Chapter 13

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Adding more securities around them to avoid any danger that might happen, Jungeun hired 5 new guards for her law firm. Thought the lawyer is confident that nothing can trespass nor bring any harm to them within the area, she still wants to make sure that everyone will be safe while she’s keeping the case. Jungeun decided to continue fighting for the inmate as she wants to save the possible mother of her girlfriend. She already collected enough evidences that may defend Kang Rami, so the only thing she needs to do is to protect herself and everyone around her before the trial day.

The lawyer also let Jinsol stay in her house for a while as she also feeling anxious about her girlfriend’s safety. Asking Jinsol if she can live with them for some days after the author apologized to her for shouting and swearing, Jinsol quickly accepted the offer.

Who wouldn’t if it’ll make you, your girlfriend, and child safer, right? And they’ll look like little family too (but in danger) so it’s a win-win for the author. But Jinsol’s celebration got short after knowing that she’ll sleep on the guest room and not beside Jungeun.

“Jungeun, I can’t sleep in other’s house, especially without someone beside me.” Jinsol complains to her girlfriend and she receives a glare from the lawyer.

“So you’re saying you’re sleeping with someone beside you when you sleep in other’s house?” Jungeun asks and the author’s eyes widen.

“No! I’m sorry. Wrong choice of-“

“You just made it worst. Sleep on the couch tonight.” The lawyer cuts before leaving the room.

In just a day, Jinsol got punished twice and she’s a hundred percent sure that she’ll suffer more tomorrow as she’s expecting back pain when she wake up.

“Bruni! Let’s go to my room and play.”


Carrying her daughter and immediately search for her girlfriend who she found in the kitchen and cooking, she stands beside Jungeun. “Can I sleep with Yerim instead?” She asks.

“Her bed is not big enough for you to sleep there, Jung.” The younger answers while she’s slicing some vegetables.

“Please? Mommy? I want to sleep with Yerim tonight.”

Jungeun stops from what she is doing and she stares at Jinsol’s pouting face before she sighs. “Okay, we will sleep on my bedroom and with Yerim in the middle.”

“Assa! Thank you.” The author says before kissing Jungeun’s forehead and turns to go to Yerim’s room, but before they can turn to the hallway, rings from the doorbell erupts making Jinsol stop.

“Wait me here, darling.” Jinsol says to her daughter and she puts the nodding child on the couch before going to the front door.

Jungeun didn’t tell her that she’s expecting a guest for that night, and no one in their squad inform them that they’ll pay a visit so the author has no idea who she will see when she opens the door. And to her surprise, no one’s in front of the door.

“Who is it, Sol?”

Jinsol turns her head to Jungeun and she shrugs her shoulders, silently telling that she doesn’t know and there’s none. “No one, I think someone’s pranking us or something.”

The lawyer walks towards her girlfriend while raising her eyebrow, “Are you sure? “ Jungeun asks.

Upon reaching the entrance, she roams her eyes around and checks if someone’s just hiding, but when Jungeun was about to tell Jinsol to close the door after seeing no presence of a person, she spots a box on the floor few feet away. The curious lawyer decides to pick it up and takes a look.

“Jinsol, call the police now!”

The author immediately goes inside to contact authorities while Jungeun was left, staring at the gun inside of the box. There are also some photographs of her, Jinsol and their child, making her more nervous.

“They’ll come here in a few, Jungeun. Don’t worry.” After coming back from contacting the police, Jinsol comforts her girlfriend and they sit on the couch for a while.

“The first trial will happen this Friday, and I still have a day before it. Do you think we can keep ourselves safe before the trial?” Jungeun asks worriedly to the older.

It’s only the first trial around, yet everything is getting scarier. The lawyer still have no idea what was inside of the package that was sent to her office earlier, but discovering her girlfriend shaking because of it, she knows it was also a threat for them.

Should she continue investigating and fighting the case or no? It only causes them trouble and bringing them to danger. Jungeun doesn’t know now what to do, especially after seeing the gun, the thing really messed her mind now.

“Don’t worry. We will report her and if she goes to trial as a witness then the police may arrest her after, right? Let’s just hope you can win the case just in its first trial.”

‘Yeah, I hope.”


After telling the police about the box and gun that it contains, they’ve decided to give it as an evidences. Jungeun got shocked after Jinsol gave a bullet to the police officers too and discovered that it was indeed the other surprise package for them.

Finishing the report and thanking the police officers who went to Jugeun’s house, the couple locked everything around the house and the lawyer tried to continue her cooking, with Jinsol and Yerim in the dining area and watching her. They think it’ll be safer if they’re in the same room.

“What do you think about leaving Yerim to my parents for a while? I’ll ask my parents to take care of their grandchild while I’m handling the case.” Jungeun proposes after setting the plates and foods on the table.

She sits next to Jinsol who carries their daughter on her lap and feeding her. “I think that’ll be better for Yerim than being with us. Don’t want this princess get hurt.” Jinsol answers then lands a soft kiss on her daughter’s head.

The lawyer lets out a sigh before she eats her dinner and contacting her parents to pick Yerim tomorrow. Jungeun’s parents gladly accept the favor and almost fight who’ll have their grandchild for but Jungeun stops them before it gets worst, telling them they can just stay at the same house while taking care Yerim.

It is quite complicated as her parents are divorced and living in different houses now but sometimes they stay in Jungeun mother’s when the lawyer and Yerim visit them and stay for few days of vacation. Both don’t want to miss having their granddaughter with them.

Jungeun didn’t elaborate what is happening to them and just dismissed the call when her parents confirmed that they’ll be in her house tomorrow night. She doesn’t want her parents to worry and just think that she wants them to babysit Yerim, which Mr. Kim and Ms. Lee love.

“You know that you’ll meet my parents tomorrow too, right?”

And Jinsol almost choke on the meat she’s eating after she heard what the younger woman questioned to her.

“Do you think they’ll like me?” Jinsol asks after drinking water and starting to get nervous.

What if’s clouding the author’s mind and worries about Jungeun’s parents not accepting her makes Jinsol more scared about meeting the older Kims, or Kim and Lee.

“I don’t know. Maybe they’ll kick your tomorrow for s

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Chapter 15: Thank you for this awesome-heart warming story of OEC lil family <3 you’re rock, authornim!
Chapter 15: Oh my, this fic deserves so many upvotes T_T. It's so cuteee. Thank you for writing this author!
Chapter 15: ahhhhhh this is sugar! i love the whole oec family dynamics!!!!
great job author-nim
Chapter 13: whaaaaaaat omggggggg
Chapter 10: So i have been binge reading your story till now and i love it! the moment when hyejoo appeared rly got me cracking!
this is rly great!
Thank you so much! Such a cute/funny story!