Chapter 1

Passionate hostility

"What! I have to move in with them?!"

It was difficult enough having to work in that wretched place but now he had lived there? Baekhyun crossed his arms when a thought occurred to him.

"You waited until I said yes to working there before telling me I have to live there?" He accused, knowing that he was right when his mother stared at the floor in silence. She could never look people in the eyes when she felt guilty. "I can't believe you would do something like that!"

"I'm sorry Baek. I knew you would say no if I told you you had to live with them," she mumbled, playing with her fingers like a child caught doing something they weren't supposed to.

Baekhyun groaned. He had no choice now but to live with the Parks as his mother already informed the family that her son would take their place. Of course, with his luck, he should've expected this. As if wasn't bad enough that he had to work for the people he hated most, now he had to live with them too? And see their son at school? His life really could not get worse, could it?

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for you and dad," he stated, feeling a slight smile form on his face when his mother wrapped her arms around him, thanking him multiple times.


Iron gates stood before the towering structure, seemingly safeguarding it from those unworthy to step foot in such a grandeur estate. Situated in the midst was a stunning marble fountain, spewing water so elegantly, it was breathtaking. The mansion glistened in the sunlight, looking as though it was a diamond amongst the dirt.

As he stood behind the gates, Baekhyun felt a sense of inferiority strike him. Someone like him couldn't even dream of owning such an extravagant estate. Even the trash in the house probably had more worth than him.

Baekhyun shook his head at his thoughts. The one thing he was taught was to be proud of his background and never feel inferior to others. Even when got bullied in school for being the poor kid, he felt no shame. Instead, he worked his off to get the best grades in class. His work ethic was his best trait but it didn't change the fact that some people were born lucky.

A certain giant, big-eared male infiltrated his thoughts. Park Chanyeol. Even his name made Baekhyun fill with rage. It especially angered him when his parents spoke highly of the male, chastising Baekhyun whenever he insulted the boy. His parents always told him that he was being petty, hating someone he didn't know personally but Baekhyun was never wrong about a person. And the fact that he was the heir to such an evil family could only mean he was just like them.

Baekhyun's bitter thoughts were interrupted when a young, but mature-looking, brunette male approached him. "You must be the new guy, Baekhyun right? I heard about your father, I'm so sorry for you and your mother. Mr. Byun was-" he male paused for a second, realizing his mistake. "I apologize. I mean, Mr. Byun is an incredible man who always cheered us up with his bright personality. We are so thankful you agreed to take his place. The Park's believed he was the best cook in town and only his son could be his successor."

Baekhyun smiled at the man awkwardly before answering with a timid "thank you." He could tell that the other male was confused at his reaction. Most people expected him to be like his father but he was the complete opposite. He was shy and introverted, especially around people he didn't know.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to ask. Who are you?" Baekhyun questioned after a long, painfully awkward silence.

"Oh! Silly me! I ramble endlessly but forget to introduce myself. I am Kim Joonmyun, head butler. I've been working with the Parks for almost ten years and before you ask my age- I'm 27."

Baekhyun nodded his head, shaking the male's hand. He could tell Joonmyun was a nice person. The male had the warmest smile and bright, full-of-life eyes. It confused Baekhyun how someone could be so happy working for the devils for so long.

"Maybe we should go ins-" Joonmyun's words were interrupted by several cars pulling up behind them. Baekhyun turned around, watching as multiple teenagers came out of the cars all at once. From their appearance alone, it was clear they were wealthy and from the way they were dressed, it seemed as if they were going to some party.

"What's going on here?" Baekhyun questioned as they stood outside the gates, loud and rowdy.

Baekhyun watched as Joonmyun approached them, looking just as lost as Baekhyun. When the male got close to the gate, he questioned what they were doing outside the mansion.

"Open the gate! We were invited here for a party!" A girl, looking the same age as Baekhyun, obnoxiously stated. After she said that, the crowd went crazy, demanding to be let in.

Joonmyun was visibly taken aback, staring at the wild crowd in shock. "Invited to a party-"

Before he could finish his sentence, a tall, slim boy with light blonde hair approached them, exuding confidence as he strutted towards them like a runway model.

"Yo, open up the gate old man. Chanyeol invited us," the male proclaimed, a slight smirk on his face. Once again, the crowd went wild, cheering the boy on like he was their leader.

Joonmyun looked conflicted, staring at the teenagers for a moment before opening the gate with a sigh. The cheers of the group were deafening as they walked into the mansion. Suddenly, five more cars pulled up and out of them came even more teenagers. It seemed like an army of bratty kids had been formed.

Baekhyun stared at Joonmyun in confusion. He did not expect his first day to go like this. "Why did you just let them in like that. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Park?"

"They are away for a business trip. I have no control over these things, unfortunately, if master Chanyeol invited them for a party I must allow them in. I will make sure Mr. and Mrs. Park hear about this though, you shouldn't have to deal with this on your first day."

Baekhyun could feel the rage bubbling inside of him. Did they really just let that Park Chanyeol get away with everything?!


Baekhyun didn't expect his first day to go well but this was just ridiculous. Joonmyun was showing him the kitchen as it was filled with teenagers drinking and partying. At this point, the mansion was full, the air smelling of expensive perfumes and sweat. Like any other high school party, almost every single person was wasted. He couldn't hear Joonmyun even as the male was shouting over the ear-deafening music.

Apparently, he and Joonmyun were the only people working because Mr. and Mrs. Park were away so they didn't need all the extra workers. Baekhyun was visibly getting annoyed. He was always professional when it came to his job but when you're getting bumped by drunk teenagers and can feel your ears start to ring because of the loud music, you would be annoyed too.

It was only when another teenage boy bumped into him, spilling his drink on Baekhyun, that he snapped. He turned towards the boy, grabbing him by the collar. "Am I ing invisible?!" He questioned, kneeing the male where it hurt most. "Where's the bathroom?" He questioned, screaming as loud as he could.

Joonmyun stared at him, flabbergasted, obviously not expecting the small-looking boy to do such a thing. "There's one upstairs, third door to your left," the male stated once he got over his shock. He watched as Baekhyun walked away, speechless.


Chanyeol groaned as he stared at the trigonometry problem for what felt like hours. Math was his worse subject and his tutor wasn't available. He threw his pencil across the room, burying his head in between his knees. His stomach growled, he hadn't eaten anything all day. He hated ordering out and now they didn't have a cook. After finding out that their cook wouldn't be working with them anymore, he was devastated. Both his cook and the cook's wife quit suddenly. His parents didn't tell him anything, just that their son would take their position.

Chanyeol really hoped Mr. Byun's son could cook like his dad because he was a picky eater and Mr. Byun knew all his likes and dislikes and always cooked the best things. He groaned again as his stomach grumbled once again. Getting up, he decided to grab a snack and maybe try again later.

Right before he could leave, his door was slammed open, revealing his blond-haired best friend along with a group of other people.

"What the Sehun what's going on?" He questioned, before covering his ears when they started blasting loud music. "Sehun! What is this? Why are there so many people here?!" He asked, starting to get angry.

"Chill out! Your parents are out of town so I thought it'd be a good idea to hold a party. What is this... are you studying?" The male questioned, looking at Chanyeol in disbelief.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "You know my parents won't let me take over the company if I don't get my grades up. Unlike you, my parents care about my education," he stated. Sehun's parents never cared what he did. He never had any consequences for his actions which always led him to rebel even harder.

"Yeah, whatever. let's go party man," the male grabbed a random red cup before leaving the room, letting in more people into the room as he left.

Chanyeol stared in annoyance, feeling the floor vibrate because of the music. He kicked out all the people in his room, groaning for what felt like the millionth time. His parents would rage if they found out he held a party while they were gone, even if he wasn't the one who held it.

Right as he got all the cups cleaned, the door to his room slammed open as a couple waltzed in, in the middle of an intense makeout session. They were clearly too busy to notice Chanyeol there and it didn't take long for their clothes to start coming off.

Chanyeol looked away in disgust, quickly walking out before he had to see any more. Of course, the hallway was crowded with people. The male was getting more annoyed by the second. He had to put an end to this, it was getting out of hand.

As he walked down the stairs, he bumped into a smaller body. The stairs were just as crowded as every other place in the house and it was hard to get around. Looking down, he saw a boy who looked furious. His clothes were wet, looking like something was spilled on him. When the boy looked back at him, Chanyeol in a breath, taken aback by the male's beauty.

The boy had honey-coloured hair, stunning chestnut eyes and rosy lips. He was...adorable. Even as he fumed. Chanyeol couldn't take his eyes away from the other, not realizing how creepy he looked as he stared at the male. He didn't recognize the boy, knowing if he saw him in the hallway at school, he would definitely notice him. Also, the way he was dressed, he didn't look like the rest.

"Excuse me. You're in my way," the boy stated, feeling uncomfortable but also very... shy? Why was he getting stared at like that? Is it because he didn't fit in with the rest of the crowd? "Can you stop staring at me?! I know I look like a mess!" Baekhyun screamed, annoyed.

Chanyeol's eyes widened as he let the boy pass, surprised by his outburst. He stared at the male's retreating figure, his heart beating so fast he could hear it despite the blaring music. Was this what love at first sight was?








Chanyeol stood there, unconsciously holding his breath as that moment rewind in his head like a scene from a movie. Placing a hand on his chest, he could feel his racing heart. It was such an unfamiliar feeling, Chanyeol couldn't even describe it. He felt so... warm, maybe because he was blushing furiously. Wait, blushing—

He felt his cheeks, dumbstruck at the heat they emitted. Never before in his seventeen years of existence had he ever blushed before.

The giant male didn't realize how odd he must've looked, touching his tomato red cheeks in the middle of a crowded staircase. It was only when Sehun shook him that he came out of his trance.

"Dude, are you okay? Why's your face so red?" His friend questioned, raising an eyebrow at Chanyeol's strange behaviour. He knew the boy wasn't drunk as he would be acting a lot rowdier if he was.

"I-I don't know. I need to think. Sehun, get everyone out of here. Now," Chanyeol crossed his arms, showing how irritated he was.

"Chill Yeol, the party just started," Sehun rolled his eyes, walking up the stairs with one of the girls he had been flirting with at school.

Chanyeol glared at his friend as he walked away, beyond annoyed now. Sehun had always been impulsive and would always pull stunts like this. Now he had to shut down the party by himself.

Sometimes he wondered how he and Sehun became such close friends. They weren't always close— in fact, they weren't even friends. Sehun and his parents had been friends and business partners before the two were even born, so they had known each other their whole lives. As kids, they refused to play together. Sehun had always been cool and popular— even as a kid. Chanyeol, on the other hand, was the chubby kid that preferred hanging out with pets over other kids. Sehun thought Chanyeol was nerdy and unworthy of being his friend whilst Chanyeol hated how self-centred and arrogant the other was.

Chanyeol remembered the day they became friends so clearly. They were ten years old and Sehun was forced to go to Chanyeol's house for a dinner party. Sehun was beyond agitated because he was missing their school dance. Apparently, he was going to go with the pretty and most popular girl in their whole school. According to the boy, however, he didn't care much about her. He just wanted his nemesis, Choi Minho, to get angry because he had a huge crush on her.

So, at the party, he basically had a huge tantrum, screaming at his parents in front of all their friends. He successfully embarrassed his parents with his outburst and they dragged him by the arm, pulling him outside. Chanyeol knew he shouldn't have been eavesdropping but his curiosity got the best of him. He had always been an overly curious child.

"You've embarrassed us in front of all our friends Sehun! How are we supposed to face them now?!"

Chanyeol had never seen Mr. Oh so angry. The man was always composed, never showing much emotion. He could tell even Sehun was surprised by the stunned expression on his face.

"But... I told you guys I didn't want to come and you guys forced me to come. I'm missing the dance right now!" Sehun rebutted, crossing his arms with a pout on his face.

"For god's sake Sehun! Not everything is about you! All you had to do was be quiet like a good boy! Where did we go wrong with you?" His mother questioned with a sigh, looking at her husband, the disappointment clear in both their tones.

"You guys don't care about me. You've never gotten mad at me before when I got in trouble at school or even when I got into that fight, you guys didn't say anything to me. You barely cared. Now you guys only care because I ruined your reputation. Must be hard having a son like me huh?" The boy finished with a shaky voice, unable to contain his tears anymore.

"Sehun, stop being a brat. We'll talk about this at home. Dry those tears and get back to the party," Mr. Oh demanded, walking back to the house with his wife.

Chanyeol had never even seen the other boy mildly upset so to see him sobbing in a fetal position, he couldn't help but feel bad. Maybe there was a reason why Sehun acted the way he did. Perhaps it was all an act, perhaps there was more to the boy than what he presented to others.

As he watched from afar, Chanyeol debated whether he should comfort the boy or just walk away and pretend he never witnessed anything. It would be a lot easier to just walk away but Chanyeol just wasn't the type of person to walk away. No matter how awkward and weird he felt, he went up to the boy and comforted him and after that, everything between them changed. Somehow, a friendship blossomed between them and soon, they couldn't imagine their lives without the other.


Chanyeol loved Sehun, he really did but over the years, Sehun has dragged him into many situations he would rather not be a part of. Such as this. He groaned at the thought of having to clean this mess up. At least he had Joonmyun to help.

His eyes widened when he realized that Joonmyun was supposed to show the new cook around. Wait... ! It was Mr. Byun's son's first day and his house was packed with drunk teenagers. He instantly felt bad, he didn't want the boy to dread working here.

He turned to the kitchen, seeing an angry Joonmyun yell at a group of teenagers as they raided his fridge. Chanyeol approached the male, seeing his butler sigh out in relief. "There you are master Chanyeol! This party is getting too wild! Didn't I tell you that Baekhyun's first day was today?! Why did you invite everyone for a party?"

Chanyeol looked at the other in confusion. He didn't invite anyone-


"Joonmyun, I didn't invite anyone! Whatever that's not important right now. Where's the boy, uh Baekhyun I mean?" He questioned, hoping to apologize to the male.

"Oh! He's upstairs washing up, someone spilled their drink on him."

Chanyeol nodded his head when a thought occurred to him. Wait, someone spilled a drink on him? Does that mean that boy on the stairs was—

His thought got interrupted by his phone vibrating. Pulling it out, he glanced at the text, eyes widening as he read it. He showed it to Joonmyun, starting to panic.

His parents were going to be home in two hours because their business trip got cancelled. He had two hours to get everyone out of the house and clean up. He was dead.

"! We need to get everyone out of here!" Chanyeol stated, turning around, just to bump into someone again. And of course, it turned out to be the same boy.

"What's wrong with you?! Can you not see?!"

If it was anyone else, Chanyeol would be furious to have them talk to him like that but... even the boy's anger was adorable. He looked like a puppy. And Chanyeol couldn't help but stare into those captivating eyes.

"Oh! There you are Baekhyun! I see you've met Chanyeol. Chanyeol, this is Baekhyun, our new cook. And Baekhyun, this is Park Chanyeol, heir to the Park Corporation."


"Oh " Baekhyun thought. Of course, with his luck, he just screamed at his boss' son, twice. Why could he never keep his mouth shut? He really hoped he didn't piss the heir off too much; the last thing he needed was to get in trouble on his first day.

Noticing the weird tension between the two, Joonmyun cleared his throat. "So uh, we should start shutting the party down. Mr. and Mrs. Park will be here in two hours so we need to get everything clean. Oh and Baekhyun, I'm sorry, I know this is not ideal but they'll be expecting a meal by the time they arrive."

Baekhyun stared at the older male, about to ask if he was serious or not before realizing that he already messed up and should just do what was asked of him. He nodded his head in agreement. "How are we going to get everyone out though?" He questioned, staring at the crowd which only seemed to get larger.

"I have an idea."


After the police showed up, the teenagers were too busy running back to their cars, giving Chanyeol enough time to turn the music off. Meanwhile, Joonmyun had already started getting the place tidy. He was really glad he had Joonmyun to help him, he could barely clean his room in two hours.

"Thanks for the help man," he smiled, fist-bumping the actor who was kind enough to act as a police offer to help Chanyeol out with his plan.

After picking up way too many red cups and other... unmentionable objects, the house was finally starting to look the way it used to. Thankfully, Joonmyun was working on cleaning up the rooms and bathrooms. Chanyeol didn't even want to think of the things he would find.

A fragrant smell suddenly filled the air, reminding Chanyeol how hungry he was. He walked over to the kitchen, watching as Baekhyun chopped some veggies, stopping to stir something in a pot before going back to the veggies.

Chanyeol was entranced watching the boy cook. His concentrated face was the cutest thing. The way his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his lips forming a small pout. The way his skilled hands moved as he chopped. Wait his hands...

Chanyeol shook his head, stopping himself before his thoughts got inappropriate. He cleared his throat, walking into the kitchen. "It smells really nice in here," he said once the boy looked in his direction.

"Oh, uh, thanks."

It didn't take long for it to get awkward. The tension was palpable in the air, both boys wanting to say something but being unable to.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'm really sorry-"

They looked at each other, eyes wide, wondering why the other is apologizing.

"I'm apologizing because I screamed at you a couple of times. Why are you apologizing though?" Baekhyun questioned as he grabbed some onions, chopping them expertly.

"Well, it's your first day and you probably have a really bad impression."

Baekhyun had to hold back a snort. He had a bad impression way before he started working. He wasn't sure why the heir was apologizing to him. Didn't he know today was Baekhyun's first day? If he knew would he have not held the party?

"Actually the thing is, I wasn't the one who—"

"Yeol! What the was that?! Why did you get a fake police officer?"

The two turned to the third male entering the kitchen. Baekhyun could easily recognize him from his bright hair. It was the same guy who said Chanyeol invited them.

"Sehun, where were you?" Chanyeol questioned. He thought his friend had left. It had been an hour and a half since everyone had left and he hadn't seen the boy since.

"Dude! I was with Kim Jisoo. I was about to get some before she put her clothes on and left because of that stupid police officer!"

Baekhyun turned away, shaking his head in disgust.

"I had to get everyone out because my parents texted me saying they would be here in two hours! why didn't you help us clean?!" Chanyeol asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh well, I thought I would take a shower first."

"For an hour and a half?!" Chanyeol looked at the male incredulously. First, he held a party with over 100 people without his permission and then he didn't bother helping them clean?! Chanyeol really needed to stop letting the other get away with everything.

"Get out of here Sehun. My parents are going to be here soon."

Sehun rolled his eyes before turning to the other male in the kitchen, a smirk forming on his face as he watched the boy.

"Can I at least stay for dinner? Your parents always have me over for dinner anyway," Chanyeol saw the way Sehun looked at his new cook and it really bothered him for some reason.

"No. You have your own cook."

"Yeah but my cook isn't as cute as yours," Sehun answered, directing a wink at the now flustered boy.

Chanyeol was already mad at Sehun but now, for some reason, he wanted to punch him. The way he was flirting with his cook infuriated him.

Wait. Why was he so angry? Sehun flirted with everyone.

Chanyeol nearly jumped when his phone started ringing. He didn't have to check the caller ID to know who was calling.

"Hi, mom. Yes, everything's okay at home. Uh yes, the new cook is here, he's already started cooking. Joonmyun is here too we are just awaiting your guys' arrival. Alright, see you. Love you," he finished, looking back at Sehun once more.


Sehun was obviously stunned at Chanyeol's sudden hostile tone but he assumed it was because of the party. Even then, he wasn't used to Chanyeol being mad at him.

"Fine. See you at school. And I'll definitely see you again too," he winked at the cute cook once more, not noticing the way his best friend tensed up, before walking away.

"Sorry about him. He flirts with anyone and everyone," Chanyeol looked at the smaller boy with a smile on his face. "I hope he didn't make you too uncomfortable."

Baekhyun shook his head at Chanyeol, turning off the stove. "When are your parents going to get here? Should I start serving the food?" he questioned, ignoring the question altogether.

"They are nearby. I think you should."


Baekhyun had never cooked so many dishes in such a short amount of time. He had to keep reminding himself that his parents needed him to work there to get through his first day. Not only did he have to cook everything by himself with absolutely no help from anyone else, but he also had to serve the food to his employers and wait until they were done to take all the dishes back.

Meeting the Parks was extremely nerve-wracking for Baekhyun. They obviously had such high hopes from him because of his father and the pressure was suffocating. He put on the brightest fake smile he could muster as he greeted Mr. and Mrs. Park, hiding how intimidated he.

When it came time to serve the food, Baekhyun held his breath. Just their presence alone made Baekhyun feel like he was among royalty, it was beyond unnerving. He really hoped they enjoyed his food, he didn't want to feel like he was disappointing his father.

"Baekhyun, I hope you had time to unpack. I hope you got the chance to see your new school uniform. Tomorrow will be your first day," Mr. Park casually mentioned, taking a sip of wine.

Baekhyun looked at Joonmyun, knowing the male forgot to tell him that he would be starting school tomorrow. He didn't blame the male for forgetting, it did get crazy with the party. He just wishes he knew so he could prepare himself before having to go to a school with spoiled rich kids.

"Wow. This food is delicious. I didn't think it would be possible for you to beat your father's cooking but wow, I'm pleasantly surprised," Mr. Park complimented, looking pleased as he took another bite.

"This meal really is delightful Baekhyun," Mrs. Park chimed in, flashing a smile at the boy who was now blushing.

He didn't notice the proud smile on the heir's face nor did he notice the way Chanyeol looked at him like he was the most stunning person on earth.


















Baekhyun was confused. Really confused. As he packed, he thought back to his encounter with Chanyeol and Mr. and Mrs. Park. It wasn't.. unpleasant. Sure, he wasn't expecting them to treat him horribly but they seemed really kind. It was unnerving how nice they were considering how badly Baekhyun thought of them. Especially their son, Chanyeol. He didn't want to admit it but the male was extremely charming with his good looks and deep, y voice. Not to mention how nice the boy was. Baekhyun really didn't expect it after how rude he had been.

But then again, they could easily be putting up a facade. They obviously didn't care about his dad. Not once did they visit his father in the hospital despite the many years he worked for them. They didn't even mention him once. It was as if nothing was wrong.

Baekhyun shook his head as he folded the last shirt. He was finally done unpacking all his clothes. They had given him one of the many guest rooms and this particular one was one of the largest and most beautiful. It was really astonishing to Baekhyun. Even Joonmyeon's room wasn't as big as his. Maybe they gave it to him because they felt bad about his father?

The brunette sighed, running a hand through the blazer of his new uniform. It was a sleek black blazer with a white logo on the side. Just from the touch of the material, Baekhyun could feel how expensive it was. He didn't have many friends at his old school so transitioning to a new school wouldn't be too difficult for him. The only issue he had was having to deal with spoiled rich kids. Just thinking about the party gave him a headache.

A thought suddenly occurred to him. All those kids must've been from Chanyeol's school to hav been invited to his house, right? But they saw him here...

He groaned as he thought of being known as Chanyeol's cook in school. Being known as the poor kid at school didn't bother him but being known as a classmate's cook was his worst nightmare. Great, he'd be lucky to not get bullied at his new school.

He sighed, putting the uniform away before getting in his new, insanely comfortable bed. Closing his eyes, he let himself rest after a long, exhausting day.


It didn't occur to Baekhyun that he would be going to school alongside the heir. He was ready to take the bus before Chanyeol stopped him, dragging him to the brand new, matte black BMW they would take to school. It was strange enough to be sitting in such an expensive car but to have a driver as well? It was unnerving. He couldn't the last time he sat in a car, he had been taking the bus for years.

"Nervous?" Chanyeol questioned, breaking the long yet comfortable silence.

"Not really. Why, should I be nervous?" Baekhyun responded, turning to the heir with a raised brow.

"No," the heir shook his head. "I'll be there to help you out with everything. I'll make sure nobody says anything bad about you."

"So you're going to protect me?" Baekhyun questioned.

Chanyeol didn't reply, looking down at his lap, his cheeks turning rosy as a blush formed on his face. He mentally chastised himself for getting so shy over something so simple. Why was he feeling so protective over the other? He just wanted to stick with Baekhyun the whole time like an overbearing bodyguard.

Baekhyun turned away, confused at the other boy's reaction. Why were his cheeks so red? He didn't say anything weird, did he?


The rest of the car ride was filled with silence once again. This time, however, it was anything but comfortable.

To their relief, they reached their destination and wouldn't have to deal with the awkwardness anymore. Baekhyun couldn't relax however, seeing the castle-like building gave him more anxiety than he thought possible. He could feel multiple pairs of eyes on him already, judgmental eyes scanning him up and down to determine if he was worthy enough to enter the school.

"Yo Chanyeol,"

He looked around, seeing the same blonde-headed, extremely pale male from the party. Sehun.

"Hey wait a minute, why did you bring him to school with you?" He turned to Baekhyun, a smirk on his face, " don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see you again," he winked, turning back to Chanyeol, "but it's a bit weird to bring your cook to school."

Baekhyun mentally groaned. There were probably twenty students around them who heard everything Sehun said. If they didn't know he was the cook before, they definitely knew now.

"Shut up Sehun. My parents wanted Baekhyun to come to school with me," Chanyeol rolled his eyes, Sehun was too much sometimes.

There was nothing Baekhyun hated more than being the centre of attention. It wasn't hard to tell that Chanyeol and Sehun were the popular kids so to be seen with them, he was obviously going to garner attention. On top of that, he was the new kid. He was already dreading this day.

"Let's go Baekhyun, I'll show you around," Chanyeol turned to him, a wide smile on his face.

Baekhyun nodded his head, noticing the little dimple on the right side of his face. When Chanyeol smiled, his face lit up, showcasing his perfect teeth. He looked... really cute.

Baekhyun shook his head at his strange thoughts, following behind Chanyeol as they walked into the massive building.


Baekhyun was ready to walk out of this school and never come back. He had never felt so self-conscious before but with every person staring at him as if he had two heads, it was hard not to feel anxious. He could feel the judgment radiating from the students, knowing exactly what they were thinking by the way they looked at him.

Why is this peasant in our school and why is he walking alongside Park Chanyeol.

He figured it wouldn't take long for them to figure out who he is so he should get used to the degrading looks. After all, he was a regular, "poor" boy in a school full of the most wealthy teenagers in all of South Korea.


Once they got to the principal's office, Baekhyun was told he would be shown around by the class president. Chanyeol protested, telling the principal that he wanted to show Baekhyun around. Thankfully for Baekhyun, the principal disapproved, instead chastising Chanyeol for being late to class.

Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief as he watched Chanyeol walk to class with slumped shoulders. He didn't understand why the other so eager to show him around; it was like he didn't notice all the stares they got. Or maybe he was just used to being stared at and leaned to ignore it. Either way, Baekhyun wished he could be that unbothered.


"You must be Baekhyun."

The brunette turned around at the sound of his name, seeing a small boy with big, doe-eyes look back at him.

"Yes, and you are?" He questioned.

"Kyungsoo. I'm the class president. I was told I would have to show you around," the boy replied, his voice emotionless and monotone. He didn't seem like the friendly type.

"Oh, uh, it's nice to meet you."

"You're Chanyeol's cook aren't you?" The boy questioned, completely ignoring Baekhyun.

Baekhyun frowned. He had just gotten here and everyone knew who he was. The word really spread fast around this school. It made Baekhyun extremely nervous. He could already imagine all the rumours being spread about him right now.

"Just a piece of advice, stay away from Chanyeol. I know it might be hard since you work for him but, don't get too close to him."

Baekhyun looked at the innocent-looking boy in confusion. Where did that come from? What was he on about?

"Huh? Why?" He questioned, trying to think of an explanation. Chanyeol must've done something to Kyungsoo for the boy to warn him like this.

"Don't question it, just trust me."


Baekhyun couldn't stop thinking about Kyungsoo's words. He asked the boy several more times for an explanation but never got an answer from him. Whatever happened between the two must have been really bad if Kyungsoo wouldn't even talk about it. It was strange, really strange.

He wanted to question Chanyeol about it but he didn't see the other after he left for class. They must not have any classes together.

So far, he had been through two gruelling classes where he had to introduce himself. The stares weren't as intense when he wasn't with Chanyeol but he knew that he piqued everyone's curiosity. They openly whispered about him, leaving him in an extremely uncomfortable situation.

Finally, the teacher gave him permission to sit down and started the class. He was glad that the teacher was strict because nobody dared to utter a word while he spoke. And though the lesson was unbelievably boring, Baekhyun felt at ease not being the centre of everyone's attention.

It didn't last too long, however. Once the class was over and he got up to go to the next, someone stood in his way. She was absolutely stunning, with long, silky hair and a tall, thin frame. He felt like he was in the presence of a model.

"Uh, can I help you?" Baekhyun asked when she wouldn't move out of his way.

"Who do you think you are getting so close to MY boyfriend? You think that he cares about you just because you cook his meals?" She scoffed, "you're just a poor kid who got lucky. Do you think you deserve to be in a school like this? Know your place."

Baekhyun was speechless. He didn't know Chanyeol had a girlfriend. Such a rude one too. What did he do for her to say all those things to him? She made it seem like he stole her boyfriend. Chanyeol obviously didn't care for him one bit so why was she so angry?

Before he could respond to her outburst, he heard a deep laugh come from behind him. He turned around, seeing Chanyeol's best friend, Sehun, with an amused look on his face.

"Girlfriend? Who are you kidding Yujin? Did you forget that Chanyeol broke up with you months ago? He doesn't even consider you a friend and you're telling people he's your boyfriend? Oh and, jealousy's not a cute look on you," the blonde smiled in a mocking way, laughing again when Yujin gasped at his words.

"Shut up Sehun! You don't know Chanyeol's feelings for me! He didn't break up with me we are just taking a break!" She exclaimed, fuming.

"Right, keep telling yourself that. Everyone knows how delusional you are."

She crossed her arms, glaring at him like she was waiting for him to melt under her gaze. When she couldn't think of a response, she walked away, followed by the rest of the class who realized they were too caught up in the drama and were late to their next classes.

"I didn't know you were in this class," Baekhyun stated, once everyone had left. Thankfully for him, he had a free period so he didn't have to worry about being late.

"I always sit in the very back. The teacher barely knows I'm here," Sehun responded with a shrug.

"Oh, uh, do you have a free period?" Baekhyun asked.

"Nah. I was going to skip anyway. I wasn't going to show up for this class either but Chanyeol forced me to come. I'm glad I didn't miss it though, that was entertaining."

"Why was she saying all of those things?" Baekhyun questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? She's jealous of you because she's madly in love with Chanyeol even after he broke up with her," Sehun retorted, looking at Baekhyun like he asked the dumbest question ever.

"Jealous? Why? I'm not any competition for her, it's not like Chanyeol would ever like me."

Sehun remained silent, looking Baekhyun up and down. His gaze was so intense it made Baekhyun want to shrink up. After getting stared at all day, he felt like the way Sehun was looking at him was different. There wasn't any judgment in his eyes, he wasn't looking at Baekhyun like he was inferior. Baekhyun couldn't tell what Sehun was thinking as the boy analyzed him but he could feel his cheeks burn.

"You're adorable," he finally said before walking away, leaving Baekhyun completely bewildered.

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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
oshbyuns #2
oof major second lead syndrome vibes from sehun ahh as a sehun biased and sebaek enthusiast im already feeling hurt 😩 loving the story till now and chanyeol is downright adorable ☹🖤 i hope he becomes more confident as the story progresses ^-^ <3
cloudyish #3
Chapter 5: Oh my god! I felt so bad for Kyungsoo 😭 how did those jerks get his diary 😱 this is so sad cute Kyungsoo has suffered so much! y Jongin seems like Jerk Jongin here 😠 and Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun now that is a explosive combo! Cutie Baek, adorable Chanyeol and Handsome Sehun ☺️ but poor sehun is really suffering baby hun! I hope he and his parents reconcile and he learns to have fun in a positive outlook at life! I am really looking forward to reading more ❤️ Thank you for this lovely story 🥰
collin12 #5
Chapter 5: Omg Kyungsoo ;-; god I hope he gets his revenge somehow! And I wonder where this story will go :o can’t wait to read more! And thank you for updating <3
Beau1996 1376 streak #6
Chapter 5: Kyungsoo' s story is so sad and heartbreaking! I don't keep a diary anymore for that reason!
Beau1996 1376 streak #7
Chapter 4: So more of the inner workings of richie rich high school exposed - mad love triangle of sebaekchan and introduction of kaisoo - getting good author-nim ✌️
Chapter 8: Dang this is all so unfair to Baekhyun :(
I hope karma gets all of them, he deserves better T^T
Thanks for updating, this was great!
Beau1996 1376 streak #9
Chapter 8: Evil bratty classmates - hopefully Baek won't get in trouble!!
Chapter 7: Yaay thank you for the update, it was really nice! And even educational for revising my knowledge hehe loves it! I really enjoy reading this story, it's so good!