Day 2 unfolds

4 plus 1

Day 2 of school. 


‘Why does it seem like my year 3 will be tough… Why did I have to be targeted. Why can’t I just complete my studies without hiccups…’ Bora pondered. DING! She received a text.


MASTER: Mcdonalds hotcakes and KFC porridge before 8am at the black table.


“SSSSSSI…” Bora cussed as she read her text. 


Bora texted Shownu: I won’t be going to school with you today, have to run some errands first. See you after school tonight.


She grabbed her bag and cycled to the nearest Mcdonalds and KFC to get Chanyeol’s breakfast.


— 7.55am @ cafeteria —


Bora sprinted to the black table with her food. Suddenly, she saw a group of girls holding balloons filled with water around the table. 


“are you Yoon Bora?” a girl in mini skirt asked. 


“Neh.” Bora nodded cautiously, unsure of what they are going to do. 


“Lets go!” the same girl shouted and started throwing the water balloons at her.


“AHHHHHH” Bora screamed as she shielded her face and dozens of balloons got launched at her. She is thoroughly soaked. 


Someone is taking video on the side as well, all the students were laughing at her. After throwing all the balloons, the girl said “Well. That is for messing with our King Chanyeol…” she then left with her group of minions. 


“What the hell is that.” Bora frowned as she looked at her soaked tee shirt, she is wearing a white tee shirt and black jeans shorts, and now her top is see-through. She took a deep breathe, placed the food down and left for the toilet. 


‘Stay strong Bora. Stay strong!’ She cheered herself on mentally while walking to the girls bathroom, she bumped into a guy.


“Sorry.” She didn’t look up and continued walking while a guy grabbed her by the arm. 


“I said I’m sorry” she looked up and to her surprise, she saw Kai. 


“Take this.” Kai handed her a towel and his tee shirt and basketball shorts. “I always bring extra clothes for my basketball matches.” 


“It’s ok.” Bora took a deep breathe and wanted to walk away but he gripped harder.


“Don’t act so tough. sometimes, use your advantage as a girl, show some vulnerability and let guys take care of you, nothing wrong with that.” Kai added.


“I don’t want to owe you anything, I don’t want to be involved with you guys. it’s just…. too much drama and I don’t want to handle it” Bora looked Kai into his eyes.


“It’s too late. You’re involved now, so why not accept help?” Kai stared right into her eyes and it made her heart skipped a beat. 


She felt her cheeks burning and quickly grab the clothes from him and muttered a thanks under her breathe and ran away.


Kai look at her back while running away and gave a slight smile. 


— In the cafeteria after the cleaners have cleaned up the mess — 


“Park Chanyeol, isn’t it too overboard?” Lay chided and took a seat at the table to join Chanyeol and Kai.


“While, i want her humiliated. I want to let people know not to mess with me” Chanyeol replied haughtily. 


“You even posted it online, now everyone in school is talking about it” Lay replied.


“Who knows? She might like the attention” Chanyeol took a bite of his lunch. 


“Yah! everyone can see her body so clearly, she’s a girl you know.” Lay added while pushing Chanyeol’s hand causing his food to drop. 


“ Why do you care?! Maybe guys like that? More guys will be after her? She might be enjoying it!” Chanyeol barked at Lay.


“she’s not those s that you have been seeing ok. i just think that you should stop now.” Lay replied.


“You are funny. Are you in love with her? Is that why you are concerned?” Chanyeol looked at Lay.


“Of course not! I’m just… I’m just concerned cause she is my partner! I don’t want any of these to ruin our performance!” Lay rebutted.


“Your performance? I’ll just let them know to give you good grades, who cares about that stupid performance anyway” Chanyeol said.


“YAH. I CARE.” Lay stood up and left. Leaving Chanyeol behind.


‘Whats the big deal’ Chanyeol thought to himself.


— At the park in school —


Bora was sitting on the grass patch, beside the pond at the end of the park, having her sandwich. She doesn’t dare to go to the cafe because everyone is talking about her now. 

She has no choice but to hide in the park, where nobody is. 


She recalled what happened this morning, after drying herself up and changing into Kai’s clothes, on the way to class, a boy looking like a thug approached her. 



“Hi Bora… You’re so y and I want F*** you!” a guy said while ing his hips, his friends laughed. 


Bora looked at him, eyes widened. “Wth?” 


“you haven’t seen your video?” the guy continue ing his hips and Bora ran away. 


She whipped out her phone and saw the video posted on the school’s Facebook wall, it was a slowmo and zoomed into her body video of the water balloons hitting her, with some sensual background music. 

*end of flashback 


Bora mind went blank. Tears were welling up in her eyes when she took a bite of her sandwich. 


“AH!” she let out her frustration and threw the sandwich into the pond.


“I don’t think sandwich is a good food for the fishes” a guy said and sat beside her. 


She looked up and saw Kai.


“I guess my fashion sense is quite good, you look good in my outfit.. Very… early 90s fashion” Kai smiled.


Bora lets out a scoff and slight smile. 


“thank you…” Bora said.


“well… I didn’t say I am giving my clothes to you… it’s just on loan.” Kai replied.


Bora let out a short laughed. “I mean, thank you for not being a jerk.” she sighed and continued “All my schoolmates avoid me like a plague today, because I offended Chanyeol, only guys are ing to me…And it is only the second day in school…” 


“Things will definitely get better” Kai assured.


“You better leave, you don’t want to be caught hanging out with the plague now.” Bora started fiddling with the grass.


“I’m sorry that my friend is such a jerk.” Kai looked at her intently. “But if you ever need any help, or anyone to talk to, you can count on me” 


Bora’s cheeks are flushed. ‘YAH Yoon Bora, why are you so shy?! Don’t tell me you like him… How could you betray Oppa… You promised that you will wait for him…’ she shakes her head.


Kai hugged her. 


She was frozen, heart pounding. ‘This is not a trick is it?! What if Chanyeol send him here to mess with my head?’ 


Just then, someone interrupted them. “YAH! What are you doing!” Shownu shoved Kai.


“Giving her my support as a friend.” Kai look at Shownu defiantly and stood up “who are you?” Kai continued. 


“Ah, he is my younger brother, Shownu, he is Kai.” Bora stood up after Kai. 


“ah.. i see, that’s why you protected him the other time.” Kai replied. 


“How are you a friend?! You stood there and watched while your stupid friend bullied us.” Shownu fumed.


“If i were to help you all, Chanyeol will be even angrier and cause more troubles, so it is better for me to stay away.” Kai said. “Nevermind, I’ll leave you two here, bye Bora.” He walked away coldly. 


“Noona! Stay away from him!” Shownu warned Bora.


Bora looked down. 


“How are you feeling?” He patter her on her shoulders. “I’m sorry that happened to you… It is all because of me, let me go teach him a lesson” 


“No!” Bora cut shownu off. “He threatened to expel us. So don’t do anything reckless, just lay low. I will settle it.” 


“I’ll tell him to expel me and leave you alone.” Shownu added.


“Yah! Do you know how hard is it to save up so much money to pay for your tuition?! Oppa worked so hard for us, you better not let him down!” Bora shouted at Shownu.


“I didn’t even ask for this! Why must he leave us?!” Shownu barked.


“To give us better lives! To provide for our eommas! Do you want to live in poverty your whole life?! Do you want our eommas to suffer their whole lives!?! You’re so selfish!” Bora teared up. 


“I’m sorry noona.” Shownu looked at her, hand on her shoulder, he wanted to hug her so bad, but she might not like it. He wanted to be the one protecting her but she doesn’t allow it. 


Bora cried on his shoulders, she couldn’t take it anymore.


- END - 

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Chapter 5: Okay that modern day romeo and juliet needs to be made into a movie xD I'd watch it!!
Chapter 4: Sorry for being late to discover this story but the love square(?) here is just *chef's kiss*!! Great job author-nim!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!