Coming Back to You

Remembering You..


Baekhyun had always wondered about his life. His parents loved him dearly. His brother was affectionate and familiar. He never had cause to be ungrateful for his upbringing. But something always felt off. It was as though he didn't quite fit. Not quite at home.

He was always considered different. Laughing at the antics of a bug struggling to climb a blade of grass was weird. Grinning because someone had a described how they wanted to cut their hair was rude. Studying someone's face was impolite. Singing harmony alone was strange.

The things the rest of his family liked to do were interesting, fun, entertaining. But not really what Baekhyun enjoyed the most. And neither of his parents nor his brother were into reading books like he was. He could lose himself in a book for hours if given the chance.

Especially books from the 17th century. It was as though that time frame called to him. His aunt was the only family member that shared his interests. She married into the family - her husband a cousin who died young. The woman was somewhat eccentric and never seemed to age.

When Baekhyun had asked his dad, the man could only guess but then said it was rude to ask any woman her age so it didn't matter. From when he was little, once or twice a month the woman would come to pick her nephew up and take him on day trips to places the two of them enjoyed.

Botanical gardens with beautiful plants and flowers; libraries and bookshops that held treasured first editions that hadn't been touched in years; quaint marketplaces filled with eclectic mixes of housewares, ceramics, and decor. Once they even had a pottery lesson together.

Baekhyun wasn't uncomfortable around his family. They loved him and his quirks. He just didn't feel settled. Something was missing. The closest he came to feeling like this void was filled was around his aunt. Even then he wasn't totally at home, but he was used to the feeling.




The murmurs of voices seemed to get louder and clearer.

Baekhyun slowly realized he was lying down. He opened his eyes, trying to focus as he looked up towards the ceiling.

An elegantly woven tapestry of deep blue silk was draped in a canopy far above his head. His eyes scanned the material, tied with woven silk ropes of the same color at the corners of the beautifully carved wooden four-post bed that he was lying on. Trailing the ropes downward brought his attention to the lighter shade of blue embroidery on the simple coverlet over him. 

Baekhyun ran his fingers over the material as he drew his hands slowly up and out from under the covers. The feeling was familiar and comforting, and he smiled as he the edge of the coverlet. 

The voices suddenly stopped talking.

Baekhyun turned his head in the direction that he had heard them last. Deep eyes met his and he gasped.

"Wait-" a woman's voice.. his aunt. But her eyes were dark. Different. Not cold, but still dark. She held her arms out, struggling to hold back the man standing beside her. "Sir.. it's too soon." her voice seemed to be coming thru a fog. 

"No. We have both waited long enough." the voice was warm, deep, echoing thru Baekhyun's head like a long-forgotten memory. It comforted him and made him want to cry at the same time. Unexplainable and confusing.

He whimpered loudly and his arms moved as though they weren't under his own control, reaching out for the familiar stranger. 

Baekhyun barely heard his aunt gasp as quick footsteps brought long strong arms to surround him, pulling him close to a broad chest as his tears fell.

He didn't know why he was crying. He felt slightly sad, but an overwhelming sense of relief filled him without any reason he could explain. The confusion filled him and he clung even harder to the comforting arms of the stranger, who was returning the embrace with equal emotion.

It felt like home.

Thru his sniffling, the only sounds Baekhyun heard was the rustling of the covers. There was no heartbeat coming from the firm chest next to his head. No sounds of breathing. No whispers from any others in the room. 

In confusion, he loosened his grip, pulling back. 

Baekhyun looked up. Dark eyes met his own and he felt a warm flush run thru him. "Um.. s-sorry.. I don't know why I-"

"No need to apologize." The deep voice was warm but still sent a shiver up Baekhyun's spine. The stranger's arms were still around him and they tightened. "Are you cold?"

Wiping his eyes, Baekhyun fought the shiver that seemed to happen every time the man spoke. He was grateful for the comfort the man had given, even if he didn't understand why this was what he had wanted. But it felt familiar and he liked it. "No. Thank you for asking tho.."

The man's stern features seemed to melt a little, his look almost fond. He turned his head slightly and spoke. "Come." his tone commanding. 

Baekhyun felt compelled to answer but realized the direction wasn't for him when he heard shuffling feet behind the tall man. He leaned a little to see that his aunt had come over from the doorway and was standing nearby, with her head bent down. "Sir." she said respectfully. 

The whole scene was confusing. He had never seen his feisty aunt acting so docile. Who was this man and why did his aunt seem to know him? Baekhyun looked back at the man carefully. "You're-" The man's eyes moved back to meet Baekhyun's as he continued, quieter yet amazed. "You're the man in the portrait... You're Lord Park..!" 

The tall man's face showed the first hint of a smile as his eyes softened. "It feels good to hear you say my name."

"But- How is this possible? Am I dreaming??" Baekhyun clutched the sleeves of the man's black coat. He only now realized the man's clothing was in a style from long ago. It made him think of the characters from the novels that he loved so much. He wondered if he had fallen asleep over a book again. 

The sound of the man beside him giving a low chuckle brought Baekhyun back out of his thoughts. He looked at the tall man in wonder. "You laughed.." 

"You are very much awake. And very welcome to be here." Baekhyun startled. He had just been thinking how rude he must seem, lying in a bed in the old mansion after passing out and then hugging a stranger. "Your books are safely in their bookcases." 

"Wait- How did you-?" 

"Your aunt will be the one to explain everything to you. She knows better how you have been thinking these past years and can help you understand." the man said as he pulled back from Baekhyun's arms and stood up. Baekhyun immediately felt a sense of loss and craned his neck to look up at him, not wanting to let the stranger out of his sight. "I feel the same way." the tall man said. "But I want you to be fully aware of everything." 

Before Baekhyun could ask what that meant, the tall man had gestured to the woman behind him, then turned and silently left the room. 

"Sweetie.." His aunt calling to him brought Baekhyun's attention back to the woman, and he gasped when his eyes met hers. They were still dark, different than what he was used to seeing, but warm. "I have so much to tell you..!" her familiar voice had a strange new ring to it.


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744 streak #1
Chapter 4: So happy I ran across this story, I absolutely love it. The characters are so interesting, I can’t wait to learn more about them. Thank you, I will be looking forward to the next update.
Chapter 4: waooo they are sweet ... I love it...
thank you author
Beau1996 1374 streak #3
Chapter 4: Sounds good author-nim I would love to know more of their story😊
_Mecht7_ #5
Chapter 3: I love, love, love, love, loveeeee! ♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡♡(> ਊ <)♡
Beau1996 1374 streak #6
Chapter 3: I like your interpretation of the soul bond - interested to read how Chan and Baek's relationship grows now that he knows more of the truth!!
Chapter 3: this is really amazing and superb i love it ...
u did great work (。♡‿♡。)
keep it up 🤠
and update soon please
_Mecht7_ #8
Chapter 2: I just reread the story, and it's so cool. It really is~ (。♡‿♡。)
I really love it! (๑♡⌓♡๑)
_Mecht7_ #9
Chapter 2:! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 2: waooo their first sweeeeeet encounter ....
to be honest i want to read the whole book at once .. hihihi but i know I can't so I'll wait patiently ...
thanks for update and update soon