
Fiction, Love and Us
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Seungwan happily stirs the soup she’s making for the lovely visitor in her house.

“unnie..” she calls out when she felt arms circling her waist.

“h-hungry?” her voice came out nervous, the older didn’t respond but she felt her move closer. Joohyun's Body against her back, warm air lingers in her neck bringing it close to her skin until it touches and trail of kisses was left on the side of her neck to her jaw while pulling her to move to the side to meet her lips.

“oh gosh..” Seungwan mutters before putting the fire off and covers the saute pan. “unnie.. what are you..” her words were muffled by the mouth softly moving against her, waiting for her to give back the same longing the older puts in the kiss. A moan escaped when the kiss got deeper. “I missed you” Irene mutters quietly, catching her breath. “don’t you ever leave me like that again..” seungwan felt the intensity in the older’s touches and kiss. Joohyun’s tongue dominates hers, making the younger a mess.

Seungwan opens her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder “seungwan..” joohyun looks at her “oh my god..” the younger sits up covering her face feeling wetness pool at her center “a-are you okay seungwan~ah?” joohyun’s worried voice asks, caressing her thigh “you were.. making weird noises..” joohyun waits for the younger to respond.

Seungwan nervously chuckle “I-It was a dream.. I was.. um..” She thinks of an excuse “was it a bad dream?” seungwan thinks for an answer “well..not really.. um.. y-yeah? I think so.. kinda” she mutters nervously then lets out an awkward chuckle.

“okay, let’s go get breakfast?” seungwan nods, thankful for the older’s change of topic.

“don’t you have schedules unnie?” Seungwan asks while spreading apricot jam on her bread. Joohyun watch the girl’s eyes widen, she smiles proudly as the girl thank her again and again for the foods she brought.

Glad she was able to save her bag that is full of seungwan’s favorite. “I only have a night here left” she frowns “I have to go back for a photoshoot tomorrow” joohyun sighs sadly. “I’ll go with you” Joohyun’s head rose up in an instant, eyes full of hope “home? for good?” the older asks excitedly “No.. No.. I mean.. you know.. for a visit” Seungwan bit her lower lip studying her unnie’s change in expression “ahh.. of course.. yeah.. that’s good” joohyun goes back to her serious face taking bread from the basket. They went to the records shop, market and tourists spots nearby “honestly, there is not much to do here, since most of the good tourists spots are on the other island” joohyun nods “It’s okay, I came here for you.. So I’m good” the older gave her a smile “unnie..” Seungwan held joohyun’s hand before she walk past her “I’ll be home in a few more months.. for good” seungwan smiles when the girl pouts looking on the ground.

‘cute unnie.. you’re so cute’

She knew she had to say something to appease the leader, she felt sorry for not considering the member’s feelings toward her sudden absence. “in the meantime.. you can come and visit me here, I’ll make sure to be prepared. I want us to visit the places you weren't able to enjoy before and we’ll spend more time together when I get home” the older smiles cheerfully before pulling her into a hug “promise?” Seungwan hugs her tighter “yes unnie, I promise” the younger frowns, blaming her emotions for making up promises that she might just break.

She's on the road of changing her heart but if joohyun continues making her feel that there might be a chance, that maybe she wants her too, seungwan might just take a u-turn and go back to being foolishly in love with their leader.

And they came back to Seoul with confused seungwan being more confused.

“hey, what’s up?!” seungwan greeted when she opened the door, revealing the overly excited girl jennie “where’s unnie?” she asks as she unpack the large shopping bag she was carrying “she has a schedule. She might be home late” seungwan gasps at the bottles that the girl brought “these are for unnie.. don’t touch em, okay?” seungwan looks at the alcoholic drinks with a furrowed eyebrows “she don’t drink” crossing her arms, looking up to listen to the girl's reply “she does now ever since you left her without a word” jennie seems surprised with her own choice of words “not entirely drinking.. but she’s trying to know how it tastes, she never finished a bottle anyway” jennie continued when the girl didn’t respond.

“you know what? I’m kinda craving for beer” seungwan went to take a bottle opener and pops out two, handed one to the other girl “but.. that's for unnie..” seungwan hushed her and pulled her to the living room to watch a movie.

Irene knocked twice on seulgi and wendy’s door, she stepped in when there was no response. Seulgi’s bed is empty due to her early schedule.

“seungwan~ah. Are you awake?” the girl moved but only to curl up more under the blanket. The leader pulls wendy's flannel out of her dresser. For the past few months she love borrowing clothes from the younger, it somehow gives her comfort like the warmth the owner generously share

“unnie, what time did you go home last night?” Seungwan asks when she got inside the room. She sat on seulgi’s bed to dry her hair, waiting for irene to answer. Irene looks at her and the one lying on her bed “who?” Irene mouthed with a finger pointing at seungwan’s bed. “oh.. jennie.. we were waiting for you last night”

the younger walks to her bed to wake the sleeping girl as what her unnie asked her to do. The girl swats her hand a few times before getting to her senses and walks out to meet irene in the kitchen. “Sorry unnie.. She drank the beer i got for you” Joohyun eyed her, hoping jennie gets her message to shut up through her eyes.

“what should we have for breakfast? Yeri and joy will wake up soon” wendy cuts in, she doesn’t want to hear joohyun’s beer story. She has a bit of hope that it might be because she was sad of wendy’s sudden departure but there’s also a bigger chance that it was because of other things or her boyfriend. The truth might just hurt so she prefers it to remain an unsolved puzzle.

Seungwan plops herself on her bed as soon as she arrived back to the village, thinking of the confusing and complicated week she had in the city.

‘My Secret Letters for you’

The link jennie gave her leads to a site that has stories posted by people hiding behind a username. Just like her. She wanted her to see this particular story. “read it when I’m bored huh..” she recalls what jennie told her when she sent the link. “well, I’m never bored.. really” Seungwan sits in her bed to look outside the window. “gloomy day..”


My life has been a roller coaster. I’m afraid of going up too high but too scared to go down low. But one thing is for sure, I will endure it all, long as I’m riding it with you.

Bae Joohyun

Seungwan chuckles

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Chapter 9: That was great (^▽^)
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 9: Good ending
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 5: Cute
Favebolous 11 streak #4
Chapter 4: sad enough, I want to stop but can't
Favebolous 11 streak #5
Chapter 3: T_T
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 2: Sad
Favebolous 11 streak #7
Chapter 1: :(
Chapter 9: That's so so so great and my wenrene heart cant stop beating fast.
Chapter 9: T-T this is soooo cute omg thank you for this story ^^.
RoyalSone #10
This is sooo cute authornim Thank you