「 L u m i n o u s 」 reviews. (+2) (my computer was down so sorry for the delay!)

「 L u m i n o u s 」the overlooked and forgotten. (open)
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luminous : reviews

seo donghwa : accepted : the model

Thank you for applying again! I'm glad to see Haeun's twin and how different he is to her. He is certainly a different kind of man than what most people expect of an idol. Of course idols are humans and such, but to show a more...I don't want to say dark but he's not all cookie cutter sweet innocence like most idols act and it's refreshing! I love how much detail you put into your characters and how easy it is to imagine them as they interact. I feel like he will cause a lot of trouble and it will prove to be interesting! Thank you so much again for applying!! ^^


oh taewoon : accepted : the actor

Thank you so much for applying!! This is a very interesting character idea. He seems almost self obsessed or narcissistic? But also not? If that makes sense? There is quite a bit of detail here and I really appreciate it. I love to read details! I also really appreciate that you gave a nod to Midnight, the other group that will be debuting at the same time. I really am sorry that this is so late. I was having computer issues and then spaced that I had read through and meant to post your review. I really am happy to have your interest and thank you again for applying!! <3


character name : status

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, c

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Chapter 3: No worries on the delay. I'm glad you enjoyed my character detail.
I turned in a character for the story not sure if you've seen it or not
Chapter 1: Wait, is this a boy group or co-ed group?
Because if it’s co-ed, I can bring my mama here