Five: What’s Your Name?

Four’s an Extra
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Daeon blinks awake at the sound of a loud ringing echoing from her left side. She groans a little and then lifts herself on her elbow to peer past the large body lying next to her at the desktop right next the bed. The ringing phone is far away from her side of Chanyeol’s king bed but it still woke her up when she’s deeply asleep, dreaming of abstract men and women doing things they wouldn’t have done in real life. 

She looks down at the man lying next to her and pokes him in his protruded shoulder blade. He doesn’t even stir. She shifts her finger from his fair body to his plump cheeks. He’s lying on his sides with one arm thrown around her, so a part of his left cheek is showing past the pasty white sheets that enwraps the rest of his lithe and strong body. Once again, Chanyeol fails to wake up when she pokes him, so she results with another tactic.

She crawls over to him — not like she wasn’t close to him in the first place — and flops over him like an octopus. His body’s warm underneath hers and she squirms around to find a comfortable position before placing her cheek on the middle of his shoulder blades, groaning.


He merely hums in response, and she wonders if he’s even bothered by her weight entirely on him. Seeing his undeterred self, she doubts that. She’s surprised that in the remarkable sound of his alarm; he’s still deeply snoozing. 

“Your alarm’s ringing really loudly,” she says through warm skin, her eyes shot closed. “You have to wake up.”

He whines out loud, wiggling beneath her. She can feel the shape of his pout miles away, and she opens her eyes and lifts parts of her body so she can look down at him, placing her elbows on his back. His face’s still partially squished against the soft sheets, and his eyes are closed. There’s a crease of irritation taking the shape of his eyebrows, and his soft black hair flares like waterfall around his forehead and the pillow under his head. He looks untiringly otherworldly and angelic-like. If it wasn’t by his completely body under the blankets; she’d have really considered him as one. 

“Do you whine all the time when you have to wake up for work or is this because I’m here?” Daeon asks amusingly, blinking her eyes continuously so that she can chase the dreariness away along with clearing her vision to stare down at her gorgeous man under her.

“Just because you’re here.” He admits, voice throaty and so heavily sleepy that shudders spring alive on her body. He’s always been a heavy sounded guy but his voice seemed to be a dozen times lower than usual. Chanyeol’s still has his eyes locked closed. 

She puts her chin on his cheek, making it cave in against his face. Chanyeol releases another whine but she ignores him. “You still have to wake up, you know, wherever I am.”

“Remind me again why do I have to wake up?” He asks, turning his body around and making her flop against his chest instead. Once she’s there, he wraps his strong arms around her, his palm sliding down her covered back and falling down one of her buttocks. He hums in appreciation and she tries not to flutter into another crimson river. 

“Because you have work in the morning,” she replies softly, leaning her chin on his collarbone instead of his cheek. She looks up at him, or tries to, and her vision is obstructed by his sharp jawline. But she can still guess that he hasn’t yet opened his eyes. “You’re a doctor, remember that, too?”

He groans, his whole soft morning face scrunching up in dissatisfaction. “Morning came so soon. I literally just closed my eyes, like a few seconds ago.”

“It’s your fault for sleeping late at night.” She smirks against his skin, and finally he opens his eyes so he can peer down at her. His pupils are shaking in poorly concealed amusement, and his whole face is so swollen with sleep and lines of his duvet against his right cheek that she can’t help the flutter in her heart. He’s just so simply breathtaking. 

“It’s not my fault you waltzed your way here twelve midnight wearing the dress you wore,” Chanyeol laments defensively. “That was a crime of its own.”

She shrugs. “It’s the fault of the dress, then.”

“Girlfriends should be banned from wearing beautiful dresses in front of their boyfriends.” He continues to say, clearly still overwhelmed by the sight of his girlfriend waltzing inside his apartment wearing a y dress so late at night. That dress of hers was bound to cause things, and things did happen. Was it his fault? He didn’t believe so. 

Daeon laughs, lifting her body so she can lean down and kiss his cheek, cooing. “You’re so cute.”

He pouts. “I’m y, not cute.”

She snorts, going back to her older position where her chin’s on his collarbones. “Sure you are. Now are you getting up or not? I don’t really think it’s professional to be late to your hospital because you had a wild the night before.”

“I invent professionalism, babygirl. I can do what I want.” He smiles smugly.

She raises her sleek eyebrows up. “You know that the last time you were late doctor Lee got so mad he didn’t let you anywhere near a patient until he sobered up. Is that what you want to happen again? Imagine what would happen is Mrs. Su comes back with another heart attack when you’re not around.”

“Fair game,” he raises his arms and stretches them. Daeon rises up and down at the soothing movements of his chest as he inhale and then exhale softly. He throws his arms next to him lazily, peering up at her through his lush eyelashes. “Well played, sweetheart. I’ll get up now.”

“I’m telling you, you have a very soft spot for Mrs. Su. She’s like your spirit animal of something.”

“I can’t deny this,” Chanyeol’s mouth curls into a small smile, showing his dimple. She has an urge to kiss it so she leans down and does that. “She’s just so old that I can’t help but thing she might go after every appointment. And she has the cutest granddaughter ever. You should see Sumin Junior. She has everyone in the hospital wrapped around her little fingers.”

“You know I’m not a very outgoing person,” Daeon answers truthfully, crawling off from his body and lying next to him so he can really get up. She pouts at him, pulling the scary guns on. “Children are scared of me.”

“That’s because your normal face is scary,” Chanyeol sits down, stands up, and turns so he can pull out the blankest face he can pull; his eyes dull, at her. “You’re beautiful and cute, but damn, do you have the scariest resting face.”

She pulls the pillow that’s resting under her and throws it at him. It bounces off of his and thuds before him pathetically. He raises his eyebrows at her amusedly. “That’s a nice shot, babygirl. You have a nice , too.”







“Seriously, Jieun,” Daeon whines softly, not using her natural voice so not to disturb the line that they’re just passing by. “I’d like to do anything right now except this. Anything.”

“Aw, c’mon,” Jieun pouts. “I can’t do it alone.”

Jieun’s a troublemaker, Daeon knows this but she still succumbs to whatever she wants her to do. Jieun has barged inside Daeon’s apartment six o’clock PM — Daeon actually plans this hour beforehand for studying time — and exclaimed, quite loudly, that she was going to quit her job, which is good and all except Daeon has no idea why she wanted her to be there with her when she did it. 

She dragged Daeon into going with her so she can finally quit her job so that she no longer has to work with a ual predator like her boss, a year after she started working there. She refused to wear anything club-worthy and put on the ugliest sweater on just to spite Jieun. In case her friend hasn’t sensed it yet, she didn’t want to go with her, but she was pulled along either way — quite literally — and secretly; even though she didn’t show it; she didn’t have the heart to abandon her in times of need. 

“Why did you decide to do it now, anyway?” Daeon rolls her eyes as she yet again lets Jieun leads her towards the back door of the club, which she opens with a customized pair of keys her ert boss has given her. “You had a whole bunch of days to do last month when he was free from any of his bar obligations and could perfectly tell him on his disgusting face what a piece of crab he is.”

“Because as you said,” Jieun rolls her eyes right back at her, pushing the door open by her hip. “He’s a disgusting and he’s bringing his girlfriend today. If you want a heroic fiasco you need to inform his innocent girlfriend what a erted tool he really is!”

“Okay fiiiine,” Daeon drags out, borderline whining, now willingly following after her friend, “But why am I included in this plan of yours?”

“Because you’re my friend and I need moral support!” Jieun’s presence is always loud and boisterous so she exclaims instead of speaking. “You tell me to quit all the time and I’m finally gathering up my guts to do that and I need my best friend to be there in case he gets all angry and handsy with me. He’s one scary man after all.”

“You’re so annoying.” Daeon says, huffing, but she’s clearly conceding to whatever it is Jieun’s saying by her approving legs.

“Oh, don’t be so unfair!” Jieun whines back, turning to her friend so she can shoot her the most pathetic puppy eyes she can ever pull. “He’s a ual predator! Do you feel safe enough to let me in his vicinity when I’m about to quit?”

“You’ve been in his vicinity for a year now and you only feel threatened now?” Daeon raises her eyebrows. Jieun’s face scrunches up. 

“I wasn’t about to quit and call

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35 streak #1
Chapter 9: Awwww... really loved their relationship development and how each of them truly trying to be civil with each other.. even though it's funny but at least the boys were trying to be in good terms for her sake... also chanyeol's really big precious cute baby... and loved that baekhyun's opening up from his past self or shell..that's good and advanced steps from him.. really appreciative.. to think of it, jieun was the one cause of her daeon found her three soulmate.. omg.. finally sehun's appearance in this story and in her life... hope they get along too well like the other two.. I'm so excited for sehun's arch.
Really enjoyed reading this story so far.. loved it so much curious and excited for sehun and kai's arch...well also chanyeollie and baekhyun's part along with them.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story. Well written everything..🤗😍❤️🤩
35 streak #2
Chapter 8: Aww.. loved the development between daeon and baekhyun.. it's good that he's trying to open up slowly without hesitation.. omg.. jieun... that moment was so surprising.. but relieved at the revelation behind jieun and baekhyun's not knowing each other at the same place.. chanyeollie.... such a thoughtful and protective boyfriend.. he finally lost his patience..that was so shocking but understandable... i really love his character here so dearly and genuinely... omg... baekhyun's past really broke my heart..couldn't stop crying.... became so emotional wreck... he had to go through such pain and trauma...glad that she was there for him ..loved the way she comforted and made him realize the fact that she will never ever leave him or his side... her comforting words encouraged him to let his pain or insecurities to overcome slowly... hope things get better for them.
35 streak #3
Chapter 7: Really it broke my heart.. her stare and pain cause of baekhyun... but loved the way chanyeol comforted and encouraged her in everything 💜... his mental abd physical support really helped her in her vulnerable state... omg... what an amazing twist... so he's professor Mr. Byun... uwww.. that's cool... also he didn't avoid her that much like before.. so curious about his fear to accept her.. them why did he said he's a dancer and all those clubbing and women... woah.. I also like the thingy... uww.. so daeon's first soulmate chanyeol's cardiologist and second soulmate baekhyun's professor... loved it..hehe...
35 streak #4
Chapter 6: Awww... chanyeol such a cutie and understanding boyfriend... loved the way he soothed and comforted her... also supported her to find baekhyun... jeans part was hilarious... for a moment really thought baekhyun was really felt some emotion and feelings for her... their first kiss... what's wrong with him.. why did he act like that.. he just broke her heart once again.. glad that chanyeol was there for her.. seriously curious about Baekhyun's reasons to avoid and not accept her...
35 streak #5
Chapter 5: Uwwww... loved the cutest lovely lovey-dovey moment of chanyeol and her.. he's the precious angel...really loved their chemistry..haha..she really got a funny but so cute friend like jieun ..even though she's a troublemaker...omg.. second soulmate..baekhyun.. so unexpected and heartbreaking moment and first encounter...💔💔💔💔💔 felt so bad for her.
35 streak #6
Chapter 4: Omg .. it was one of the sweetest chapter... couldn't stop smiling and squealing... I actually read the whole chapter with heart eyes 😻 😍 also loved their first date was so amazing, sweet, cute and heartwarming 💖... loved how both of them were so shy and introvert but eventually open up to each other and took the initiatives that they didn't know about themselves... slow but baby steps I guess.. uwww... the kiss was so cute... loey, such a amazingly sweet and cute boyfriend.. loved the way their relationship started to develop.. so excited for their next steps..and also other soulmates..
35 streak #7
Chapter 3: Yes finally... they found each other... so happy for the first soulmates..chanyeol's so lovely 😍... daeon finally met her first soulmate.. 💖
35 streak #8
Chapter 2: Even though their conversation and next meeting was quite awkward but by the time both of them open up with each other quite a good way and that was impressive and cute... I really loved the way authornim described chanyeol's character here... hope this little conversation made them more comfortable and finally they share their bond thoughts...loved the whole chapter. ❤️😍🍒🤗
35 streak #9
Chapter 1: Woah... daeon's character was so interesting but mysterious...felt bad for her situation..aww.. her sister dani was so cuteeee...omg.. my poor heart..hey doctor.. hehe.. oh God..park chanyeol and cardiologist and I'm getting heart attack...can't handle my heart for doctor park though.. oh so flirty..hehe..oops... uww.. she felt his mark ...why didn't he get something like that too... so curious.. but loved this chapter so much ❤️ 🍒
Chapter 9: This kind of story is so so interestinggg. I'm so into it huhuh, i squealed to chanyeol'spart and i cried to baekhyun. I wonder for sehun and kai. But for real this kind of story is interesting and so good! Bookmarking this for future update. Hoping so:)))