jinjoo | five minjoos & five-year-old yujin

subtract & multiply


Today is the day that Yujin will finally do something, like seriously.


She already thought of it for a long time— those sleepless nights she suffered because of overthinking of the possible consequences and outcomes of her choices. Maybe… just maybe— she’s ready to risk everything.


As some people say— it’s worth the risk sometimes, especially if it's about the right people. No regrets later on. Yujin also took Eunbi’s advices— not just Eunbi’s but other members’ advice that she should go for it and they’re always behind their backs, supporting and protecting her.


There are a lot of factors, and one of the scariest is that: their disbandment. They will part soon, and clock is ticking, she should really move fast because their time is limited and after that, poof— it’ll be difficult knowing that they are both not in the same agency and for sure, will take different paths the moment they part, with Minjoo pursuing her real career which is acting and Yujin debuting in their company’s new girl group with Wonyoung.


But Yujin already thought of that already, she thinks that she’s mature enough to manage a not-so-really long distance relationship— well, that is— if Minjoo will accept her (which is no doubt will happen but Yujin would rather expect low because she doesn’t want to get hurt badly if Minjoo will ever reject her).


Okay, Yujin is very scared, alright? She’s been what? In love with Minjoo ever since she first set her eyes on her in Produce48. Yes, let’s say, Minjoo already knows her feelings— of course, she knows, and Yujin knows too that the older woman is probably harboring feelings for her too. She’s not that oblivious, it’s just that… their situation stops them. That’s why Yujin doesn’t want to get her hopes high because Minjoo might still reject her even though she obviously loves her back.


Actually, Yujin doesn’t know what Minjoo is thinking. She’s just hard to read when it comes to stuff like this, it’s kind of frustrating but Yujin knows it’s better if she conceals her feelings and would rather keep silent, and unreadable. Even the other members can’t read her, they won’t know that something is up with her unless she opens up.


Maybe that’s why Yujin decided to take matters into her own hands too because she knows Minjoo won’t do anything.


Hmm, in the end, accepted or rejected— everything will be worth it, Yujin will finally be able to let these heavy feelings out of her chest and… Minjoo is just worth it, worth it to love even if she got hurt by her. It’s a privilege to get your heart broken by Kim Minjoo herself— just kidding.


And Yujin also doesn’t know why the both of them always get left alone in dorms whenever it's a rest day. She’s not that much of a homebody but she would rather stay in if there’s nothing interesting to do and Minjoo? She doesn’t know her plans but Yujin will just stay in whenever she hears that the older won’t also go out. She also overheard that Chaewon asked Minjoo to accompany her to the mall but the latter refused because she was busy composing and stuff.


The younger woman took this wonderful opportunity. At this point, place nor timing is not significant anymore— as long as Yujin will be able to confess to her Minjoo, boom! That's what matters the most. Let those feelings out!


So when Hyewon, who was the last member in their dorm beside her and Minjoo, left— she immediately went to action, striding towards Minjoo’s room with puffed chest and tilted chin, looking confident and all but when she halted in front of the room, she deflated and panicked— hesitating and all.


Fear once again consumed her, hushed negative whispers of the demons entering her ear as she stood there rooted into her spot and took a deep breath. Yujin is a coward, but that ‘is’ will be a ‘was’ now because she will confess today, this day and this moment right now. She won’t back out.


Grumbling some encouraging words to herself, Yujin cleared and composed herself. She won’t be a coward today, nope! Not today, satan!


With one last reassurance to herself, she slowly knocked the door— she doesn’t usually knock because Minjoo herself already said they don’t need to but Yujin wanted to be extra polite and gentle today. “Unnie? Are you busy?” She asked, her voice wavered a bit and she cursed herself for that.


She then heard some shuffling noises from the other side. “Oh, Yujin-ah?” A muffled voice intensified and Yujin’s heart jumped, beating more rapidly and god, she wanted to throw up. “Why? Come in,” Minjoo instructed and the younger one immediately complied.


Her heart sped up even more upon spotting the most beautiful girl to ever exist on this planet, sitting on her bed, notebook, sheets of used papers, and pens scattered around her bed, and she has her guitar resting on her lap— looks like she’s composing and writing lyrics.


“What’s wrong?” Minjoo immediately shot her a question as she closed the door, and slowly, Yujin wobbly walked towards her, obviously fidgeting and it didn’t go unnoticed to the older woman’s sharp and observant gaze. “O-Oh, nothing’s wrong?” She shrugged it off, playfully smiling but it came off as a nervous smile instead.


Minjoo doesn’t look too convinced, nor amused. She even placed the guitar away from her hold and gestured for Yujin to come closer and the latter did, taking a seat on the edge, but not too close to the older one.


She most probably noticed the unnecessary distance between them and shifted closer, putting the sheets away from her way and sat closer to the fidgety Yujin even placing her hand on top of her tensed shoulders, making her flinch as a result. It even raised Minjoo’s suspicion even more.


Squinting her eyes, Minjoo eyed the younger intently. “You’re so tense. What is happening, Yujin.” She commented and Yujin gulped, internally panicking— all of her confidence was suddenly going down to the drain as she malfunctioned in front of the older woman.


“U-Uhh, I… I—” Yujin stammered, clearing but yet, words didn't seem to roll out from her tongue. Minjoo’s piercing gaze on her didn’t help either, it made even everything worse.


With a sigh, Minjoo slumped her shoulders. “Hey, it’s alright. You don’t need to tell me or anything. Do you want a hug or something?” She asked, her voice is a little bit strained— Yujin noticed the redness of the tip of her ears too, giving a clue that the older one is also affected.


Who wouldn’t want a hug from Kim Minjoo? Yujin will certainly not reject that wonderful and warm embrace from the woman she loves.


Yujin wordlessly just opened her arms, averting her gaze from Minjoo and the latter grinned, immediately throwing herself to the taller girl. Instead of giving Yujin a hug, the latter gave her one at that point. Both of them melted into each other's arms.


Minjoo suddenly thought, Yujin must be thinking of something, that is for sure but she couldn’t pinpoint yet she feels nervous. It seems like something big will happen on this day.


And when she didn’t expect it, she heard a quiet whisper near her ear— making her shiver and her heart instantly reacted, freezing for a moment and later on, beating so loudly and fast, even matching Yujin’s.


“Minjoo, I like you,”


Minjoo could feel her body tense, the color in her body drained.


Slowly, she broke the hug so she could face Yujin, her face remained neutral though and her heart skipped when she saw the serious expression from her face, making her heart rage wildly even more.


“I-I,” Yujin stammered again, couldn’t find the right words to add after her sudden blurted out confession. It caught her off guard too, the moment Minjoo hugged her, her mind suddenly went blank and her heart kept screaming at her, and she knew that very second that she needed to confess.


They just stared at each other, trying to find each other’s words through their orbs and Yujin wasn't surprised when she saw nothing in Minjoo’s eyes, she could only see her own reflection from her honey orbs.


“I think, I don’t like you— but I love you, unnie.” Yujin finally got her tongue and wow, she even said she actually ‘loves’ her, that her feelings are not mere admiration only. Minjoo’s eyes remained still on her, burning her so good.


And when Minjoo didn’t say anything for the next few seconds, Yujin lost hope. She deflated, and her face dropped along with her shoulders, very much defeated. She couldn’t even suppress her tears from forming and that was when Minjoo reacted, panicking.


“Y-Yujin,” Minjoo called, hastily cupping her face and made her stare at her only, staring back at those glossy eyes. She could even feel her heart cracking at the sight of Yujin tearing up. She was just caught off guard, okay? That was why she couldn’t say anything, she was speechless because Yujin actually confessed to her and out of a sudden? Wow, Minjoo almost suffered from a heart attack back there.


It’s not a secret that she likes— no, she loves the younger back even though she didn’t show it much. When it comes to Yujin, she’s so vulnerable, so weak, so whipped, so smitten— so in love. According to the members, she’s the one who’s really hard to read but whenever Yujin is around, she would suddenly magically open, thus, they easily learned about her hidden kept feelings for the younger and of course, Yujin must’ve probably noticed it too.


It might be hard to read or guess what she’s thinking or planning but they could easily tell her feelings.


“I love you too,” Minjoo whispered, gently caressing her cheeks. Yujin bit her lower lip with that, feeling her ears rang. “And I know you know it so well. I’m so sorry for being a coward, Ahn Yujin…” She muttered and pressed a kiss on her forehead, leaning away with a sweet smile, feeling overwhelmed at the sudden event that’s currently happening.


Yujin blinked, and also couldn’t sink in what Minjoo had said. “We were both such a loser and coward.” She suddenly commented which made Minjoo crack up, nodding her head along because it was true anyway. “Well, at least you finally took a step forward.” She grumbled but Yujin heard it anyway.


“So,” The younger started off with a smile. “Are we girlfriends now?” She innocently asked. Okay, she doesn’t know what to say, actually— she’s just malfunctioning but yet kudos for cooperating to make things less awkward.


It’s overwhelming, so overwhelming— everything’s happening too fast but none of them complained. Actually, the more rushed, the better— they wouldn’t waste anytime to make everything official already, my god, they literally wasted two years already.


“I-I think so?” Minjoo answered back, awkward, still holding Yujin’s face dearly. “I mean, i-if you want to, of course.” She panicked and added that stupid response. Yujin was taken aback, a little bit flustered. “I want to, I badly want.” She seriously responded which made Minjoo go beet red, even reaching for Minjoo’s hands that are holding her face.


“Ever since two years ago, I have wanted to.” The younger one added again, and at this point, she doesn’t care if she will embarrass herself anymore and blurt out something shameful, she’s just happy that she confessed— Minjoo also confessed and bravo, they’re just one step away from being each other’s lovers, officially.


The older one coughed, averting her gaze for a bit and roamed around her room, trying to find something interesting but Yujin is the only interesting one— she even unintentionally traced her jawline with her pinky finger.


“W-Well then, we’re girlfriends now? Like Eunbi-unnie and Hyewon-unnie?” Minjoo finally offered, still blushing and gulped. Yujin nodded, furiously and eagerly. “Really?” She asked to double check. Minjoo giggled at her cuteness before nodding. “Yes, Yujin-ah. I’m your girlfriend, and you’re my girlfriend.” She repeated, more clearly this time and she saw how Yujin malfunctioned.


“If this is a dream, then I don’t want to wake up.” Yujin muttered, suddenly inching closer to Minjoo like she’s hypnotized. The older one surprisingly, didn’t flinch nor back out, even attempting to pull her girlfriend closer— oof, damn, calling Yujin— her girlfriend? Oh gosh, she can’t believe it.


“It’s not a dream, this is reality, my love.” Minjoo whispered back, breaking Yujin’s daze. They then just stared at each other, and Minjoo chuckled when she saw how Yujin slowly went red at the endearment, she could feel the younger woman’s cheeks heating up on her palm so she retreated it slowly.


Clearing , Yujin suddenly went bold and literally leaned her face closer to Minjoo— it elicited a gasp from the older woman. And the way she looked at her so intensely, so lovestruck. “Then, I can kiss you?” She asked, her voice is a little bit husky and deeper than usual.


Minjoo’s throat dried up but her anticipation rose up, feeling her heart jump in excitement. “Of course. It’s normal for lovers to kiss, right?” She answered back with a chuckle but actually, she’s panicking since she could feel their breaths mingling with one another because of how close they are.


Yujin threw her a bright grin first before slowly inching in, and even closed her eyes. With that, slowly, Minjoo tried to relax herself and closed her eyes too, waiting for a pair of lips landing on hers.


However, nothing came, no soft lips crashed on her awaiting ones. Her brow twitched but her eyes remained closed, maybe Yujin just needed a second, well, it’s overwhelming indeed. Minjoo understood, she just waited there.


And then, a loud thud entered her ears, and instantly, her eyes shot open.


Yujin is long gone in front of her, no warmth or anything. She was so confused but then, she heard a gasp coming below her and when her gaze lowered, she almost fainted.


A kid is standing there, gasping at her— and , with Yujin’s clothes laying on her small feet. Minjoo is absolutely frustrated and shocked.


Wow, what a great timing! The author is seriously on crack.


“Yujin!?” Minjoo exclaimed, ruffling her hair because she actually doesn’t know what to do or react, she is beyond surprised and frustrated but her heart warmed at the sight of the five year old kid once again. She couldn’t believe Yujin transformed into a five year old kid when they were about to kiss! (Zero, you are a dead meat)


However, little Yujin’s huge doe eyes remained behind her, still gaping at it and frozen. “Minjoo…” She suddenly whispered and Minjoo hummed, feeling a little bit off and shivered, must be because little Yujin did not even use honorifics to her but whatever— why did she transform again? And gah, why does this room feel so odd?


“...unnies?” Kid Yujin added, blinking cutely and Minjoo froze. Plural? What.


After that, gasps could be heard behind Minjoo and the latter instantly turned around— almost getting a heart attack when she saw… four different versions of herself— AGAIN.


La Vie En Rose era Minjoo, Violeta era Bangsjoo, Pinkjoo, and Fiesta era Minjoo. All there, gaping at her too and wearing horrified expressions like the last time, mirroring Minjoo’s meme-like face as they stared at one another.





Yena’s god damn manifestation worked once again.


“Why am I here again, and you guys again!” Pink haired Minjoo was the first one who reacted, turning around to inspect the other Minjoos with agape mouth and wide eyes. Fiesta Minjoo snickered, panicking also. “We don’t know either!? We’re equally shocked!” She answered back, eyeing the youngest Minjoo who kept flinching, shaken up again while Bangsjoo kept close to her.


Present Minjoo could feel herself getting dizzy, her sight is fading a bit because what exactly is happening? Her clones are here again, they appeared again and appaled as her and Yujin turned into a five year old again— ! Yujin transformed, well !


She turned behind her and saw the little Yujin, still bare, looking at them in awe and then squealed, clapping her hands happily as she scanned each Minjoo with sparkly eyes. It earned all the Minjoos’ attention and gasped at the sight.


“Yay! Five Minjoo-unnies! Fun! Haha!” kid Yujin exclaimed, even hopping a bit.


“W-Why is there a child in here!?” Violeta Minjoo reacted, yelping as she averted her gaze away, a little bit shy and Pinkjoo just covered LVER’s Minjoo’s eyes while Fiesta Minjoo inspected the child, frowning.


Minjoo, present Minjoo— heaved out a sigh, feeling like fainting but she immediately went to her wardrobe and took out smaller clothes— she actually kept the clothes Eunbi and Chaewon bought for the little Yujin. Wow, she never thought she will once again take it out and dress it to her girlfriend who once again, turned into a five year old kid.


“It’s Yujin.” Minjoo said, as she crouched down to the giggling kid, still eyeing the four bewildered Minjoo behind her. “W-What?” LVER Minjoo gasped out, shocked.


“Hi! Minjoo-unnies! I’m Ahn Yujin, but please, call me Yujin-ie!” Yujin exclaimed with a idiotic grin and giggled, letting the recent Minjoo clothe her up and even threw a wave to the four.


Minjoo took a deep breath, rubbing her face with her hands before standing up to face her clones. “Look, it’s funny how you can remember what happened to us back then.” She suddenly exclaimed but Pinkjoo piped in, staring at Yujin who’s smiling at them while hiding behind the recent Minjoo, even poking her tongue out to annoy the Joos.


“Yeah, yeah. But can we already move to the part where you explain that this child right here, is Yujin!?” Minjoo with pink hair said, gesturing to the kid which made the recent Minjoo’s eyes narrow at her. The four Minjoos could see the similarities and whenever they realize it ever second passes, they will feel more and more scared.


Huffing, Minjoo just patted Yujin’s head before explaining. “Well, remember when I told you guys that it wasn’t the first time something weird happened when you guys popped out that time? Yujin also transformed into a five year old kid back then and now, she transformed again.” She summarized it for them and they all gasped in sync, making the kid Yujin giggle.


“Haha. Minjoo-unnies.” The kid said, chuckling at herself as she just stared at the clones in awe. It was silent for a few seconds and then, the four Minjoos came stumbling while trying to reach for the kid Yujin, cooing at her.


The recent Minjoo blinked, surprised at their immediate reaction, they started to coo at the little Yujin and would gasp at the sudden realization that this kid— is literally Yujin because of the similarities and birthmark and stuff. Minjoo just shrugged it off, surely, headache will come.


“Ugh, I can’t believe my girlfriend turned into a five year old kid when I was about to lose my first kiss with her and on top of that, my past versions appeared too. What an eventful day.” Minjoo grumbled under her breath while massaging her aching temples and suddenly, everyone went silent. She was creeped out by the sudden quietness and when she opened her eyes, she squeaked— surprised as the four Minjoos greeted her, giving her sharp looks.


They are all wearing dark expressions which made Minjoo deflate. “W-What?” She asked, arching her brow and took a glance on Yujin who just blinked at her and shrugged, also clueless.


“Did you just say, girlfriend?” Beige haired Minjoo asked, eyeing her sharply and Minjoo flinched a bit, nodding. “Y-Yes?” She answered, feeling a drop of sweat rolling down from her forehead. Pink haired Minjoo narrowed her eyes. “Who is that girlfriend?” She asked in a form of hiss.


“Yujin? She confessed to me just a few minutes ago and I also confessed, then we just became official just literally a few minutes ago?” replied by the recent Minjoo with a dumbfounded look— and oh, OH, everything is making a sense now, that was why.


The four Minjoos gasped once again, they are all shaking and trembling and Fiesta Minjoo looks like she’s going to convulse any minute now. Understandable. They’ve been what? Mutually pining ever since two years ago so no wonder their reactions are like that, especially Minjoo from the Fiesta era who were very much disappointed with their development back then.


“And hold on,” Bangsjoo suddenly exclaimed, trying to process everything and asked, “You mentioned about kissing her, what!?” She added, surprised and blushing. In cue, the other four Minjoos blushed at the mention. Present Minjoo cleared awkwardly, beet red. “Y-Yes, we were about to kiss when she transformed and you guys appeared…” She replied, shy.


Meanwhile, kid Yujin is just clueless, watching the five Minjoos exchange conversation as she picks her nose and blinked cutely, pouting after because they won’t give her attention.


“Oh my god,” Pinkjoo covered , trembling and a blushing mess. LVER Minjoo just looked at the floor, also red. “I-I don’t know what to do with this information.” She mumbled and coughed, scratching her nape awkwardly.


“Uhm, Minjoo-unnies, I’m hungry.”


Five Minjoos lowered their gazes, looking at the pouty kid Yujin, giving them puppy eyes and instantly, they cooed. Minjoo finally snapped back in reality and clasped her hands together. “Well, I guess we all are going to look after her since the other members are not here. I mean, I think we can handle her fine. We’re five…” She said, her voice is trailing off.


“Surely, we can,”



Fiesta Minjoo and present Minjoo decided to cook food for them, again. Just simple sandwiches and tteokbokki, as per Yujin’s request— they don’t have any heart to refuse and with that, they decided to cook while the other three Minjoos accompany the kid, who is seemingly having a lot of fun playing together with the three.


The two could hear the giggles and laughters from the living room while they cooked diligently for all of them, especially kid Yujin who’s starving— they could hear her whine from the living room so they hurried a bit.


“So, Yujin confessed first?” Fiesta Minjoo quietly asked as she stirred the tteokbokki while present Minjoo sliced the sandwiches in half. With a tired sigh, she nodded. “Yeah. Are you disappointed?” She asked herself, now, a little bit more relaxed than the first time they did this.


Minjoo with beige haired hummed, shrugging. “To be honest, kind of? I’m such a coward,” She muttered and the other Minjoo’s heart cracked a bit. “I know. I’m kind of disappointed with myself too.” She bitterly said as she sliced the sandwich, pouting.


“But what matters the most is that finally, Minjoo and Yujin got together in the end.” Fiesta Minjoo said, smiling at her and walked closer, patting her shoulders while the present one just pouted. “So, please. Don’t give her up, no matter what, Minjoo-yah.” She then added and it made the present Minjoo grin. She’s just literally talking with herself.


“Of course.”


“Tteokbokki! Yujin-nie’s favorite, yay!” Kid Yujin exclaimed, clapping happily like a seal as present Minjoo fed her while she’s sitting on top of Fiesta Minjoo’s lap, the other Minjoos are surrounding her, also eating the food the two made with delight.


Present Minjoo contemplated whether to call Eunbi and inform the leader about this but then, she realized, the members will most probably flock together here— plus, they are already five, they could handle Yujin well.


They all just happily played with kid Yujin, and present Minjoo was glad that everything went smoothly than the first time it happened. The Minjoos are more than happy to entertain the kid and obey her commands, they all even played hide and seek for an hour or so.


Everything’s going smoothly when suddenly, Yujin slipped on the carpet and started to cry loudly. The five panicked, trying to ask Yujin where it hurts and stuff but the little kid just cried harder.


Alerted, present Minjoo immediately scooped her and carried her with her arms then started to sway her around, while hushing her down gently as she patted her back softly. And slowly, Yujin’s cries turned into soft sniffles only. Minjoo eyed the others who are just watching her silently.


“She’s sleepy, that is for sure,” the present Minjoo mouthed the Minjoos and they all internally groaned because they still want to play with the kid but they just kept mum and stared at the kid Yujin in awe when they saw her sleeping peacefully and soundly.


Minjoo gently placed the sleeping Yujin on her bed and tucked her there, with the other Minjoos following her silently and watched the kid sleep. Pink haired Minjoo snickered. “She’s such a cry baby and sleepyhead,” And the others giggled.


They took turns on watching over the sleeping kid while the others do their own business, cleaning the dorm and stuff because they are bored— Fiesta Minjoo and Bangjoo even went down to buy some snacks for later, and some chocolate milk that Yujin will surely like. Of course, with disguise, can’t afford to get them caught and hell, two Minjoos together, even— the world will shake if they ever learn this sorcery.


Pink haired Minjoo decided to watch over Yujin as she fumble on the switch, playing in mute— she just finished cleaning the living room so she and present Minjoo took turns while the latter showers.


And after a very refreshing bath, Minjoo went out when she’s fully ready, feeling a little bit peaceful and when she entered Yujin’s room— she saw her clone carrying the kid, and swaying her around— seems like little Yujin woke up and thankfully, Pinkjoo immediately went into action.


Rubbing her droopy eyes, Yujin squinted a bit, grumpy because she just woke up and saw the other Minjoo by the door, smiling at them which made her pout. Pinkjoo hushed her down. “Jin-ie, what do you want?” She asked softly at the newly awoken kid.


“Bath…” She muttered, hugging Pinkjoo tightly which made the two girls giggle. “Sure. Let’s go, we’ll get La Vie En Minjoo to wash you up~” present Minjoo said and called for the youngest Minjoo around.


With present Minjoo’s help, the youngest Minjoo took the kid for a bath— and of course, it was chaos but Minjoo just took a step back and stayed at the corner, just walking closer if LVER Minjoo really needs help since she just took a bath— she can’t afford for this five year old kid to splash water all over her because she kept doing that already to the poor Minjoo.


“Yeepee!” kid Yujin exclaimed, hopping excitedly at the filled bathtub while LVER Minjoo just leaned by the side, watching her with a fond smile. “Minjoo-unnie. More bubbles!” She instructed and the said woman complied almost immediately.


“That is enough,” present Minjoo instructed with a small smile. “Just let her play for a while, I’ll just get some clothes you can use. After rinsing her, might as well shower.” She said to the youngest Minjoo and the latter just nodded, and continued entertaining Yujin.


Fiesta Minjoo and Bangsjoo already came back with big plastic bags— the former arranged it in the kitchen while Violeta Minjoo went to Yujin’s room, only to spot LVER Minjoo having a hard time to dress the kid up.


“Hey, Minjoo.” Violeta Minjoo called. “I’ll do it, you change. You’re drenched.” She said to her younger self. LVER Minjoo nodded and smiled. “Alright. Thank you,” She said and excused herself to the bathroom, walking in while clutching the fresh and new clothes in her hands.


Violeta Minjoo then turned to Yujin who’s jumping on the bed and shook her head in amusement. “Yujin-ie~ wear it.” She said, and picked up the shirt, but the kid just stuck her tongue out. “No~ Yujin-ie doesn’t want to~” She sang and it made Minjoo giggle, trying to grab the kid but she’s too slow and kept dodging her.


“Yah, Bangsjoo-unnie~ you are so slow and gentle!” kid Yujin mocked and Violeta Minjoo just whined, gently reaching out for the five year old kid but to no avail. Yujin just laughed at her while she ran around the room, her towel still intact. “Catch me first!”


After countless failed attempts, Bangsjoo finally got a hold of the kid and gently carried her back to the bed, huffing cutely to guilt the kid. “Yah, Minjoo-unnie got tired chasing for you!” She sulked and finally, Yujin complied with a giggle. “Unnie! It’s not my fault that you are so frail~” She said, chuckling as she let Minjoo clothe her.


“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go, we bought chocolate milk for you.” Bangsjoo said and she saw how the young girl’s eyes sparkled at the mention of the drink then started to squeal and jump. “Yay! Chocolate milk!”


She then accompanied the kid to the kitchen and left her there with Fiesta Minjoo. The kid tiptoed, trying to spot what the older woman is doing. “Unnie~ chocolate milk! I want,” She tugged the hem of Minjoo’s shirt.


The beige haired woman barked out a hearty laugh, cooing at Yujin and even pinched her cheek before grabbing the bottle of the chocolate milk and poured it into a smaller mug. “Here, Yujin-ie~ So, what will Yujin-ie say to unnie?” Minjoo asked with a cheeky smile as she crouched down to match Yujin’s eye level.


The kid just blinked, holding her mug tightly and blushed. “T-Thank you, Minjoo-unnie.” She shyly said, and looked away and it made Fiesta Minjoo squeal, ruffling her hair. “Good girl.” She praised, shifting closer to press a kiss on her forehead. “Now, go to the living room and drink your milk while watching television. I’ll bring the biscuits and chips there in a bit, hmm?”


Five year old Yujin nodded, and even playfully saluted then skipped towards the living room, spotting another Minjoo there. She’s really bewildered yet amazed that she witnessed five Minjoo-unnies at all once but her young mind didn’t speculate and just went along with it.


“Unnie,” She called as she reached the couch. Present Minjoo turned to her and immediately helped her sit on the couch, scooting closer to the kid but Yujin immediately climbed to her lap and sat there happily with her chocolate milk. “I want to watch Sleeping Beauty.” She pleaded with puppy eyes.


Minjoo giggled, her hair and immediately searched for the animation film of that disney princess and watched it with Yujin. And in the middle of watching, the other Minjoos started to appear and watched the film all together, snacks in each hand and very engrossed with the film.


It’s really amusing, Minjoo thought, yet so peaceful.


Her gaze went to the kid Yujin who has her sparkly doe eyes focused on the television, excited and happy. She’s still sitting on her lap comfortably, Minjoo let out a giggle, she tightened her embrace and she saw how the little one melted in the hug and even snuggled closer but her gaze remained on the television in front of them.


“Unnie.” Yujin suddenly called for her, softly and Minjoo hummed, slowly turning her gaze on her. “Yes?” She asked, puckering her lips a bit and the kid suddenly leaned, pressing a kiss on her cheek then giggled after, turning to the television once again to watch. Minjoo could only shake her head in amusement. She will surely miss this kid Yujin again,


She didn’t even realize that she had fallen asleep already, she just felt so comfortable and warm, and the tranquility just made her more sleepy. Well, she guesses it isn’t a very bad day for the first day as a couple, she doesn’t know when the clones will last or the transformation but whatever.


When she woke up, it’s dead silent— the gentle blow from the aircon in the living room and the sound of soft breathings could be heard, she could feel her body was kind of tense and a noticeable weight on her lap. She was dazed for a few moments, trying to process what happened earlier— she glanced at the clock and it says 6:28pm and any minute now, Eunbi will reach home.


And when she moved, the weight on top of her legs stopped her from standing up. Her gaze instantly dropped low, checking the source of weight and gasped when she saw a head resting on top her lap and side ways, her messy locks scattered around.


Minjoo’s heart skipped a beat when she saw that godly side profile and stared at her for a whole minute, admiring her. Also, Minjoo noticed that Yujin is not or anything but she’s wearing her clothes which made her doubt if the clones and transformation did really happen and , did the confession also not happen and was just a dream?


It made her panic, but she doesn’t have any recollection of anything that possibly happened earlier but just Yujin suddenly barging into her room and confessed to her, and she also confessed back— and they are finally official and was about to kiss when Yujin suddenly turned into a five year old and other four versions of Minjoo also appeared. With that, they all took care of the kid and at one point, huddled in the living room


“Uhh, what really happened…?” Minjoo whispered to herself and sighed, her eyes remained on the sleeping Yujin— can she even call her, her girlfriend? Well, damn, indeed.


That mumble of hers definitely woke Yujin up, the latter shifted almost immediately and a second after, her eyes opened then sat up, facing Minjoo while cutely squinting her droopy eyes. “Minjoo-unnie?” She whispered, voice still husky and raspy. Minjoo unconsciously gulped, tilting her head a bit. “Oh, hey, Yujin-ah. What happened?” She asked, hesitating.


Yujin yawned, scratching her cheek as she scooted closer to Minjoo and the latter just hugged her closer anyway. “Oh? I was the one who woke up without any memories or whatsoever… and heck, I was …” She answered with a pout and Minjoo froze, blinking as she turned to her. “I think I transformed again, unnie. When we were about to kiss earlier, I suddenly fainted?” The younger said, and her cheeks warmed, coughing awkwardly.


Hold on, Minjoo froze with that… so, everything was real? They are girlfriends? Like for real, oh my god. It’s their first day today as a couple.


“So, we’re really girlfriends?” Minjoo’s mouth moved on its own and words smoothly rolled off from her tongue. Yujin’s smile faltered a bit, and her eyes lost its glint. “...You don’t want to? Do you regret it?” She asked, her voice cracked a bit.


Minjoo panicked and fully faced her, cupping her face once again so she could properly stare at her girlfriend. “Baby,” She muttered and Yujin immediately brightened up, blushing hard when she got called with an endearment. “I don’t regret it, and I will never regret being your girlfriend nor loving you, hmm?” She said as she stared directly into Yujin’s soul, to show how sincere she is.


She also felt giddy when she heard it coming from her own mouth, she isn’t most likely to vocalize or express her feelings so it caught them both off guard that Minjoo is the one who’s being cheesy and romantic like that— but anyway, Minjoo will do anything for her lover anyway, to reassure her plus, make it up to her after two years of being a coward and letting her wait and assume.


But instead of responding back verbally, Yujin suddenly leaned in, like she was hypnotized and gently pressed her lips against Minjoo’s.


The older woman was shocked, caught off guard and could feel her soul leaving her body because of Yujin, because of Yujin’s lips. It felt so nice, being kissed by the person you love, that is. Both of them could feel rainbows spreading through their chests.


It was just a short and chaste kiss, and Yujin pulled away, after a few seconds anyway— a blushing mess while Minjoo was just gaping and frozen. “I…” Yujin stammered, gulping as she felt the older woman’s hands on her face, still glued. She just suddenly got caught in the moment, okay— and she was too speechless so she answered back with a sweet action instead.


Silence engulfed them for a while before Minjoo suddenly pulled her closer again, moving her other hand to snake around her neck while the other remained cupping her jaw. “Kiss me again.” She whispered, half demanding and half pleading. And who is Yujin to object?


Yujin engulfed the painful inch gap between their lips, softly kissing Minjoo— a little bit awkward and sloppy, not surprising since they are both first timers but along the way, with their instincts guiding them and not failing them.


After that sweet kiss, Minjoo was the one who pulled away, sensing that Yujin was having a hard time breathing and took pity at the younger girl. She pecked her lips once again before fully leaning away, both of them tried to catch their breaths and just stared at one another until they calmed down.


With that, Minjoo threw herself to her girlfriend and hugged her, melting into the hug. And they once again fell into a peaceful silence.


“...I think we should not tell the others about the sudden transformation and stuff, and pretend nothing happened to avoid being interrogated and god, Yena will surely manifest again.” Minjoo suddenly snickered and snuggled further to Yujin, intertwining their hands together.


Yujin hummed, agreeing to the idea. “Well, I think that would be fine.” She said as she let her head fall into Minjoo softly, looking at their intertwined hands then smiled. “But should we tell them that we’re official?” Her voice trailed off.


Minjoo giggled, bringing their attached hands to her lips and pressed a kiss on the back of Yujin’s hand. “Definitely.”



A/N: and that marks the end of the jinjoo chapters- yes, subtract and multiply will still continue but with other ships’ stories now so you may now suggest any ship~ i planned that this is how it will turn out after i finish the jinjoo series hehe also, if y’all want 2kim or annyeongz- yes, i could write it, in different universe! i’ll indicate in the chapter anyway if it will take place in the same universe or not~ maybe i’ll run a poll on twitter hmm...


and satisfied? :P i saw some of yall getting frustrated because PFFT… anyway, sorry for the short chapter though and delayed update, kind of busy with some stuff and all :P see you next update ladies~!


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Chapter 3: this is like a glimpse on how domestic these two would be and i’m not complaining 🫣
Chapter 2: oh to experience five minjoo near you— one can only hope 😮‍💨
Chapter 1: ang cravings po today ay makabonding ang 5-year old Yujin, please 🥹
TRobocoP #4
Chapter 3: Maybe a 5 yujins and a baby minju to complete the series...
Chapter 3: 💜💜💜💜
Chapter 3: 💙💙💙
Chapter 3: Awww, this story is so cute. I'm so glad that they became official girlfriends, finally. Thank you for writing this!
Hope we can get another version of the other ships too
This is so cute!
Chapter 3: Awwww very sweet, as usual. Thank you so much for this. And how about a ssamyen or yulyen ver? Hihi since Yena had always wanted to see the transformation. Why not let it happen to her too lol!