Chapter - IX

My Only Hope

Third –Person Pov

While Baekhyun ended up safely at Chanyeol’s abode, they are unaware of the fact that neighbors have reported an abrupt break in which happened at Baekhyun’s house, though they do not know about Baekhyun’s whereabouts and the ambulance. It was only when the couple arrived they got to see their entrance door ajar with neighbors standing outside and find their son missing. The person most who is most shocked in this situation happens to be Mrs. Byun’s boyfriend who mercilessly choked him to death before they had left for dinner.

Police sirens can be heard from a distance in no time the police arrives and start with taping with the house which was broken into with no entry /under investigation zone stickers

“Oppa, I think it would be better for you to go elsewhere, don’t come back for a few days”

“I can’t make a move right away, you don’t speak much just cry, he was your son after all and  if they question about me just say I treated him just like my own  son, alright,” He told her discretely

Baekhyun’s mom nods to whatever she was told,

“Mrs. Byun, Can I have a word with you” It was Detective Lee

“Is this your Son’s?” he asked showing her the button phone which had fallen near the laptop setup

“No…that’s my old phone ...” she replies confused

After searching the house completely, the police concluded that Baekhyun was kidnapped. Detective in charge couldn’t help but notice the off reaction of the child’s guardians both seemed to be oddly composed

“Ma’am, In order to find Baekhyun we will have to use a picture of him...If that’s alright with you”

“Show... Baekhyun’s face on T.V?” she asked in an unsure manner, fake tears building in her eyes

“Yes and for that, we need your consent”

“But it’s not sure that he is gone missing, it could be he is outside playing or strolling around ….”

Bewildered at the mother’s reaction “Yes, but it could be someone took him somewhere or worse kidnapped him by force … um if we don’t find him in the first 48 hours it will be difficult for us... sooner the better don’t you think ?”

“if we put your child’s face on TV and billboards people will look around and report to us and if someone took him it will harder for them to escape –“

“No…my child is quiet and introverted he doesn’t mix well and I cannot live with Baekhyun’s face everywhere…I do not want everyone to find out about this”

Detective Lee open his mouth to say something but is left speechless before he could take a moment to reply to the mother his assistant rushes inside the office

“Detective, that’s Miss Kim, she is Baekhyun’s teacher at school.

While rushing out the detective misses the flustered look on Mrs. Byun’s face

“Detective, What happened to Baekhyun?I saw the news and rushed here, Did you ask the mother what she had been doing that time? and also there is this man living with them did you ask about his whereabouts “


Next Morning, the detective travels to Baekhyun’s place to have a word with Mrs. Byun

When he sees a Van pull at the porch, It’s  Mrs. Byun  stepping out the van with a café latte in one hand followed by the man which the detective assumes she has been living with

“His mom didn’t go out to buy herself a  morning coffee, In this situation did she? Exactly what assignment is up for me this time?”

Park Chanyeol’s Pov

(Last Night)

After Mom and Dad returned from their month-end date they were kind of tipsy which turned out be kind of a blessing in this situation though they were surprised to see Sehun at home but didn’t budge about it, I locked my room to see off Sehun and then returned after pushing Mom Dad in  their room.

I prepare some lukewarm water for Baekhyun, he still was in the unconscious state I decide to give a mini sponge bath  since the clothes he was wearing seemed uncomfortable, Thankfully I have a personal bathroom, I quickly ready a small tub with some warm water and hand towel

“Baekhyun” I quickly low down my volume, he finally seemed to be gaining consciousness, I place the small tub at the side of my bed, I brush the fringes off his forehead.

“Sunbae …” he can barely speak

“Your throat must be paining, have some water” I place my arm around him to make him barely sit and have a few sips.

He coughs a little, I pat his back before making him lie down. He seemed to be processing his surroundings and then turns to look at me “you came… for me “he whispered

I nod and take his hand in mine “Rest, I’ll freshen you up”

I squeeze out the water from the towel dipped in water and wipe his face wipe away his overgrown fringes and dried tear stains, I wipe his bony hands the red angry marks getting more visible as I rub. Then I turn to take off his socks, surprised to find one of his feet bandaged, I try opening it as carefully as possible

“It's an old scratch, Sunbae” Baekhyun whispers when I look up sadly to meet his eyes

 I walk towards my cupboard to take out some of my old shorts and shirt, I carefully take the blanket without tangling with the IV drip pipe.

“Can I ?” I ask before I help him get out of those trousers and wipe his legs and feet with the towel to which  he nods shyly

I help wear my old shorts which are still slightly loose  around his waist.

“Front part”

Baekhyun seemed hesitant but still allowed me to clean his neck where I touched extra carefully, chest and stomach, suddenly he flinched when I was wiping his left side below his ribs.

“Sorry Sorry Sorry !..did I hurt you?”

“No Sunbae, it's just I fell on this side so …”  he looked elsewhere

I place my bare hands on his wound “Here right ?” Just how much pain did he bear? I thought to myself. I bend down to get a relief balm from the drawer and applied it on his delicate skin. I make him wear my old full sleeve night suit in which he drowns.

I slowly get up with the tub in my hands to take a quick shower “I’ll come in a min” when I come out I see him peaceful figure dozing off, quietly I shift my study table armchair towards his bed.


“Hmm” I sit down beside him holding his small hand.

“Thank you for saving me” he speaks in a broken voice trying to blink away his glassy eyes.

I brush the fringes away “Baek, you don’t need to thank me …hmm Go to sleep, don’t strain yourself”

I pat him to sleep holding onto his hands

Baekhyuns Pov

I wake up to the chirping of morning birds after the most sound sleep of my life, I find myself in a foreign room with warm hands holding onto mine, I’m suddenly in a reverie of previous night’s events when someone bangs the door which suddenly shocked me and Sunbae, who slowly sits straight and leans on the chair.

“Chanyeol-ah !!! Wake up before you get late” I hear a female voice maybe its Sunbae’s mom  

Suddenly, Sunbae opens his big eyes and blinks, he looks at me placing a finger on his lips urging me to remain quiet.

“Ok !! I am getting up” He shouts back

“Baekhyun-ah, how do you feel?” he asks brushing my disheveled hair

I slowly sit up with Sunbae’s help

“I feel better” I reply

“Baek, the thing is Mom and Dad don’t know that you are here “ he explains blinking rapidly

“Can we maintain a low profile until I’m ready ..hmm ?” he asks urgently

“Yes Sunbae”

“Good, I’ll pack some food for you and go, don’t leave this room .are you ok with that, “he asks me while squeezing both my hands

I nod squeezing his hands back

I watch sunbae rushing, before leaving he quickly comes upstairs and hands me a tiffin box

“Don’t stay hungry okay, there are some meds doc suggested I’ll get you that in the evening.. hmm”

“Yes, Sunbae”

He gives me a small pat on my head and tells me not to worry and that he will  come soon

I watch him leave from the huge window in his room when I thought he isn’t seeing me he turns looking at the window longingly before hopping away

I guess he is the only factor keeping me sane while my world has turned upside down...


These some handholding images explainning the way chanyeol held Baeks hands

Morning after

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Hi Everyone !! thankyou for checking out my story and subscribing , I hope i am able to convey all their feelings
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Exosaranghae614 signing off ...<3


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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 28: Chan is so sweet - I hope that high school is a good experience for Baek👍
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 27: I always worry a little when everything is going too good...
Chapter 26: So sweet:)
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 26: Very fluffy and sweet - nice to see Baek making progress with a positive supportive relationship rather than an abusive one🌞
Beau1996 1385 streak #5
Chapter 25: After Baek being so long without comfort - emotional or physical, it's nice to see he and Chan's relationship changing ❤️ Nice update author-nim ✌️
Anindita_ #6
Chapter 24: The answer is you chanyeol
Beau1996 1385 streak #7
Chapter 24: Looks like I was right !!
Anindita_ #8
Chapter 23: Hmm, i wonder if baek sleep well in the same bed with chan
Beau1996 1385 streak #9
Chapter 23: I think Baek's sleep inducer is going to be cuddling with Chan...
Looking forward to next update!
Anindita_ #10
Chapter 22: Congratulation baekhyu