Taking a chance

Sugar coated
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-Hello stranger

-Hey Shu, I hope I'm not bothering you

-Nah, you called right on tim Daiyu no, no don´t touch it´s hot, look Jin ah can you hold on a second?

Soojin heard a noise indicating that Shuhua had put her cell phone somewhere and a conversation in the distance, she couldn’t help but smile while listening to Shuhua and Daiyu talking. Yeh Shuhua had surprised everyone when she adopted Daiyu a few years ago, Shuhua was very immature and irresponsible, a homebody who burn down her kitchen more times than firefighters would like but as soon as she got the call that her cousin had died and nobody wanted to take her baby she took responsibility for the baby without thinking twice. Raising a baby hasn’t been all fun and games,it was difficult, tiring, stressful and several times Soojin had heard Mrs. Yeh telling Shuhua to give the baby up for adoption but Shuhua was determined to give her little one the best life possible. It was tough at first, balancing work and taking care of a child but Shuhua become more responsible in every sense of the word, Shuhua´s mother drops by every weekend or so to helps out and Soojin and their group of friends helped as they could too

-I'm sorry Jin ah, we're making cookies

-Cookies? Your mama's recipe?

-You got it right, too bad you're not here to prove th COMING! there is someone knocking on the door Jin ah

-Are you expecting a visit?

-No, maybe it's the wrong apartment

Shuhua says as she makes her way to the entrance of her apartment, she opens the door and to her surprise Soojin is standing there with a big smile on her face.



Shuhua pulls her into a hug that is quickly returned, Soojin smiles as she smells the delicious aroma of peaches that comes from Shuhua

-I missed you

-I missed you too, please come in

Soojin walked into the apartment and the first thing she noticed was the living room buried in all kinds of toys, coloring books,sketchbooks and colored pencils spread across the floor

-I know it's a little messy but she finally got over the flu

-It´s alright

-Come on, she is gonna be so happy to see you, Daiyu I have a surprise for you

They both smiled when they heard the sound of thumping feet coming from the bedroom, Soojin crouches down while a smiling Daiyu ran straight into her arms

-Aunt Jin

-Hey Dada

 Soojin smiles as she hugs her closer

-When did you grow so much?

Daiyu giggled as Soojin ruffled her hair, pushing her hand away

-I didn´t

-Yes you did, you are almost the size of Auntie Soyeon

Daiyu just hugged her tighter

-I missed you

-I missed you too

-We are making cookies

-That sounds like fun. Can I help?


Daiyu immediately released her and pulled Soojin towards the kitchen

-Good lucky

Shuhua says with a smirk as she follows them into the kitchen

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I never tire of repeating, our girls are the most creative group of this generation ... Revenge is perfect, Yeh Shuhua... damn!
When did they have time to record this mv? No wonder they were sick, working 24/7


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1290 streak #1
Chapter 709: She's not so drunk now is she
1290 streak #2
Chapter 708: Like throwing all care to the win it can come later 🤣
jisookim1243 #3
Chapter 708: hello?@??÷? thjs made my day hehe thank u for ths💕
jisookim1243 #4
Chapter 707: the tororo part is so cute, but i need to see shu alpha more
1290 streak #5
Chapter 707: The tittle made me chuckle LOL
1290 streak #6
Chapter 706: Oh thank God it didn't end like that last part 😭
1290 streak #7
Chapter 705: Oh that 😭😭 Yuqi 😭😭
1290 streak #8
Chapter 704: LMAO not her falling in love with the dog only to find out there's another one secretly
1290 streak #9
Chapter 703: The big smile I have on my face right now because I could truly see them all in the future having kids and thing just not changing despite the years
1290 streak #10
Chapter 702: So thank the nice barista 🤣🤣