Chapter 1: In the Palm of His Hand

You are My Wish
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Jongin looked around the vicinity, trying to spot a camera or some other person. He's pretty sure this is a prank of some sort and this Do Kyungsoo dude who's claiming to be a genie is part of some variety show or something. "I don't know if this a personal prank or this goes to some sort of show, but please, can you just let me go home now? We both know it's past midnight and I just got off from work so I really need to rest."


"Prank?" the guy asked, tilting his head a bit to the side as if he doesn't know what the word mean. He looked like a lost kid with that gesture. An adorable one at that, Jongin's brain supplied, which he shook off.


Jongin didn't bother explaining to the guy. He's pretty sure no one in the world doesn't know what a prank is, especially if that person is pulling one on someone else. Instead, he shook away the guy's hand that's holding his and prepared to move away. "Whatever. I'll go ahead."




Jongin pretended to not hear the guy and just kept walking, picking up his pace. When he was sure he was a good distance away already from the guy, he decided to take a quick look if he isn't being followed. He sighed in relief when he noticed that there's no sign of the other person. He continued walking until he was at the bus stop where he didn't have to wait long since a bus arrived right away.


The bus was empty saved for a couple other passengers who were seated by the middle. So he decided to just sit in one of the seats in front. He then fished for his phone inside his slingbag and was just about to turn it on to listen to some music when something in his hand that wasn't there before caught his eyes.


Written on the palm of his right hand in what seems to be black ink is the name of the guy from a while ago.




He wondered how he got it. Maybe when the guy held his hand? But how could the guy put his name like this on Jongin's hand without him noticing?


Jongin tried rubbing his hand on the rough material of his jeans, hoping to get rid of the ink. But it wouldn't come off. It didn't even smudge or something.


And that's when he felt a presence beside him.


"You summoned me, Master?"


Jongin has never screamed so hard in his life before.




At the end, Jongin was forced to lie to the driver that he just had a nightmare when the driver suddenly stopped at a curb to check on him. Initially, Jongin had wanted to tell the driver to drop off this Kyungsoo guy. But when he realized that the driver couldn't even see the person beside him, Jongin just went with the nightmare excuse. 


Maybe it isn't a lie, Jongin thought. Maybe I'm really having a nightmare? But how can it be a nightmare when he knows he's fully awake and yet Do Kyungsoo is still sitting at his side, laughing so hard that there are tears forming in his eyes.


"You screamed like a girl," the guy—Kyungsoo—pointed out, rubbing at his eyes. "I'm sorry, I know you're my master, but that was so funny." Kyungsoo decided to shift his position a bit and put his face closer to Jongin's. "Did I scare you, Master?"


Jongin wondered if he should repl

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