
Vain [Revised]
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I almost forgot to update.

Jaehee’s POV:
"J-Jaehee..." whispered my mother as she could see that I was watching. She laid there, staring directly at me. "J-J-Jungkook... M-Mom i-i-is s-sorry…D-Don't c-c-cry. I-I l-lov-ve y-you t-tw-" She was shot two times in the chest before finishing whatever she wanted to say. My eyes burst into tears as I held Jungkook into my arms. I looked to the man, who was now holding the gun towards my dad. They spoke something I couldn’t hear since I was so lost in the thought of seeing my mother die in front of me. I jumped at the sound of a few more gunshots being made towards my dad.

When him and his men had made sure that both my parents were dead, they left. I struggled to open the small door that my parents blocked with a dresser. I cried loudly as I pushed with all my strength. I was able to open it to the point where I had to squeeze my way through and out.

I immediately crawled to my mom, shaking her, "Omma, omma, omma, omma!" I said repeatedly as I cried. "Omma! Don’t leave us!"

"J-J-Jae-h-hee ah…" I looked to my dad. He was still alive…I quickly went over to him and held his hand up to my cheek.

"A-a-ap-pa, d-d-don't worry, I'll c-c-call-"

"No, Jaehee," he said, "Listen to me carefully...Take care of Jungkook. I should've told you before, even if you were a kid, but your mom and I are not ordinary people.” He chuckles. “I don't know how to explain it to you, my precious daughter. We just wanted to give you and your brother the life we didn’t have. I'm sorry to put the two of you in this kind of situation. Please…do better than us when you two grow up. Your mom and I are putting Jungkook in your hands, so Jaehee, be strong," he coughed out blood and wiped away the tears that came down from me. "Don't cry…Daddy and mommy will always be by your sides." He gave me one last smile before he...left...

"A-a-appa..." I said as I waited for him to respond. "A-appa," I shook him, "N-n-no…No! NO! Appa!"

"Appa!" I shouted as I sat up straight. I sighed. "ing dreams..." I wiped the sweat off my forehead along with the few tears that I had.

"Nightmare?" I turned my attention to Hoseok who still sat at the bar.

"You can say that so.” I said. I looked around the room to see GOT7 and BTS laying out everywhere on the floor. Jin was asleep beside always.

"Do you mind if I ask?" asked Hoseok. I got up and went over beside him. "Did you dream about your parents again?"

"Yeah..." I answered. "It's weird because I haven't had them for a long time now. I mean it happens every now and then, but never this worse. I’m constantly having them, dreaming about the same dream over and over. Seeing the same things over and over." Hoseok nodded as he listened. "I could see them a lot clearer now also. My parents, the murder, and everything that happened that day. It’s like as if it happened not too long ago. I feel like my parents are trying to tell me something."


I held my head in my hands. "I don't know what though."

"You do know what," said Hoseok. I looked up to him. "Spill it, Jeon Jaehee. You know you can never hide anything from me," I bit my lips. "What happened to you back there today? I've never seen you so scared like that before. Who's that man?"

Hoseok was right. I can never hide anything from him. I sighed, "Don't tell Jungkook, or the others." He and I looked to everyone, "Just keep them out of this..."

"What about-"

"You too," I said cutting him off, "Even Jin...Even Mark. Everyone. You saw how those guys were back there. They're not someone who we should even mess with, therefore, please Hoseok just keep everyone out of this. It's too dangerous. I know it."

"Then tell me, who's that man?"

I took another sigh, "If I'm not wrong, he's the man who murdered my parents."

"W-What?!" said Hoseok.

"He doesn't know who I am. But I'm pretty sure he'll look into it." I bit the tip of my nail of my thumb, "Who is he..." I mumbled to myself.

"Here. This is what your parents used to use."

"That's right." I said as I remembered what the owner had said. I immediately got up and left Hoseok.

"Yah! Where are you going!" Hoseok called after me.

I ran upstairs and searched the area. Behind the counters and the kitchen. He was nowhere found. He couldn't have left. I didn't even hear him leave before. He has to be here. I know it. I stopped mid-way as I saw a dimmed light coming from a door. How did I miss this door? Wait, when has that door even been there? I slowly made my way to it and crept it open. Inside of it was foggy, but I can make out that the place had many pictures hanging around the whole room.

"What do you think you're doing?" I immediately turned around and fell to my as I saw the owner staring down at me. Never have I ever felt so small.


He looked straight ahead and opened the door, "Come in, there's something I need to show you."

I don't know, but somehow something told me to trust this man. I got on my feet and entered the room with him. There were pictures of dead people. Pictures of people I've never seen before also. The owner turned around and handed me a photo of a couple; a couple I seemed to know.

"Lee Dahee…and Jeon Junki," I looked up to him as he said their names, "Your parents."

"W-what?" I stuttered. I wanted to break down. I wanted to cry at that moment, but I know I shouldn't. The photo was shaking as my hands shook. "O-o-omma…A-appa." I said.

"This is the only photo I have of them," he sat down as he took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Your parents were part of Aces," My parents were part of what? "A mafia group that works for anything and anyone just for money. They do everything in the dark. They leave no traces behind, no evidence, nothing," He looked at me. "You and Jungkook were lucky to be alive today." He continued, "Your dad was the strongest out of all of us."

"Us?" I said.

"Yes, I was part of it. I left when your parents left. I ran this

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