Chapter - XI

My Only Hope

Third-Person pov

Few days went by Chanyeol and Baekhyun barely managed to keep low – profile, there was a lot of questioning from the parents as they had never seen Chanyeol behaving in a suspicious manner. They were confused to see why Chanyeol had been eating equivalent to the food two people could eat or why he would be locked up in his room for longer than usual at times they would ignore these thoughts by concluding that Chanyeol had been going through puberty.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol was confused and kind of scared as to how to bring up the fact he had been hiding the child they had been hearing the news of. It had been almost a week, he barely manages to get out with weird excuses, whenever the question-answer session with his parents starts. Living with Baekhyun was not too difficult, they have become quite close in such a short time which Baekhyun finds surprising since he had never been able to be friends for that long, Chanyeol, on the other hand, had become someone who was ready to risk to such an extent was a new feeling. Baekhyun felt thankful towards his Hyung for many things.

One of the nights, Baekhyun was whimpering and sweating uncontrollably, Chanyeol forced his eyes to open adjusting to the dark, his heart jumped to his throat when he saw Baekhyun trembling like that, he had to shake the younger one to come to wake up from his nightmare, the moment Baekhyun’s eyes slit open he started softly sobbing, it pained Chanyeol to see him like that he kept on repeating how ahjusshi is going to chase him and murder him. Chanyeol ran his hands over Baekhyun’s back in an up and down motion and held him to calm him down and lull him to sleep.  At such times really felt that time was slipping by and he had to do something, but he felt he could not randomly bring Baekhyun into the living room and start the topic.

On the other hand, Detective lee was receiving news which was a new addition to the story, the source of this news was Mrs. Kim who had some pictures of some questionable marks all over Baekhyun’s Body, which the teacher clearly hinted that the child been being abused by his parents, she shared about instances of  Baekhyun’s frequent absenteeism and the attempt by the child to cover his mom when she was questioned “something which a child being abused does- protecting their guardian no matter how cruel they were” she added

After much-needed investigation over Mrs. Byun's questionable identity, Detective lee a detective to be known to dig his teeth in matter whenever he was mad about to find something about it found evidence of Mrs. Byun misbehaving with her child outside the house.

Mrs. Byun plans her boyfriend’s secret run from the house after he fled from their abode she packs all of Baekhyun’s stuff in a huge poly bag, she frets over her decisions of why she gave birth to him and such. Unable intake any more stressful situations she overdoses herself with sleeping pills.

The next thing she remembers before she ended up in jail was being arrested by the smart detective which her Oppa told her to be beware of, Mrs.  Byun gets arrested for child abuse by detective lee and other police officers.

Detective Lee notices that the lady was high on certain substance which was not at all helpful during the questioning as she was extremely high to answer regarding anything the man who had been living with her, his phone number, didn’t exist anymore. Some men were appointed to find the strange man

The CCTV footage of Mrs. Byun pushing the trolley against Baekhyun and the footage where she pushes the child down the entrance steps had gone viral on the media. Baekhyun had been unaware of what had going on, he was too scared to even ask about it from Chanyeol as he did not want Chanyeol to misunderstand him or the truth was he was too scared to find out them by himself, after being treated like that he didn’t wish to go back to such people but, at times during the day he would sit on the chair next to Chanyeol’s study table and wonder “Do I have any place to go ? “ his house had never been a home to him …

Mrs. Byun couldn’t stop the jittery feeling in her feet she just wanted to run away from everything, she had been put in the interrogation room after she had come to her senses. Detective lee enters the room, to begin with, interrogation, he begins with showing her a footage of her hitting Baekhyun with the shopping trolley at the Mart closeby to their home

“What? Can’t you see? we have zoomed it so that you can see her eyes nose and mouth !” said the Detective in an assertive tone

the lady begins with giving various excuses why she might have hit Baekhyun “Probably it was the time when..we had reached the Mart during its closing time but Baekhyun wanted to use the bathroom again and ..again” she reasoned.

“So you hit him with the shopping trolley?”

“It looks a lot more worse in the video .. all he got was a few bruises and a scratch!!”

 Detective knowing that the mother had been bluffing proceeded to show her another CCTV footage of her pushing her son “On 24rth February you pushed you, child, in front of your house, didn’t you?

“Probably, it was the day, He kept on asking for various snacks .. when we already had enough at home .. I was worried about my credit card and bills I had to pay at the end of the month”

Detective lee stared at her for a long moment enough to bore holes through her brain that she  looked elsewhere disappointed she barely had anything to say

After I while when detective lee started questioning related to the accountability of the man who lived with her she immediately responded “I used to hit Baekhyun quite often, with my hands basically everything or anything that I would come across, but Oppa always protected Baekhyun and protected me, nobody has ever done that for me !”

“Oppa!!” says the women coyly “its been a while, come in”

Baekhyun’s Pov

It has been exactly eight days at Sunbae’s place since today was a weekend Sunbae and his dad were washing their car, I was watching them peacefully from the window in Sunbae’s room. I watch sunbae fooling around with his dad with the water pipe they were washing the car with   .”Is this what a normal family –time looks like? “

The window I had been looking from was slightly open as it had been quite a while since Sunbae let some fresh air in the room, I see a beautiful woman enter from the entrance she seemed to be Sunbae’s mom, they don’t resemble though I stop such a thought from running in my head, how can I think so carelessly,

It took split second for the women to notice me even though she cannot actually see me cause of mirror –reflecting glassn but the sudden movement of me hurriedly closing the window caused her to become more suspicious

I could hear the thudding of people climbing the steps to the room, Sunbae attempting to stop her for the last time, but somehow managed to open the door since Sunbae didn’t lock me this time before I could hide, I felt my conscience stopping from hiding this time I cannot reside here secretly forever.

I think more than the woman it was Sunbae whose eyes popped out “Who is he ?” she asked

Sunbae was caught in the moment, he seemed to have lost his voice, I felt sorry towards him but I felt sorrier for staying and taking all the benefits Sunbae provided me with.

She came forward and lightly held my sleeve “Why is he wearing your old clothes ..?”

“Mom... Dad” Sunbae whispered “I have something to tell you guys”


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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1372 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1372 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu