
My Only Hope

Third – Person Pov

Detective lee pulls out of his car, walking towards the Byuns residence, the couple seemed surprised, Shouldn’t they get used to visits by now ? their child is gone missing detective lee thought. Mrs. Byun shares the number of the manager of the store she worked for cross-checking  basic information about the couple when the Detective spoke with the  man he seemed to make it seem like that the Byuns were like any other happy family

After the detective leaves the place, Mrs. Byun was busy making adjustments at work until investigation related to Baekhyun was going on.

“What if Baekhyun hasn’t gone missing but is maybe dead” her boyfriend speaks out of blue

“What will you do?”

“Oppa, why are you saying that … I don’t have any black clothes”

“Your unbelievable” he replies while fixating his eyes on the video game

“But why would you say that.. anyway even if he went out late that night and lost his way he can call us, he has our numbers and our address”

“Would you  prefer him dead or not ?” he questioned again pausing and turning towards her

Mrs. Byun frowns “Again.. why would anyone kidnap him, we don’t even  have money also if they try  to bribe us ”

Her boyfriend snickers, “Oppa, would you prefer if Baekhyun is dead”

“Of course, he was problematic anyway” He states simply              

“What if he not dead..”

“That will be troublesome for us ..wouldn't it be …they will surely investigate the marks on his body …..right now, Baekhyun would be better off dead and silent for everyone”


Park Chanyeol Pov

School went as usual but it was distracting for me as Baekhyun was home alone …I hope he can manage. Sehun and I managed to have a private talk where I told him everything, I stopped counting the numberless times Sehun sighed listening to the what Baekhyun had gone through.

“But Chanyeol …you have to be careful...Baekhyun’s missing from home has reached the media and maybe the investigation has started …what I’m saying is you  if they get to know they might reason you to be the kidnapper..”Sehun whispered

I nod slowly, as it is it was a lot to take in this added to the list of worries in my head.

“Don’t worry I will figure out soon”

Before reaching home I plan to buy some groceries and things Baekhyun might need while staying over at my house

My eyes land upon small hair cutting kit, he needed a haircut anyway.

Baekhyun’s Pov

Today had been a peaceful day, I strolled in Sunbae’s room I fixed his bed and ate the lunch he had packed for me, before that I had to wait for his parents to leave for work, I got so scared when one of them tried to open his door, that I literally ran to the attached bathroom and locked myself there, This too I had to do carefully as possible cause the IV drip was attached to the pole which the ambulance people set it up for me. I guess it was Sunbae’s Dad who was talking to his wife he had found weird that Sunbae had locked his room which he never does during the day time.

The more I try to reason out, I  conclude that we will be caught soon also I cannot stay here for long and burden Sunbae…..

But I don’t want to go back too….

I had dozed  off at the armchair when I heard someone opening the door with the key, I rushed to the bathroom

Park Chanyeol Pov

 I tried to reach home early as possible, I’m so early that even dad is also not home.

I quickly place the things required for the kitchen and separating the things for the house and the things I got for Baekhyun. Speaking of Baekhyun I can barely hear him doing anything, I wash my hand taking the things I got for him I open the door,

“Baekhyun-ah” I speak softly just in case he was resting, instead, I’m greeted with an empty tidy bed and room.

Where’d he go, I look around scratching my head

I lightly tap at my bathroom door “Baekhyun, Are you inside? It’s me !”

He opens the door immediately and breathes out the breath he had holding, he seemed to be so worried that I can see few drops of sweat on his foreheads, I wipe it with my palm and hug him

He seems to be surprised but wraps his frail arms around me.

“How was today? Did you eat the tiffin “ I ask while I loosen my arms around him

“Yes, Sunbae” he replies looking down, he got red ears at the sudden skinship

“I’ve got some snacks you can munch on during intervals” I show him the dozen of snacks in the polybag.

Its takes a moment for him to speak “Sunbae……you are doing a lot for me …. This is too much” I speak in a small voice

I sit my on bed and hold both his hands pulling him towards me, coming at Baek’s eye level

“Baek, this is not too much..your weak and to build your immunity you need to eat loads, kid”

“No Sunbae, Please don’t do extra .. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, but you know.. I’m already taking place here ..”

“Baek …. Do you want to go back ?” I asked surprised

“No Sunbae” he replies rapidly “But I do not want be a burden to you” he adds quietly

“Baekhyun-ah, why do you say it like that, it is not like that at all and I want you to stop calling yourself a burden, you deserve everything !…you no longer belong there .. you belong here, Safe and Sound…Ok” I tell him squeezing his hands

He nods looking down, I pull his chin up gently “Ok?”

“Yes, Sunbae “

“Also you can call me Hyung, We are not even at school ..hmm ?”

“Yes S-Hyung” he smiles for the first time since he came here

We spend the rest of the evening doing our own work, I give some of my old books to Baekhyun to read since he was sitting idle after I while I give him the meds doc told me to get him, I  remove the IV drip like doc had told me to. Dad came from work we had dinner together like we usually do, Mum, as usual, had a busy night shift. I return with some extra food for Baek without making it obvious.

Baek eats the food peacefully, he looked similar to a puppy, he gets embarrassed when he catches me staring at him.

Before going to sleep I keep the plates in the kitchen before going up when dad calls in the living room.

“Chanyeol- ah ..why did you lock your room today ..simply asking “

“Uhm .. I have a science project so its gonna be pretty big … so I’ll keep it closed so that it stays the way I left …” I say making my excuse as realistic as possible


“Goodnight dad” I reply waving

Baekhyun seems to be engrossed in the book he was reading, “Baek.. did Dad try to open today morning”


“Don’t worry I've told him some excuse to keep him at bay”

He nods, looking back at his book, I brush his fringe and ask him if he liked its, which he did

All of a sudden, I search the kit I got to cut Baek’s hair

“I got this ..” he looked confused

“To cut your hair” I continue

“You can do that ?“ he asks surprised

“Well... I can try “

“Ok…but don’t make me look funny..” he said cautiously

I chuckle to what Baek told me with a serious expression, Next thing I do is taking him to the bathroom and trim his hair like I saw in the video, I try to be as neat as possible after a while I show the mirror

“How is it ?” I ask expectative

“I like it, I feel light “ Baek replies smiling he shakes his head brushing the hair stuck on his neck.

“Hyung knows so many things ..” he compliments, it's now my turn to blush to which he laughs lightly

We clean the mess and go to  bed, I tuck in Baek, when he holds onto my hand and tells to share the bed and not sleep on the chair

“Will that be okay with you ?” I ask

“Of course, you have such big bed, “ I says patting next to space beside him

I lie down and face towards Baek “Don’t try to take less space as possible ok? Tell me when you feel uncomfortable ..hmm ..I’m bit tall you see” I say pointing at my self

He nods, after a while of turning and  twisting he turns towards me, Baek pokes my cheek since I have my eyes  closed

“Hyung... Can I hold your hand?” he asks sweetly

“Looks like he’s asleep”  he murmurs but holds my hands anyway, it hardly a minute when I hear puppy-like snores soon after holding onto my hand, I peep through my eyelids looking at his sleeping figure, I pull his hand close my chest before sleeping.



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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1383 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1383 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1383 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1383 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1383 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1383 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu