Don't Ever Lie


A crime/spy fic starring Taemin, It had to be written. This idea was going to punch it's way out of my head if i didn't write. (this is what happens when you read way to many crime novels, seriously.) 


WildLioness, Out


(If you get my weird sense of humor, you'll find this funny at some point later on.)


I think that dark Taemin is kinda fun to write. This fic will contain some violence, any chapter with violence will be marked with an "M" even though i don't think they are that bad. 

This is quite funny to me as i will give Taemin similar characteristics to me in some cases, e.g becuase of his training he walks into a room and registers exits.

I do this, not quite sure why but it's kinda cool. E.g i'm in my bedroom, i can go out the door or through either of the two windows, to pop the screens tilt them slightly upwards. (weird hey)


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about bloody time you updated!!!!!
but anyway...i love how the plot thickens!!!! great storyline and element of many unanswered questions. :D
Doodle jump likeaboss!
Thanks for the update bb ^^
Cool! Make sure to update faster, or I'll 'Get The Shovel'! kkkkkkk~
ohhhh!!! UPDATE SOON!!! this seems to be a rather interesting plot!!
Saranghae <3
--venissa #5
kekeke c:
update soon! will be waiting patiently ^^;;