She Won't Seperate Us

His Mistress

She was stunned…to say the least. So much information had been thrown at her in the last few minutes that she found it hard to breathe. After watching Jaejoong storm out of the room, she didn’t know how to react. What had just happened?


She looked around the table to see her parents’ expressions equally as shocked as hers. When she looked at Madame Kim, her expression was unreadable.


Yuri cleared , “Um, Madame, umma, appa. I’m sorry but would be alright if I excused myself for a little?”


“Of course. I must apologize for my son’s behavior. He really doesn’t take surprises well. I assure you, he is not usually like this,” Madame Kim started to do damage control for her son’s behavior.


Yuri stood from her seat and started to leave the room. It was clear that dinner was over. She would leave her parents to talk to Madame Kim. Although the Kim mansion was huge, she was able to find the garden out back relatively fast. She was in desperate need of fresh air.


She sighed as she looked up at the stars. Kim Jaejoong. She had heard of the name before. He was rather famous among the young social elites. Yuri tried to recall anything she had heard of him before.


She knew that he had been working alongside his mother ever since he graduated from college. Because of this, he was known for his cold business tactics that has made Kim Cosmetics one of the most profitable companies in both Korea and Japan. She could see why her parents had agreed to this marriage. Her parents marriage had been a business arrangement as well. Even after 30 years of being together, the marriage was nothing more than just a mutual care and respect for one another. Even though her mother knew her father kept several mistresses, she never made a fuss about it. She continues to stay by his side and act as a loyal wife, and the jester is returned by her father, who turns a blind eye to her mother affairs.


She had hoped that her parents wouldn’t subject her to such arrangements, but she had seen it coming for the past years, which was the main reason why she had stayed in China for so long—to avoid her parents’ arrangements.


Now the question was, why was Jaejoong so offended by the arrangement? Jaejoong was certainly not an idiot. Arranged marriages were very common in the business world, there was no way he didn’t see this coming. She is no expert when it comes to men, but he seemed to enjoy her company during dinner. Even if he didn’t agree to the marriage, was it really necessary to make such a big deal out of it?


Then something snapped into her mind. He has a girlfriend. She recalled reading a magazine about Kim Jaejoong being a long term relationship. Suddenly his reaction made sense. He was upset because he would have to break up with his girlfriend to marry her.


“Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?” she thought to herself…


Tiffany froze when she heard what Jaejoong had said. What did he mean she found someone?


After a few more minutes of hugging her, Jaejoong was finally able to calm down.


“Oppa, please explain to me what you’re talking about? What do you mean she found someone for you,” Tiffany asked with a worried expression on her face.


“My of a mother found a fiancé for me,” Jaejoong answered in the calmest voice he could manage.


Tiffany’s heart stopped for a second. She wanted to pinch her skin to make sure this was real. It felt like her darkest nightmare was coming true. Madame Kim was really serious when she said their relationship wouldn’t last, “Oppa, what should we do then? Does this mean we have to break up?”


Jaejoong could tell that Tiffany was scared and freaked out. He drew her into his arms again, “Don’t worry babe. I won’t go through with this. Even if I lose everything, I won’t let her separate us.”


Jaejoong sat in his office thinking of ways to get out of his current situation. He had spent most of the morning doing research on his “fiancé”.


Kwon Yuri. A name that was quite popular among young businessmen. At the young age of twenty-four she was already the vice president of her father’s company. She had spent time studying abroad and after graduation had spent most of her time working in the China branch of her father’s company. On top of that, she was the quite the beauty—a fact that Jaejoong had to admit, though she would never be as beautiful as his Tiffany. It was very clear why his mother had chosen Kwon Yuri to be the next candidate to try and shove in his face as his wife. Yuri came from a very wealthy family who could help Kim Cosmetics expand its markets. She was also successful and ambitious—she was practically his mother encased in a body 25 years younger.


He had to admit that from a business stand point she did make a good match for him. But business wasn’t everything. There was no way he would marry anyone who was not his Fany.


He had woken up to a phone call from his mother telling him to come to the office immediately. He had arrived to find her in his office, waiting for him…


this morning

“What do you want mother,” he asked his mother coldly.


“I only want to tell you one thing, Jaejoong. I told you this would happen one day. The fact that you’re acting like a child about this situation, won’t change the fact that you ARE going to marry Yuri in a few months. Her parents and I have already started wedding preparations, as well as merging contracts for our companies. So start getting it through your thick skull that you and your little girlfriend will never be together forever,” with those words Madame Kim exited his office…


His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his secretary on the intercom, “Mr. Kim there’s a Miss. Kwon Yuri on the line for you.”


What did she want from him, “Put her through.”



“Hello, is the Jaejoong-sshi?” he heard her soft voice come through the phone.


“Yes, Miss. Kwon, what can I do for you?” Jaejoong answered coldly. He didn’t want her to get any ideas of him warming up to her.


“Um, I was wondering if you had time for lunch tomorrow to talk this arrangement. I know you have a girlfriend and all, so I wanted to talk about a way we could make this all work,” Yuri proposed hopefully. She didn’t want to defy her parents, but she also didn’t want him and his girlfriend to break up because of this arrangement.


Just when he was about to reject her, he thought of Fany, and how scared she looked last night. He would do anything to make that expression go away. Perhaps talking to Yuri wouldn’t hurt, he needed to know where she stood on this whole arranged marriage issue, “Ok, I can meet with you for lunch to tomorrow. I’ll have my secretary call you with the details.”


“Alright Jaejoong-sshi. Thank you.”

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Chapter 1: update soon please
kpopluver626 #2
Chapter 4: Very intresting
I hope they will have a decent talk & work this whole thing out
I know Jae somehow is going to marry Yul but I disapprove that ideas.. >.< poor fany..
meeeyi #4
i'm glad they're getting the chance to talk it out to each other...
although it seems like if fany agrees jaejoong, though unwillingly, would agree as well.
but still... :/
ugh i just wanna see how they talk things out now..
I'm not really sure if Yuri's plan is going to work for the 3 of them..youri might fall for jaejoong and tiffany might get jealous day by day and it'll ruin jaefany's relationship :' but keep on going! ^^
brainyme #6
Nice fic....update soon.
meeeyi #7
I hope they manage to work things out...
Or maybe they should meet as a trio? Then they could let fany have some input too...
I just hope fany doesn't take this the wrong way... :/
Jaelyntastic #8
New reader ^^
and Jaefany Shipper ~
Please update soon.
U got urself a new subscriber..
I'm not a fan of "Jaefany" but I will give it a try

Update soon