
When Roses Kiss
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The rest of Chanyeol’s relatives were supposed to drop by for breakfast tomorrow morning. But Mari woke up groggy and with almost no memory of how she even made it back to bed, much less actually slept through the night without another recurring nightmare, so she was just eager to go home.


Besides, there was no point in being introduced as someone’s fiance when she had no ring.


Mari was still humiliated by it the next morning, but her worries vanished into thin air when Chaehee embraced her before they left. The old woman’s embrace was as warm as her smile that Mari really believed she could have a good future with them if she tried hard enough. Even as Chaehee moved on to kiss her son on the cheek, her smile remained the same.


The same smile she gave Chanyeol was the same one Mari received, and she felt her heart began to yearn. For that smile. For that warmth. For the love and safety a family provided.


She couldn’t stop thinking about it even when they had already driven off back to the hotel.


Surprisingly enough, Baekhyun seemed intent on acting like nothing happened between them that night. He had already reverted back to his cool, distant self that looked at the world with wariness and caution.


She could faintly remember hugging him as she broke down and he even led her to Chanyeol’s rose garden, but now he had completely reverted back into his silent self. Mari felt a little hurt that he didn’t even greet her a good morning or give her a smile, but her mind was already too clouded by the possibility of a loving family that she couldn’t care enough.


When they were near the hotel, Mari had grown too tired of staring out the window. She turned to Chanyeol instead, unable to stop herself from asking, “How much do you love your family?”


Clearly, he wasn’t expecting that question. He, too, had been lost in his own thoughts the whole time that they didn’t even exchange words, but now she had all of his attention. “They mean the world to me,” he spoke cautiously, as if unsure whether he should be answering too or not. “I would do anything to keep them safe and make them happy.”


Anything? She thought. But then again, Chanyeol grew up in a warm home surrounded by the love of his family. Compared to her, who barely even saw her parents or her brother growing up but would still do anything for them as well, it made sense. In fact, maybe the dedication and love Chanyeol had for his family ran deeper and stronger than what she felt because he actually had a family, and Mari had nothing but an illusion of one.


It made perfect sense.


“Your family loves you too, Park Chanyeol. You are very blessed.”


He nodded to himself, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. “Yes, I am. I grew up in a loving household.”


“I can see that. They’ve certainly raised you very well,” her words came out softer than she expected, and her voice cracked when she murmured, “Your parents would be proud of the man you’ve become.”


If Chanyeol saw the way her eyes glistened with tears or the way she hastily blinked them back before she went back to her seat and purposefully turned away from him, he made no comment. The silence between them only grew louder until her thoughts became nothing but incomprehensible noise, but even through the chaos of her mind, his voice was still enough to calm her down for a little bit. “As do your parents, Mari.”


No, that wasn’t true. She hadn’t done anything yet to make them proud, only that she knew she wanted them to be.


She’d lived her whole life wanting to please her parents who had never been there for her, and now she wanted to be a little selfish. This was her life now in Seoul not as Fujiwara Mariko the lone heiress, but as someone who would be Park Chanyeol’s wife. She knew someday when they tied the knot that she would have a duty to him, one she didn’t mind fulfilling, because she wanted what he had.


The warmth of a mother’s embrace, the love of a husband who devoted himself to her, and the friendship of a loyal man who swore to protect them no matter what — those were all the things he had that she wanted to obtain.


Call her selfish, she didn’t care. All she knew was that she was determined to make this all work out.


That he could be hers as much as she was his, and that she would truly have a family now while still making sure his parents were more than proud of their son.


You can count on me, Chanyeol, she announced in her head, her attention completely focused on the man sitting next to her. He was so innocent and unaware of everything about her as he leaned back with his eyes closed, and his peace was something she wanted to preserve. I’ll give you everything you want. All I ask is that you accept me too.




Mari was on her way to the HR Department office, a cup of coffee in her hands and a bag of bagels on the other. She was proud that her suggestions over dinner at the Park Manor a few weeks ago had actually brought fruit to the company. Their hiring rate had gotten slower as the people became more calculated and chose their potential employees in a more processed manner, but Mari believed that good things happen to those who wait.


Besides, there was no need to rush the employment.


Her heels — now an inch taller than what she previously wore as she’d gotten more and more comfortable wearing them each day — clacked against the luxury vinyl tiles of the floor.


She made a mental note that while that type of flooring was better when it comes to less temperature fluctuations due to its thermal properties, it wasn’t as sound absorbent as a carpeted floor. The constant clicking of every step a woman wearing heels made could be another form of noise disturbance, thus could divert focus and attention and decrease productivity.


She should tell Chanyeol about it someday.


Her hip was already pressed against the glass doors to open it when she walked by two familiar females whom she was sure was part of Tana Kim’s editorial team. Both young women were wearing bold, frivolous designer clothing instead of the dull gray uniforms everyone else had to wear, so Mari paused.


They were chattering excitedly amongst themselves about something, and if there was one thing she learned about the editorial team, was that their gossip was priceless.


It was always either exploiting the personal lives of their bosses that taught her more about the person than she would’ve learned had she gotten to know them personally, or their gossip would be about Tana Kim herself. Mari knew that while everyone up to her, the majority of her team actually didn’t like her, and Mari was curious to know more as to why.


Sure, Tana Kim hadn’t reached her expectations, but she couldn’t understand why people didn’t like her exactly.


If she was secretly a criminal or at least had desolated her morals to the point she no longer valued virtues, then Mari might just fire the woman. The Yeonghwa Group had no need for an immoral worker.


“Is it true what Ms. Kim said?” the first girl inquired, her sparkling silver bell pants shining under the fluorescent lights of the office. They were in the copy room, yet left the door open, much to Mari’s relief.


She had the perfect hiding spot beside the door, leaning against the corner in a relaxed manner to make herself not look suspicious.


“What did she say?” asked the other one boredly. “I swear if she’s complaining about people rejecting her idea again, I don’t want to hear it. I’ve had enough of her .”


“Evelyn’s back.”


Mari heard a gasp, “No way,” All her boredom had now been replaced with such excitement that Mari couldn’t help but press her ear closer to the door. “She’s been gone for like, what, six months?”


“I heard she had to do three straight shows in Milan and Paris, then she worked mostly in Shanghai.”


“Sounds tiring,” she sighed, and Mari could almost see the girl relaxing her shoulders. “It’s moments like this that I feel happy I’m not as beautiful as her.”


The first one snorted, “True. Being a model must be so tiring. I heard she hadn’t even gone back to her apartment in New York for a year.”


“Her schedule’s that packed?”


“Can you blame people? Even we had to wait six months before we could even work with her, and that’s mostly on Sir Park. If it hadn’t been for them meeting at that fashion show, she wouldn’t even have known Prime Magazine existed.”


Mari’s ears perked up at the mention of Chanyeol. Whoever this supermodel was, she was definitely making it big in the industry if she was known worldwide. After all, it was rare for South Korean models to be invited to fashion shows in Europe, at least from what she heard.


A small smile painted her face at the thought of Chanyeol working hard to bring something new to his company. He really was hardworking.


“I miss Miss Evelyn,” the second girl sighed dreamily, “She’s definitely the nicest model we’ve ever worked with.”


“Supermodel,” she corrected her, “Her Instagram just reached 10 million followers last week.”


“What, no way!” They both laughed amongst themselves much to Mari’s confusion. She’d known all about Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and such, but never understood why people made it a big deal, especially the number of likes or followers. The only numbers that mattered to her were the zeroes in her bank account.


“Not gonna lie, when I saw that she got along with Ms. Kim, I thought she was going to be like those other stuck up models who always think they’re better than everyone. Turns out she’s genuinely nice. She even remembered my birthday and gave me a cake!”


“Miss Wang was the one who gave you that two-tiered cake last year?!”


“Yeah, can you believe it?” she giggled like a fangirl. “She’s honestly so awesome.”


Mari couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t know much about the modeling industry but knew well enough that any socialite or person born into a rich family could get pretentious, so it was a relief that good people like Evelyn Wang still existed.


If these girls hated the guts out of Tana Kim (who didn’t seem that bad — personality-wise — in her opinion) but was absolutely in love with this supermodel, then she couldn’t wait to meet her and possibly work with her in the future.


Her daydreaming was distracted when she felt a hand wrap around her arm. “Mari.”


She jumped a little in her spot at the unexpected voice, but immediately calmed down when she saw Chanyeol’s confused - and worried? - face. “Ch-Chanyeol,” she stammered, looking down at his large hand that was holding her bicep gently. His shiny Rolex wristwatch peeked from the sleeves of his suit, the time reading barely eleven in the morning.


Mari frowned. It wasn’t even lunch time yet, and she was sure he didn’t come down unless he wanted to eat somewhere or had a meeting. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in your office?”


“I could ask you the same thing,” he whispered. His brows furrowed as he narrowed his eyes at the source of the ongoing chattering about Evelyn Wang in the copy room. Suddenly, a dark look crossed his face and he hastily said, “Let’s go somewhere more private.”


Mari didn’t have enough time to protest that she had somewhere to be because Chanyeol had already pulled her closer to him until her head bumped against his chest. Still, he seemed like he had no intention of having her further since his arms only tightened around her even as they reached his private elevator, earning a few weird looks from his bodyguards who all quickly stared at their feet instead.


She didn’t complain, especially not when he was so warm with his hand subconsciously rubbing some warmth into her arms to unknowingly pull her closer, and also not when he smelled this good.


When the elevator doors dinged open and he led her to his office, Chanyeol pulled away and sat back in his chair instead. Mari looked all around his office, at the stark silver and black curtains that were drawn to the side, revealing a beautiful view of Seoul in the morning. She looked at anything including his cute little cacti just to ignore how beautiful he looked leaned back on his seat like that, one leg propped against the other with his intertwined hands resting on his knee.


Chanyeol didn’t make it look like he was just sitting in his office.


Just like how Mari always imagined him to be, Chanyeol looked like a King on his throne when he was in his element. She’d dreamt of seeing him for so long, but her wild imagination was nothing compared to actually witnessing how regal and powerful he looked like that.


The contrast between him and his bodyguard was tremendous.


While Chanyeol was all push and power, Baekhyun was all pull and comfort. She found it ironic, considering how Baekhyun was obviously more skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to fighting and defending, but she guessed it still fitted perfectly.


Baekhyun, in his nature, was a protector. He was designed to be a hero whose purpose was to offer the feeling of home, comfort, and safety to those who needed it. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was more of a provider. Where Baekhyun used his time to make sure the land was liveable and safe, Chanyeol devoted his energy into looking for more land to cover. He didn’t offer home, not really, but he did provide stability. And with stability came at the price of an unyielding man who knew how to remain strong even when the waves crashed at him to the point of suffocation.


Mari didn’t want to question Baekhyun’s strength the same way she didn’t want to test Chanyeol’s perseverance.


His presence was dominating, really, that Mari awkwardly sat at the seat in front of his desk, placing the cup of coffee and bagel down quietly. “Your office is beautiful.” Chanyeol only looked back at her with a calculative gaze, one that nearly made her squirm in her seat had it not been for her pride.


“Thank you,” his eyes flickered to what she placed on his desk, a confused pout in his face. “What is that?”


The sudden transition from intimidating to adorable had Mari experiencing a whiplash. She cleared . “Coffee. For Taeyong. He looked like he stayed up all night revising all the hiree files. I assume you’ve told them my suggestion?”


Chanyeol nodded, but he didn’t seem too satisfied with her answer. He looked so utterly confused Mari fought back a giggle when his head tilted sideways, “Yes, I did. I just… why are you giving him coffee?”


“He’s my friend.”


“He’s an employee.”


Mari raised a brow. “I can’t be friends with him?” She shrugged, “Besides, it’s not like he knows who I am. I just said I was an intern from Tokyo and he believed it. He and Baekhyun actually had been a big help with my Korean, actually, so I owe him quite a lot. Listen, listen,” At the mention of how she’d been perfecting her Korean recently, she couldn’t help but jump a little in her seat, leaning forwards to Chanyeol as her voice dropped, his body mimicking her gestures until their heads got closer. Then, she spoke in Korean, “Taeyong, would you like some coffee?”


He was silent for a few moments, leading Mari to believe she sounded weird. It was his native language that she was studying after all, and she knew she couldn’t speak it as perfectly as he did. She then started to worry that maybe she sounded weird, but before it could get the best of her, Chanyeol leaned back with a proud smile. “You’ve improved.”


“Thank you!” She beamed at him, “So, uh, why am I here again?”


His mouth formed into an ‘ah’ shape, his usual businessman aura now returning. This time, it was more toned down, and she actually felt like she could breathe in his presence. “I was going to ask why you’re doing secretary tasks, but never mind. I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”


“I’m listening.”


“You’re 24, right?” She nodded, “When are you graduating?”


Mari calculated the remaining weeks in her head. There wasn’t much left in her semester but it was still her final one, so she wanted to give it her best, which is why she spent the last few days cramming her language studies to completing her degree and working at the same time. When she finally counted down the day of her graduation, she immediately blushed at the realization. After her graduation, she would then truly be his wife. “A week before our wedding. Why?”


Chanyeol didn’t seem to be too fazed by the revelation. “I received a message from your parents about your duties here as a businesswoman. I’ve looked into it and I think you’re already doing a great job of it, so you don’t have to come to the office as often. You can just dedicate your time to studying in the meantime.”


“R-really? But my parents—”


He shook his head reassuringly with a smile — a tender, caring one like the one she saw on that night he showed her his photos as a kid. It was the smile that brought butterflies rampaging deep in her belly; the same smile that for what seemed like the hundredth time fooled her again into believing he really was her prince. “I already assured them you’re doing fine. There’s nothing for you to worry about. Besides, don’t you find it boring here?”


Mari frowned. “Why would I be when you’re here?”


Chanyeol seemed taken aback for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. “Well, you’re welcome here anytime, but there’s really no need for you to be here every day,” He leaned forward again, his eyes staring right through hers. “You can rely on me, Mari. I’ll support you in your education.”


“Thank you, Chanyeol, that means a lot,” she blushed even more furiously, ducking her head down so her hair and bangs would hide her flustered state when she remembered something. “Ah, but I have to go back to Japan when I graduate. I was thinking maybe…” Her hands trembled, too shy and hesitant to ask him. It would be completely humiliating if he refused, but the only way to know was to ask, right? “Maybe you could go with me. And Baekhyun, too. I could also show you my home.”


Her worries faded into thin air when he chuckled, completely aware of her flustered state. “We’d be honored.”


Mari wanted to evaporate that moment. The sound of his laughter resembled those of angels singing in heaven; it was ethereal, out-of-this-world, and she was pretty sure her heart was beating too fast to the point she actually felt lightheaded.


The door suddenly opened, catching the attention of both of them. Peeking inside was a handsome man with dark hair, probably in his early thirties, but with the wrinkles creasing on his forehead along with the distressed frown on his face, he looked much older than his age.


“Sir? You have a phone call. Line 2. Urgent,” his gaze then landed on her, and if it was possible, he looked even more stressed out. His gaze darted between the two of them worriedly before he stood up with his back tall and straight. “Forgive me if I’ve interrupted something…”


Mari turned to Chanyeol sheepishly, picking up the food and coffee she got for Taeyong. “I guess I’d better go.”


He stood up to fix his tie, all traces of laughter in his face now gone. “We’ll talk more when I get home tonight.”


“O-okay, see you, I guess.” She left the room afterwards, followed by the same man who had barged into the room. Although she was sure he tried his best to keep his footsteps quiet and his presence as non-existent as possible, she couldn’t shake off the panic and worry that he radiated. She could practically absorb his anxiety.


She could only guess he was his secretary. What was his name again? She was sure Baekhyun had mentioned it once.


When she finally remembered his name, she turned around to face him, a bright smile on her face that she hoped would ease his worries. “Jongdae, right?”


Sadly, he only looked more startled. “Kim Jongdae, Miss. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He managed to conceal it with a blank face however, but she could still feel his hands tremble when she shook his in a firm grip.


“I’m Fujiwara Mariko, but you can just call me Mari,” she looked around warily to see if there was anyone who could possibly listen. Once the coast was clear, she walked closer to Jongdae and dropped her voice in a whisper, “Listen, you’ve known Chanyeol for a long time, right?” He nodded, and she smiled in relief. “Can you tell me what restaurant is his favorite? Baekhyun said he doesn’t know because Chanyeol doesn’t really let him come with him on his personal dinners.”


Jongdae took some time to answer, and when he did, he cleared his throat first before adjusting his tie. Then, he looked her straight in the eye, confidently this time. “There’s this French restaurant Mr. Park likes from the Uptown. It’s called Green Basil. Would you like me to make an appointment for the both of you?”


She waved her hands frantically, “No, no! I want to do everything myself. Thank you so much, though, Jongdae. I’ll make sure to reward you someday.”


“It’s really no big deal, Miss. It was my pleasure.”


Contrary to his words, Jongdae didn’t look like he found any pleasure in it at all.




It was still almost impossible for Mari’s head to wrap around the fact she had a day off. Not even back in Tokyo did she have a day off, but now she did!


She was absolutely in cloud nine.


Chanyeol was busy, of course, but Baekhyun wasn’t. So she took the chance and rang him up at exactly seven in the morning just right after Chanyeol had gone to work, asking if Baekhyun was up to go shopping with her. It wasn’t going to be a shopping spree, though.


Mari was never a shopaholic due to the minimalistic culture she grew up with, and she still wanted to be ‘productive’ in her day off, so today was the best day to go shopping for her engagement ring.


Besides, Baekhyun hadn’t been around lately.


He was always talking with the rest of the security team in their lounge, or standing rigidly outside her office with the blankest face possible. She would then wave her hands in front of his face, and when he still didn’t give a reaction, Mari had no choice but to pull at his tie until their noses almost brushed. Then, she would interrogate him.


Their conversations always went like this:


“Are you avoiding me?”




“Then why’re you acting weird?”


“I’m not.”


Mari scowled playfully, pushing him back harshly until his back hit the wall. Baekhyun would look appalled but said nothing, and she would hide a smile underneath her bangs as she pretended to pat down invisible crinkles in his dress shirt. “Eat lunch with me then.”


“I can’t. It’s not lunchtime.”


Obviously, she would have no choice but to play the cute, innocent card with a pout. “You are avoiding me.”


“I said I wasn’t.”


“Then let’s go to that bakery I love again,” When he still wouldn’t budge, Mari stomped her feet childishly. It was unprofessional, most definitely, and had Yui been around, she would receive an earful, but she wasn’t around, and Baekhyun — her only friend besides Yui and Mina — was ignoring her. Desperate times called for desperate measures. “Or I’m gonna tell Chanyeol you hate me.”


That had him, and Mari watched with a smile as Baekhyun took the bait. With a sigh and his pretty hands running through his hair, he gave in. “You know, you’re really manipulative when you want to be,” he teased with a roll of his eyes. “Fine, let’s go. But we’re just buying what you want and that’s it. I’m driving us back as soon as possible. It’s not even lunchtime, Mari, it’s inappropriate to leave—”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” she dismissed him, not wanting to hear another one of Father Baekhyun’s Concerned Rants. Now that she was slowly starting to get back her best friend, plus the fact things with Chanyeol were getting better, nothing could give her a bad day now.


Not even Yui’s warning that he would poison her again.


“You know, you’re really cute when you act tough. Deep down you’re a er for me, aren’t you?”


The horrified look Baekhyun had was worth it.


Now that it was Mari’s day off, it only felt right that it should be Baekhyun’s too. Although he had insisted bodyguards had no day offs since it was their life’s duty to protect them, he still picked her up in casual clothing, much to Mari’s delight.


Baekhyun had always been handsome in his suit, making him look the perfect depiction of a refined man that you wouldn’t want to mess with. He definitely gave off that bodyguard aura that screamed he wouldn’t think twice about jumping in front of a bullet for either her or Chanyeol, but seeing him dressed in a black shirt underneath a black leather jacket streaked in white and red print, paired with combat boots and black skinny jeans made him look dangerous in a different way.


Gone was the professional bodyguard Mari had grown used to, and she couldn’t keep her smile off her face even as she dragged Baekhyun to the mall.


“Have I told you you look really handsome?” She asked with a laugh.


“Yes, you have. That’s the sixth time now,” he informed her, acting unbothered even when the tips of his ears flushed a faint shade of red. “Stop looking at me like I grew two heads.”


“I can’t help it,” she giggled, “You look so different, and so do I. We’re always wearing suits at work but now we kind of look like—” she cupped a hand over to whisper to Baekhyun, who had misinterpreted everything and leaned closer in a protective manner to her, his sharp eyes darting around the place to look for any signs of danger. Oh, he had no idea what was to come. “—a couple.”


Baekhyun didn’t find it funny. “Ha-ha,” he dryly commented, “Are you drunk or something? The last time you were this playful, I just gave you ramen noodles and instant coffee. What’s the trigger now?”


“There is no trigger!” She exclaimed. Just then, Mari looked around the huge mall that sparkled like a diamond with all its lights and decorations. Everything about the place just seemed so bright and lively, and combined with the chatter of the people milling about, Mari’s smile just grew wider. She’d planned her father’s malls since she was 20, but she hadn’t actually been in one. Designing its structure and analyzing its location was way different than actually seeing it in person. “I’m just really happy, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun nodded, a smile on his face as well as he looked around. Then as if realizing something, he frowned at Mari. “I see Yui-san isn’t around.”


Mari raised a hand to stop him, “Baekhyun, can you speak Korean to me from now on? I’ve been studying a lot and I’d like to become fluent as soon as possible.”


“Sure,” he agreed, switching to Korean, “So, why isn’t Miss Yui with us?”


Mari shrugged, “She had some business to take care of in Tokyo. HQ called her for an emergency problem regarding one of our hotels in London so she

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2021.24.01 — we got advertised! thank you so much!💕

Are you team Baekhyun or Team Chanyeol?

And who do you think she's gonna end up with and why? I would love to hear your theories!


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Its an amazing ff😭😭😭😭❤️❤️i love it
35 streak #2
Chapter 41: Seems interesting. I've already subscribed and I'm so excited to read LIMA 🥺🥰😍🤗
35 streak #3
Chapter 40: Omg.. so nari is mari and baekhyun's daughter 😭😭😭😭😭
Bt their reunion made me cry😭😭😭😭 . The last part 🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭 makes me so emotional. Bt mari ,chanyeol and their little family... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's like I want to know more about them 🥺🥺😖😖😖 . It was really an amazing journey. Really enjoyed reading this whole story. Loved it so much authornim. Idk bt I'm so emotional rn. I'm going to miss this story. Thank u so much authornim for writing such an amazing story. It was not an typical ending. From beginning to end it was awesome. Everything about it 👏👏😍❣🥺😖😭🤧❣❤😍🙆‍♀️🤩🥰
35 streak #4
Chapter 39: The whole chapter makes me so emotional. For a sec I thought something happened to baek😔😪🥺 bt he moved on and finally happy with his family. Even though I thought mari maybe will end up with baek. Plot twist 🥺🤔 i just couldn't stop thinking about what will happen next with thumping heart. 🤧🤧
35 streak #5
Chapter 38: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
35 streak #6
Chapter 37: 🥺🥺😭😭😭🤧🤧💔💔💔
35 streak #7
Chapter 36: Such Plot twist and finally revelation. Total psychopath. Feeling sad for yui .
35 streak #8
Chapter 35: Oh no 🥺🥺😖😖💔💔😪😪
35 streak #9
Chapter 34: Haru is totally a psychotic person nope worst person and the main reason for this all 😡😡😡
35 streak #10
Chapter 33: Omg.. so my guess was right. It's kyo and tana Kim 😖😖😖😶😶 poor Mari 🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧😭😭😭 now what will happen 😢