jinjoo | five kim minjoos

subtract & multiply


It’s been almost two months since that ‘incident’ happened, and by that incident— about Yujin magically turning into a five year old kid.


Until now, they are still bewildered by the fact that it really indeed happened, like for real. The pictures and videos are still even there, existing for proof that Yujin really turned into a kid. They tried to look for the possibilities and how the hell that happened, who wouldn’t be curious how? That’s absolutely absurd! There’s no such scientific explanation for that. Maybe God got bored and decided to play with them? Something like that?


But after a few weeks, they decided to shrug it off, after all, they can’t find anything that will enlighten them for that happening and so, they decided to let it be and just kept it a secret between them twelve. There’s nothing wrong with Yujin after that anyway, nothing changed after they observed her for a few weeks, thinking that she might turn into a kid once again (They were scared less when they started to promote again and went to their schedule because Yujin might suddenly transform in the middle of the photoshoot or something, gladly, nothing happened).


It’s their day-off again, after exhausting months of promoting their comeback and going to their schedules. Just two days-off but it’s more than enough for them to take a breather and break.


As usual, some members went home to visit their family, some went to stroll around with their non-IZ*ONE member friends. Minjoo stayed again, she already paid her family a visit last week in the middle of their schedule that happened around her neighborhood, deciding to rest there for the night and bond with her family. And so, she just stayed, she’s currently working on her new lyrics and composition too.


If Minjoo isn't wrong— Chaeyeon, Sakura, Wonyoung, and Yujin also stayed, doing their own businesses in their own rooms and all while the rest are out of the house. She and Yujin are once again alone in their dorm. Yujin’s family visited earlier in the morning and gave them some home-made foods so the younger stayed at the dorm.


Minjoo sighed for the nth time, taking off her earphones away from her ear and closed her lyric notebook, walking to the corner and grabbed her guitar. She checked it first and even patted it gently like it’s her baby then proceeded to sit down on her bed, fixing the position of her guitar.


Later on, she started strumming it, nodding her head gently along the tune. It continued like that until she got frustrated that she couldn’t properly play it like she wanted and placed the guitar away from her, hugging her knees. She needs motivation, she needs one right now or else she might explode.


She glanced at the digital clock, it says 12:01 in the afternoon and as if it's on cue, her stomach grumbled, begging for food. The last thing she ate was the sandwich Mrs. Ahn made, five hours ago.


Maybe a lunch break won’t hurt, looks like Yujin still hasn't eaten her lunch too. Well, she might cook a meal for two.


Standing up, she stretched her back before going out of her room, not forgetting to barge in Yujin’s room. She smiled when she saw how the younger flinched on her seat when the door suddenly opened. “Unnie?” Yujin asked, turning her seat towards her direction and took off her headphones, also pausing her game first to dedicate her full attention to Minjoo.


“I will make us some lunch, I assume you didn’t take one either?” Minjoo asked gently, walking towards the younger and peeked on the screen briefly. Yujin hummed, reaching for Minjoo’s slender fingers and started to play with it with a smile. “Yes, I still haven’t. I was about to ask you to make or order some after finishing this mission.” She responded, pertaining about her game.


Minjoo then started to rub Yujin’s chin, cooing at her. “Okay, finish your game first and I will cook us some food.” She said, waiting for Yujin to nod before walking to the door.


“Make sure not to burn the whole kitchen down, Joo-unnie!”





It’s been good twenty minutes since Minjoo left her room to cook them lunch. Oddly enough, Yujin couldn’t still smell something burning, she doesn’t know if it’s a good thing— well, she’s just kidding, Minjoo can cook somehow, simple dishes like that and that. She just often teases the older because it’s very amusing to see her reaction.


Finally, she finished the mission and turned off the game after saving it. She took off her headphones, ruffling her hair before standing up to do some stretches. “What is this? Why is it so quiet out there?” She asked herself, glancing at her door but she’s thinking about Minjoo’s quietness outside.


She shrugged and didn’t mind it, deciding to fix her bed and gaming set first before going out. However, in the midst of cleaning her bed, loud noises suddenly intensified— it definitely came from the kitchen, it sounds like some kitchen utensils and saucepan dropping on the floor— followed by a scream.


Yujin’s eyes widened in panic, she immediately dashed towards the kitchen with a racing heart, terrified that something bad must’ve happened to Minjoo. She reached the kitchen area in no time, panting as she halted there near the door. “Minjoo! Are you alright?!” She asked, breathless.


She instantly froze when she realized something, making her almost choke. She glanced down, slapping her cheek lightly and rubbed her eyes, the sight of— thankfully, empty saucepan— and spoon, forks, and chopsticks on the floor greeted her. She then tilted her head a little bit, five pairs of feet greeted her which made her flinch very hard and then looked up, double checking it.


“What in the world…” Yujin exclaimed weakly when she looked at the girls’ faces one by one, deflating and wanting to faint.


“Yujin-ah!” Minjoo, well let’s say— the present Minjoo, Secret Story of the Swan Minjoo— said, confused and very terrified at the situation herself.


One of the girls stared at Yujin with a confused expression. “Yujin-ie? Where is this place?” She asked. Yujin stared at her with wide shocked eyes which made her more confused than ever. She has red-ish hair with bangs, she definitely looks like Minjoo from the early Violeta Era.


She then looked beside her and shrieked when she also realized something, the other three women flinched, also looking around with a horrified expression. Minjoo, the present Minjoo, who’s in the middle gulped, staring at Yujin with a helpless gaze when the other four Minjoos started to panic.


Yujin’s jaw dropped, her eyes shaking as she still couldn’t believe it. Five Kim Minjoos are presented in front of her, they have different vibes and hairstyles but they are all the same. “Jesus,” She gasped, covering , trying to sink the current situation.


She stared at the first Minjoo, this one has long black silky hair, looking shy and obviously wearing the most terrified expression among them all. Looks like a mix of PD48 & La Vie En Rose Minjoo.


Then her gaze moved, checking the other Minjoo beside the LVER era Minjoo— and it’s the early Violeta one. She also looked terrified, mixed with confusion upon seeing other versions of herself. Then beside her is present Minjoo who looks like that will faint anytime soon.


Beside her, okay, Yujin’s heart skipped a bit when she saw this Minjoo. Because it’s freaking Pink-joo!— blinking, looking confused and scared. (Okay, Yujin will admit but she loves Pink-joo the most, she missed her among all but they don’t need to hear that).


Then the last one, this Minjoo looked laidback and cool, but obviously, she was also scared and confused. Definitely Fiesta era Minjoo because of the light beige hair.


“What the hell,” Yujin exclaimed, eyes scanning the five Minjoos one by one until she gets dizzy. She closed her eyes and massaged her temples, this is not happening, maybe she’s just hallucinating. Yes! Must probably because of playing too many games and staring some Minjoo’s pictures before sleeping almost every night.


She opened her eyes once again, all five Minjoos are still there, looking at her which made her sigh. Yup, definitely not a dream or hallucination. What the hell is really happening!


Minjoo, present Minjoo, took a step forward— ready to go to Yujin. “Yuj—” She was cut short when someone beat her to do it. Her brow twitched, annoying squeak (a very familiar squeak, of course, it sounds like her squeak) entered her ears. A second later, Minjoo could already see herself— no, wait, that freaking clone of her from the past, from almost two years ago is already beside Yujin, latching herself at the younger with a very terrified expression, obviously shaken to see other versions of herself.


But mind her! All of them are equally as shaken as her upon seeing her own selves in different eras but Minjoo could understand, after all, the newbie idol Minjoo will be the most cowardly among them all.


“Y-Yujin,” Minjoo with raven hair stuttered, hiding behind the mentioned younger, her eyes still glued to the four women who exactly look like her. Yujin was taken aback, she could feel Minjoo's tight grip on her arm, she could tell that she’s also shaking a bit.


Their eyes met and there was a confused glint in Minjoo’s eyes, like she was surprised upon seeing her face. “W-Wait, your face matured?” She asked, cupping Yujin’s face and inspected it in awe. “You’re taller too.” She dumbly muttered, tip toe-ing, trying to match Yujin’s height.


The younger blushed, past Minjoo is too close for her own liking. But then, there was a harsh cough, earning their attention. Minjoo hid again behind Yujin, peeking her head on the latter’s shoulders while she held the hem of her shirt, tightly.


It was pink haired Minjoo, who cleared harshly before looking around again, giving the other Minjoos a good look. “L-Let’s calm down. All of us don’t know what is currently happening…” She muttered quietly, feeling herself shrinking at their gazes.


Violeta era Minjoo took a step backward. “How am I going to calm down when I’m currently seeing exactly four different versions of myself. That Minjoo!” She exclaimed, pointing at the Minjoo who’s hiding behind Yujin (that Minjoo flinched hard when she got pointed at). “That’s me before I dyed my hair for our first comeback!” She added.


Beige haired Minjoo frowned, scratching her head, getting enlightened now. “What the hell is happening,” She muttered, looking at the present Minjoo, ombre haired Minjoo. “You’re the only version of myself that I never went through, who are you?” She asked softly.


Present Minjoo looked at her, getting enlightened a bit too. “Well, because I’m the most recent one? The original from the present Minjoo? How did y’all travel here! It’s the future!” She asked, frustrated— she looks like she’s ready to bang her head on the counter top, hoping to wake up from this dream.


Pink haired Minjoo piped in with a small smile. “Makes sense!” She exclaimed, scanning the unfamiliar area again with curious eyes, she’s just a little bit scared now. “I don’t even know how I manage to be here…” She whispered to herself but enough for them all to hear. Red-ish haired with bangs Minjoo raised her hand, nodding along. “Right! I can’t even remember too!” She said, obviously in awe but still worried and scared.


“Me too,” Beige haired Minjoo said, trying her hardest to recall everything but nothing, she can’t even exactly remember what she did yesterday. “Neither am I.” The raven haired Minjoo also spoke gently and quietly behind Yujin who’s dumbfounded.


“I-I was just cooking when I suddenly felt dizzy, but when I opened my eyes, you guys were already there in front of me, equally dazed.” Present Minjoo explained, eyes wide as her mind ran. She doesn’t even know what to feel now exactly- fear, shock, confusion— you name it.


Yujin blinked, a little bit amused at the situation. All of the Minjoos are silent, looking at nothingness as they get lost in the ocean of their thoughts, like they weren’t screaming, getting scared upon seeing each others’ different versions. Yujin snorted, all of them are definitely Minjoo, same people.


Even when she snorted, the five of them looked at her in sync with confused eyes and all of them also said, “What?” in sync— and after that, they all looked at each other then started to panic again. Well, it seems like they are still not used on seeing their other versions— well, who wouldn’t be? This current situation is very scary and confusing, on top of all, terrifying.


“L-Let’s all calm down and enlighten each other.” Yujin suggested. She needed to be sane, she needed for her brain to be intact and working because in this kind of situation, Minjoo— these Minjoos would panic every single time. Fear has no room in this kind of stuff!


“Great idea, I think I will faint soon.” Minjoo, present Minjoo, said and closed her eyes, massaging her temples. Yujin sighed. “Don’t panic guys, It’s okay. We should talk. Let’s go there in the living room.” She offered before turning around, gently guiding the still confused and scared Minjoo (the Minjoo from 2018). While the other four followed, it seems like the beige haired Minjoo already knew where, after all, they moved dorms in the Fiesta era so she knew.


They reached the living room, still silent. The raven haired Minjoo is still latched into Yujin, holding Yujin’s arm like her life depended on it— the present Minjoo settled beside Yujin, on her left while the other three sat across them, Pink-joo and Bangs-joo scanning the surroundings while Beige haired Minjoo just silently sat there, also roaming her eyes around. “You guys changed the color of the walls?” She asked. “You guys also changed the lamp and television, the carpet too.”


“Well, yeah, Eunbi-unnie mostly did or planned it.” Yujin offered an answer to enlighten the Fiesta era Minjoo, the latter hummed, nodding. Meanwhile, Pink-joo looked at the three across her with wide curious eyes. “We will move into this spacious dorm? Looks luxurious too!” She excitedly asked, her eyes sparkling. Bangs-joo agreed with her pink haired self. “Yeah! Wow, the management finally gave us a wider place! I mean, I love our dorm but this one is more spacious~”


The raven haired Minjoo looked up, staring at Yujin. “Are we still roommates though?” She asked shyly. Fiesta Minjoo and present Minjoo eyed each other across, there’s disappointment glint in their eyes.


The younger scratched her nape, shaking her head. “Unfortunately, no. We’re separated now.” She answered, the three past Minjoos gasped and started to whine how much they hated this arrangement in the future. The two remaining Minjoos blushed furiously because their other selves were being open about how disappointed they were. Yujin never knew how disappointed Minjoo was when they moved dorms and changed roommates.


Yujin also explained how they are still divided into two dorms, same members but some of them are already staying in one room while some are still in pairs. The three Minjoos were so engrossed listening to Yujin with their usual meme-like expression— wide yet sparkly eyes and agape mouth.


Minjoo couldn’t help but to deflate, seeing other versions of herself being like that to Yujin was just… overwhelming. Seeing and meeting them was overwhelming enough. She could only sigh, she exactly didn't know what to do anymore or think what will happen— oh whatever, come what may! They will just probably exist for hours or a day or so.


Of course, the present Minjoo helped Yujin to enlighten her past versions, she realized that being scared won’t help, plus, it’s not like something weird like this happened for the first time. Five-year-old Yujin literally happened so she shouldn’t be surprised. Ugh, God (read: author), what are you trying to do?


After 20 minutes of talking and trying to enlighten the ‘clones’, the four of them finally relaxed, although they don’t really know their purpose and all but then, they decided to just chill and be laidback— confident that nothing bad will happen to them, afterall, they are just from the past— clones.


Plus, the author is just probably on crack, they wouldn’t do anything bad to them, just doing this for the sake of their imagination and story— and for their readers’ happiness too, they guess.


They just collectively agreed that they should spend the day happily, getting to know each other even though there’s like 100% that the clones will disappear along with the memories so they just look on the brighter side, not thinking of it much deeply! Just like a Kim Minjoo will plan and think of.


“S-Should we tell this whole situation to the others?” Yujin asked the present Minjoo beside her. The latter nodded, taking off her phone. “Yes, we should.” She said and dialed Chaeyeon’s number, after a few rings, the older picked the call. Minjoo ordered them to go to their dorm because something interesting happened.


“I wonder what our members look like from this time!” Bangs-joo said, clapping her hands excitedly, the raven haired Minjoo nodded, mirroring her other version’s grin. “I know right? Probably more matured~! I became prettier too!” She exclaimed while eyeing the Minjoos. Well, of course, Minjoo still has this mischievous side too, she’s never really that narcissistic but sometimes, she compliments herself in a joking way.


Pink-joo flipped her hair, hitting the beige haired Minjoo. “Well, I’m the most iconic, I can say.” She said, raising her brow to Yujin and threw a sweet smile (that Yujin’s very weak for). Yujin almost had a cardiac arrest, her face literally went beet red. “W-Well,” The tall girl coughed. “True…” She honestly admitted.


Squealing, Minjoo with the pink hair stood up and rushed to Yujin, pulling her into a hug. The other four Minjoos just stared at them, unamused. Well, that was amusing, their reactions were amusing because…


“What are you doing? Get off her,” The raven haired Minjoo said, frowning. “You’re crushing her.” She pointed out with a protective growl, wow, wasn’t she just— very terrified of her other versions earlier? But now, she had the guts to glare at her.


Pink-joo raised her brow. “Oops,” She weakly exclaimed, not amused by the behavior that her past self acted. She then sat on Yujin’s lap sideways and hugged her closer, glaring back at her other self. “Sorry, Yujin-ie~” She sang and pressed a kiss on the taller’s cheek which added fuel to the fire.


Bangs-joo pouted, also walking closer to them and whined. “Hey! Let me sit beside Yujin! You already sat beside her for almost half an hour now! My turn!” She reasoned out, pouting and being sulky.


Narrowing her eyes, Beige haired Minjoo just sighed at the scene unfolding before her, it’s stinging her eyes but she remained silent. Well, she couldn’t complain, after all, these playful, sulky, and cowardly clones are still her. She chuckled when the present Minjoo kept glaring at them from the side of the couch, Bangs-joo managed to squish herself between Yujin and that ‘latest’ Minjoo.


“I guess I will continue cooking,” Present Minjoo said, shrugging to herself and slipped away from the commotion. She couldn’t help but to be embarrassed, even though those clones were not her, but technically, they are still her. It’s amusing since each version has this specific trait and personality. She recalled being much more playful when she got pink hair, due to Yena’s influence. Bring that whiny and sulky baby in the Violeta era. Coward and shy yet fierce when she was still new into the idol industry.


She picked up the mess from earlier and started to cook again, unaware of the presence near her, leaning on the door frame as she did her business. “Oh, Fiesta Minjoo.” Minjoo said when she noticed the beige haired woman. The latter shivered. “Wow, it’s weird being called by myself.” She said with a smile, walking closer. “Should I help you cook?” She softly asked.


Present Minjoo nodded. “I could use some help, now that I will cook for like… the six of us plus the others that will go here.” She said and went to the refrigerator to get some ingredients. Fiesta era Minjoo tied her hair into a low ponytail, and pulled her sleeves until above her elbows. “Don’t you think they will freak out?” She asked, watching the ombre haired Minjoo place the frozen goods on top of the counter. “Yes, they will. But it’s okay, they will be amused after they get enlightened. Trust me, this isn’t the only weird thing that happened to us.” Minjoo said to the beige haired version of herself. It’s really weird talking with herself, plus the other three. Just seeing them already makes her deflate but along the way, she got comfortable, after all, those people are still her.


The two of them started to prepare peacefully, constantly hearing some banters and shouts from the living room but they just ignored it, laughing it off as they continued to cook. And in the middle of doing the sauce for the tteokbokki, Fiesta Minjoo suddenly spoke.


“Are you already used to not being roommates with her?” She asked, and the present Minjoo stopped stirring the sauce, looking at the beige haired version of herself. “Well, it was hard. You know, I still miss being with her, not going to deny that.” She answered, and her younger self snorted. “Still nothing between the two of us— I mean, you two?” Fiesta Minjoo asked again and this time, present Minjoo smiled sadly.


“Unfortunately,” She whispered, her smile not reaching her eyes. “Still a coward, still couldn’t take the risk.” Minjoo responded and continued stirring the sauce and opened the pack of rice cakes.


“Thought so,” Fiesta Minjoo said quietly and started to chop the fish cakes into pieces. Why was she disappointed? Well, even in the future, she didn’t improve, still a coward.


Silence engulfed them, but not that awkward, just a plain silence but it didn’t last when they heard the doorbell and opening of the door after then a scream.


“WHAT IN THE WORLD!” It was Chaeyeon.


Meanwhile in the living room. Chaeyeon, Sakura, and Womyoung stood there, amazed. They have their jaws dropped after they saw the three past versions of Minjoo there at the living room, sitting while smiling at them softly— minus, the youngest Minjoo, shyly gawking at them and being in awe too after seeing the future self of her members.


Yujin smiled tiredly. “They suddenly appeared…” She muttered, gesturing for them to take a seat. “Imma explain to y’all with Minjoo, the present one. Please facetime the other members.” She said before walking back to the couch, sitting there and immediately the three Minjoos tackled her for a hug, leaving the three dumbfounded.


“Yabai,” Sakura muttered, feeling a headache coming. While Wonyoung’s eyes are sparkling in excitement, obviously delighted at the current situation. “Minjoo-unnies!” She happily called, making the three Minjoos look at her before dashing to her— they all started to coo Wonyoung.


Chaeyeon just looked at them, bewildered before slipping to Yujin. “All of them are available.” She said, pertaining to the members. The younger nodded. “Just tell them it’s urgent and standby for a while.” She said and Chaeyeon immediately composed a message to be sent to the members.


After a while, Sakura joined in the fun too. She specifically doted on the youngest Minjoo, and the latter was so impressed by her fluent Korean now, giving her a thumbs up and her signature wide-eyes.


“Let’s eat everyone~” A familiar soft voice intensified around the room, making their attention turn to the newcomer. Chaeyeon sighed in relief when she saw the real Minjoo, holding a huge bowl and placing it on the table.


The three Minjoos are in awe, they have this meme-like expression of them again. “We learned how to cook?” Bangs-joo asked, obviously bewildered. The present Minjoo chuckled. “The thing I can only cook decently is tteokbokki, to be honest.” She honestly answered. Then silence, the four of them just staring at each other, the present Minjoo gulped.


Pink-joo leaned closer to her. “You learned to cook it deliciously for Yujin, right?” She whispered, the other two Minjoos leaning closer so they could listen to their conversation. Present Minjoo coughed, blushing madly. Bingo.


She didn’t answer, they already knew it anyway. God damn it, she surely hates these clones— or just technically, herself. They are her, so they know everything.


“Hey, here’s the drinks.” Another familiar voice can be heard around. Chaeyeon almost choked on her own saliva upon seeing the newcomer who also has the same face, voice, and body as Minjoo. Fiesta era.


“Oh my god, Minjoo-unnie! Fiesta era!” Womyoung squeaked and helped the said Minjoo by placing the glasses and pitcher on the table before hugging her, the older hugging her back. “You look great, Wonyoung-ah!”


“Okay!” Yujin clapped her hands, and all attention was on her. “Let’s facetime the members and explain everything!” She said, whipping out her phone, present Minjoo also took out her phone, taking a deep breath before accepting the video call invite.


Here we go again.



Minjoo can see the dumbstruck look of her members when the four Minjoos popped out beside her, all of them waving at the cam, Pink-joo shamelessly complimenting some members. Yena even dropped her phone in shock. After that, Yujin and Minjoo started to explain everything, Minjoos peeking on the camera alternatively, even on Chaeyeon’s phone. And as they conversed, they ate the food.


“Ugh, it’s all Yena’s fault.” Chaewon suddenly grumbled after the discussion, all the members were already enlightened. Yena heard it and whined. “Yah! Why me?!” She asked, pouting. Chaewon rolled her eyes. “You manifested it,” She responded but Yena barked back. “I was just joking, okay? I didn’t know it would happen!”


Eunbi sighed, shushing the both of them. “Shut it, no one’s at fault. If there is someone, then it’s freaking Zero.” She muttered, glaring intently at the screen. Hyewon slowly ate her cupcake. “Who is Zero?” She asked innocently, confused at hearing the foreign name. Hitomi rolled her eyes at the mention. “Tch, she calls herself the ‘god’ of this universe.” She snickered.


Hyewon’s eyes widened and hummed, taking another bite. Pink-joo whistled. “That’s a cool name though,” She complimented with a small smile. Yuri rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but she’s a whole loser.” She responded with a yawn.


“Anyway!” Yujin cut them off. “Will you guys go back?” She asked. Eunbi hummed. Yuri pouted. “Sounds a nice idea but I can’t, I promised mom.” The others also said their own reasonable reasons, Nako, Hitomi, and Chaewon will come though— Yena said she will try but she’s not sure.


Hyewon pouted. “ to miss this situation,” She muttered then bid her goodbye after, since her brother was bugging her already. After a few minutes, the face time ended, they continued eating their food.


After that, they decided to play around, taking pictures of five Minjoos. The Minjoos are down with it, doing poses and all, it’s so unreal. They even had a picture with Yujin, then some selfies with the others. Nako, Hitomi, and Chaewon reached the dorm after twenty minutes, the two japanese girls were just roaming around the streets and visiting some shops nearby while Chaewon just lives four blocks away.


The sight of five Kim Minjoos intimidated them at first but along the way they started to fool around, it’s not bad having five Minjoos to be honest.


The youngest Minjoo most likely didn’t leave Yujin’s side, while pink haired Minjoo latched onto Chaewon, talking a lot of things with her. And the other two Minjoos talked with the others, the present Minjoo just sat there at the chair, watching them. It speaks a lot, her eyes mostly stayed at Yujin and the youngest version of herself. She was really that clingy with Yujin to the point she doesn’t leave her side then slowly, they somehow drifted apart upon learning the blooming feelings for each other, thinking that avoiding each other will be the solution.


She became closer with Chaewon, and all, but in the end, it’s always Yujin.


Minjoo sighed, thinking of this in such bad timing is not good at all. Damn these thoughts.


“Minjoo,” Someone softly called her name, her voice is too husky yet soft. Her heart acted instantly, Yujin’s effect on her is really scary. She opened her eyes and hummed, confused. The younger than gestured for her to come closer and patted the space beside her.


With a smile, Minjoo complied. When she finally settled down there at her place, she asked Yujin. “Why? What’s wrong?” She asked, worried. The younger girl shook her head. “Nothing, I just want you near me.” She muttered and flashed her dimpled smile.


Minjoo smiled fondly at her, not cutting the eye-contact however, it was cut short. The raven haired Minjoo tugged Yujin’s shirt, and so, the tall girl had to break it and turned to the other Minjoo with a hum.


Present Minjoo wasn’t amused, she was slightly annoyed as she watched the younger version of herself pout, sulking as she gently tugged Yujin’s shirt so the latter’s attention would be on her only. Tss, needy. Why does she have this needy and clingy baby back then?— Hold awn, she’s not going to fight for Yujin’s attention with her past self, n0? She’s not petty haha! That’s very stupid and pathetic, imagine— fighting your younger clone because she got Yujin’s attention, so pathetic, right? Haha!


Maybe, Minjoo is indeed pathetic.


She tugged Yujin’s arm, making the tall girl look at her. “Yujin-ah~” She sang, grinning at her. She knew Yujin always liked her smile the most, it’s her weakness. She rejoiced triumphantly when Yujin blushed. “Unnie?” She asked, not really sure of what to do, having two Minjoos beside her, fighting for her attention (she’s quick to assume and she’s freaking right) will be, most probably, the death of her.


But then, Yujin just found herself in between five Minjoos. All of them are fighting for Yujin’s attention which the others found amusing, it’s no secret among them that Yujin and Minjoo have these feelings for each other ever since the start, well, they probably expected for this to happen sooner.


Who knows that it’s possible to be jealous of your own self— more like, selves? Slay!



Dinner came by and they decided to order instead since they don’t have enough ingredients anymore. They had a feast, and they were all satisfied, Eunbi also went home with three boxes of pizza, knowing there’s like five additional. As expected, the leader was so amused seeing five Minjoos.


After that, all of them played mafia for two hours straight, resulting in them getting drained and so, they decided to chill there in the living room instead. Sakura decided to go home, saying that she's already tired and sleepy, followed by Wonyoung and Chaeyeon after, with Nako and Hitomi. Even if they want to entertain the Joos, they are already exhausted and sleepy, plus Eunbi and Chaewon are just there anyway.


They all huddled there at the couch. Yujin decided to play with the PS4 with Chaewon, of course, with Minjoos latched on her, especially the raven haired Minjoo who even had their arms linked together no matter what, while resting her chin on Yujin’s shoulders, cheering for her from time to time. Bangs-joo is on the other side, also cheering for Yujin happily.


Chaewon and Pink-joo are sitting on the floor, leaning their backs against the couch— rooting for Chaewon, but Minjoo got her arm hooked around Yujin’s leg. Meanwhile, beige haired Minjoo is behind the sofa, tucking her chin on top of Yujin’s head while poking her cheek and rubbing the younger’s chin alternatively with full of affection, sometimes just burying her face on Yujin’s hair while softly giving her encouragement.


Yujin, at first, was quite uncomfortable, it’s not really good for her heart. One Kim Minjoo can already make her heart burst into rainbows everytime, how much more with the other four Minjoos being clingy with her? But along the way, with her heated game with Chaewon, she let it be, relaxing on their touches and focused on the game, her confidence boosting as three Minjoos were constantly cheering for her.


And the last Minjoo? There at the corner, sharp eyes observing them. She decided not to intervene and all, Eunbi is still there too so she couldn’t squish herself there and leave the oldest alone. With a sigh, she averted her gaze, looking at the portrait hanging by the wall instead, which Yena bought last month.


“Lookin’ so gloomy, how about you join the fun there?” A familiar soft voice entered her ears, it was Eunbi, coming from behind with a slight teasing smile. Minjoo huffed. “No space for me,” She answered, picking a slice of orange which Eunbi offered. The leader sat on the chair beside her, chewing her orange pulp. “Yujin will always make a space for you.” She responded, amused at Minjoo’s reaction.


“Never knew it was possible for someone to get jealous of her own self— selves,” Eunbi said, chuckling while Minjoo just glared at her, pouting. “No, I’m not jealous. It’s just— it irks me how my other selves are being clingy to her, and her attention is divided.” She tried to reason out, coming out as a childish whine instead which made the leader giggle.


“So, jealous?” Eunbi asked with a sheepish grin, Minjoo groaned. “Well, you’re clingy, why are you so surprised? Those clones are literally you.” Eunbi rolled her eyes as she replied, shoving another piece of orange in .


“Sooner, they will disappear eventually. Chill… Yujin will solely be yours again.” The oldest said, eyeing the commotion there at the living room with a smile. Minjoo hummed, leaning her back on the backrest of the chair and heaved a sigh. Eunbi noticed how Minjoo looked so lost and gloomy, she knew it was not about the clones being clingy but an entirely different reason.


Eating the last slice of the fruit, she placed the empty plate at the coffee table near them and fixed her posture. “What’s wrong?” She asked seriously. The younger one looked at her. “What do you mean what’s wrong?” She asked back, a little bit confused.


Eunbi leaned in closer, crossing her arms sassily. “I know you very well, Kim Minjoo-ssi.” She retorted with a slight snicker. “Tell me your worries, right now.” She demanded and lightly flipped her hair. Minjoo was stunned for a while but shook her head after. “I-It’s nothing, really.” She lied, forcing out a smile but Eunbi, as expected— was not amused.


Minjoo took a deep breath, she won’t win against Eunbi anyways. “Well,” She started off, her gaze lowering down to her lap. The older hummed, leaning in more close and readied her ears. “Me and Minjoo— from Fiesta era one, kind of talked earlier there at the kitchen while making some food.” She continued.


“She asked me if me and Yujin are already, y’know, together,” Minjoo started to play with her fingers. Eunbi’s eyes softened. The younger then tilted her chin up, eyes glued to Yujin who’s grinning happily while playing games. “When I answered her, I saw how disappointed she was. To learn that she’s still a whole coward that couldn’t take any risk.” She said, her voice trailing off.


Eunbi sighed, patting her back for comfort. “Hey, hey. It’s alright.” She muttered. “It happens, especially that we’re under some circumstances. I understand, and in this kind of situation, I wouldn’t blame you being a coward, Min. We’re idols, we can’t freely do whatever we want. But,” She paused, Minjoo’s hair. The latter just pouted.


“ em, right? I told you, I suggest for you to go for it. Yujin has feelings for you too, that kid might be sensitive to a lot of things but she’s ready to make the world her enemy for you.” Eunbi explained, shaking her head as she reminisced about the sleepless night of Yujin ranting about how much she loves Minjoo and ready to do everything for the woman.


Minjoo deflated, however her heart acted instantly upon hearing that. “We’re still young… Can’t afford for the public to know if ever, Yujin still wants to be an idol.” She said, her gaze lowering down. Eunbi sighed and held Minjoo’s hand. “Well, we can hide you guys easily. IZ*ONE is here to protect you guys, as long as you are happy, we will do whatever it takes. So, don’t just whine and plan how you will confess. Look at me and Hyewon, nothing bad is happening because we’re surrounded by people who support us and are ready to protect us.” She said, rolling her eyes playfully. “Just kiss her or something, it will tell a lot.”


“Unnie!” Minjoo whined, her face beet red which made Eunbi laugh. “Hey, it’s effective! Hyewon did it to me, see, we’re now happy.” She said with a grin.


Minjoo will admit but it made her think but then she shook off the thoughts.


“Ahhh, whatever.” The ombre haired said, ruffling her hair for a bit and stood up, walking to the commotion and tried to fit in there, well, she just literally threw herself on Yujin. It caused the other Minjoos to whine and a few seconds after, they are already a mess, screaming there, screaming here.


Eunbi chuckled, whipping out her phone to take a video of it for a few seconds before joining the fun.



It’s almost 1am when they decided where to sleep, and all. And now, they are arguing over who to sleep with Yujin, the Minjoos, of course. Eunbi tried to intervene, saying that no one will get to sleep with Yujin but the Joos didn’t listen to her, playing rock, paper, scissor and the winner gets to sleep with Yujin.


“Hey, not fair! Let me sleep with her, I’m used to being roommates with her.” The youngest Minjoo complained when she lost the game, Minjoo with red-ish hair and bangs sulked. “I'm too! We always cuddle, so I wouldn’t be able to properly sleep without her by my side.” She reasoned out.


Pink-joo piped in. “Me too!” She said, glaring at the other Minjoos. Beige haired Minjoo scoffed, glaring at the pink haired one. “Sleep with Chaewon instead.” She suggested, a little bit bitter. Pink-joo pouted, her shoulders slumping, Fiesta Minjoo panicked and hugged her, muttering apologies.


Finally, the present Minjoo exploded. “Enough,” She said with a firm voice. “I will sleep with Yujin.” She demanded, resulting in the other Minjoos to complain and argue again.


Yujin was in awe. She doesn’t know what to do. She went closer to Chaewon who’s just watching the scene in front of her in amusement. “Help.” She whispered. Chaewon just shrugged. “I’m out, Imma sleep now.” She said before slipping away to her room.


Eunbi narrowed her eyes to the fighting Minjoos. “Stop,” She said with an authoritative voice, all of them closed their mouths instantly. “No one will sleep with her. It’s not like you all could fit in there.” She said.


“I think we can fit in there if we’re determined enough.” Pink-joo said, raising her arm with a smile. The raven haired nodded. “Yeah, we can make it, somehow.” She agreed. Bangs-joo pouted but she agreed anyway. “I would rather share with these Joos and sleep with Yujin in one room than sleep without her.” She said.


Eunbi blinked, sighing, defeated. “Gosh, you guys are so stubborn. Whatever, do what you please. I’m going to sleep now. Good night.” She said before walking away, leaving Yujin dumbfounded and helpless while five Minjoos bidding her good night and good bye.



There’s where Yujin found herself being squished in the middle by five Minjoos on her bed. She doesn’t know what to do, to be honest so she just let them be, and let them do whatever they want. She couldn’t properly function anyway, well, who would properly function if five Minjoos are there beside you, fighting for the sleeping position, fighting on who will get to cuddle with Yujin.


With a sigh, Yujin just decided to close her eyes. She’s exhausted anyway, she tried to ignore the loud noises and arguments around her, also the tugging of her limbs and shirt.


After quite a while, the noises subsided, Yujin couldn’t hear any loud noises anymore— just hushed whispers that she couldn’t identify. Hmm, she’s too sleepy and lost with her thoughts anyway.


Few seconds had passed, she could feel some weight on her bed, and presence then she could feel some bodies near her. She smiled a bit, finally.


Present Minjoo went to Yujin’s side, plopping her body beside the sleeping puppy, side-hugging her. The raven-haired Minjoo went to the other side, snuggling to Yujin. Pink-joo squished herself between present Minjoo and Yujin, but she stayed there at the lower part, hugging Yujin’s leg instead while Bangs-joo did the same, however, she draped her arm around the puppy’s waist.


Thankfully, someone bothered to turn off the lights. These Minjoos know how much she hates sleeping with lights on.


Yujin enjoyed the silence, she opened her eyes after a few minutes of pretending to sleep, checking the Minjoos and smiled because they looked so peaceful while sleeping. Even with dim lights, she could still properly see them. Her eyes lingered for a while at Minjoo, the present one, watching her peacefully sleep beside her. She must be really exhausted, after all, she got shaken up too after this thing magically happened once again.


Experiencing to take care and witness five Minjoos existing at the same time was very magical and an adventure. She did think of it, she would rather choose five Minjoos than five-year-old Minjoo, maybe she should wish for it again so she would witness it herself and take care of the kid version of her unnie too.


Sleepiness finally engulfed her once again, she fell into a deep slumber with five Minjoos surrounding her, giving her enough warmth.



Yujin slowly stirred up from her sleep, she slowly opened her eyes and instinctively glanced at the clock first, it said 8:27 am. She needed to wake up now and get some breakfast, however when she tried to sit up, she felt a weight holding her back a little. Her eyes lowered and oh…


Minjoo used her arm as a pillow, her arm draped around her waist and their legs tangled together. That’s why Yujin’s arm felt numb, and it explained why it’s much warmer today— Minjoo is sleeping beside her. Wait, she didn’t even remember that she barged in her room to cuddle with her— Hold AWN!


Everything finally clicked, waves of memories flashed through her mind. She covered and sighed, wow, that just didn’t happen.


She slowly checked around her bed and room, trying to spot some traces of Minjoo’s clones, but there was no one anymore. Just her and Minjoo. They must have probably vanished into thin air when they were sleeping. She suddenly missed those clones. Oh well, might as well look forward to the present instead.


Yujin just decided to watch Minjoo sleep, trace her godly features with her eyes and fingertips, and worship it like she always does whenever they are close like this. She might look like a creep right now but she’s just simply admiring God’s favorite masterpiece. It’s been a while since she ever done this again, she became a little awkward with her so sometimes, she couldn’t even stare at Minjoo like she used to back then.


Her heart warmed, racing softly. Nothing new, it always acts like this whenever she sees Minjoo, only Minjoo. Slowly, she grazed her fingertips gently along her cheekbones then proceeded to caress her eyebrows.


Minjoo woke up a moment after, slowly fluttering her eyes open, almost getting a heart attack after Yujin’s godly face greeted her, staring at her so lovingly. She instantly blushed but she stared back, her heart beating wildly, shivering slightly as she felt Yujin’s fingertips ghosting over her jaw.


She missed this, getting close to Yujin like this. It’s been a while. So warm, so peaceful, so satisfying. Minjoo just wants to stay like this forever, but it’s impossible, especially that her stomach grumbled loudly, begging for some food.


Yujin giggled, pinching the older’s reddening cheek. “We should get some breakfast. Let’s go,” She said, detaching herself from Minjoo and sat up, wincing a bit when the warmth disappeared. To be honest, she wanted to just stay with Minjoo like that all day, cuddling and being close to her, both of them too lost into each other’s orbs, letting themselves drift together into another world— where they only exist. But they need to eat.


She helped Minjoo stand up, both of them walking outside side by side. “That just happened, huh?” Minjoo asked, her voice still hoarse as she ruffled her hair. Yujin rubbed her eyes a bit. “Yeah, it happened. Most likely,” She responded weakly, reaching the dining room.


They saw Eunbi and Chaewon preparing the food. “Oh, you guys are already awake. Sit down, the food will be finished in a bit.” Eunbi said as she stirred the soup that she’s making. Yujin and Minjoo sat beside each other.


“How’s the sleep?” Chaewon asked, nibbling on her toast. Yujin flinched a bit before answering. “It was okay. We managed to fit in one bed but when we woke up, those four Minjoos disappeared.” She responded. The bob haired woman hummed, nodding. “Well, it seems like the magic disappears the day after. They don’t really last for 24 hours.” She said, shrugging.


After a while, the people from Dorm 1 started to appear, getting disappointed that some of them didn’t witness five Minjoos existing. Wonyoung was so sad upon hearing that the Minjoos already disappeared but she became cheery again when Minjoo started to baby her again.


They were peacefully eating their breakfast while talking about the commotion yesterday when suddenly, the door was opened harshly and after a few seconds, Yena appeared, her chin tilted high. “Where’s the Kim Minjoos!?” She asked, huffing as she scanned the room, only spotting one Kim Minjoo.


Hyewon huffed, leaning to Eunbi’s shoulders. “I have news for you,” She said, taking a bite from her sandwich. Yena gasped, covering and started to tremble. “I-I’m late again?!” She asked. Yuri nodded. “Unfortunately,” She responded, walking to Yena who started to wail loudly and guided her to sit down and eat.


Hitomi rolled her eyes, wincing at how loud Yena is. Chaewon huffed, trying to ignore her roommate.


Yujin started to laugh, while Minjoo just shook her head, giving Yena an apologetic look, afterall, she was not at fault but she can’t help but to feel guilty especially that Yena looked so sad as she ate her bacon.


“God damn it!” Yena exclaimed, throwing her fork to the plate with a loud clunk. Eunbi smacked her head. “There are kids here!” She hissed, the duck immediately apologized before clearing . “I still can’t believe I arrived late again, I hate it here.” She muttered to herself before placing her hands on the side of her head again, closing her eyes.


Chaewon’s eyes widened. “Oh no,” She muttered, panicking. Wonyoung leaned closer, whispering. “What is she doing?” She asked. Chaewon sighed. “Just… watch. Last time she did this, it happened.”


Yena took a deep breath. “Five Minjoos taking care of five-year-old Yujin.” She muttered and the members just stared at her in amusement.


“Manifesting, once again,”



A/N: Sorry if i took long to update~ hope you guys enjoyed it! And as usual, i don’t know when will I update once again lol~ See you soon!


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Chapter 3: this is like a glimpse on how domestic these two would be and i’m not complaining 🫣
Chapter 2: oh to experience five minjoo near you— one can only hope 😮‍💨
Chapter 1: ang cravings po today ay makabonding ang 5-year old Yujin, please 🥹
TRobocoP #4
Chapter 3: Maybe a 5 yujins and a baby minju to complete the series...
Chapter 3: 💜💜💜💜
Chapter 3: 💙💙💙
Chapter 3: Awww, this story is so cute. I'm so glad that they became official girlfriends, finally. Thank you for writing this!
Hope we can get another version of the other ships too
This is so cute!
Chapter 3: Awwww very sweet, as usual. Thank you so much for this. And how about a ssamyen or yulyen ver? Hihi since Yena had always wanted to see the transformation. Why not let it happen to her too lol!