Pull this knob

Breaking Traditions

Chapter 5

For the past couple of days, Jisoo has been having a difficult time in adjusting with her mom. Everday her mom's constant nagging at her lifestyle choices makes her want to chop off her ears.To prevent her from doing so, she went up to the roof deck and took a breather.

Only she was not alone, a tall blonde igure was already at the vicinity. 

Hey Chaeyoung. 

Wassup Ji. I haven't heard from you this couple of days.

Jisoo sighs and joins with her neighbor, Chaeyoung, in gazing the view of Seoul. Yeah, it's been crazy. My mom is sorta staying at my place for a while.


Jisoo then tells her about her mom's predicament.

How long?

Who know? Till my grandfather takes her back in, I guess.

When's that gonna happen? 

When she gets married..... or proves immaculate conception.

Chaeyoung laughs at her dry remark and continues to listen at her venting. 

She's been driving me crazy. Last night, I went straight home after work because I was so tired. So I had a plan in ordering a bucket of chicken and catch up on some sleep but then just as I enter my home, all I can hear is " Jisoo, I changed your black cutrains, it's just depressing. Look how cheerful this red is", "Jisoo, what have you been eating?! Where are your spices?? You have no oyster sauce?? ", "Jisoo, since when did you drink beer?". as Jisoo exaggeratedly mimicks her Mom's voice. 

I think your mom just loves you very much. Just give it some time. If you need any help, you know where you can find me. I'm just a few feet away from your unit.

Yeah, thanks. 

Their conversation ended shortly after that as Chaeyoung needs to catch up on checking her students' papers. Jisoo bid her farewell but continued to stay at the roof deck and gaze pensively at the view......


A week later, Monday rolled in. Back at the hospital, Jisoo replayed the conversation about her Mom to Lisa during lunch time. They walk at the vending machine to get some snacks. 

Well, why can't she get her own apartment?

Are you insane? My mom. getting. an. apartment? No, the woman could never live alone.

Did she tell you about the father?

Nope. When I did, she keeps dodging the questions and changes the topic.

As they walk nearer to the machine, an envelope was attached. Lisa reads the message at the front of the envelope. "Pull this knob"? 

Jisoo's heart beated fast and quickly opens the envelope.

              My show opens for three weeks starting on Friday at Dancespace. 

                                                                                                                                                                                          8 pm.


4 coins were also taped inside the letter. Jisoo smiles widely as she quietly reads the letter. 

Lisa looks at Jisoo's sudden brightened face. Wow, I only ever see you smile like that during surgery.

Maybe Monday's are not always bad.


Later that evening, Jisoo went home early and brought 2 fortune packages from Donghae.

Mom, I'm home. Mr.Lee brought me this. He says the big one is for your morning sickness.

Dara sniffs the package and placed it at the top of the refrigerator. Jisoo watches her mom's cooking.

That smells good. I haven't had any real food today.

Dara smiled at her daughter's compliment. Smells good right?

Is that what's for dinner?

No, that's just a special treat. We have chicken, sweet pea stalks and fish with bean sauce.

Jisoo clears and tries to ask her mom again. So Mom....... who's the uhm.....the..... Are you planning to keep the....

Dara quickly changes the topic. I cleaned your refrigerator earlier. By the way, why haven't you use the face masks that I sent you. 

Oh. I just haven't had the time. I have been busy with work. 

Hmmm. Come on, let's eat. They went to the dining room and talk about her work. As if her lingering question didn't happen a while ago.....

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Chapter 6 is up. The chapter you have all been waiting for. How was it? More chapters like this to come ;)
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Verklempt2 #1
Chapter 6: Guys! This is Verklempt! I was locked out of my account. I can't seem to get my password right for somehow. :( So I made a new account and continued the story there. It's Breaking Traditions (Continuation). Sorry for the trouble. Thank u
rookiex5 #2
Chapter 6: They kisssedddd
Chapter 5: Thanks for this update:)
rookiex5 #4
Chapter 5: Cant wait for jensoo interactions uwu..
Why is her mother so fishy hmm
rookiex5 #5
Chapter 3: Jisoo is whipped
Chapter 2: Interesting story! :)
nyssa21 #7
Chapter 2: im totally invested to see what happens next !