tall man turned towards the boy. "You loved being outside working with the plants and flowers in the garden. The pink roses were your favorite. I tended your plants carefully and studied to learn more about them. I felt somehow, some way, it brought you nearer to me." 

"Lord Park.. I-" Baekhyun began but stopped when the man placed a hand on his shoulder. Lord Park sat down beside him and reached down to gently take the boy's hand. "Please.. call me Chanyeol. I want to hear you say my name."

Baekhyun slightly tilted his head, thoughtful. "Chanyeol.." He shook his head. "But.. I don't think that's what I called you." he said slowly.

The vampire raised an eyebrow as he looked at the boy. "Do.. you remember?" he asked cautiously.

Baekhyun couldn't help his small smile as he looked up at the handsome man. "I think so.." The look in the vampire's eyes was so deep Baekhyun felt he might drown in it . He looked down at their joined hands. "I think.. to me you were- you are.." Baekhyun inhaled as tho to brace himself, then quietly finished "my Loey..?" 

The vampire stilled.

The boy's eyes shifted nervously as he cautiously looked up to the tall man's face. "Is that- did..I say something wrong?" Baekhyun asked quietly.

Lord Park shook his head slowly in denial, an emotionally tender look blooming on his face. "No, you're correct. But it's strange.. You only called me that once. It was in the early hours of the morning that you left me."

"I left you?" Baekhyun was upset at the vampire's words and he gripped the tall man's hands tightly. "But I would never- Please- Tell me what happened. I need to know!"

Lord Park sighed as he raised a hand and the boy's hair once, tucking a strand behind the smaller's ear then cupping his cheek tenderly to calm him as he began to explain. "You were so sheltered. Your mother never allowed you to play outside in cold weather as a child. It snowed during your second month of your stay here, and you were determined to experience it for the first time. I had cautioned the servants if you were to go out, they were to make sure you were properly covered with coat, hat, gloves and so on." The vampire sighed again. 

"But I'm guessing I didn't listen..?" Baekhyun asked.

"No, apparently you didn't."

The boy looked confused. "Apparently?"

"I had business in town that day.. I was later told how wearing only your thin shoes and clothing, you put on a light jacket and went out into the drifts. You had great fun running about, and it took three servants to chase you down through the fields as the snow was falling heavily. I arrived back home late that evening and found that my love had already gone to bed with a fever. Unbeknownst to all, that fever continued to rise. As it rose, your fragile body could not handle it. Your maid-servant fetched me in the middle of the night saying you were sweating heavily and thrashing in your bed."

Baekhyun looked over at the beautiful bed in the corner of the room. "I.. don't remember that.." he said sadly.

"By that point the fever was taking over, so your mind was probably already shutting down. When I got to your side, you opened your eyes and smiled at me. The few words you spoke were so sweet and genuine, when you fell asleep quietly, I foolishly believed you were on the mend.  I had sent a servant on my fastest horse to fetch the doctor. But by the time he arrived it was too late. I welcomed the man at the entry downstairs not knowing I had just lost you up here in this room."

Baekhyun turned, reaching to wipe a tear sliding down the vampire's cheek. "I am sorry for my childish stupidity." he smiled apologetically. "I still love snow, but I'm much smarter about it now and always prefer to be fully bundled up if I go out in the cold."

"That is reassuring. But I forgave you of your foolish choices long ago. You asked me to."

Baekhyun cocked his head in question.

"I have never forgotten how sweetly you spoke to me those early morning hours. Your last words to me were 'Forgive me.. my Loey'. And I did." The man looked deeply into the boy's eyes, clasping their hands together "And I am.  I am yours."

The simple words held deep meaning and shook Baekhyun deeply. He stared in wonder at the handsome vampire that looked at him so calmly as they sat together on the couch. The tall man was attractive and wealthy. He could have had any number of lovers he wanted over the years. But instead he was sitting here telling Baekhyun that he belonged to him.

It was an overwhelming feeling, but Baekhyun didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead he felt amazed and full of wonder over the immense dedication this man seemed to have for him. It was almost as if.. 

"Do-.. do you.. love me?" 

The boy's uncertain words came out quietly, but Lord Park heard them loud and clear. He lifted his hand once again to cup the smaller's cheek as he leaned inward. "More than you may ever know." he said, placing a kiss on Baekhyun's forehead. 

Baekhyun blushed and gasped with a quick inhale, but the clinking sound of china distracted him, interrupting any words he might have spluttered in his embarrassment. He was further distracted when he saw the tour guide from earlier carrying a large serving tray into the room.  The tall blonde man set the tray on the side table and began to pour tea into two simple yet elegant tea cups. He set the teapot down as he turned towards the couch.

The quizzical look on Baekhyun's face gave him away and Lord Park smiled as he gestured to the tour guide. "Allow me to introduce my butler, Oh Sehun. He wasn't working for me yet at the point you were home last."

Baekhyun smiled quietly in greeting and the blonde man bowed. "Pleasure to officially make your aquaintance, young master. Would you like sugar for your tea?"

"Um.. two sugars.. please?"

The butler smiled as he plopped two sugar cubes into one of the cups. "And would you also like lemon, young ma-"

"Please call me Baekhyun. It's weird being called 'master'.. but..yes. I would love lemon."

The butler paused, looking at Lord Park.

The tall vampire nodded at the blonde man. "I believe Baekhyun would like two slices, Sehun." The butler nodded back and used small tongs to lift two thin slices of lemon into the cup of tea. He placed a spoon on the saucer and then handed the cup and saucer to the boy.


Baekhyun smiled as he accepted the hot tea, then turned to Lord Park. "It's so nice to have real lemon for tea. I don't get this often.." he commented quietly.

The butler handed a tea serving to the vampire. "So that's why Lord Park insisted our gardener grow them."

Baekhyun was amazed. "You grow your own lemons?"

The vampire nodded. "We have two lemon trees. We also have orange, pear, peach, and cherry trees."

Baekhyun's amazement became a shy smile. "I love fruit.."

"I know."

"Wait- did.. you grow all those.. for me?" the boy asked.

Lord Park had a distant look on his face as he looked out the window. "The flowers.. the plants.. the trees.. I have a part-time gardener, but I tended them all myself as well." He looked down at his teacup, picking up the spoon to stir the warm liquid. "It kept me sane."

Baekhyun took a sip of his tea, his eyes locked on the vampire as the man continued to speak. "You loved tending plants and flowers when you were here. After you..passed, I hired a skilled man from the village and sent him to the Byun family to study their gardens for a year. Then I had him come here and show me what he had learned. He continued as my gardener until his passing at which time his daughter took over. When she passed, her daughter took her spot, and then a son, and then another son.."

Baekhyun put his cup and saucer down on the table. "So.. 5 generations of the same family have tended the plants..? That's incredible. They must take such pride in them.."

The butler cleared his throat politely. "Sir, Minseok is currently in the west gardens. If.. you were wondering."

Lord Park smiled, placing his own cup down. He reached out with his palm up, offering his hand to the smiling boy beside him. "Would you like to join me in a walk in the gardens to meet him, my love?"

Baekhyun blushed as he heard the term of endearment, feeling familiar and warm. He accepted the vampire's hand graciously. "Yes, I would like that very much." The two stood up from the couch and the vampire tucked the slender hand into his bent elbow before leading them from the room.

The butler went over to the open window. "You were right." he said.

Baekhyun's aunt came over to stand beside him. They watched the two men walking together under the trees, deep in conversation, the smaller beaming up at the taller, the vampire looking at the boy with a smitten gaze. "Look at them, wrapped up in their own little bubble." The woman smiled as she wiped a tear. "Bless them."

"It's obvious they've both needed this for a long time." the butler agreed, nodding. He turned to the woman. "So, you're the soothsayer.. How many children should we prepare for?"

Baekhyun's aunt grinned. "I always knew you were a soft one! Asking about kids already...tsk!"

The two outside walking towards the old gardener didn't mind the giggles that they knew those inside the palace were enjoying at their expense. Happiness can be fleeting, so it should be enjoyed to its fullest.

And their world would always be full of joy if they were together.





A/N:  I have been writing 'Remembering You' on Twitter and then posting it here on AFF in chapter form.  However, some of my other ongoing stories have received more interest from twtfic readers, so I was anxious to just find a soft ending for this story in order to dedicate more of my time to those other stories.  

BUT I don't feel like I did justice to my original idea so although I have posted it the way it is seen on Twitter, I will probably take time to add a long epilogue or even additional chapters so that we can all learn more about this beautiful couple and their unique love story.  

So, thank you all for reading thus far.  And please be patient with me as I work through what I want to write to add to 'Remembering You'.  I hope to share it with you soon.  ~❤~



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744 streak #1
Chapter 4: So happy I ran across this story, I absolutely love it. The characters are so interesting, I can’t wait to learn more about them. Thank you, I will be looking forward to the next update.
Chapter 4: waooo they are sweet ... I love it...
thank you author
Beau1996 1374 streak #3
Chapter 4: Sounds good author-nim I would love to know more of their story😊
_Mecht7_ #5
Chapter 3: I love, love, love, love, loveeeee! ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 3: I like your interpretation of the soul bond - interested to read how Chan and Baek's relationship grows now that he knows more of the truth!!
Chapter 3: this is really amazing and superb i love it ...
u did great work (。♡‿♡。)
keep it up 🤠
and update soon please
_Mecht7_ #8
Chapter 2: I just reread the story, and it's so cool. It really is~ (。♡‿♡。)
I really love it! (๑♡⌓♡๑)
_Mecht7_ #9
Chapter 2:! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 2: waooo their first sweeeeeet encounter ....
to be honest i want to read the whole book at once .. hihihi but i know I can't so I'll wait patiently ...
thanks for update and update soon