
Vain [Revised]
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Sorry for the late update. I've been working on summer classes, and dealing with transferring to a new university, and at the same time moving into a new place. Please enjoy this little update as I don't know when the next one will be!~
Playlist: SEVENTEEN - Left & Right

Jaehee’s POV:
"Jaehee?" I rolled myself around to find Hoseok standing by the door. Jin was gone. I didn’t need to guess or have anyone confirm it. He was gone. "Awake? Come on, you should get ready for school. It's not good to miss it."

"I don't feel like going in today. You guys can go."


"Hoseok ah," I said. "I'm fine." He sighs before leaving me be. I don't mean to push him or the others away. I just didn't want to deal with anything at the moment besides looking for Jungkook. I won't leave him behind. I'm going to bring him back home no matter what. Besides going to school would mean seeing Jin. I can't face him. I don't want to.

When the boys finally left the house, I got up to wash up. I looked at myself in the mirror as I pull back my hair into a ponytail. "Wait for me, Jungkook. I'm coming." I grab onto my jacket as I ran out the door with my shoes on. Kim Cheolsoo, I thought to myself as I ran down the cemented stairs, I will get you. I will beat the-

"Woah!" Said Mark as we bumped into each other. I was literally in his arms as we exchanged glances. "What's the rush?" He asks with a smirk. "Miss me?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Last night, he was so down, and today he's so..."What are you doing here??" I ask him. "What brings you here actually?"

"What do you think?" he questions me back. "You're not going alone. I'm going with you,"

I rolled my eyes as I tried to get out of Mark’s grip, but he wouldn’t budge. I eyed him, "Mark, I have no time to play around with you. Now move."

Mark stared back at me. It was like as if we were fighting with our eyes. "I already told you, I'm always here. I'll always be beside you no matter what." I finally gave in as I looked away. He smiles and pats my head like as if I was dog. I slapped it away and he chuckles. "Get in the car, and we'll go to PNL Club together."

“Why PNL Club?” I asked as I obediently followed him. I noticed I had been listening to Mark lately. It’s like he was the only one that made me do the things no one could. He was also acting the same towards Jin. It was cycle between us all. Mark to Jin, Jin to me, and me to Mark. I guess Jin was right about one thing though. I am more fond of Mark.

“I found them.” Mark answers as we both close our doors. “Cheolsoo.”

The ride to PNL Club was silent, yet awkward. He didn't ask me about what happened after he left last night, and I didn't bother asking him about what he did after either. This wasn't normal. Usually he would always joke about things with me. He would surprise me, but now it wasn't like that anymore. I shook the thoughts out of my head. This was no time to think about those things. Mark had specifically told me before...

"Seokjin will come later...and so will I."

He's right. Him and Jin will come later. Jungkook is the first priority. Always. "Hey," said Mark as nudges me back to reality. "We're here." I looked up to the two-story building that stood outside of the car window. It was dead, of course, since it was during the day. "Yah, look." Mark pointed to a few men walking into it.

"Cheolsoo," I said. I unbuckle myself, eager to go up to him and beat the out of him, however, I was stopped by Mark.

"Don't jump to conclusion yet. We just need to approach them, and if they want to take it the hard way, then we will." I let out a sigh of annoyance. I was in a rush to find Jungkook. I wanted to find Songha to be exact. I won’t let him off easily. Not after all the things he's done to my parents and Jungkook.

Like what Mark said, we waited until they entered before heading in also. Stupid of them, they had no one watching the front doors. Inside was filled with smoke and laughters.

"I'm pretty sure he's dead by now," laughed one of them. "Songha never let anyone get out alive." I wanted to go up and punch that person in the ing throat, but Mark held me back once again. I was starting to get impatient.

"Whatever," said Cheolsoo, "That isn't our problem anymore. We've done our part, and now we're living in victory." He threw money up in the air as it fell on his face. "And this feeling is very nice."

"Victory my ." I said as I came out of the dark. Mark followed right behind taking a hold of my arm before I could fully lash out on them. "You must be kidding me. You're such a sore loser.”

"What the are you doing here? You should be dead by now. That hit should have gave you a good beating!” Cheol pointed at us. "Get those ers. They're asking for death if they’re willing to come all the way here!"

"Yes sir!" shouted his men. They grabbed their weapons and surrounded Mark and I.

"Great, I told you we should just approach them silently, not aggressively." Whispered Mark.

"So what?!" I hissed back, "Look ahead!" I pulled him back and used him to balance myself as I flung my legs in the air to kick the guy that tried to punch Mark. "Gosh, do I have to take care of a kid at the moment?" I joked. This was definitely no time to joke but I did.

"What?!" Mark shouted as he chuckles. He punched another man in the face when that person ran towards us with a metal stick. "I am NOT a kid!" He shouted as I punch another. I shook my head as his childness. I was just joking. Was what I wanted to say. "Kids do not fight like this!" Mark threw punches one after another. I was surprise he didn't get any bruises or mark on him at all. He was able to dodge each hit that came towards him.

Soon enough we suddenly faced one another. "I'm a man that protects his girl," he smiled as he places a hand on his chest. “You can call me a knight in shining armor?” Right then, I was lost with words. I knew we were playing around, but the way how he was looking right now was very attractive. "Jaehee duck!" Mark shouted, and I did. He swung his leg around and above me. If I came alone, I would have probably end up dying by now. I got up immediately only to find that we were still surrounded.

"You guys think you're so tough coming alone, huh?" laughed Cheolsoo, "You guys will never win against us.”

"Dammit. They just keep coming." Said Mark as we both had our backs to each other and our fists up.

"Jaehee!" "Mark!" Shouted GOT7 and BTS as they came running in.

"How dare you guys touch our noona!" shouted Yugyeom as he ran up and kicked a guy.

"And our best friend!" Said Jackson as he jumped over a table for a kick.

Mark chuckled. “Aigoo, I guess GOT7 told BTS about me bringing you here.”

"You know hitting a girl is the wrong thing to do!" shouted Yoongi as he jumped on a guy. "It's the number one wrong thing ever!"

"Don't. Ever!" said

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