Soju and Pictures

All That Glitters
Youngbae nudged Seungri as the credits rolled. The poor maknae jerked up, blinking furiously, assessing his surroundings. "It's done?"  "Yup," Youngbae said, "Go to bed, Seungri." The latter nodded, stood and they walked to his bedroom.  "I'm not tired," Daesung said, reaching his arms over his head in a stretch.  "Me neither," Jiyong said.  "Are you Hayoung-ssi?" Youngbae asked.  "Aniyo." "Then let's play a game!" the smiling boy shouted.  "What kind of game?" "Shhh! Seungri is sleeping." "Let's play Truth or Dare," Jiyong suggested.  "Really Oppa? That's so childish," Hayoung says. "Let's play a Never Have I Ever." "What's that?" "It's a western game I guess," having grown up there, Hayoung knew everything about America. "So, one person says something they've never done and if anyone here has done it, they take a shot." "Sounds good," Jiyong shoots here a smile.  "We haven't got any soju," Seunghyun says reasonably. "And that game doesn't sound too good." "I'll go buy some," Hayoung shoots up from her seat. "Give me ten minutes! No, give me five minutes!" She ran to the door to get her shoes and coat. "Someone come with me!" she yelled from the doorway.  "Hyung, go," Daesung says. "It's your girlfriend." "No, this game is stupid," Seunghyun folds his arms and glares at the place where Hayoung ran to.  "Hyung, it's late," Youngbae said, "She's a girl you can't let her go out by herself, it's really dark and you don't know what kind of creeps are out there-" "If someone's coming, you've got five seconds! Il, i, sam-" "Then you go Bae, since your so concerned. She more than capable of handling herself-" "Sa! Someone hurry up and come!" "Fine," Youngbae said, standing. "Hayoung-ssi, one second." "Hyung," Daesung whined. "Don't fight..." "Uh, Taeyang-ssi, you're going to join me?" He nods, pulling on his Nike sneakers. "Hyung didn't want to, so I will." "He didn't want to?" she repeated, muttering under her breath. "Okay, let's go then." "Neh." They left the dormitory and walked over to a convenience store a few blocks away. They walked in silence, never coming in contact with either person. They entered the store and Youngbae lead her over to where the soju was kept.  "How many bottles will we need?" he asked her thoughtfully, reading a label.  "Uhm, two? We may need two Taeyang-ssi," Hayoung said awkwardly.  He looked at her and smiled, "You can call me Youngbae, you know. You call everyone else by their first name, except Seungri, but that's just because he has the same name as Hyung. Just call me Youngbae, alright?"  Hayoung nodded, bowing a little, "Thank-" "Come on let's pay," he said, taking up the two bottles and walking over to the cashier.  Now, Taeyang wasn't wearing a disguise, but due to the late dinner and long movie, she store was completely empty, but when he got to the counter, the young girl squealed in delight. "Taeyang!" she yelled, pointing to an old poster of Big Bang advertising a beer brand.  "Neh," he said, looking at you, embarrassed. Hayoung held back her laughter.  "And you're TOP's girlfriend!" Hayoung stopped at that. How did she even recognize Hayoung? When they went public with their relationship, all commotion about her died out in about a week or so, many VIPs not caring because she was ordinary and they thought Seunghyun would break up with her by next month, tops.  No pun intended.  Fangirls were generally unimpressed by Hayoung's existence, much to everyone at YG's delight.  "C-Can you take a picture-" she stammered, pulling out her phone from her pocket. She almost dropped it on the ground with her shaky hands.  Hayoung took the phone with both hands and motioned for Youngbae to move closer to the girl.  "I want one with y-you too-" "Me?" Hayoung pointed to herself. "Sure, after though, okay?" The girl and Youngbae both put up peace signs and Hayoung had never seen a smile brighter then that girl's.  "Uh, Taeyang-ssi, please can you take our-" "Neh," he said, taking the phone from Hayoung.  Hayoung leaned over the counter and placed her cheek right on the girl's. Youngbae quickly snapped the picture and handed the phone back to the girl.  As Hayoung smiled and pulled away, the girl seemed to have plucked up all of her courage and said, "Y-Your very pretty. TOP-ssi is very lucky to have you." It was Hayoung's turn to squeal. "Thank you. You're too sweet." "We need to go. Seunghyun hyung is probably waiting for you," Youngbae said, handing the girl more money than the soju was worth and smiling to her, "Please keep the change." "Neh!" "Thank you," Hayoung said as Youngbae dragged her from the register.  "Nice meeting you." The girl was completely dumbfounded. 
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