Chapter 4.5

Purple Rain

Special Chapter

Hello! As I promised the week before last, this is a special chapter dedicated to answering some of the questions you’ve sent. In order to be more concise, I’ve aggregated similar questions. I hope this somewhat satisfies your curiosities! Thank you for reading Purple Rain up until this point, and I hope you’ll stick around until the end~ ♡



Q. Aside from being the title of OC’s poem in Chapter 4, is there any other meaning behind choosing Purple Rain as the title for this fic?

A. Okay, story time! This fic actually didn’t have a title until after I’ve finished writing the first two chapters (although Chapter 2 was posted a week after Chapter 1, I wrote both at the same time). Anyway, I really at thinking about titles. Fortunately, while I was thinking of one for this fic, Purple Rain by Prince came up on shuffle. The lyrics “I never wanted to be your weekend lover; I only wanted to be some kind of friend” reminded me of OC and Junmyeon’s weekend visits at Siwon’s auto-shop, and from there, the title for this fic was born. As for the poem, I wrote it in a way that would make sense as to why the story is titled Purple Rain. TL;DR — the poem isn’t the reason behind the title, but is rather written around the title.


Q. Did you actually write the poem in Chapter 4?

A. I did! I worked on it on the spot while working on the chapter, but it took me more or less three hours to finish. Admittedly, I at writing poetry. (⌒_⌒;)


Q. How many more chapters are left in this fic?

A. Hmm. I’m gunning for at least 10 chapters in total, but with the way the story’s paced so far, I think it might go on a little longer as more ideas come to me. Nothing’s been set in stone, so we’ll see!


Q. Will we see Chanyeol again?

A. Definitely! He still has an important role to play in the plot, as you’ll see in future chapters. I haven’t written those chapters yet, but I’m excited to get to those parts because Chanyeol’s (future) actions get to decide a lot of things for the rest of the characters.


Q. In Chapter 4, it’s mentioned that OC’s father’s name is Byun In-chul… Since the surname is Byun, does that mean OC’s brother is Baekhyun?

A. Correct! We’ll see Baekhyun in future chapters, too. At this point, though, I only have a vague idea about how I’ll write his character, so we might not see him just yet. (Fun fact: I was supposed to go with Minseok as OC’s brother, but I figured it might be confusing since he shares the same surname as Junmyeon.)


Q. Which new characters will be introduced in future chapters?

A. So far, the ones I’m sure of that have definite roles are Baekhyun and OC’s father (to help flesh out OC’s backstory) and Joohyun (to help flesh out Junmyeon’s backstory). They’ll come out a bit later, once I’ve wrapped up the main conflict.


Q. Are the minor characters (Jihyun and Jeongyeon, for example) based on real-life celebrities too? I’m asking because I want to visualize them better!

A. Yes! Since I’m sure you’re familiar with the other idols mentioned, here’s a cast list of other minor characters you might be unfamiliar with in real life: Nam Jihyun (OC’s best friend; Kyungsoo’s girlfriend), Seo Jeongyeon (OC’s dad’s secretary), Byun In-chul (OC’s dad), Jeon Jihyun (Ms. Jeon). Hope that helps!




That’s it for Chapter 4.5! Thank you to everyone who sent questions. I hope we get to do another one of these soon and please also look out for future special chapters~

In the meantime, enjoy Chapter 5! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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the special chapter in junmyeon’s POV is here! apologies for taking so long to update. please read the notes at the end of the chapter as i’ve explained my reasons there. thank you.


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Chapter 11: nooo chanyeol nd joohyun wants to in their relationship now like wow they have a lot of guts after they hurt the both of them TT
1876 streak #2
Chapter 11: chanyeol, you lil mf 😭😭 i knew he was sus 😭
1876 streak #3
Chapter 10: i really feed bad for baek and hyeran T_T
and oh? we have a joohyun cameo 😳
1876 streak #4
Chapter 9: *this user's soul has left her body*
1876 streak #5
Chapter 8: baekhyun is such a nice brother T_T
ngl, the only junmyeon fic that made me heart race as if im going to get a heart attack is this fic 😭💛 every time i read the scenes of junmyeon, your writing does something to my insides and i LOVE that feeling 😭👌🏻
1876 streak #6
Chapter 7: i highly suspect chanyeol for the photo exposing our otp 🤺
1876 streak #7
Chapter 6: so many heart flutterings istg 😭😭 and the kiss at the end-- i think im going to d1e. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!
1876 streak #8
Chapter 5: i guessed it right too~ ofc a c baek has a c sis, hehe 😌👌🏻
1876 streak #9
Chapter 4: the poem was so beautiful 😭😭 and omg my heart was having a marathon in the last segment AND THEN I READ THE LAST LINE SHSJS NOW IM DED 😭 JUN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY HEART!!!😫😫